Imágenes de páginas


Anatomy, Arnold Lang, 145; Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbellosen Thiere, Dr. E. Korschelt und Dr. K. Heider, 145; the Migration of the Lemming, F. Howard Collins, 149; W. Duppa Crotch, 194, 294; Prof. George J. Romanes, F.R.S., 249; W. Mattieu-Williams, 294; Big Game in India, Harold Littledale, 158; Discovery of New Species of Frog in New Jersey, Prof. E. D. Cope, 208; Animal Sketches, C. Lloyd Morgan, 291; Animals recently Extinct or Threatened with Extermination, F. A. Lucas, 305; Freshwater Springs in the Buffalo Bay and Niagara Region, Dr. Kellicott, 305; Zoology of the Sandwich Islands, Mr. R. C. L. Perkins Selected to Inves. tigate the, 322; the Hydrocorallinæ Collected by Prof.

Supplement to Nature, June 2, 1892.

Haddon in Torres Straits, S. J. Hickson, 407; Freshwater Fauna of Sumatra, Java, &c., Prof. Max Weber, 408; the Puma, P. W. True, 445; the Lesser Rorqual Whale, Sir W. Turner, 454; Zoological Record for 1890, 483; a Zoologist on Disease, Dr. Elie Metschnikoff, Prof. E. Kay Lankester, F.R.S., 505; Mr. Charles Hose's Collections, 517; Notes on Zebras, S. B. Carlill, 526; a New Oryx (Oryx callotis), 526; the New Imperial German Zoological Station at Heligoland, 544; Egg of the Extinct Gigantic Bird of Madagascar Apyornis maximus, 586

Zune (M.), the Composition of Hæmocyanin, 456 Zuntz (Prof.), Dr. Werigo's Experiments respecting Influer.ce of Oxygen on Elimination of Carbon Dioxide by Lungs, 576

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Electricity and Magnetism. Translated from the French of Amédée Guillemin. Revised and Edited by Silvanus P. Thompson, D.Sc., F. R.S. (London: Macmillan and Co., 1891.)


HIS work is an English translation of M. Amédée Guillemin's popular treatise of electricity. We are informed, in the preface, that the translation has been in great part executed by Mr. Colman C. Starling and Prof. Walmsley, under the editorship of Dr. Silvanus P. Thompson. It is a splendidly illustrated and beautifully got-up book, designed, so the editor says, rather for the table of the drawing-room than for the desk of the student.

We doubt whether, in fashionable drawing-rooms at any rate, scientific curiosity exists to any great extent; but now that large houses are very frequently lighted with electricity there may be a minority of people who are willing to spend any spare time left over from more absorbing drawing-room occupations in learning something of how the light is produced and of other applications of electricity. For such a public the present work seems exceedingly well adapted. It is popularly and attractively written, so far as a translation from a foreign tongue, supplemented, and to some extent corrected, by editorial paragraphs, can well be; it is profusely illustrated, and comprehensive to an extent which has made the book almost too bulky for convenient perusal.

Still, the remnant of people by whom popular scientific treatises such as this are welcomed, though numerous in itself, is, alas, only a very small minority of that great and influential section of the British public who are brought directly into contact every hour of their lives with the wonderful practical results of the progress of science. The great majority converse through telephones, consult their watches, and send telegrams, and know no more than a Hottentot does how a telephone acts, a watch goes, or a telegraph message is transmitted.

The book is divided into two parts, dealing respectively with phenomena and their laws, and practical applications; or, speaking briefly, theory and practice. In the theoretical part, magnetism is first treated, then electricity, in the order statical electricity, electro-chemistry, and electro-magnetism. In the practical part are comprised telegraphy and telephony, electric lighting and transmission of power, and a number of minor, but in themselves important, applications, such as clockwork-driving and regulation, electricity in warfare, and electroplating. Of the treatment of these subjects we can give here only the merest sketch, noting as we do so a few points in which the book seems to call for modification or improvement in a new edition.

