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to Nature

1892 ture,

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June 2, 1892

AALIA PAAKAI, the Salt Lake of, A. B. Lyons, 29 Abbe (Prof. C.), Cloud-Observations at Sea, 70 Aberrant Fossil Ungulates of South America, 608 Aberration, Lord Rayleigh, Sec. R. S., 499 Aberration Problems, Prof. O. Lodge, F. R.S., 549 Aberration, Theory of Astronomical, M. Mascart, 68 Abney (Capt.), Colour Photometry, 213


Aborigines of the Dominion of Canada, Hon. E. Dewdney, 587 Abraham (R.), a Standard Condenser, 528

Accidents in Germany, Workmen Killed and Wounded in, Vacher, 350

Acloque (A.), Les Champignons, 222

Acoustics: Refraction and Velocity of Sound in Porous Bodies, 156

Acquired Characters, Inheritance of, