Imágenes de páginas

time from one to three inches thick, and the water is, of course, a saturated brine. It is interesting to note, however, that it does not correspond in composition with the water from the ocean. Like the Dead Sea, the lake contains an excessive quantity of calcium salt.

The interior of the crater basin is crusted in many places with deposits of carbonate of calcium, proving that it was at one time occupied by a highly calcareous water, probably of high temperature. I have given in connection with the results of my analysis, which extends only to the constituents present in large amount, an analysis of concentrated sea-water from the salt works of Kakaako, and an average of a number of analyses that have been made of the waters of the Dead Sea. These latter sometimes contain a larger proportion of solids than the average figure, but in no analysis that I have seen has the quantity been as large as that found in the water of Aalia Paakai.

[blocks in formation]

Meretrix, Lamarck, 1799, versus Cytherea, Lamarck, 1806. IN the notice of Mr. Newton's "List of Mollusca," in NATURE of October 29 (vol. xliv. p. 610), I read as follows:"Many old favourites have been thus relegated to obscurity, whilst fresh names, dug up from some forgotten corner, have, by the law of priority, taken their places. Thus, Meretrix, Lamarck, 1799, takes the place of his better-known Cytherea of 1806, the latter having been applied by Fabricius, in 1805, to a dipterous insect."


The Dipteron Cytherea obscura, Fab. 1805, was scribed nine years later than Mutio obscurus, Latreille (1796), which is the same species. Meigen, in his principal work (1820), acknowledged the priority, and the insect has been called Mutio ever since. As the typical species is the same for both genera, there is no chance whatever for Cytherea to be resuscitated, and it may well remain as the name of the Mollusk. I most heartily agree with the opinion of the reviewer, that "it would be an immense gain if every name proposed to be altered had to pass through a regularly-constituted committee of investigation before it was accepted and allowed to pass current. such a committee, besides priority, two other paramount scientific interests should be consulted, and they are-continuity and authority. C. R. OSTEN SACKEN.

Heidelberg, November 1.

A Plague of Frogs.


I HAVE just read with great interest the letter in NATURE of the 5th inst. (p. 8), signed R. Haig Thomas, à propos of frogs entering his cellar.

During the past seven years I have resided in three separate lodgings (no two being within half a mile of the other), each having a small garden at the back surrounded by a solid wall. The lowest of these was about 5 feet, and in two cases the walls were quite bare. In the third case there were creepers on both sides. But in all three cases has one frog suddenly made its appearance, and always during very wet weather. account for their entrance has completely puzzled me. B. A. MUIRHEAD.

Pall Mall Club, Waterloo Place, November 8.


Red Light after Sunset.

THERE was at Lyons, N. Y., last evening, a magnificent display of red light similar to the sunset glows which attracted so much attention a few years ago. The entire western sky was of

a deep lurid red, resembling a conflagration, for three-quarters of an hour or more after sunset. M. A. VEEDER. Lyons, N. Y., October 30.

Topical Selection and Mimicry.

WILL you permit me to make a few remarks on Dr. A. K. Wallace's review of my book ("On the Modification of Organisms ") which appeared in your journal on April 9 last (vol. xliii. p. 529)? I cannot disguise from myself the fact that in attempting any reply I labour under great disadvantages: first, in having to combat the statements of such a high authority as Dr. Wallace; and secondly, in writing as I am from the Antipodes, my reply cannot reach your readers for at least three months after the publication of the review in question. Nevertheless there are two statements made by him which demand some notice from me.

The first is that I have misrepresented Darwin's views on the question of natural selection. My reply to this is distinct and emphatic. The references to Darwin in my book are absolutely correct there is no misrepresentation; there is no misquotation. In every reference to Darwin's views I gave the page and the edition from which the quotation was taken. In writing my book I was perfectly aware how important it was to start with a clear understanding of what Darwin meant by the term natural selection, and I was at the utmost pains to quote his exact words in every reference I made to him. It is not my fault if Darwin did not give a clear or consistent definition of natural selection, or that he confounded cause with effect, as when at one time he defined natural selection as "the struggle for existence," and at another time as "the survival of the fittest." I can therefore with the utmost confidence refer your readers to the book itself in confirmation of what I here state.

