Imágenes de páginas


too small to be appreciable, to one of a degree of arc or even It also varies somewhat with the angle of elevation." In one of his examples he supposed the jump to be 22 to 23 minutes. Although the jump and vertical drift are uncertain in amount, they have considerable influence on the range and time of flight, and on this account the calculation of trajectories is a decidedly unsatisfactory method of testing the coefficients of resistance of the air to elongated projectiles.

In the early days of elongated projectiles the vertical drift caused by the "kite-like action" of the shot was duly recognized, but of late this disturbing force has been commonly ignored. For now, when a calculated range is shorter than the experimental range, it is at once assumed that the theoretical resistance is too high. This resistance is forthwith reduced so as to make the calculated agree with the experimental ranges, but seldom is any care taken to compare the time of flight calculated with this reduced resistance with the experimental time. It ought, however, to be remembered that, while a reduction of resistance increases the range it diminishes the time of flight over a given range. Major Ingalls has given a complete example of this method of correcting my resistance (Problems, &c., p. 151). For elevations of 6°,



8°, and 10°, he found it necessary to reduce my coefficients by

4'5 2'3 5'2 8.1 9.7 per cent., in order to obtain the experimental ranges by calculation; and these reduced resistances gave the calculated times of flight too short by

0"'09 0" 12 0" 13 o" 26 and o" 42,

which proves clearly that the theoretical resistances had been too much reduced throughout. Also, if the method of correction pursued in the above example was correct, it would follow that the coefficient of resistance is a function of the elevation, which is simply absurd.

On the other hand, suppose we correct the elevation so as to make the calculated agree with the experimental range, which seems to me to be a satisfactory approximate correction in such cases. A careful calculation of the trajectory of an ogivalheaded shot (two diameters) fired from the 4-inch B. L. gun, at an elevation of 15°, gave a range of 6448 yards (185 yards too short by the range table), and time of flight 20" 46 (110 too short), the density of the air having been supposed to vary with the height of the shot. Now, corresponding to an elevation of 14° 16', the range table gives a range of 6448 yards, and time of flight 20" 53. If we suppose that the elevation of the gun, 14° 16', was practically increased by 44' by jump and vertical drift, we obtain an elevation of 15 for the initial direction of the shot. But, according to calculation, for an elevation of 15° we have found the range 6448 yards exactly, and the time of flight 20" 46, which is only - o"07 in error, and the calculated horizontal striking velocity is 646 f.s. This, I maintain, is the proper method of correction, because it corrects both range and time of flight, when there is no wind. Using the general tables and the horizontal muzzle velocity, the calculated time over 6448 yards is found to be 20" 53, and horizontal striking velocity 647 f.s., where T o'967, the mean density of the air, as the projectile would rise to a height of 18co feet.

If the above be a correct view of what takes place, it follows that the axis of the shot during its flight is inclined at such a small angle to the direction of its motion, that the resistance of the air to its forward motion is not sensibly greater than when it moves in the direction of its axis. But small as this angle must be, we find evidence of the marked effect of the lateral action of the air in causing the shot to drift to the right towards the end of the range. It is therefore to be expected that the resistance of the air, acting from below on the shot, soon after it leaves the gun will raise the shot upwards, and cause it to move as if it had been fired at an elevation a little greater than that at which the gun was laid.

The Ordnance Committee fired some ogival-headed projectiles from a 9.2-inch wire gun at high elevations in 1888, professedly to try whether calculations of trajectories at very long ranges are trustworthy. But before experimenting they invited calculators to furnish them with the calculated range and time of flight of a 380-pound elongated shot fired at an elevation of 40° with a muzzle velocity of 2360 f.s. My calculations for an ogival head, struck with a radius of one diameter and a half, gave a range of 19,436 yards, and time of flight 62" 15, which were sent in in

March 1888. Allowing 300 yards for jump and vertical drift, I obtained a range of 19,736 yards. In April two rounds were fired with a velocity of 2375 f.s. at an elevation of 40°, which gave ranges of 21,048 and 21,358 yards. My reply to this announcement, by return of post, was that the ranges were about 1500 yards too great. In July the experiment was repeated, which gave ranges of 20,236 and 20,210 yards, being a reduction of near 1000 yards. Two rounds fired at an elevation of 30° gave ranges of 17,500 and 18,344 yards; two at 35° gave ranges of 19,420 and 18,963 yards; and one at 45° gave a range of 21,800 yards. The times of flight have not been published. These great variations in range were due in part to unsteadiness in the motion of the shot, but chiefly to the prevalence of high favourable winds.

