Imágenes de páginas

age, it would probably be found that a not insignificant proportion of those marked as 25 were men who were already older when they came into residence. J. VENN.

ABOUT eighteen months ago a brief memoir of mine-" Head Growth in Students at the University of Cambridge "-read before the Anthropological Institute, was published in NATURE (vol. xxxviii. p. 15). The means obtained by Dr. Venn, of the "head-products" of Cambridge students between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five were there thrown into the form of diagram, and discussed. The head-product, I may again mention, is the maximum length of the head, x its maximum breadth, x its height above the plane that passes through the following three points: 1 and 2, the apertures of the ears; 3, the average of the heights of the lower edges of the two orbits. I drew curves that appeared to me to approximately represent the true average rate of growth, and deduced from them the following conclusions, in which I have now interpolated a few words in brackets, not because any criticism has been founded on their omission, but merely as a safeguard against the possibility of future misapprehension.

(1) Although it is pretty well ascertained that in the masses of the population the brain ceases to grow after the age of nineteen, or even earlier, it is by no means so with University students.

(2) That men who have obtained high honours have had [on the average] considerably larger brains than others at the age of


(3) That they have [on the average] larger brains than others, but not to the same extent, at the age of twenty-five; in fact, their predominance is by that time diminished to [about] onehalf of what it was.

(4) Consequently, "high honour" men are presumably, as a class, both more precocious and more gifted throughout than others. We must therefore look upon eminent University success as [largely due to] a fortunate combination of these two helpful conditions.

These conclusions have been latterly questioned by two of your correspondents, partly on the ground of discordance among the data, and partly on that of insufficient accuracy of the individual observations. To this I replied, that materials had since been accumulating, and that a second batch of observations, about equally numerous with those in the first, were nearly ripe for discussion, and that I thought it better to defer discussion until these had been dealt with; then, their agreement or disagreement with the first batch would go a long way towards settling the doubt.

This second batch of observations has now been discussed by Dr. Venn on exactly the same lines as the first one, and I give the results of both in the annexed diagram. The data from the

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first batch, which formed the basis of the above-mentioned memoir, are here shown by dots with little circles round them; those from the second batch by crosses.

To the best of my judgment, the conclusions that were reached before are now confirmed. No person can, I think, doubt that the swarm of the A dots, and that of the C dots, are totally distinct in character. I have avoided drawing curves through either of them, lest by doing so the effect of the marks, when standing alone, should be overpowered, and it might be prejudiced. In their place, small arrow-heads are placed outside each diagram, to indicate the direction of the stretched thread that seemed most justly to represent the general trends of the

two swarms of dots. Then, for the sake of convenient cumparison, lines corresponding to these threads have been placed on the third diagram. It must, however, be understood that I have supposed the lines to be drawn straight, merely for c venience. In making my own final conclusions, I should take into account not only what the swarms of dots appear by the selves to show, but also the strong probability that the rate head-growth diminishes in each successive year, and I shou! interpret the true meaning of the dots with that bias in my mind. FRANCIS GALTUN