Dr. Wallace has also been good enough to give, as a sample of my "teaching," a part of a sentence of mine on the subject of mimicry. He says your readers " may estimate the value of Mr. Syme's teaching by his explanation of mimicry, which is, that natural selection has nothing to do with it, but that insects choose environments to match their own colours. He tells us that these extraordinary resemblances only occur among insects that are sluggish, and that 'to account for the likeness to special objects, animate or inanimate, we have only to assume that these defenceless creatures have intelligence enough to perceive that their safety lies in escaping observation.""

Now I did not state that these extraordinary resemblances occurred only among insects; what I said was that they occurred "chiefly" among insects. I am aware that, judging from Dr. Wallace's stand-point, I may have disposed of the subject of mimicry in a somewhat off-hand way, and for the simple reason that I regarded mimicry as a subordinate branch of the more important subject of protective coloration, which I had treated at some length; and in adopting this course I was taking as my guide Dr. Wallace himself, who has elsewhere stated that "the resemblance of one animal to another is of exactly the same essential nature as the resemblance to a leaf, or to bark, or to desert sand, and answers exactly the same purpose" ("Natural Selection," p. 124, 2nd edition). So far, then, I may presume that I am in good company. To understand what I said about mimicry, therefore, it is necessary to know my views on protective coloration. Protective coloration I regarded as, in certain cases, the result of heat and light acting on the pigment cells, and, in other cases, the result of what, for want of a better name, I may call topical selection-that is, the selection by the animal of its environment. Obviously, this environment would be a cover or background which would enable the animal to escape observation, as by that means many animals, especially such as are not possessed of great speed or great powers of flight, might elude their enemies, or, if Carnivora, might steal upon their prey unawares. No doubt there is something captivating in the idea of a universal cause to which every change in the organic world may be referred; but it is surely contrary to the rules of right reasoning to invoke the aid of a greater force than is necessary to account for a given result. This is what the Darwinist does, however, in order to explain the phenomena of protective coloration and mimicry. It is well known, however, and it has been pointed out by Dr. Wallace himself, that certain

varieties of protectively coloured insects are frequently confined to very limited areas. Some will only be found on a certain species of tree or plant; others only on rocks or a stone wall of some particular colour; others, again, only on small patches of soil or gravel; while a short distance from these there may be other objects differently marked, which may be frequented by insects altogether different in colour, although belonging to the same or to an allied species. Are we to suppose that every tree, plant, rock, every stone wall, and every distinctive patch of soil or gravel, has been the scene of natural selection? There is no other conclusion open to the Darwinist. But when it is considered that natural selection may take hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, to effect a given result, the strain upon our forbearance must be great when we are asked to believe that this process is the only one we have to reckon with. If the phenomena can be accounted for by a shorter or simpler process, why should the longer and more complex one be insisted on? Is it not more reasonable to suppose that animals have sufficient intelligence to fly to, and remain in, the place where experience has shown they are least exposed to observation? Can anyone doubt that animals possess such knowledge? How otherwise are we to explain the action of the butterfly, for instance, in darting at once when disturbed to some object which resembles itself, and then lying perfectly still, when one might in vain attempt to find it, although within a few inches of it?

This view also receives corroboration from the fact that many unprotected animals render themselves inconspicuous by covering themselves with materials which resemble their environment. Thus certain Lepidopterous larvæ form cases for themselves out of the fragments of the substance on which they feed, the cases of the larvæ of the Psychidæ, for instance, being made of leaves or of brown grass stems; those of the Essex emerald moth of fragments of leaves spun together with silk; certain species of sea-urchins and many Mollusca cover themselves with grains of sand, shell, and bits of stone, while, according to Poulton, certain species of crabs fasten species of seaweed to their bodies for the same purpose.