The theoretical part begins with a brief account of the natural history of magnetism, then passes to a discussion of the polar theory of magnetism, starting with the notion of Thales that a magnet had a soul, and ending with the experiments of Coulomb and their results. An excellent description of Coulomb's torsion-balance experiments is given, and then follow the methods devised by Coulomb and Jamin for the determination of the distribution of magnetism in magnets. It is hardly correct to say, as is done on p. 33, that Coulomb's method "enabled him to study the distribution of magnetism in magnets; that is to say, how the magnetism at the surface varies along the magnet between one end and the other." Apart from the objection that the field at any point external to the surface of the bar depends really upon the whole distribution of magnetism, and not merely on that supposed to be near the point, and the further objection (which also does not seem to be stated here) that the vibrating needle itself affects the magnetization of the magnet, it is quite certain that this method, like others devised for the same purpose, cannot be made to give any definite information except as to the surface-distribution of magnetism, which, as Gauss showed, can be made to replace the magnet so far as the external field is concerned. By none of these methods can any information whatever be obtained as to the actual magnetization of a bar of finite cross-section.

It would have been well also if the editor had here appended a note as to the essential inaccuracy of Jamin's method " of placing on the point that we wish to study a

small contact-piece of soft iron, and of measuring by means of a graduated spring that gradually extended, the force requisite to detach the iron," and given a description of the much more satisfactory method adopted by Rowland and others.

After a chapter on methods of magnetization, in which all the ancient and now discarded methods of "touch" are described, we have an excellent popular discussion of terrestrial magnetism, ending with a splendidly illustrated account of aurora. The introduction of the subject of aurora at this point is justified on the ground that they are electrical phenomena connected with the magnetism of the earth, and a sketch is given of the various theories which have been proposed.

Passing now to the subject of electricity, we have the same wealth of illustration, though many of the smaller cuts, like some of those in the section on magnetism, are old familiar friends. Electrical machines are described, from Otto Guericke's down to Wimshurst's. Nothing impresses us as more indicative of the enormous advance of electrical science in recent times than a comparison of Plates V. and XIII. of this book. The former, a well-known picture, represents an electrical machine "according to the model in fashion about 1754"; the latter, a large Edison steam-dynamo. In the former a bevy of ladies and gentlemen in the costume of last century are grouped round a sulphur ball machine, which a gentleman in powdered wig and ruffles is vigorously turning by means of a crank attached to a large and much ornamented driving-wheel of wood. Evidently we have here "electricity in the drawing-room," as practised in the middle of last century. On the other plate we see a large modern steam-engine, in all its array of steam-pipes, balanced cranks, and connecting-rods, resting on a massive bed-plate of iron bolted to a base of masonry, and driving an enormous dynamo. The somewhat dilettante group of men and women have disappeared, and in their place stands a typical Yankee engineer, oil-can in hand, and coatless, intently regarding the bearings of the engine. Here there is no unnecessary ornamentation, no suggestion of elegant trifling, everything is sternly suggestive of work and nothing else. Nevertheless, in the contrast, the real dignity and beauty is with the present, not with the past; with modern science in the laboratory, the workshop, or the factory; with work carried on in the deepest earnest, with plain duty-doing, irrespective of sensation or applause.

Next comes an account of batteries, which (like several other parts of the book) we think might very well have been lightened by ignoring old and obsolete pieces of apparatus; after that, we have a discussion of the production of electric currents. In a book of this size, in which a considerable amount of space is devoted to things relatively unimportant, the subject of electrolysis might have been more fully treated; for example, there are matters connected with electrolytic theories to which, since such a theory as that of Clausius is introduced, a few pages might very well have been devoted. The absolute measurement of currents by means of electrolysis from the known electro-chemical equivalents of different substances is not referred to; indeed, an electro-chemical equivalent does not seem to be anywhere defined. But

what strikes one as strange indeed is that in the chapter on thermo-electricity Peltier's name is only mentioned in connection with an illustration showing what is called his "thermo-electric pince." Not a word is said on the subject of the Peltier effect, or the Thomson effect, not to speak of the bearing of these on thermo-electric theory! Again, no mention appears to be made of any form of secondary cell except that of Planté: surely some of the modern forms now so largely in use in practice for electric lighting, traction, &c:, might have been figured and described.