In order to test guns or coefficients of resistance in a satisfactory manner, calm weather is absolutely necessary. And if the shot is expected to rise to a height of two or three miles, trial balloons ought to be sent up to test the state of the currents in the higher regions. Afterwards, when good mean results of experiments have been obtained, then, and not till then, may these mean results be used to test the results of calculation. Experiments ought not to be made at all unless precautions necessary to secure a correct result can be taken.

I have calculated a complete range table for the 9.2 inch gun for elevations 1° to 45°, according to the original programme of the Ordnance Committee (NATURE, September 13, 1888, p. 468), where the net results of calculation have been given. These ranges will require an addition perhaps of about 2 per cent. for jump, vertical drift, &c., and a further I per cent. if the ogival head be struck with a radius of two diameters instead of one and a half, and the increment of time must be ruled by this increment of range.

My sole object having been to obtain the correct law of resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles, I was always ready to consider any proposed correction. But my results, obtained from numerous and most exact experiments, could be changed only on perfectly satisfactory evidence. That evidence I have failed to obtain in any single case, so that my results remain practically the same as they were given in my original reports, 1868-80. I have recently published a revised account of all my experiments, accompanied by newly calculated general tables, for both English and French measures, and other tables required in the calculation of trajectories, according to the results of modern analysis. With these helps I have now thoroughly tested my final results by the use of range tables of the 4-inch, 6.3-inch, and 12-inch guns, with the most gratifying results. And Major McClintock, R. A., has tested my coefficients for small-arm bullets, with very satisfactory results (Proc. R. A. Inst., xii. 569). This evidence of the accuracy of my results is the more valuable because it is derived from Government experiments, made for other purposes, which have manifestly been carried out with great care and ability. Anyone so disposed has the means to re-examine the whole matter for himself. If there be not some error in my calculations, it appears that my results do not admit of any real improvement, and consequently my labours in this matter may be considered to have reached a satisfactory conclusion. F. BASHFORTH.

verted Questions,' " with a

FORTHCOMING SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. THE following is a list of scientific works which will be issued by various publishers in the course of the spring :— Messrs. Macmillan and Co. :-"Essays on some ControPrologue, by Prof. Huxley; "The Beauties of Nature," by Sir John Lubbock, F. R. S., illustrated; "Island Life; or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras," including a revision and attempted solution of the problem of geological climates, by A. R. Wallace, with illustrations and maps, new and cheaper edition; "The Apodidæ," a morphological study, by Henry M. Bernard, illustrated (Nature Series); "Experimental Evolution," by Henry de Varigny; "The Diseases of Modern Life," by B. W. Richardson, F.R.S., new and cheaper edition; "The Geography of the British Colonies". "Canada, by George M. Dawson, "Australia and New Zealand," by Alexander Sutherland (Macmillan's Geographical Series); "Scientific Papers," by Oliver Heaviside; "The Algebra of Co-Planar Vectors and Trigonometry," by R. B. Hayward, F.R. S., Assistant Master at Harrow; "Key and Students'

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Blowpipe Analysis," by J. Landauer, authorized English edition by J. Taylor and W. E. Kay, of the Owens College, Manchester, new edition, thoroughly revised with the assistance of Prof. Landauer; "Nature's Story Books," I. "Sunshine," by Amy Johnson, illustrated.

The Clarendon Press :-"Mathematical Papers of the late Henry J. S. Smith, Savilian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford," with portrait and memoir, two vols.; "Plane Trigonometry without Imaginaries,' by R. C. J. Nixon; "A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism," by J. Clerk Maxwell, new edition; "A Manual of Crystallography,' by M. H. N. Story-Maskelyne; "Elementary Mechanics," by A. L. Selby; "Weismann's Lectures on Heredity," Vol. II., edited by E. B. Poulton, F.R.S.; Epidemic Influenza,' by F. A. Dixey.