Topical selection will also explain the protective coloration of certain vertebrates, as rabbits, hares, and deer. Thus Mr. H. A. Brydon, who has an extensive acquaintance with the habits of deer in South Africa, writes ("Kloof and Karoo," p. 298) as follows:

"In some localities where the 'zuur veldt' clothes the upper parts of the mountains, and the 'rooi' grass the lower portions, the vaal and the rooi rhebok may be found on the same mountainside, but each adhering to its own peculiar pasturage. When the hunters come upon the ground to shoot, the rooi rhebok immediately fly from their lower slopes to the higher ground of their grey brethren, and the two species are seen galloping in close company over the mountain heights. If the hunter rests quietly after his shot and looks about him, he will presently see the two kinds of antelope, as soon as they think they may safely do so, separating, the rooi rhebok quitting the vaal' pastures, and betaking themselves again to their own feeding grounds. To this habit they invariably adhere, and will not delay their departure an instant longer than their safety admits of. If the vaal rhebok in turn are driven out of their own ground, they pursue exactly the same tactics, and will on no account remain for long in their red brethren's territory."

The occurrence of so many trimorphic and polymorphic varieties of the same species have always been a puzzle to Darwinists, as the numerous varieties which the Darwinian theory postulates would all be killed off by natural selection, except the "fit"; but according to the theory which I have advanced, most variations would find their appropriate environments and live. If this theory of topical selection be correct, its application to the phenomena of mimicry is obvious.


MR. SYME now says: "The references to Darwin in my book are absolutely correct," and "In every reference to Darwin's views I gave the page and the edition from which the quotation was taken." Assertions, however, are not proofs; but if Mr. Syme will point out where Darwin defines natural selection as "the struggle for existence," and where Darwin "insists that variations are created by natural selection," statements which occur at p. 8 and p. 15 of Mr. Syme's book, I will acknowledge that I have misrepresented him. Otherwise I see nothing that requires modification in my article. But as Mr. Syme claims to have taken "the utmost pains" to quote Darwin's exact words, I will refer to other cases. At p. 12 he says, "The second assumption is that favourably modified individuals should be few in number, 'two or more';" and for this he refers to "Plants and Animals under Domestication,' vol. ii. p. 7. The true reference is to vol. i. p. 7, where Darwin says: Now, if we suppose a species to produce two or more varieties, and these in course of time to produce other varieties, &c." Here we see that Mr. Syme puts “individuals” in the place of "varieties," and thus makes Darwin appear to say the exact reverse of his main contention, which is, that ordinary variability occurring in large numbers of individuals, not single sports, are the effective agents in the modification of species.


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Again, at p. 102, Mr. Syme says, when discussing crossfertilization and variability: "No doubt self-fertilization is a great factor in producing uniformity of colour. That this uniformity is not due to the plants having been 'subjected to somewhat diversified conditions,' as Darwin intimates, is shown by the fact, &c." But Darwin, as every student knows, said exactly the reverse of this-that the somewhat diversified conditions produced variability; and Mr. Syme's great efforts to understand him and to quote him correctly again fail of success.

One more example is to be found at p. 110, where he says: "Darwin has distinctly laid down the principle that if it can be proved, by a single instance, that one organism exists for the benefit of another organism, his whole system would fall to the ground." But the statement made by Darwin was, that if any part of the structure of one species could be proved to have been formed for the exclusive good of another species it would annihilate his theory ("Origin," 6th edition, p. 162). Mr. Syme omits the essential word "exclusively," and thus appears to have a strong case against the theory.

As an example of general misrepresentation, I will refer to p. 86, where Mr. Syme states that "the Darwinist" "carefully ignores the facts which point in the opposite direction" (of the necessity for insect fertilization of flowers); and on the next page, after referring to cleistogamic and other self-fertilized flowers, he asks: "Why does the Darwinist omit mention of such structures as these?" But he does not refer us to the Darwinists in question who, while discussing insect fertilization, "carefully ignore" self-fertilization; and as his statement will be taken to include all, or at least the majority of Darwinists, it must be held, by those who are acquainted with the facts, to be a very absurd misrepresentation.

