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Information concerning individual subjects should also be sought under general
classes, and vice versa.

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ports, with bonded warehouses, 168

of entry and delivery, 163-168

postal rates and regulations, 271-275
post-office statistics, United States, 528

of foreign countries, 142

potatoes, acreage, production, value, 454

crop conditions, 464-468

precious metals, production in U. S., 373

production of the world, 374

See also Gold and Silver

· Presidential succession, 358

vote of 1896 (popular), 361

prices of commodities at New York, 292-313

in Great Britain, 525, 526.

ous articles and trades

See also vari-

produce, country: prices at New York, 295
domestic receipts at New York, 459
property, valuation of real & personal, 265-267
provisions trade, 486-488

exports, 213, 486

hogs, prices of, at Chicago, 487

hogs (live), receipts, shipments, etc.,

lard (cash), monthly range prices, 487
live-stock, receipts, shipments, etc.,

mess pork, monthly range of prices,

public debt, analysis of, 161

public lands, surveyed and unsurveyed, 254-256
railroads, 511-517, 546; also 137-141, 267.

accidents, 515

capital, cost and receipts in foreign
countries, 546

capital, debt, etc., 512, 513

employés (classified), and pay of, 512
equipment, 511

expenditures, 515

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United States-continued

rye crop conditions, 462-468

exports from New York, monthly, 460
receipts at New York, monthly, 459

weekly visible supply in United States and
Canada, 458

St. Lawrence River, freight movement on, 324,

St. Mary's Falls Canal, 329, 330
salmon pack, 531

Sault Ste. Marie Canal, 329, 330

Scandinavian Union: gold and silver coins, 147
schools and education, 157, 523
sea forces, 362-370, 541
Secretaries of State, 359

Secretaries of the Treasury, 360
securities. See Wall Street
seeds, prices at New York, 300
Senate, members of, 347, 348
sheep, exports, 213

number and value of clip, etc., 426. See
also Live-Stock

shipping, 315-342; also 130-136, 532

number and tonnage by States and
Territories, 315

number and tonnage, wood and iron,
sailing and steam, 316

sail and steam vessels classified by
size, 317

foreign and coasting trades and fist.-
eries, tonnage, 317

class, number, and tonnage built, by
States & Territories and by ports,

tonnage of American vessels entere l
and cleared in foreign trade, 319
motive power and constructive ma-
terials of world's merchant marine,

marine wrecks and disasters, 321

world's merchant marine, number &

tonnage of sailing and steam, 322
lake navigation, 324, 325

canal navigation, 326

New York State canals, 327–329
lake and canal freights, 329

St.Mary's Falls Canal, freight,etc.,30
freight rates on Lake Superior, 331
canals from lakes to seaboard, 331
Canadian canals, freight, etc., 332, 33
steamship lines from New York to
foreign ports, 334-337

tide tables, high & low water at Gov-
ernor's Island and Sandy Hook, and
other points on the Atlantic coast,

number and tonnage, sail and steam.
of foreign countries, 131, 132
entered and cleared, with cargoes &
in ballast, and with cargoes only, of
foreign countries, 133-136

total of foreign countries, 532

silk industry, 434; also 257-263

crop statistics, 542

new mills in 1898, 434, 435

silver, prices at London, 377

ratio of, to gold, 377. See also Gold and

soldiers and widows of the Civil War, 157
Speakers of House of Representatives, 359

I specie and bullion, imports and exports at
New York, 216. See also Gold and Silver and

Information concerning individual subjects should also be sought under general
classes, and vice versa.

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area of, 151, 152, 254, 255

statutes of limitation, 277

steamship lines from New York to foreign
ports, 334-337

steel. See Iron and Steel

stock market. See Wall Street

sterling exchange, 479, 480. See also Wall Street
storage and labor rates at New York, 285-289
storm signals, 344

street railways, by States, and method of pro-
pulsion, 516

street railways' finances, 517

sugar trade, 482-485

beet-root sugar in United States, 484
crop of the world, 485

prices for 96 degrees centrifugal, 483

for granulated, 484

receipts at four ports, 482

stocks, foreign, 483

in four ports, 482

melting and refiners, 482

Supreme Court, chief justices and justices, 347
tariff, customs, of Cuba, 568-590

of Japan, 625-636

of the Philippines, 613, 624

of Porto Rico, 591, 611

of 1897 (United States), 180–207
war-revenue, 169-179

taxation and local and State debts, 267

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United States-continued

tomato pack by States, 531
tonnage. See Shipping
tornado statistics, 521
torpedo boats. See Navy
trade-marks, registry of, 269

- Treasury notes. See Banking; Circulation
Treaty of Peace with Spain, 639-641

trusts and combines, 643-651

United States notes. See Banking; Circulation
United States Supreme Court, 347
Vice-Presidents, 358
volunteer forces, 372

wages in manufactures, 257, 258
Wall Street in 1898, 469-480

bonds and stocks, highest and

lowest prices, 470-474

call loan rates, 479

dividends, changes in railroad, 475

exchange, foreign, 479

reorganizations in 1898, 474, 475

securities, listed, 476–478

transactions in, 469

silver prices in London, 480
Sub-Treasury receipts and pay-
ments, 479

war: budgets in foreign countries, 545
casualties, army and navy, 641, 642
chronology of, 637–641

history, 552, 553

revenue law of 1898, 169-179

wealth, national, 264-267

weather signals, etc., 343-345

weight of commodities in a bushel, 290, 291
weights and measures, United States and for-

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Information concerning individual subjects should also be sought under general
classes, and vice versa.

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International Bank-Note Company, New York (Engraving and Printing)..Inside front cover.
Irving National Bank, New York...


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