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THE most important article in the numbers of the Journal of Botany for January and February is one by the late Dr. A. Barclay on rust and mildews in India. He shows that the years in which the grain-crops were deficient have been those in which the climatal conditions were favourable to the growth of parasitic fungi. The chief enemy to wheat in India is Puccinia rubigo-vera; and it is an interesting fact that while the acidioform of this Uredine occurs in Europe on Borraginaceous plants, no æcidium is known in India on any species of the order. Barclay believes that its life-history has a different course in India from that taken in Europe.-Mr. W. G. Smith reports the progress at present made in the commission which he has received from the Trustees of the British Museum to make a series of water-colour drawings of the whole of the British Basidiomycetes for the public gallery of the Department of Botany. A series of papers is commenced in these numbers on the first records of British flowering plants, by Mr. W. A. Clarke.

THE Bullettino of the Italian Botanical Society is now published apart from the Nuovo Giornale. The first number contains reports of the papers read at the annual meeting, held at Naples in August, and of the regular meetings held since till the end of the year, and of the discussions which followed. Among the more noteworthy papers may be mentioned the following:On a new carpellary theory, by Signor F. Pasquale, who maintains that the carpel is not derived, as has been generally supposed, from the modification of a single leaf, but from the concrescence of two, or sometimes of three leaves, which unite in the formation and nutrition of the ovules and seeds. On the floral structure and process of pollination in some species of Nigella, by Dr. A. Terracciano.-On the period of formation of the inflorescence within the bud of the vine, by Signor U. Martelli. On the non-sexual propagation of Cynomorium coccineum, by the same writer, who has established its parasitism on Atriplex nummularia.-Prof. G. Arcangeli also describes the results of experiments on the cultivation of this plant, which he finds to be parasitic on many hosts.-On earthquakes and vege tation, by Signor A. Goiran. He finds the effects of seismic motions in the earth to be the more rapid germination of seeds, as well as a more rapid growth of the young plant.-Signor E. Tanfani has a paper on the teaching of botany in gymnasia, which he considers to be in a very backward state in Italy.

THE Botanical Gazette for January contains two interesting original papers :-Herr A. F. Foerste speaks of the relationship of autumn- to spring-blossoming plants, and concludes that late autumn-flowering plants may be divided into two classes-those which have developed from summer-flowering plants by the increase in the number of internodes with their appendages and the gradual retardation of growth, and those which have developed from spring-blossoming plants by the premature development of buds destined to flower during the ensuing spring. Mr. H. L. Russell discourses on the effect of mechanical movement on the growth of certain plants. The experiments were made chiefly on certain yeast-fungi; and the general results were that the development of filaments was hindered by shaking; but that strong agitation greatly increases the activity of cell-division, while it diminishes the intensity of fermentation. This may be compared with the fact mentioned above relative to the effect of earthquakes on the growth of plants.

THE greater part of the number of the Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano for January is occupied by a paper by Signor A. Jatta, on the Lichens of Italy, accompanied by a very elaborate bibliography.-Signor C. Massolongo has a note on a floral monstrosity in Jasminum grandiflorum; and Dr. R. Cobelli a paper on the movements of the flower and fruit of Erodium gruinum. These movements belong to three organsthe calyx, the upper portion of the style, and the mericarp-and do not appear to be in any way connected with the pollination of the flower, since the species is apparently self-fertilized, and no pollinating insects were observed at any time upon it.



Physical Society, February 26.-Prof. W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S., Past President, in the chair.-Prof. S. P. Thompson, F.R.S., read a paper on modes of representing electromotive forces and currents in diagrams. The author said he had found it advantageous in some cases to depart from the usual methods of representation, and he now brought the subject before the Society in order to have it discussed and improvements suggested. To indicate the directions of currents in wires seen end-on, Mr. Swinburne had used circles with and without crosses, but no symbol had been suggested for wires not conveying currents. He (Prof. Thompson) thought the plain circle should be used for inactive wires. A circle with a dot in the middle could then be used to indicate that a current was flowing towards the observer, and a circle with a cross in it to represent a wire conveying a current away. These meanings could be recalled by considering the direction indicated by an arrow, the dot showing the tip of the arrow, and the cross the feathers. Some method of distinguishing between E. M. F. and current was required. For this he proposed to use thin-stemmed arrows with feathers for E.M.F.'s, and thick-stemmed ones without tails for currents. In the case of electrical transmission of energy, this convention had the important advantage that

