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Laplace, Lagrange, and Bezont. We find that Lagrange knew that the discriminant of a binary quantic of the second order is an invariant of the linear transformation. He did not, however, express either the discriminant or the determinant of transformation in a determinant form.


The Theory of Determinants in the Historical Order of The author critically examines the claim of Laplace to be
its Development. Part I. Determinants in General.
By Thomas Muir, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.E. (London:
Macmillan and Co., 1890.)


HE theory of determinants is in that borderland which separates the "pass" from the "honour" student of pure mathematics. In elementary text-books the subject is rarely more than introduced for the purpose of representing some result of geometry or analysis in a convenient, beautiful, and suggestive form. The essential properties of a determinant are not set forth, but the student is perhaps referred for further information to one or other of the two excellent treatises which are already at our disposal in the English language, viz. those of Mr. Muir and of Mr. R. F. Scott. The value of the idea thus given to a student of the shape and convenient use

of a great analytical implement is beyond all question. His imagination and curiosity are alike excited, and the "trick" possibly prevents his passage through life under the delusion that all mathematics are comprised within the covers of the school-books. The honour student, as a matter of course, reads some work on the subject, and is as surely enchanted. He cannot fail to recognize the power and beauty of the notation. He observes that the object of his study is constructive in its nature. He becomes convinced that pure mathematics is one of the fine arts, and just as a beautiful picture gives pleasure to one who understands painting, just as a fine piece of sculpture delights one who understands modelling, so he sees unfolded to his intellectual eye an exquisite example of constructive art, which his previous mathematical reading has fitted him to understand and appreciate, and to regard as a beautiful object of contemplation. The theory of determinants is one of the most artistic subdivisions of mathematical science, and accordingly has never wanted enthusiastic admirers. It is most gratifying to find such an authority as Mr. Muir devoting his leisure to its historical development. Any mathematician taking up this volume would anticipate a treat, and he would not be disappointed. In this first instalment the reader is taken from Leibnitz (1693) to Cauchy (1841). Mr. Muir assigns a chief place of honour to Vandermonde (1771), who, in his "Mémoire sur l'Élimination" (Hist. de l'Acad. Roy. des Sciences), denoted a function formed from the coefficients of a set of linear equations by a symbolism which is at once recognized as a condensed form of the determinant matrix of the present day. He was the first to give a connected exposition of the theory, and to give the true fundamental properties of the new functions. His notation, moreover, was exceedingly good, and much superior to that adopted by some subsequent writers who overlooked or neglected his important work.

Vandermonde has also recently received justice, long denied him, in other branches of analysis, and there is now no doubt that the value and originality of his work entitle him to a place in the ranks of the mathematical pioneers of his time. Up to the close of the eighteenth century the most noteworthy additions were made by

the discoverer of the expansion theorem. He finds that although the case in which as many as possible of the factors of the terms of the expansion are of the second

degree had already been given by Vandermonde, and Laplace himself did not give a statement of the rule suited for general application, the claim can in the main be upheld. Hindenburg (1784) and Rothe (1800) took up the subject in Germany, and between them constructed an elementary theory of permutations. Rothe, it is interesting to observe, employed a graphical method which will remind the reader of Prof. Sylvester's modern constructive theory of partitions. Gauss (1801) followed, and then we come to the important papers of Binet (1811) and Cauchy (1812). These memoirs establish the multiplication theorem in its full generalization. The method

adopted by Binet may be described as that of symmetric functions, which he uses freely. He employs identities