Chemical Society, February 6.-Dr. W. J. Russell, F. R., in the chair.-The following papers were read:-Observations on nitrous anhydride and nitric peroxide, by Prof. Rams, F.R.S. The author recommends as the best method of pre paring pure nitrogen peroxide that the deep blue-green Bord supposed to be a mixture of this oxide with nitrous anhydride. which is obtained by condensing the products of the interaction of arsenious oxide and nitric acid, be added to a solution nitric anhydride in nitric and phosphoric acids, prepared bv adding phosphoric anhydride to well-cooled nitric acid; afte agitating the mixture, the upper layer is decanted and distilled. He assumes that the two oxides interact according to the equation: N,O,+ NO = 2N,O,. The melting point of the peroxide was found to be 1014, in agreement with Deville and Troost's statement. The depression of the freezing-point caused by one part of chloroform in 100 parts of the peroxide was 035, and by one part of chlorobenzene o 37; the moleculer depression is therefore 41°. The heat of fusion, W, of the per oxide, calculated from this number and the observed fusing. point, by Van't Hoff's formula W = 002, where T is the freezing-point of the solvent in absolute degrees and the mole cular depression, is 337 cals.; a direct determination gave 3 cals. To determine the molecular weight of nitrous anhydride, a known quantity of nitric oxide was passed into the peroxide, and the depression of the freezing-point determined. Assuming that an amount of nitrous anhydride equivalent to the mur oxide was formed, the results gave the values of 80 9, 927, and 810 against 74, the value corresponding with the formula N., The author was unsuccessful in freezing nitrous anhydride eveu at 90° by means of liquefied nitrous oxide. It was found to be soluble in this liquid, and it was further observed that evaporation took place nitric oxide gas was given off together was the nitrous oxide; it would therefore appear that N,O, is unstabl even at the very low temperature at which nitrous oxide is liqu In the discussion which followed the reading of the paper, Mr. Pickering pointed out, with reference to Prof. Ramsay's determination of the heat of fusion of nitric peroxide, that observation on substances which exercise an appreciable influence on each other cannot safely be used in deducing the heat of fasive Thus in the case of mixtures of water and sulphuric acid, sole tions containing 29'5, 185, 86, I'o, and o'07 per cent. of acid, gave respectively the values 37'4, 58'3, 79'9, 749, and 563 the heat of fusion of water, instead of 79'6. In reply to Mr. Wynne, who remarked that nitric oxide alone should interact with nitric anhydride in the way attributed to N,O,, Prof. Ramsay stated that he had not examined the action of nitne oxide on nitric anhydride.-Note on the law of the freezing points of solutions, by Mr. S. U. Pickering.-The action of chromium oxychloride on nitrobenzene, by Messrs. G. G Henderson and Mr. J. M. Campbell.-Studies on the constitution of the tri-derivatives of naphthalene; No. 1, The constitution of B-naphthol- and 6-naphthylaminedisulphonic acids R. and G.. naphthalenemetadisulphonic acid, by Prof. H. E. Armstrong, F.R.S., and Mr. W. P. Wynne. After alluding to the great theoretical importance of a study of the tri-derivatives of naphtha lene, the authors draw attention to the necessity of determining the constitution of those tri-derivatives which are employed technically in the manufacture of azo-dyes in order that the dependence of colour and tinctorial properties on structure msy be determined; and especially is this the case, since all are not equally valuable-B-naphtholdisulphonic acid G. (Gelb), like Bayer's B-naphtholmonosulphonic acid, interacting but slowly


with diazo-salts, whilst the corresponding B-naphthylamine. disulphonic acid G, like the Badische modification of B-naphthylAnemonosulphonic acid, is incapable of forming azo-dyes with the majority of diazo-salts. The method adopted in this and the llowing papers consists firstly in displacing the NH, radicle by hydrogen by v. Baeyer's hydrazine method and determining the Constitution of the resulting naphthalenedisulphonic acid, and secondly insubstituting chlorine for the NH, radicle by Sandmeyer's method, and characterizing the resulting chloronaphthalenedisulphonic acid and the trichloronaphthalene derived from it by treatment with phosphorus pentachloride. B-naphthylaminedisulphonic acid R is in this way found to have the constitution (NH, SO„H : SO2H = 2:3: 3' (for nomenclature, see NATURE, vol. xxxix. p. 598)], and B-naphthylaminedisulphonic acid G, the constitution [NH, : SO„H : SÓ„H = 2 : 1′ : 3′]. | From the latter acid by the hydrazine method naphthalenemetasulphonic acid, the fifth known naphthalenedisulphonic acid, has been prepared; this yields a disulphochloride melting at 13, and 1: 3-dichloronaphthalene melting at 61°5. The further investigation of derivatives of this acid is expressly reserved by the authors. The results obtained in the case of the G acid make it evident that, as in the case of the Bayer B-naphtholelphonic acid [OH : SO2H = 2 : 1'] and Badische B-naphthylminesulphonic acid [NH, : SO,H= 2: 1'], the action of diazoits is either retarded or prevented by the "protecting influence" exercised by an a-1'-sulphonic group.-Studies on the constitution the tri-derivatives of naphthalene; No. 2, a-amido.1 : 3'naphthalenedisulphonic acid, by the same. The constitution of he acid known technically as a-naphthylamine-e-disulphonic acid is found to be [NH, SOH : SO,H = 1′ : 1 : 3'], a result agreeing with that arrived at by Bernthsen (Ber. der. dent. C. Gesellsch .22, 3327).-Studies on the constitution of the Pri-derivatives of naphthalene; No. 3, a-naphthylaminedisulrinic acid, Dahl, No. iii., The constitution of naphthol-yellow