where the two arrows had the same direction, energy was being given to the system, and where the arrows were opposite, energy was leaving it. Mr. Maycock, he said, had recently published a simple rule for finding the direction of magnetic force due to a current of known direction in a wire. Grasp the wire with the right hand, the thumb pointing in the direction of the current ; the fingers will then encircle the wire in the direction of the magnetic force. Dr. Fleming's well-known rule for induced currents was also a right-hand rule, but as it referred to the direction of currents, another rule was necessary when considering motors. By making the rule refer to E.M.F.'s, only one rule was required for generators and motors. For alternating currents the author found it convenient to draw polar curves analogous to Zeuner's valve diagrams. Suppose a line OP (Fig. 1), representing the maximum value of an E. M. F. or B


D FIG. 1.

current whose magnitude is a sine function of the time, to revolve at uniform velocity about o; the intercepts oq, oq', &c., cut off by circles OQB, OQ'D, will represent the magnitudes at the times corresponding to the positions Op and OP'. The effect of lag can also be represented in such diagrams. In cases where the variables are not sine functions, the curves OQB and oQ'D are no longer circles. Polar diagrams representing the E.M. F. and current curves obtained by Prof. Ryan in his transformer experiments were exhibited, and a working diagram, illustrating the changes in three-phase currents, was shown. To show the directions of induced E. M.F.'s in diagrams of dynamos and motors, diagonal shading of the pole-faces was sometimes convenient; the lines over north poles being drawn from left to right downwards in the direction of the middle stroke of the letter N, and those over south poles from left to right upwards. A conductor passing over a north pole from left to right would have an E.M.F. induced in a downward direction, as indicated by the slope of the diagonal lines. This method of representation was used to show the ways of connecting up multipolar drum armatures, the winding being supposed cut along a generating line, unwrapped from the core, and laid out flat in the manner adopted by Fritsche. In connection with armatures, the author said a formula had been published by means of which the nature of a winding consisting of a given number of convolutions, and to be used with a given number of poles, could be predetermined. This, he thought, would be very useful in practice. Mr. Blakesley said the old method of representing alternate current magnitudes by means of the projections of revolving lines, seemed preferable, for it left no ambiguity as to the directions of the quantities. The method of shading the poles also required that the direction in which the diagram was to be viewed should be known before the direction of the E.M.F. could be determined. Mr. Swinburne suggested that the author might use a bow to represent E.M. F., and an arrow for current. He was glad to see that Prof. Thompson recognized the differences in dynamos and motors, and approved of the view that mnemonic rules should refer to E.M.F. and. not to current. The diagrams of drum windings would be very useful, and he hoped the author would make the subject clear to ordinary workmen in the next edition of "Dynamo-Electric Machinery." Prof. Perry considered it undesirable to use polar curves for anything but circles. In his opinion it was not sufficiently known that any curve can be split up into a series of sine curves, and each component dealt with separately; the separate results being added together in the end. Mr. Swinburne pointed out that before one could analyze a curve in this way, the curve must be known, and would probably have to be determined ex

perimentally. If means for finding one curve are available, any other required curve could probably be found by the same apparatus; hence there was no need for analysis. Prof. Perry remarked that experiments could not be made on a machine before the machine was built; whereas the E. M. F. curve could be predetermined from its design. By analysis, its current curves, when working under various conditions, could be found. Prof. Ayrton, referring to the mnemonic character of the modes of representation described by Dr. Thompson, suggested that the symbols in the author's book should be more mnemonic. He himself was in the habit of using large letters for currents and small ones for resistances: A and a for the armature, S and s for series, and Z and for the shunt, currents and resistances, respectively, and σ and for the series and shunt turns. He also found the following "electromotive force" rule very convenient. Draw three rectangular axes, OM, OF, and OE, as shown in Fig. 2. If, then, oF represents the direction of the E