of the type

Zab'd' = ZaΣbΣc + 2Σabc ΣαΣε ZbZca - ZeZab, having reference to several systems of quantities. He was not, however, sufficiently acquainted with the theory of such functions; and was unable to supply rigid proofs of the theorems in determinants which, from his point of view, rested upon these identities. Nowadays, the identity in question will be recognized as the expression of an "elementary" symmetric function (single unitary, and having three parts in its partition) by means of symmetric functions each of which is expressible symbolically by a partition composed of one tripartite part. The law of the coefficients, undivulged by Binet, is now perfectly well known. It is, in fact, an easy generalization of the law by which, in the case of a single system of quantities, the elementary symmetric functions are expressed as functions of the sums of powers of the quantities. Cauchy at the same date (1812) introduced the idea of "fonctions symétriques alternées," which led him to a new symbolic definition of a determinant and to many valuable results. Mr. Muir devotes several pages to an examination of Cauchy's title to share with Binet the credit of the generalized multiplication theorem. He gives his decision against Cauchy, and probably the reader who closely follows the argument will find himself in accord with the historian. Notwithstanding this conclusion, Cauchy's memoir is excellent in quality and abundant in quantity; he "opened up a whole avenue of fresh investigation, and one cannot but assign to him the place of highest honour among all the workers from 1693 to 1812."

A retrospect is given of the period 1693-1812 accompanied by an interesting tabular record. As a means of reference the work appears to be absolutely perfect. Each new result as it appears is marked in Roman figures; and if the same result be obtained differently, or be generalized by a subsequent investigator, the same Roman figure is employed, followed by an Arabic numeral. It is found that to this point nearly every important advance is due to French mathematicians.

During the second period (1813-1841) the chief names are Cauchy, Schweins, Jacobi, and Sylvester; to these may be added Desnanot and Scherk, to whom fresh departures, of less extent, are due. Schweins himself may be said to have been discovered by Mr. Muir. This author (1825) deals with the subject under the title "Theorie der Producte mit Versetzungen." He made a notable generalization described as the transformation of an aggregate of products of pairs of determinants into another aggregate of similar kind. He further discussed special forms, and, it is clear, possessed a firm grasp of his subject.

The work of Jacobi and Sylvester, and the further work of Cauchy will be more or less familiar to mathematicians. Germany has passed to the first place; and the occurrence of Sylvester's name in the history marks a revival of learning in pure mathematics in England. The volume is remarkable for the study it presents in nomenclature and notation. There is an extraordinary variety in the symbolism. It is easy to observe the distinctive characters of French and German notation that are so marked at the present day. It is well known that much lies in an appropriate notation. Every young mathematician with a predilection for original work should read this book, to note the power of suitable symbols, to grasp the reason of their power, and, above all, to see what to avoid.

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The book also points a moral which is not far to seek. It would be easy to pick out many such phrases as, 66 was acquainted with the writings of very few of his predecessors "; was unaware apparently of the existence of a theory of determinants"; "hasty, if not contemptuous, disregard of historical research." To this tendency to work on without proper attention to previous work is doubtless due in some measure the unfortunate multiplication of names and symbolisms which is so perplexing and irritating to a reader. This failure to collaborate with others can only retard the progress of the science. It is perfectly true that great original thinkers, like Gauss, Cauchy, Jacobi, and Sylvester, may take liberties of this kind; and the fact of their doing so may even be beneficial to the subject, as resulting in memoirs of more unfettered originality. But this is not so in the case of lesser men. In taking leave of this fascinating history one can look forward to Part II. with sincere pleasure, which is not diminished by the knowledge that the later developments have been largely due to our countrymen. We have yet to see Sylvester's most powerful investigations, and all Cayley's researches ; and, finally, the successive steps by which the lofty heights of the theory of matrices and the theory of multiple algebra (involving the generalization of quaternions) have been attained. P. A. M.

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position held by the author, seem to call for more detailed notice of this work than is usually accorded to a new edition.

The "Anthropogenie," which was first published in 1874, is the third of the series of books in which Prof. Haeckel has attempted to determine the laws governing the form, structure, and mutual relations of living things, and to establish the general principles of biological science. The first of these, under the title "Generelle Morphologie," appeared in 1866, almost simultaneously with the completion of Herbert Spencer's "Principles of Biology." It is a comprehensive and ambitious work, which, in its author's words,

"constituted the first attempt to apply the general doctrine of development to the whole range of organic morphology, . . . and to introduce the Darwinian theory of descent into the systematic classification of animals and plants, and to found a 'natural system' on the basis of genealogy; that is, to construct hypothetical pedigrees for the various species of organisms."