Other examples might be given, but these are sufficient to support my statement that Mr. Syme has both misquoted and misrepresented Darwin.

The exposition of his theory of "topical selection" to explain the phenomena of mimicry, as given above, may be left to the judgment of the readers of NATURE. ALFRED R. WALLACE.


have only to suppose that one animal may find safety in IT has often been remarked that purely scientific re

associating with another animal to which it has some resemblance, without invoking the aid of either mimicry or natural selection.

I shall not attempt to reply to the other remarks of your critic further than this, that no one who contents himself with reading Dr. Wallace's review will be able to form the slightest idea of the views put forth in my book. That it has taken a lifetime, as Dr. Wallace correctly enough says it has, to build up "the vast edifice of Darwinism is surely no guarantee of the truth of that system, and certainly no reason why it should be above criticism, as my reviewer seems to think it should be. Melbourne, 1891. DAVID SYME.

search frequently bears fruit of practical value. A fresh illustration of this fact is afforded by the work of Prof. Pictet, the eminent man of science of Geneva, who is turning to practical account the apparatus by which, in 1877, he first reduced hydrogen and oxygen to the liquid state. At Berlin, where he now resides, he has established, on the scale of a small factory, what he terms a "laboratoire à basses températures." The following account of the work carried on and the results obtained is taken from papers read by the Professor before different scientific Societies of Berlin.

The refrigerating machinery, driven by several powerful

steam-engines, is intended to withdraw heat from the
objects under observation, and to keep them at any tem-
perature between -20° and -200° C. as long as may be
required. Prof. Pictet's experience has led him to the
conclusion that among the refrigerating agents known,
such as rarefaction of gases, dissolution of salts, evapora-
tion of liquids, the latter is to be preferred. A long
course of research has further enabled him to choose the
most convenient from amongst the great number of suit-
able liquids. In order to avoid the great pressure re-
quired in handling the highly evaporative substances of
lowest boiling-point which serve to produce extreme
cold, it is necessary to divide the difference of tempera-
ture into several stages. Each stage is fitted with
especial apparatus consisting of an air-pump worked by
steam, which drains off the vapours of the liquid from the
refrigerator, and forces them into a condenser, whence,
reduced to the liquid state, they are again offered for
evaporation in the refrigerator. Thus the liquid, without
any loss beyond leakage, passes through a continuous
circuit, and the operations can be carried on for any
length of time. The liquid made use of for the first
stage is the mixture of sulphurous acid and a small
percentage of carbonic acid called "liquide Pictet." It
condensed at a pressure of about two atmospheres is
a spiral tube merely cooled by running water. Oxide of
nitrogen (laughing gas) is the liquid chosen for the
second stage. Its vapours
are condensed in the
same way at a pressure about five or six times as great
in a tube maintained at about - 80° by the action of the
first circuit. As medium for a third stage, in which,
however, continuous circulation has not yet been at-
tempted, atmospheric air is employed, which passes into
the liquid state at a pressure of no more than about
75 atmospheres, provided the condenser is kept at 135°
by the first two circuits. The evaporation of the lique-
fied air causes the thermometer to fall below - 200°.

By this combination quite new conditions for investigating the properties of matter are realized. In various branches of science new and surprising facts have already been brought to light. Many laws and observations will have to be re-examined and altered with regard to changes at an extremely low temperature.

For instance, a remarkable difference was noted in the

refrigerating machine permits the investigator to employ, it may be mentioned that, in order to measure the elasticity of mercury, Prof. Paalzow had the metal cast into the shape of a tuning-fork, and frozen hard enough for the purpose in view. On this occasion it appeared that quicksilver can be shown in a crystallized state, the crystals being of a beautiful fern-like appearance.

Glycerine was likewise made to crystallize; and cognac, after having been frozen, was found to possess that peculiar mellowness commonly only attained by long keeping.