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force (magnetic), Oм that of the motion, then OE shows the direction of the induced E. M.F. Dr. Thompson, in replying, said he thought Mr. Blakesley had misunderstood what had been said, for no ambiguity existed. In describing the windings of armatures, difficulty arose from want of proper names for the various elements, and in his forthcoming work suitable names had been given. To Prof. Ayrton he pointed out that in his book he (Dr. Thompson) had used mnemonic characters, for Ya, 7's, and r‚ represented the resistances of armature, shunt, and series magnet coils respectively. The symbol I for current had also been recommended for adoption by the Frankfort Committee. He objected to Greek letters except for specific quantities, such as angles, specific inductive capacities, refractive indices, &c. He appreciated the simplicity of Prof. Ayrton's E. M. F. rule, but thought it would be better to rotate OE and OF through a right angle about OM, thus giving Fig. 3.-A paper on


FIG. 3.


the flexure of long pillars under their own weight, by Prof. M. Fitzgerald, was read by Mr. Blakesley. The subject of upright pillars fixed at the base and free at the top is treated mathematically, the differential equation being integrated in two series, involving ascending powers of the variable. Putting L for the ratio of length to diameter, the results, when applied to thin steel tubes and rods, for which Young's modulus is taken as 12,000 tons per square inch, show that the limiting height (in feet) of pillars which can stand without bending is given by 15 × 106 for tubes; and H = 7.5 x 106 for rods. If L2 L= 100, the maximum height of a tube is 1500 feet, the diameter being 15 feet. For wires, L may have larger values,

H =


and the limiting length of a No. 28 B. W. A. steel wire, is about 10 feet. In the case of pillars whose neutral axes are constrained to be vertical both at top and bottom, the results show that a definite ratio must exist between the bending moments producing the constraints.-A paper on choking coils, by Prof. Perry, F.R.S., and a description of the uses of Rice's choking coils for regulating the brilliancy of incandescent lamps, by Mr. Hammer, were postponed until next meeting.

Linnean Society, March 3.-Prof. Stewart, President, in the chair.-A letter was read from the Home Secretary, conveying the thanks of Her Majesty the Queen for the address of condolence which had been forwarded on behalf of the Society on the death of H. R. H. the Duke of Clarence and Avondale.The President announced the presentation by Sir Joseph Hooker to the Society of two medallion portraits of Sir James Ross and Dr. John Richardson, whose names are well known in connection with Arctic exploration. The medallions were executed in 1843 by the late Bernhard Smith. A vote of thanks to the donor was passed unanimously.-Mr. Clement Reid exhibited a collection of fossil plants and seeds which he had found associated with the bones of Rhinoceros and other mammals in the neighbourhood of Selsea, and West Wittering. By means of diagrams Mr. Reid showed the exact position of the bed, and described the condition in which the various specimens were deposited.-On behalf of Mr. W. E. Beckwith, of Shrewsbury, Mr. H. Seebohm exhibited a specimen of White's Thrush (Turdus varius) which had been shot near Shrewsbury on January 14 last. He pointed out that this species, which inhabits Eastern Asia, belongs to the sub-genus Oreocincla, an exclusively Eastern group of ground Thrushes, and is the only one which is Palearctic and migratory. It does not breed anywhere west of the Yenisei, and its occurrence in Europe is accidental. Mr. Seebohm added that it had been met with twice in France, four times in Italy, three times in Belgium, once or twice in Austria and Prussia, once in Norway, thirteen times in Heligoland (between 1827 and 1884), and about a score of times in the British Islands, including three occurrences in Ireland, and one in the extreme south of Scotland.-On behalf of Mr. A. Craig Christie, the Secretary exhibited some specimens, as was supposed, of Lycopodium complanatum, collected in Scotland, on which it was suggested that the plant might be regarded as British. In the opinion, however, of Mr. James Groves, who had carefully examined the specimens, and other botanists present, they were referable to L. alpinum. Mr. Groves pointed out the distinctive characters of both. Mr. Carruthers was of opinion that L. complanatum had been met with in the south of England, but not within the last ten years. Mr. E. M. Holmes was under the impression he had seen it growing a few years ago near Stroud.-A paper was then read by Mr. A. D. Michael, on variations in the internal anatomy, and especially the genital organs, of the Gamasina, a typical sub-family of the Acari. In this paper the author gave the results of two years' research, including many hundreds of dissections and serial sections, with lengthy observations of the living creatures. The comparison of variable organs was worked out in numerous species, showing great specific differences. Four of the species were found to be previously undescribed, and for these the names Hamogamasus horridus, H. nidi, Lelaps oribatoides, and L. ligoniformis were proposed.