It contains also the first systematic attempt to deal in detail with the ancestry of man, as regards the groups of animals lower than mammals. This is, perhaps, the most solid piece of work Prof. Haeckel has done; it contains much matter of great value, and discussions and speculations of extreme ingenuity and interest. Later discoveries have rendered much of it obsolete, but it still remains the most important work of its kind; and but for its somewhat cumbersome terminology, would be

widely read even now. The "Natural History of Creation," first published in 1868, goes over a good deal

of the same ground as the earlier work, but is written in a much more popular style, and aims at presenting in a form suited to the general reader the main arguments on detailed application of the theory to the principal groups which the Darwinian theory is based, together with a of animals, and an attempt to determine their mutual relations and lines of descent. The "Anthropogenie," the book now before us, is a more elaborate application of the same principles to the special problem of the evolution

of man.

In the new edition the general arrangement remains much the same as before; but, in order to include the book has been re-written, and new chapters have been results of more recent investigations, a great part of the added on subjects that have attracted especial attention of late years, such as the Gastræa theory, the Coelom theory, and the nature and origin of segmentation. A large number of new figures have been inserted, and the genealogical tables, for which Prof. Haeckel has a special fondness, have been greatly increased in number, and in elaboration of detail.

The book, which is adapted rather for the general reader than the scientific student, is written in an attractive and popular style, and presents the main facts of vertebrate embryology in an intelligible and well illustrated form. As might be expected from his former writings, the main feature of Prof. Haeckel's work is a detailed exposition and vigorous defence of what he has named "the fundamental law of biogenesis," better known in this country as the recapitulation theory, according to which the actual or ontogenetic development of a animal is a repetition of the ancestral or phylogenetic

development of the species; or, to put it more simply, animals in their development climb up their own genealogical trees. This is now generally accepted by embryo. logists, but it has not always been so, and Haeckel reminds us, with justice, that he was one of the first to realize and teach the doctrine.

Prof. Haeckel has much to say on other points of theoretical interest. He protests strongly against Weismann's views with regard to heredity, pointing out that the very existence of germ-plasma is as yet a mere assumption, and maintaining that acquired characters may be and are actually transmitted. He objects equally strongly to the views as to the widespread occurrence of degeneration, which were first put forward by Dr. Dohrn; and on the much-debated question of the origin of Vertebrates he sides with those who fully accept the evidence afforded by the anatomy and development of Amphioxus; he admits the Vertebrate affinities of Balanoglossus, and looks for the ancestors of Vertebrates among the unsegmented Turbellarian worms. As a controversialist Prof. Haeckel is impressive rather than convincing. He hits hard and with effect, but prefers to counter rather than to parry the blows of his opponent. It is impossible to pass over without protest the terms in which he writes it must be admitted under provocation-of the opinions and work of other investigators.

Prof. Haeckel's fondness for genealogical trees, and his facility in constructing them, are well known and have been much criticized, perhaps a little unfairly. Acceptance of the doctrine of evolution involves the recognition of a blood-relationship, near or remote, between any one animal and any other; and the only true classification is one which places this fact in the forefront, and adopts it as the basis on which the scheme is to rest. Genealogical tables undoubtedly stimulate inquiry, and so long as it is realized that they are necessarily in great part tentative or provisional, they probably will do more good than harm. It would be easy to take exception to many points in Prof. Haeckel's numerous and elaborate pedigrees, but it will be generally admitted that they are instructive, and often extremely suggestive, even though the conclusions may not meet with general acceptance.

The least satisfactory part of the book is that which deals with human embryology. No attempt whatever is made to explain the earlier stages of development; the special difficulties of the problem are absolutely ignored; the human gastrula is spoken of in a confident way, as though such a stage really existed; and the accounts of the development of the several organs and systems are too often taken from other animals. A student who relied on Prof. Haeckel's descriptions would obtain an entirely erroneous idea of the actual course of development of the human embryo.

Owing to the difficulty of obtaining material in proper condition for microscopical examination, our acquaintance with human embryology long remained imperfect; and the descriptions in text-books were largely based on our knowledge of other Vertebrates, and illustrated by figures from embryos of dogs, pigs, rabbits, or even chicken and dogfish. The time for all this is now past. During the last ten years our knowledge has advanced wonderfully; and although the earliest stages are still unknown,

it is not too much to say that our knowledge of the development of the human embryo, from a stage corresponding to a chick embryo at the commencement of the second | day onwards, is as satisfactory, as complete, and as well illustrated as that of any other mammal.