The next section of theory, electro-magnetism, has three chapters devoted to it. The main phenomena are well described, and excellently illustrated by diagrams. Here the only forms of tangent and sine galvanometer figured are those of Pouillet (one of these (p. 337) has an enormous needle). Some of the splendid instruments which have been made for absolute measurements (for example, Fitzgerald's tangent galvanometer) ought surely to find a place in a work like the present, published as it is at a time when currents, &c., are no longer measured in arbitrary units, and their determinations are as far as possible divested of errors arising from instrumental peculiarities and accidents of place. A definition might also have been given here of the electro-magnetic unit of current, with some indication, where the constant of a galvanometer is referred to, of how it is possible to measure currents in absolute units, and the importance in this respect of electro-magnetic instruments, the constants of which can be determined from their dimensions and arrangement. At p. 333 a current of so many amperes is referred to as producing a certain force at the needle, but we have not anywhere, so far as we have been able to discover, a definition of an ampere.

The following passage (p. 369) apparently quoted from Faraday's "Researches," was at first sight rather startling : "In this state of circumstance(s) the force of the electromagnet was developed by sending an electric current through its coils, and immediately the image of the lampflame continued magnetic." It is almost needless to say that a reference to the "Researches" showed that the copyist had dropped out a line from Faraday's account of the actual phenomenon, which was not exactly that asserted in the quotation. After "flame" supply the words "became visible, and continued so as long as the arrangement."


The second part of the book is most excellent. applications of electricity of any importance are fully described, and magnificent cuts, without stint, illustrate in the clearest manner the marvellous and complex contrivances and arrangements now in use in the various systems of telegraphy and telephony, electric lighting, &c., &c. Full-page plates of the illumination of Tunis by the search-lights of the French fleet, the electric light in use in the erection of a great Parisian magasin, the head-light of a locomotive illuminating the track, the interior of one of the Paris forts during the siege, and other subjects, serve to show the great part now played by electricity in all branches of industry and the arts, even including warfare, slow as that is in some respects to profit by the latest results of scientific invention. No book could form a more attractive and useful present for a boy with a taste for mechanics and practical electrical

science, and it is sure to be no less popular among older people who appreciate a sound and easy guide to the mysteries of practical electricity.

In taking leave of this work, we have only to say, what has already been indicated above, that an extension of the editorial remarks, and their absorption into the general current of the text, with consequent re-writing of some of the chapters, would render it more homogeneous, and throughout more in accordance with the electrical spirit of the age. Still, the clearness of its arrangement and style more than compensate for the disadvantages necessarily attending an edited English edition of a foreign scientific treatise, however popular. As a whole, it reflects credit on all concerned-translators, editor, and publishers alike. Its publication may even do something towards arousing an interest in electricity in circles, even in this proverbially practical country, where the light of science can hardly be said to have yet penetrated. A. GRAY.


Die indo-malayische Strandflora. Von A. F. W. Schimper. Mit 7 Textfiguren, einer Karte, und 7 Tafeln. (Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1891.) Ueber die Mangrove-Vegetation im malayischen Archipel. Von G. Karsten. Bibliotheca Botanica, Heft 22. (Cassel: Theodor Fischer, 1891.)


HESE two essays are exceedingly interesting contributions to our knowledge of plant-life on tropical sea-shores. They partly cover the same ground, partly supplement each other, and to some extent review and summarize the work of previous observers. Schimper treats of the salt-loving plants of the sea-shore generally, whilst Karsten's investigations are limited to the purely mangrove vegetation. Karsten also enters more fully into the formation of seeds-that is to say, into the development of the embryo-sac, the endosperm, and the embryo; and he follows up their germination and subsequent growth.

But the object of this notice is to give some general idea of the subject rather than a critical exposition of the writings of the authors named, for they are the first attempts at a connected description of the vegetation of tropical sea-shores.