But the most important application of the refrigerating machinery has been the purification of chloroform, undertaken by Prof. Pictet at the instance of Prof. Liebreich, of the Pharmacological Institute, Berlin. Chloroform has hitherto been considered a most unstable and easily defiled substance. The action of sunlight, the slight impurities retained from the different processes of manufacture, perhaps the mere settling down during protracted storage, have invariably resulted in a more or less marked decomposition. By the simple process of crystallization this unstableness is got rid of, and a practically unchangeable liquid is produced. The crystals begin to form at 68°, first covering the bottom of the vessel, and volume. This residue being drained off, the frozen part is allowed to melt under cover, so as to exclude the atmospheric moisture. Chloroform thus refined has, by way of testing its durability, remained exposed on the roof in a light brown bottle from November till June without the slightest sign of decomposition.

gradually filling it up to within one-fifth of the whole

Prof. Pictet has already taken steps to introduce his process into manufacture, and proposes to apply the principle to various other chemical and technical objects. Sulphurous ether, for instance, has by a similar process been produced in a hitherto unknown degree of purity. At the same time, the Professor continues eagerly to pursue the various purely scientific inquiries with which he started. R. DU BOIS-REYMOND.


and also of those made at Rothamsted under conditions of sterilization and inclosure more than thirty years ago, Sir J. B. Lawes and the author had always concluded that at any rate our agricultural plants did not assimilate free nitrogen. They had also abundant evidence that the Papilionacea, as well as other plants, derived much nitrogen from the combined nitrogen in the soil and sub-soil. Still, they had long recognized that the source of the whole of the nitrogen of the Papilionaceæ was not explained; that there was, in fact, “a missing link"! They were, therefore, prepared to recognize the importance of the results first announced by Prof. Hellriegel in 1886; and they had hoped to commence experiments on the subject in 1887, but they had not been able to do so until 1888. Those first results showed a considerable formation of nodules on the roots, and coincidently great gain of nitrogen, in plants grown in sand (with the plant-ash) when it was microbe-seeded by a turbid watery extract of a rich soil.

radiation of heat. Material considered a non-conductor FROM the results of the experiments of Boussingault, of heat does not appear to affect much the passage of heat into a body cooled down to below 100°. Or, to state the fact according to Prof. Pictet's view: "The slow oscillations of matter, which constitute the lowest degrees of heat, pass more readily through the obstruction of a so-called non-conductor than those corresponding to a higher temperature, just as the less intense undulations of the red light are better able to penetrate clouds of dust or vapour than those of the blue." If the natural rise of temperature in the refrigerator, starting from - 135°, is noted in a tracing, and afterwards the same refrigerator carefully packed in a covering of cotton-wool of more than half a yard in thickness, and cooled down afresh, and the rise of temperature again marked, on comparing the tracings hardly any difference will be found in the two curves up to 100°, and only a very slight deviation even up to -50°. On this ground it is clear that the utmost limit of cold that can possibly be attained is not much lower than that reached in the famous experiment of liquefaction of hydrogen. The quantity of warmth which hourly floods a cylinder 1250 mm. high by 210 mm. wide (the size of the refrigerator) at - 80, is no less than 600 calories, and no packing will keep it out. At a lower temperature, the radiation being even greater, the power of the machinery intended to draw off still more heat would have to be enormous. And as -273 is absolute zero, the utmost Prof. Pictet judges to be attainable is about -255°.

As an example of the surprising methods which the

In 1889 and since, they had made a more extended series. The plants were grown in pots in a glass-house. There were four pots of each description of plant, one with sterilized sand and the plant-ash, two with the same sand and ash, but microbe-seeded with watery extract, for some plants from a rich garden soil, for lupins from a sandy soil in which lupins were growing luxuriantly, and

1 Abstract of a paper read before the Agricultural Chemistry Section of the Naturforscher Versammlung at Halle a.S., by Dr. J. H. Gilbert, F.R.S., September 24, 1891.

for some other plants from soil where the particular plant was growing. In all, in 1889 and subsequently, they had grown in this way four descriptions of annual plants -namely, peas, beans, vetches, and yellow lupins; and four descriptions of longer life-namely, white clover, red clover, sainfoin, and lucerne. Enlarged photographs of the above ground-growth, and of the roots, of the peas, the vetches, and the lupins, so grown, were exhibited. Without microbe-seeding there was neither noduleformation nor any gain of nitrogen; but with microbeseeding there was nodule-formation, and, coincidently, considerable gain of nitrogen.