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For this great advance we are indebted almost entirely to the labours of German embryologists, and notably to the splendid work of Prof. His. Prof. Haeckel has in his volume many hard things to say of Prof. His, but is indebted to him for the only really good figures of human embryos which he gives, and would have materially improved his book had he studied more carefully the admirable descriptions of the Leipzig Professor. It is a matter for great regret that a book of 900 pages, having for its title, "Anthropogenie, oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen," should be allowed to appear in which the account of the actual development of the human embryo is so inadequate or even erroneous.


A. M. M.

By E. 368 pages.

Philosophical Notes on Botanical Subjects. Bonavia, M.D. With 160 Illustrations. (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1892.) DR. BONAVIA'S philosophy is concerned with the evolution of vegetable organisms, and the gist of it is that all land-plants have descended from sea-weeds. He sees modifications and traces developments not obvious to ordinary observers, and he is prepared for derisive criticism. To quote from his preface:-" The fact is that, in this stage of existence, certain thoughts are often a great by day, they turn up by night, they turn up in the mornworry. One often cannot get rid of them. They turn up ing, and they haunt one at all times, and the only remedy for mitigating this worry of civilization is to commit them to paper. This done, there are several ways of disposing of your written thoughts. You can burn the papers they are written upon or otherwise destroy them, or you can leave them in a drawer as a legacy to your heirs! neither of these processes can you entirely give yourself repose, then the most effective way of ridding yourself of the worry of such thoughts is to have them published (if any publisher will perform this kind office), and to see them adversely criticized if anyone will even take so much trouble."

If by

As the book before us testifies, Dr. Bonavia's worry reached the acute stage, and he is so far relieved as to have found a publisher; but we do not propose to gratify him by adverse criticism. We prefer giving one short extract from his sixteen "general conclusions":

"Fifteenth :-The fig is obviously a further developAnd there is every reason to believe that the oil glands ment of a conceptacle of a Fucus or other sea-weed. of the bark, leaves, and peel of the Citrus, and similar glands in other plants, are mere remnants of sea-weed conceptacles-that is, persistent features turned to other W. B. H.


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The Zoological Record for 1890. Edited by Frank E. Beddard. (London: Gurney and Jackson, 1892.) THIS is the twenty-seventh volume of the Record of Zoological Literature, and it has been prepared on the same plan as the volume published last year. First of all there is a list of works on general subjects, by J. A. Thomson. Then come the titles of writings on the folBowdler Sharpe; Reptilia, Batrachia, and Pisces, by lowing:--Mammalia, by R. Lydekker; Aves, by R. G. A. Boulenger; Tunicata, by W. A. Herdman; Mollusca, Brachiopoda, and Polyzoa, by P. C. Mitchell;

Crustacea, by C. Warburton; Arachnida and Myriopoda, by R. Innes Pocock; Insecta, by D. Sharp; Echinodermata, by E. A. Minchin; Vermes, by P. C. Mitchell; Coelenterata, by S. J. Hickson; Spongiæ, by E. A. Minchin; Protozoa, by C. Warburton. The utmost pains have been taken to make the lists complete and accurate, and to students of zoology they are practically indispensable. In the introduction to Mammalia, Mr. Lydekker notes that the number of new recent species is extraordinarily large. He adds, however, that this is "due to the elevation to specific rank of a host of North American forms which would be regarded by most zoologists as varieties." No fewer than forty of the new species" belong to this category.



[The Editor does not hold himself responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. Neither can he undertake to return, or to correspond with the writers of, rejected manuscripts intended for this or any other part of NATURE. No notice is taken of anonymous communications.]

Sun Pillar.