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Royal Microscopical Society, February 17.-Dr. R. Braithwaite, President, in the chair.-Prof. F. Jeffrey Bell said that he had, in accordance with the resolution passed at the last meeting, forwarded a copy of the message of condolence from the Society to the Prince of Wales, to General Sir Dighton Probyn, and he had received the following letter of acknowledgment :-" Sandringham, Norfolk.-General Sir Dighton Probyn, Comptroller and Treasurer of the Household, is desired to convey to the members of the Royal Microscopical Society' the heartfelt thanks of the Prince and Princess of Wales for the Society's kind resolution, expressing sympathy for their Royal Highnesses in their deep affliction.-January 25, 1891."-Mr. Watson exhibited and described a new vertical camera for photomicrography designed upon the same lines as that used by Dr. Van Heurck.-The President then read his annual address, postponed from the last meeting under the special circumstances then mentioned. The subject chosen was the impregnation and modes of reproduction in Ferns and Mosses; diagrams in illustration were exhibited and explained and specimens were also shown under microscopes.-A cordia

vote of thanks, proposed by the Rev. Canon Carr and seconded by Prof. Groves, was given to the President for his valuable address. Mr. J. J. Vezey moved that the best thanks of the Society be given to its officers, and also to the auditors and scrutineers for their services during the year.-The President declared the motion to be carried by acclamation.-Prof. Bell thanked the Society on behalf of himself and the other officers, at the same time calling attention to the special services rendered by the Treasurer, Mr. Frank Crisp.-The following are the names of the members of the new Council, who met for the first time at this meeting :-President: Dr. R. Braithwaite. Vice-Presidents: Mr. A. W. Bennett, Prof. J. W. Groves, Mr. G. C. Karop, and Mr. A. D. Michael. Treasurer: Mr. Frank Crisp. Secretaries: Prof. F. Jeffrey Bell and the Rev. Dr. W. H. Dallinger. Ordinary members: Dr. Lionel S. Beale, Rev. E. Carr, Mr. James Glaisher, Dr. R. G. Hebb, Mr. E. M. Nelson, Mr. T. H. Powell, Prof. Urban Pritchard, Mr. W. W. Reeves, Prof. C. Stewart, Mr. W. T. Suffolk, Mr. C. Tyler, and Mr. F. H. Ward.