The mangrove1 vegetation—that is, the vegetation of the tidal forests-exhibits comparatively little variety, though the components belong to several different natural orders. First come the Rhizophorea-genera Rhizophora (both in the Old World and in America), Bruguiera, Ceriops, and Kandelia; Combretacea-Lumnitzera (Laguncularia in America); Lythraceae-Sonneratia ; Meliaceae-Carapa

The word mangrove looks quite English, but it appears to be a corruption or modification of mangro or mungo, the name commonly applied, according to Rumpf (1750), and Blume (Museum Botanicum, i. p. 132), in Dutch Guiana to Rhizophora Mangle. However, it was employed in its present form by Dampier, Sloane, and other writers of the seventeenth century, and it is now applied to a number of different trees and shrubs that constitute the outermost fringe of vegetation on tropical coasts. It is also used to designate these shrubs and trees collectively. Mangi-mangi is the generic term in the Malay Islands for these trees and shrubs, and the different kinds are distinguished by a fixes. In Brazil, Rhizophora Mangle is called mangle aud mangue; and in Panama, on the authority of Seemann (Die Volksnumen der amerikanischen Pflanzen "), the former name is current, with various qualifying affixes. In Grisebach's list of colonial names of plants ("Flora of the British West Indian Islands," p. 785), we find mangrov: (Rhizophora mangle); black mangrove (Avicennia nitida); white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa); and Zaragoza mangrove (Conocarpus erectus).

(Carapa guianensis, a native of tropical America and west tropical Africa, does not appear to inhabit the tidal forests); Myrsineæ-Ægiceras; Rubiaceae-Scyphiphora; Verbenacea-Avicennia (both in the Old World and in America); Acanthaceae-Acanthus ilicifolius; PalmæNipa fruticans.

The foregoing are the principal and widely-spread trees and shrubs of the mangrove girdle of muddy tropical shores; but this list might be largely augmented if we included those forming the tidal forests of the Bay of Bengal, and similar situations. Thus, in the Sunderbun, as Mr. C. B. Clarke informs me, the Sundra tree (Heritiera Fomes) abounds to such an extent that a railway is almost entirely devoted to carrying the wood to Calcutta, of which city it is the fire-wood. Among other common trees and shrubs are Hibiscus tiliaceus, Sapindus Danura, Dalbergia monosperma, Derris uliginosa, Oxystelma esculentum, Dolichandrone Rheedei, Premna integrifolia, Clerodendron inerme, Pandani, Phænix paludosa, and Cocos nucifera. Mr. Clarke further informs me that the milk of the coco-nut in the Sunderbun is so salt as to be undrinkable. This is a very remarkable fact, and scarcely in harmony with the observations of Schimper, Karsten, and others, so far as mangrove plants are concerned generally.

In this connection it may be mentioned that mangrove plants have mostly very thick leaves, with few, very deeply seated stomata, so that transpiration is reduced to as low a minimum as in true xerophytes. As it is obvious that transpiration is not checked in halophytes because of a lack of water, it must be accounted for in some other way; and, as it has been found that the accumulation of salt in the tissues of the leaves beyond a formation of starch and glucose, it is assumed that it is certain quantity, varying in different plants, prevents the of a protective character; that, in short, smallness of transpiration means smallness of absorption, and thus no more salt is taken into the tissues of the plant than it is capable of assimilating. The correctness of this view is strongly supported by the fact that mangroves, grown in soil free, or practically free, from chloride of sodium, develop foliage of less substance, furnished with a larger number of stomata.

Turning to another phase in the life-history of mangroves—namely, reproduction-we find special provisions, suitable to the exceptional conditions, to insure the propagation of the species. Most of the members of the Rhizophoreæ, for instance, are, in a sense, viviparous— that is to say, the seed germinates on the parent plant. and when the seed is ripe, the radicle, or primary root, Only one ovule is developed, the rest being aborted; grows through the apex of the fruit, assuming a slender club-shaped form, with the centre of gravity nearest the organic base, so that, when it eventually separates from the parent, it falls in such a manner that the radicle penetrates the mud, and usually sufficiently to withstand the ebb and flow of the water. The size and length of the viviparous radicle varies considerably in different genera, and even in different species, of the same genus, attaining its greatest development in Rhizophora mucronata, the forepost of the Asiatic mangroves, and perhaps the only one that sometimes grows where the soil is always submerged. In this the viviparous radicle is

usually from twenty to twenty-four inches long, and occasionally as much as forty; and it is capable of growing even should it fall where it is wholly under water in the early stage of its further development. When the young plantlet is ready to separate from the parent, the aperture made by the growing radicle is sufficiently large to allow the inclosed or apical end to slip out, leaving the empty fruit still attached to the branch. And when this happens, there is a fully-formed leaf-bud at the top, from which the stem is developed. The primary root does not grow much after falling, but stout secondary roots are thrown out from this axis, successively, one above the other; and as they assume an arched form, and are produced in all directions, the plant becomes very firmly fixed. The American Rhizophora Mangle is very closely allied to the Asiatic and African R. mucronata; but whereas there is only one genus and one species of the order in the New World, there are several in the Old.