As, however, in this exact quantitative series, the plants were not taken up until they were nearly ripe, it was obvious that the roots and their nodules could not be examined during growth, but only at the conclusion, when it was to be supposed that the contents of the nodules would be to a great extent exhausted. Another series was, therefore, undertaken, in which the same four annuals, and the same four plants of longer life, were grown in specially made pits, so arranged that some of the plants of each description could be taken up, and their roots and nodules studied, at successive periods of growth: the annuals at three periods-namely, first when active vegetation was well established, secondly when it was supposed that the point of maximum accumulation had been approximately reached, and thirdly when nearly ripe; and the plants of longer life at four periods namely, at the end of the first year, and in the second year when active vegetation was re-established, when the point of maximum accumulation had been reached, and lastly when the seed was nearly ripe. Each of the eight descriptions of plant was grown in sand (with the plantash), watered with the extract from a rich soil; also in a mixture of two parts rich garden soil and one part of sand. In the sand the infection was comparatively local and limited, but some of the nodules developed to a great size on the roots of the weak plants so grown. In the rich soil the infection was much more general over the whole area of the roots, the nodules were much more numerous, but generally very much smaller. Eventually the nodules were picked off the roots, counted, weighed, and the dry substance and the nitrogen in them deter


Taking the peas as typical of the annuals, and the sainfoin of the plants of longer life, the general result was, that at the third period of growth of the peas in sand the amount of dry matter of the nodules was very much diminished, the percentage of nitrogen in the dry matter was very much reduced, and the actual quantity of nitrogen remaining in the total nodules was also very much reduced. In fact the nitrogen of the nodules was almost exhausted. The peas grown in rich soil, however, maintained much more vegetative activity at the conclusion, and showed a very great increase in the number of nodules from the first to the third period; and with this there was also much more dry substance, and even a greater actual quantity of nitrogen, in the total nodules at the conclusion. Still, as in the peas grown in sand, the percentage of nitrogen in the dry substance of the nodules was very much reduced at the conclusion. In the case of the plant of longer life, the sainfoin, there was, both in sand and in soil, very great increase in the number of nodules, and in the actual amount of dry substance and of nitrogen in them, as the growth progressed. The percentage of nitrogen in the dry substance of the nodules also showed, even in the sand, comparatively little reduction, and in soil even an increase. In fact, separate analyses of nodules of different character, or in different conditions, showed that whilst some were more or less exhausted and contained a less percentage of nitrogen, others contained a high percentage, and were doubtless new and active. Thus, the results pointed to the interesting conclusion, that, in the case of the annual, when

the seed is formed, and the plant more or less exhausted, both the actual amount of nitrogen in the nodules, and its percentage in the dry substance, are greatly reduced, but that, with the plant of longer life, although the earlier formed nodules become exhausted, others are constantly produced, thus providing for future growth.

As to the explanation of the fixation of free nitrogen, the facts at command did not favour the conclusion that under the influence of the symbiosis the higher plant itself was enabled to fix the free nitrogen of the air by its leaves. Nor did the evidence point to the conclusion that the nodule-bacteria became distributed through the soil and there fixed free nitrogen, the compounds of nitrogen so produced being taken up by the higher plant. It seemed more consistent, both with experimental results and with general ideas, to suppose that the nodulebacteria fixed free nitrogen within the plant, and that the higher plant absorbed the nitrogenous compounds produced. In other words, there was no evidence that the chlorophyllous plant itself fixed free nitrogen, or that the fixation takes place within the soil, but it was more probable that the lower organisms fix the free nitrogen. If this should eventually be established, we have to recognize a new power of living organisms-that of assimilating an elementary substance. But this would only be an extension of the fact that lower organisms are capable of performing assimilation-work which the higher cannot accomplish; whilst it would be a further instance of lower organisms serving the higher. Finally, it may here be observed that Loew has suggested that the vegetable cell, with its active protoplasm, if in an alkaline condition, might fix free nitrogen, with the formation of ammonium nitrite. Without passing any judgment on this point, it may be stated that it has frequently been found at Rothamsted that the contents of the nodules have a weak alkaline reaction when in apparently an active condition-that is, whilst still flesh-red and glistening.