by the same. a-naphthylaminedisulphonic acid No. iii, of Dahi's patent (Germ. pat. No. 41,957), which when diazotised nd warmed with nitric acid yields naphthol-yellow S., is found to have the constitution [NH, SO,H: SO,H I : 4:2'], whence it follows that naphthol-yellow S. has the constitution TOH: NO, NO, SO2H = 1:2 : 4:2]. The trichloroaphthalene prepared from the a-naphthylaminedisulphonic acid ads a remarkable case of dimorphism: it is sparingly soluble that alcohol from which it crystallizes in slender needles melting 06; if the melting-point be redetermined as soon as solidifiottica has taken place, it is found to be 56°, but if determined er a longer interval, 66°, as in the first instance. The triheronaphthalenes prepared by Cleve from nitro-1 : 3'-dichlorophthalene (m. p. given as 65°), and by Widman from I : 4chloronaphthalene-B-sulphochloride (m.p. given as 56°) are found to be identical with this compound, and to behave in the ame way on fusion,

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Prof. W. Crawford Williamson, F. R.S.; the Murchison Madal to Prof. E. Hull, F.R.S.; the Lyell Medal to Prof. T. Expert Jones, F. K.S.; the balance of the Wollaston Fund to Mr.

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A. E.. Ussher; the balance of the Murchison Geological Fund to Mr. E. Wethered; the balance of the Lyell Geological Funt to Mr. C. Davies Sherborn; and a grant from the proceeds of the Barlow-Jameson Fund to Mr. W. Jerome Harrison.-The ⚫resident then read his anniversary address, in which, after wing obituary notices of several Fellows, Foreign Members, and Foreign Correspondents deceased since the last annual meeting, ncluding the Venerable Archdeacon Philpot (who was the senior Fellow of the Society, having joined it in 1821), Dr. H. von chen (the oldest Foreign Member, elected in 1827), Mr. Robert Damon, Mr. J. F. La Trobe Bateman, Mr. W. H. Bristow, Dr John Percy, the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods, Mr. Thomas Hawkins, Prof. F. A. von Quenstedt, Prof. Bellardi, Dr. Leo Lesquereux, and Dr. M. Neumayr, he referred briefly to the

a fition of the Society during the past twelve months, and to a few works on palaeontological subjects published in the same period. He also mentioned the finding of coal in situ in a fering at Shakespear Cliff, and then proceeded with the main subject of his address-namely, the question of the permanence í continents and ocean-basins. After reviewing the evidence

derived from the rocks of oceanic islands, and the absence of deep-sea deposits in continental strata of various ages, he proceeded to the points connected with the geographical distribution of animals and plants, and gave reasons for believing that Sclater's zoological regions, founded on passerine birds, were inapplicable to other groups of animals or plants, and that any evidence of continental permanence based on such regions was worthless. He also showed that both elevations and depressions exceeding 1000 fathoms had taken place in Tertiary times, and gave an account of the biological and geological facts in support of a former union between several lands now isolated, and especially between Africa and India via Madagascar, and between Africa and South America. From these and other considerations it was concluded that the theory of the permanence of ocean-basins, though probable, was not proved, and was certainly untenable to the extent to which it was accepted by some authors.-The ballot for the Council and Officers was taken, and the following were duly elected for the ensuing year : -President: A. Geikie, F.R.S. Vice-Presidents: Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., L. Fletcher, F.R.S., W. H. Hudleston, F.R.S., J. W. Hulke, F.R.S. Secretaries: H. Hicks, F.R.S., J. E. Marr. Foreign Secretary: Sir Warington W. Smyth, F.R.S. Treasurer: Prof. T. Wiltshire. Council: Prof. J. F. Blake, W. T. Blanford, F.R.S., Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.Ř.S., James Carter, John Evans, F.R.S., L. Fletcher, F.R.S., A. Geikie, F.R.S., Prof. A. H. Green, F.R.S., A. Harker, H. Hicks, F.R. S., Rev. Edwin Hill, W. H. Hudleston, F. R.S., J. W. Hulke, F.R.S., Major-General C. A. McMahon, J. E. Marr, H. W. Monckton, E. T. Newton, F. W. Rudler, Sir Warington W. Smyth, F.R.S., W. Topley, F.R.S., Rev. G. F. Whidborne, Prof. T. Wiltshire, H. Woodward, F.R.S.