A REMARKABLY well-defined instance of this phenomenon was seen by me at this place (460 feet above mean sea-level) this afternoon. At 5.32 p.m. the sun was sinking behind a thick layer of stratus cloud. There was a bank of dust haze, so defined as almost to resemble cirrus, which apparently formed a background to the clouds. When the phenomenon was first noticed, about three-quarters of the sun's disk was below the edge of the cloud bank; and from the centre of that portion of the disk visible there rose a tall column of brilliant light, exending upwards to about 5°, of the same width as the apparent

I had noticed, a quarter of an hour previously, that the rays of the sun, when behind a cloud, stood out in an unusually solid and clearly defined manner. There was a good deal of anticyclonic stratus (about 5000 feet) at the time, and the upper part of the atmosphere was more hazy than is usual with a north-east wind at this period of the year. At the earth's surface the wind had dropped to an almost perfect calm. Lutterworth, March 5. ANNIE LEY.

New Comet.

THE comet discovered here on the evening of Friday, March 18, is extremely small, though not very faint, and it has a decided central condensation or nucleus. Its position at about 8h. 30m., March 18, was roughly determined as R. A. 341°, Decl. N. 59. The comet was therefore situated in Cepheus, and about 3 east-north-east of the star Delta in that constellation.

On March 19, at 8h., I reobserved the comet, and found its rate and direction of motion to be 47' of arc east, and 12' north. It will therefore shortly traverse Cassiopeia.

The comet was discovered with a 10 inch reflecting telescope, with eye-piece magnifying 40 times, and having a field of 65' of arc. W. F. DENNING.

Bristol, March 21.

[This is stated to be Winnecke's comet.-ED.]

First Visible Colour of Incandescent Iron. DURING the discussion which followed the reading of the raper on "Colour Photometry" by Captain Abney and General Fe-ting at the Royal Society on January 28, some interesting remarks were made by Lord Rayleigh as to the colour exhibited by heated iron when raised to such a temperature as only to be just visible in a dark room.

Lord Rayleigh stated that Weber, who, so far as I know, first drew attention to this subject, described the first visible light as a greenish-grey. Lord Rayleigh himself repeated the experi

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diameter of the sun, and narrowing almost to a point as it touched the sun's rim. This convergence became more marked as the rest of the disk disappeared, until at the point at which the latter was finally lost to sight the apex appeared to rest on the edge of the cloud bank. The cone-shaped part at the base of the pillar was the most luminous portion, and glowed with a brilliant orange-red tint, which gradually merged into the yellowwhite of the upper part of the column. The effect lasted for some minutes after the sun's disappearance, but the pillar lost its conical base and became less defined, while the clouds receding gave the appearance of the base of the pillar having risen in the sky.

ment by making a piece of thin iron part of the wall of a very dark room, and heating the iron gradually by a Bunsen burner upon the other side. Lord Rayleigh could not satisfy himself as to the greenish tint, but was satisfied that no redness was apparent.

It struck me that a very convenient method of trying this experiment would be to introduce a round bar of heated iron into a thin sleeve, as shown in the annexed sketch, the sleeve being closed with a cover lined with asbestos. In this way the heat would slowly penetrate the sleeve, and the observers could note the first appearance of visibility and the changes of colour that followed.

I accordingly had two sleeves prepared, one of turned and polished iron, the other left with a thick coating of oxide. Two sets of experiments, in each of which six observers took part, were made. In each set of experiments three observations were made with the polished, and three with the oxidized sleeve. In each case the observers were in the dark room for some minutes before the experiments began.

In the first set of experiments the observers gave their opinion, at the conclusion of the experiments, as a body, that the first appearance of colour was a greyish-white; as the sleeve became hotter the colour was yellow, and gradually changed into orange. There was little or no difference between the observers as to the instant of visibility; it was generally over a minute before the sleeve became visible, the light generally showing first on the generating line of the cylinder between the eye and the axis.

There was no difference in colour between the bright and the oxidized sleeves.

In the second set of experiments, the observers had no communication with one another, had no idea what colour they were expected to see, and their impressions were written down separately and independently. Their impressions were as follow, the observers being designated by a, B, &c. :

(a) First colour visible, grey white, second colour white with a little mauve, third pale rose, fourth orange. The above was the first experiment (polished metal). The other experiments showed same colour, but no mauve seen. In the last experiment (a very low heat) the colour never passed beyond a pale yellow.