As to the importance of the fixation for agriculture, and for vegetation generally, there is also much yet to learn. It is obvious that different Papilionacea growing under the same external conditions manifest very different susceptibility to, or power to take advantage of, the symbiosis. The fact, as shown by Prof. Nobbe, that Papilionaceous shrubs and trees, as well as berbaceous plants, are susceptible to the symbiosis, and under its influence may gain much nitrogen, is of interest from a scientific point of view as serving to explain the source of some of the combined nitrogen accumulated through ages on the surface of the globe; and also from a practical point of view, since, especially in tropical countries, such plants yield many important food materials, as well as other industrial products.

In conclusion, it will be seen that the experimental results which have been brought forward constitute only a small proportion of those already obtained or yet to be obtained at Rothamsted, but they have been selected as being to a great extent typical, and illustrative of the lines of investigation which are being carried out.

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group of vertebrate fossils known; indeed, it is only within the last thirty-five years that any considerable number of species had been recorded.

That the existence of birds at the period of the Secondary rocks should have been first intimated by their foot-prints may seem strange; but as far back as 1835 a notice appeared in Silliman's American Journal of Science stating that Dr. Deane had discovered impressions resembling the feet of birds upon some slabs of Triassic sandstone from Connecticut. Dr. Hitchcock, who was the first to submit these tracks to careful scientific examination, concluded that they had been produced by the feet of birds which must have been at least four times larger than an ostrich. The great size of some of these foot-prints, however, presented at the time an obstacle to their acceptance, notwithstanding the fact of their exhibiting the same characteristic number of toejoints as exist in the feet of living tridactylous birdsnamely, three phalangeal bones for the inner toe, four for the middle, and five for the outer one.

The subsequent discovery of the entire skeletons of great wingless birds in New Zealand has, to some extent, destroyed the force of this objection as to their size; nevertheless, it seems more probable that these impressions were made by some of those gigantic Dinosaurs whose remains have been in later years met with in such abundance in the Secondary rocks of the American continent, many of which were bipedal in their method of progression, their fore-limbs being exceedingly short, and but ill adapted for use in walking. The hind-foot in Iguanodon and in some others was tridactylous, and agreed in the number of toe-bones with the foot of the Dinornis and other flightless birds. But between the discovery of the reputed foot-prints of birds in the Connecticut Valley sandstones, and the finding of true birdremains in Secondary rocks, a long interval of time has elapsed. Some supposed bird-bones from the Chalk of Burham, near Maidstone, were figured and described as long ago as 1845 by Dr. Bowerbank, under the name of Cimoliornis, but these proved to belong to a gigantic Pterodactyle, and not to an albatross. The same fate befell Dr. Mantell's Wealden bird (Palæornis cliftii, 1844), now also transferred to the Ornithosauria by Mr. Lydekker.

Passing over some fragmentary remains, discovered in 1858 by Mr. Lucas Barrett in the Greensand of Cambridge, referred to birds, we come in 1861 to the discovery, announced by Dr. H. von Meyer, of the impression of a single feather upon a slab of lithographic stone from Solenhofen, Bavaria, followed in 1862 by the description by Prof. Owen of the skeleton of a remarkable longtailed bird from the same formation and locality, the Archæopteryx macrura. This, which is still the earliestknown avian fossil, is also the most generalized bird known; and the discovery, twenty years later, of a second example only serves to confirm the correctness of the conclusions which had been arrived at from a study of the first-found example.