Academy of Sciences, March 3.-M. Hermite in the chair. -On the absorption of atmospheric ammonia by soils, by M. Th. Schloesing. Experiments were made on the quantities of ammonia absorbed in a given time by various soils-viz. non-calcareous earths, similar to those previously used in the fixation of free nitrogen, earths containing 40 per cent. of calcareous matter, and entirely calcareous earths. The analytical results are given for each case. Contribution to the chemistry of the truffle, by M. Ad. Chatin.-Upon the method of using, and the theory of, seismographic apparatus ; note by M. G. Lippmann. The theory of the deduction of the true movement of the soil from the apparent movement, as indicated by the instruments, is mathematically discussed. A general solution of the problem is given, and applied to some special cases.-An historical note on batteries with molten elec trolytes, by M. Henri Becquerel. It is shown that M. Lucien Poincaré was not justified in claiming the invention of such batteries, as M. Jablochkoff, so long ago as 1877, proposed the combustion of carbon in the nitrates as a source of electricity; and still earlier, thirty-five years ago, M. A. C. Becquerel studied similar methods.-A facsimile atlas to illustrate the

history of the earliest period of cartography, by M. A. E. Nordenskiöld.-Observations of the new minor planet, Luther (288) (Hamburg, February 24, 1890), made at the Paris Observatory (equatorial of eastern tower), by Mdlle. D. Klumpke. -On the transversal magnetization of magnetic conductors, by M. Paul Janet.-On the localization of interference fringes produced by Fresnel mirrors; note by M. Charles Fabry.-Researches upon the dispersion of aqueous solutions, by MM. Ph. Barbier and L. Roux. The authors find, for concentrated solutions, that, if B be the dispersive power and the weight of anhydrous substance dissolved in unit of volume of the solution, the relation B = Kp + b holds, 6 being always sensibly equal to the dispersive power of water. The specific dispersive power is practically a constant quantity for each substance. the vapour density of the chlorides of selenium, by M. C. Chabrie. Upon some derivatives of erythrite, by MM. E. Grimaux and Ch. Cloez. The writers, by investigating the transformations of hydrofurfural, have attempted to establish its constitution and the method whereby it is formed from erythrite. They conclude that hydrofurfurane may be repreCH. CH

sented by the formula ||



CO.-Derivatives of hepta

methylene; note by M. Markownikoff.-Researches on the

preparation and properties of aricine, by MM. H. Moissan and Ed. Landrin.-Influence of light and of the leaves upon the development of the tubers of the potato, by M. Pagnoul. The comparative physiology of the sensations of taste and touch; note by M. Raphael Dubois.-A method of studying the nuclei of white corpuscles, by M. Mayet. On the localization, in plants, of the principles which yield hydrocyanic acid, by M. Léon Guignard.-On the intensification of sexuality in a hybrid (Ophrys tenthredinifero-scolopax), note by M. L. Trabut.— On the relations which appear to exist between the Cretaceous Mammalia of America and the Mammalia of the Cernaysienne fauna in the neighbourhood of Rheims.-Remarks by M. Albert Gaudry on the communication of M. Lemoine; appearances of inequality in the development of the beings of the Old and New Worlds.-New anthropological discoveries at Champigny (Seine), by M. Émile Rivière. -Note on the formation of the delta of the Neva, according to the latest researches, by M. Venukoff.

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ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4. 30.-On the Organization of the Fossil Plants of the Coal-Measures, Part 17: Prof. W. C. Williamson, F. R.S.-The Nitri fying Process and its Specific Ferment, Part 1: Prof. P. F. Frankland and Grace C. Frankland.

MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-Some Groups of Circles connected with Three given Circles: R. Lachlan.- Perfect Numbers: Major P. A. MacMahon, R.A.

SOCIETY OF ARTS, at 5.-Agriculture and the State in India: W. R. Robertson.

INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, at 8.-The Theory of Armature Reactions in Dynamos and Motors; James Swinburne.-Some Points in Dynamo and Motor Design: W. B. Esson. (Discussion.)

ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 3-The Early Development of the Forms of Instrumental Music (with Musical Illustrations): Frederick Niecks.

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ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8.30.-On the South American Canidae: Dr. Mivart, F.R.S.-A Revision of the Genera of Scorpions of the Family Buthida, with Descriptions of some New South African Species: R. I. Pocock-On some Points in the Anatomy of the Condor: F. E. Beddard. SOCIETY OF ARTS, at 5.-Brazil: James Wells.

MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-An Account of a Visit to the Calcite Quarry in Iceland: J. L. Hoskyns Abrahall.-Mineralogical Notes: H. A. Miers.-The History of the Meteoric Iron of Tucson: L. Fletcher, F.R.S.

ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY, at 7.45.-On Marriage-Rates and MarriageAges, with Special Reference to the Growth of Population: Dr. William Ogle.

INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, at 8.-Lough Erne Drainage : James Price, Jun.

ROYAL INSTITUTION, at 3.-The Post-Darwinian Period: Prof. G. J. Romanes, F.R.S.


SOCIETY OF ARTS, at 8.-Commercial Geography: J. S. Keltie.
ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, at 7-A Brief Notice respecting
Photography in Relation to Meteorological Work: G. M. Whipple.-
Application of Photography to Meteorological Phenomena: William

ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-On the Variations of the Female
Reproductive Organs, especially the Vestibule, in different Species of
Uropoda: A. D. Michael.

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY, at 5.-The Manufacture of Aluminium by the Deville-Castner Process: F. A. Anderson.


LINNEAN SOCIETY, at 8.-The External Morphology of the Lepidopterous
Pupa; Part 2, the Antenna and Wings: E. B. Poulton, F.R.S.-On the
Intestinal Canal of the Ichthyopside with especial Reference to its Arterial
Supply Prof. G. B. Howes.

The Reign of Law, 19th Edition: Duke of Argyll (Murray).—R
sur les Tremblements de ferre: J. Girard (Paris, Leroux) -The Es
Sparrow in North America: Dr. C. H. Merriam and W B. Den
(Washington).-Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History of Cartography
E. Nordenskiöld; translated by J. A. Ekelóf and C ́R. Markham cher
holm). -Birds' Nests, Eggs, and Egg-Collecting: R Kearton (Casels-
Force as an Entity with Stream, Pool, and Wave Forms: Lieut-C
W. Sedgwick (Low).-Notes on Indian Economic Entomology (Calcutta) -
National Academy of Sciences, vol. 4; Second Memoir, the Solar art
Lunar Spectrum: S. P. Langley.- Erläuterungen zu der Geolo
Uebersichtskarte der Alpen: Dr. F. Noë (Wien, Hölzel)-Jour
Morphology, vol. 3. No. 3 (Collins).-North American Fauna, No
H. Merriam (Washington).-Himmel und Erde, Heft 6 (Berlin)

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King: "Materials for a Flora of the Malayan
Peninsula."-J. G. B.

Letters to the Editor :

Panmixia.-Prof. George J. Romanes, F.R.S.
Newton in Perspective. (Illustrated.) -Robert H.

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Former Glacial Periods.-Dr. James Croll, F.R.S. 441 Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. By Prof. Orme Masson . . Meteorological Report of the Challenger Expedition 44 The Botanical Laboratory in the Royal Gardens, Peradeniya, Ceylon . . .

The Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College

Our Astronomical Column:

Objects for the Spectroscope.-A. Fowler.
The Solar and the Lunar Spectrum
The Corona of 1889 December 22
The Nebular Hypothesis . .

Nebula, General Catalogue No. 4795
A New Asteroid

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Prof E. D. Cope, Prof. G. F. Fitzgerald, Prof. J. Geikie, G. L. Gomme, ECK. Gonner. Prof. J. Jastrow (Wisconsin), E. Sidney Hartland, Prof. H. Herford, Dr. C. Mercier, Sidney Webb, Dr. Sims Woodhead, Dr. C. M. Woodward (St. Louis, Mo.), Dr. Albert Moll (Berlin), &c.

London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.

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Just Published, Price 3d.

A Classified Catalogue of NEW and SECOND-HAND WORKS in


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W. WESLEY & SON, 28 Essex Street, Strand, London.

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October 10, 1888.
Amongst several unsolicited Testimonials the two
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DEAR SIR,-The Watkin Aneroid only reached me
three weeks ago. I am very much pleased with it, and
have given it a pretty severe trial with very satisfactory

EDINBURGH, May 31, 1889.
DEAR SIR,-I have just returned from a six weeks'
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most satisfactory, the extreme error noted being only
about the one-hundredth of an inch. During my stay
at the Observatory the Aneroid was frequently tested
by taking it down a couple of thousand feet and then
comparing it with the standard on my return. The
results obtained speak volumes for the high-class work-
manship and great accuracy you have attained in the
manufacture of this instrument.

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