Academy of Sciences, March 7.-M. d'Abbadie in the chair. -Fermentation of blood, by MM. Berthelot and G. André. The blood of cattle, defibrinated, was fermented for 130 days in a water-bath at 35°. The paper contains an account of the products of the fermentation. It will be published in greater detail in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique.-On the distribution in latitude of solar phenomena observed at the Royal Observatory of the Roman College during the second half of 1891, by M. P. Tacchini. (See Our Astronomical Column.)-Phenomena observed at Kalocsa, on the large group of spots of February 1892, by M. J. Fényi. A promin ence, 124" high, was observed in the position 220°-230°, as the recent large spot-group was crossing the limb.-On the impossibility of certain movements, by MM. A. de Saint-Germain and L. Lecornu.-On the movement of a conical pendulum, by M. de Sparre. On electro-capillary phenomena, by M. Alphonse Berget. On the co-existence of dielectric power and electrolytic conductivity, by M. E. Bouty. It appears from the experiments described that the dielectric constant only varies slightly under conditions which produce an enormous increase of conductivity. Thus, water and ice have sensibly the same dielectric constant, whilst the conductivity may vary from I to 10 or 10.-On the thermal conductivity of crystalline bodies, by M. Charles Soret.-Rule for finding the number and nature of accidentals of the gamut in a tone and a given mode, by M. Pierre Lefebvre.-On the density of aqueous solutions, by M. Georges Charpy. The author concludes from his results that the variation of the density of a solution, as a function of the concentration, is a complex phenomenon, and cannot be used in studying the state of the dissolved body. There is no reason why the solution at which the maximum density is reached should be regarded as corresponding to a definite hydrate.-' Compounds of gaseous ammonia with boron iodide and bromide, by M. A. Besson. Synthesis of the minerals crocoisite and phoenicite (phornicochroite), by M. C. Luedeking.-On the value of the primary alcoholic function, by M. de Forcrand. On the production of quinine di-iodomethoxide from cupreïne, by MM. E. Grimaux and A. Arnaud.-A study of the velocity of decomposition of diazo-compounds by water, by MM. P. Th. Muller and J. Hausser. The law according to which sulphanilic acid is decomposed is expressed by the for mula C log. nat. in which is the time, C a conA stant, A the total nitrogen that can be evolved, and x the amount of nitrogen evolved. C is independent of the concentration.-Action of capryl iodide on trimethylamine in aqueous solution, in equimolecular proportions; formation, when heated, of dimethylcaprylamine; production in the cold of caprylene, by MM. H. and A. Malbot.-New synthesis of tartaric acid, by M. P. Genvresse. (See Notes.)On the pyloric secretion of the dog, by M. Ch. Contejean.New rings or intercalary rings of nerve-ducts (tubes nerveux), produced by the impregnation of silver, by M. Benjamin Ségall. On two new species of Streptothrix, Cohn, and on the place of this genus in the classification, by MM. C. Sauvageau and M. Radais. -History of the Garcinia of the sub-group Xanthochymus, by M. J. Vesque.-On the magnetic disturbance and the aurora borealis of March 6, 1892, by M. Th. Moureaux. Disturbances similar to those of

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February 13-14, but less violent, were registered by the Parc Saint-Maur instruments on March 6-7-On the magnetic storm of February 13-14, by M. H. Wild. A comparison of the records made by instruments at Pawlowsk with those obtained at Parc Saint-Maur shows that, although the recent magnetic storm commenced at approximately the same time, the variations at the two places were in the opposite directions. Other differences have been observed in the two records.-Qn the atmospheric, magnetic, and seismic disturbances of February 1892, by M. Ch. V. Zenger. The author has marshalled facts to show that magnetic storms, cyclones, snow-storms, discharges of atmospheric electricity, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions occur simultaneously.-On three fossil human skeletons found in the Baousse- Roussé grottos, in Italy, by M. Émile Rivière.


BOOKS.-Phases of Animal Life: R. Lydekker (Longmans).-Meteorological Observations made at the Adelaide Observatory, &c., during the Year 1889 (Adelaide).-The Rationale of Mesmerism: A. P. Sinnett (Kegan Paul).-Zoological Record, 1890 (Gurney and Jackson).Elements of Economics of Industry: Prof. A. Marshall (Macmillan). Elementary Mathematical Astronomy: C. W. C. Barlow and G. H. Bryan (Clive).-The Dietetic Value of Bread: J. Goodfellow (Macmillan).-Air and Water: Prof. V. B. Lewes (Methuen).- Le Climat de la Belgique, 1891: A. Lancaster (Bruxelles, Hayez) -Soils and Manures: Dr. J. M. H. Munro (Cassell).-Longmans' School Geography for North America: G. G. Chisholm and C. H. Leete, 2nd edition (Longmans).-Precious Stones and Gems: E. W. Streeter, 5th edition (Bell).-The Oak: Prof. H. M. Ward (Kegan Paul).-The, Labrador Coast: Dr. A. S. Packard (Kegan Paul). Contribution à l'Etude de la Morphologie et du Developpement des Bactériacées: A. Billet (Dulau).-Bateaux et Navires: Marquis de Folin (Paris, Baillière).-Diseases of the Nose: Dr. G. Macdonald, 2nd edition (Watt)-Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, vol. iii. (Calcutta). -A Short Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry: Dr. H. Kolbe, translated and edited by Dr. T. S. Humpidge, 3rd edition (Longmans).— Laboratory Practice: Dr. J. P. Cooke (Kegan Paul).-Catalogue of the Specimens illustrating the Osteology of Vertebrated Animals recent and extinct, contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Part 3, Class Aves: Dr. R. B. Sharpe (Taylor and Francis).

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