(B) For all experiments, first grey white, second yellow, third orange. Last experiment, nɔ orange.

(7) For all experiments except last, first white, second yellow, third orange.

(8) For all experiments except last, first grey white, gradually becoming warmer till it reached orange.

(e) First white like phosphorus in the dark, gradually getting to rose, and winding up with a reddish-orange not reached in the last experiment.

(C) First white with a dark shade, second yellow, third orange; no difference in any of the experiments except the last, where the temperature was lower, and the orange was not reached.

I may add that the temperature of the heating bar was a little reduced each experiment, the colours changed very slowly, and gave ample time for observation. A. NOBLE.


Poincaré's" Thermodynamics."

M. TAIT ne répond pas à mon objection sous prétexte qu'elle sans importance. Je maintiens que nous n'avons aucun moyen non seulement d'assigner l'origine des forces électromotrices Thomson, mais encore d'en constater l'existence. Si M. Tait veut répondre, et s'il connait ce moyen, qu'il l'indique. Dans le cas contraire, s'il n'est pas en mesure de soutenir une quelconque de ses critiques, et s'il préfère un autre terrain de discussion, je suis prêt à l'y suivre.

Seulement je serai forcé d'être un peu plus long, car il me faudra passer en revue les trois reproches de M. Tait.

(1) La forme de mon ouvrage est trop mathématique. C'est là une appréciation personnelle dont il n'y a pas à disputer. Je veux bien d'ailleurs d'une polémique sur une question de doctrine, mais non d'un procès de tendance où je jouerais le rôle d'accusé.

Toutefois il est certain que je consacre relativement peu de place à la description des expériences, et on aurait le droit de s'en étonner si je n'en donnais l'explication. Mon livre est la reproduction textuelle de mon cours; or mes auditeurs avaient tous suivi déjà un cours de physique expérimentale, où ces expériences leur étaient décrites en détail. Je n'avais donc qu'à leur en rappeler brièvement les résultats.

(2) J'ai mal parlé de la définition de la température absolue. Autant que je puis comprendre, M. Tait ne trouve pas ma définition mauvaise, et n'en propose pas une autre ; mais, dit-il, j'aurais dû parler des expériences de Joule et Thomson, qui permettent de mesurer la température absolue.

Or j'ai décrit ces expériences à la page 164, et j'ai montré à la page 169 comment elles permettent de déterminer la température absolue.

(3) J'ai laissé complètement de côté une explication mécanique du principe de Clausius que M. Tait appelle "the true (.e. the statistical) basis of the second Law of Thermodynamics."

Je n'ai pas parlé de cette explication, qui me paraît d'ailleurs assez peu satisfaisante, parce que je désirais rester complètement en dehors de toutes les hypotheses moléculaires quelque ingénieuses qu'elles puissent être; et en particulier j'ai passé sous silence la théorie cinétique des gaz. H. POINCARE.

Ornithology of the Sandwich Islands.

HAVING just returned from an exploring expedition into the interior of Australia, on my way home I lingered in this group of islands, and was sorry to find that some species which have been obtained here are now no longer to be found.

My attention has been called to an interesting paper by Prof. Newton in your last issue (p. 465), on this subject, which seems to imply that the ornithological collection made by Sir Joseph Banks during his voyage in the Endeavour with Captain Cook no longer exists, which I beg to be allowed to make a few remarks upon. After the return of Sir Joseph Banks he had several cases of birds carefully mounted and arranged according to the localities in which they were collected. In one group of land birds from Owhyhee, another case contained a number of specimens from Botany Bay, conspicuous in the centre of which was a very fine specimen of the Black Swan, which was shot by Captain Cook himself.

These cases were in the custody of the Linnean Society of London until 1863, when they formed part of their Natural History sale.

These cases have been carefully preserved, and are now in the museum of my ancestor, Mr. John Calvert, together with a number of cases of birds which formed part of Sir Ashton Lever's collection, amongst which are a few from the Pacific Islands. These last cases were purchased from the executors of the late Mr. M. Armfield, of Catherine Street, Macclesfield,

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