That it was clothed in feathers serves to prove the true avian character of the fossil, no reptile having been met with possessed of such epidermal structures. The remarkable features are that the jaws were armed with conical enamelled teeth implanted in distinct alveoli (see Fig. 1); the three metacarpals in the manus are separate and the phalanges are free (not anchylosed, as in modern birds), and each of the three digits was armed with a terminal claw; the centra of the vertebræ are amphicœlous; there are twenty free vertebræ in the tail, which is longer than the body, each vertebra bearing a pair of feathers, and the tail does not terminate in a pygostyle, like most modern birds.

From these, and other anatomical characters, Archaopteryx has been placed in a distinct order, the SAURURÆ, or lizard-tailed birds.

The next important bird discoveries from the Secondary rocks were those made in North America by Prof. O. C. Marsh, in 1870, from the Upper Cretaceous strata of Kansas, U.S., by which we became acquainted with two most distinct and important types, the Hesperornis and the Ichthyornis. Both of these birds are remarkable as having their jaws armed with teeth. The former (Hesperornis) had the teeth implanted in grooves, it had only rudimentary wings, a flat keel-less sternum, and saddleshaped vertebræ. It was a huge fish-eating diver, nearly 6 feet high, probably resembling in appearance the loons and grebes (see Fig. 2).

The latter (Ichthyornis) was a bird of powerful flight, having well-developed wings and a strongly-keeled sternum; its jaws were armed with teeth in distinct sockets, and the vertebræ were biconcave (see Fig. 3). By far the greater proportion of avian remains known are of Tertiary age; many are referable to existing birds, but a few of them are of almost as great interest to the ornithologist as those already referred to, either as representing, like them, extinct forms, or because they tell of important changes during Tertiary times in the geographical distribution of many genera of birds. The oldest of these remains have been obtained from the London Clay. A single skull of a large ostrichlike bird was obtained from the Lower Eocene of the Isle of Sheppey, and described by Owen in 1869 under the name of Dasornis londiniensis. Two limb-bones of a bird as large as an ostrich, but more robust, and with affinities to the Anserine type, as well as to the Ratitæ, were obtained about six years ago from the Lower Eocene near Croydon, and described by Mr. Newton under the name of Gastornis klaasseni. Two other species of Gastornis had previously been described from the Eocene of Meudon and Rheims, in France, so that the Ratitæ were doubtless well represented in Western Europe in Tertiary times.

Another remarkable discovery in the London Clay of Sheppey is that of the Odontopteryx toliapicus, a bird with a powerfully serrated bill, well adapted for seizing fish, which probably formed its prey.

The interest attaching to the discovery, fifty years ago, of the bones of extinct ostrich-like birds in New Zealand, remains unabated; their former abundance may be imagined from the fact that there is hardly a museum in the world where remains of the "moa" are not to be found, and they still continue to be sent to Europe for sale. The series of skeletons of Dinornis set up in the Vienna Museum is even finer than that in the British Museum. In the latter, six almost complete skeletons may be seen, beside an immense series of detached bones (see Fig. 4). The tallest skeleton is probably 10 feet, and the smallest 4 feet in height. Specimens showing the skin and feathers still attached to the bones are also preserved, evidencing the comparatively modern date at which they were exterminated.

Another island, which possessed a now extinct flightless bird, is Madagascar. Bones and eggs of this great bird, the Epyornis, which probably rivalled the Dinornis in size, are preserved in the British Museum; but, owing to the lack of exploration in the island, we know as yet of only a few odd bones, where entire skeletons doubtless exist, perhaps as abundantly as in New Zealand. The egg of Epyornis is the largest bird's egg known, its liquid contents being rather more than two gallons.

The close affinity existing between birds and reptiles has long ago been an accepted fact in zoology; the finding, therefore, of such primitive birds as Archeopteryx, Hesperornis, and Ichthyornis on the one hand, and of the numerous bird-like Dinosaurs in Europe and America on the other-indeed, the whole tendency of this branch of modern palæontological discovery-has been to strengthen the relationship of the two, and to confirm their association in one primary group of the Vertebrata, the SAUROPSIDA.

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