Singular to say, the only herbaceous plant of the Asiatic mangroves, Acanthus ilicifolius, is supported by similar stilt-roots. Most of the other trees and shrubs of the mangrove vegetation have horizontal roots, often of enormous length and strength, and some of them produce the so-called knee-roots in great abundance. roots grow out of the ground, at an angle of about 45°, to a height of a fcot or two, or perhaps more, and return to the ground at about the same angle, forming an anchor-like attachment. But their function is not merely to hold the plant. They are abundantly furnished with lenticels, through which the interchange of gases takes place at least, such is the opinion of several eminent physiologists. Indeed, Karsten designates them breathing roots. Schimper figures negative geotropic roots of Avicennia tomentosa, which grow quite erect, from a thicker horizontal root, to a height of about a foot, and are either undivided or forked, and taper to a point. They are thickly studded with lenticels, as are the stilt-roots of Rhizophora. Another modification of root-production is exhibited by some of the mangrove-trees. Like Rhizophora, they produce aërial roots; but, instead of their remaining free, they eventually grow to the stem and outwards, forming plate-like buttresses.

Many other interesting facts might be extracted from the papers cited; but enough has been said to give an idea of the nature and value of their contents.

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by judicial moderation and impartiality; and many ambiguities and obscurities, due to the defects of Ricardo's style, are cleared away. Naturally, the abstract theory of value is treated first; and here the editor acknowledges that Ricardo did not attach sufficient importance to the influence of demand in determining value. But, on the serious question of the relation of capital to labour, he hardly seems to make Ricardo's position clear. He says (p. xxxix.) :—

"Of course, the mere fact that capital is subject to such replacements enables us to assert that, in the long run, there is a tendency to some equality of reward between indirect labour (i.e. labour embodied in capital) and direct labour. Thus in a somewhat abstract and general way we may renew our previous statement that commodities exchange in the ratio of their cost of production."

This passage, in which the editor concludes his general criticism of Ricardo's theory of cost of production, appears to involve the very fallacy that some Socialists have committed in their reasonings based on Ricardo. For it suggests their doctrine that capital is nothing but labour Now Ricardo most applied indirectly to production. explicitly avoided this fallacy. He wrote (p. 27):— "On account of the time which must elapse before one set of commodities can be brought to market, they will be valuable, not exactly in proportion to the quantity of labour bestowed on them, ... but something more to compensate for the greater length of time which must elapse before the most valuable can be brought to market."

In short, Ricardo distinctly points out that an additional value arises when the same quantum of labour is extended over a larger period of time.

On the question of the distribution of reward between capital and labour, the editor remarks (p. xxxviii.) :—

"The two great agents in production-labour and capital-so divide total value between them that an increase in the value obtained by the one implies a diminution in the share of value falling to the other."

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This apparently harmless truism is elaborated with painful prolixity. But the form in which Ricardo applied it was always "Profits depend on wages "- never Wages depend on profits." With Ricardo, profits were the residue of production remaining over and above the value of the standard of comfort; and he did not enter too closely into the question of the forces determining variations in this standard. This crucial error shows itself throughout all Ricardo's reasonings-notably in his theory of taxation.

In Appendix B, the treatment of the effects upon rent of improvements in the fertility of land is very unsatisfactory. The editor says that Ricardo made two assumptions-one implicitly and the other explicitly. But if he had properly interpreted the assumption explicitly made, he would have seen that the other was unnecessary. Ricardo explains quite clearly that the contemplated improvement is assumed not to disturb "the difference between the productive powers of the successive portions of capital." The editor most gratuitously interprets difference to mean ratio, in the face of the fact that all Ricardo's illustrations assume constancy of difference, not constancy of ratio. Now Prof. Marshall has shown

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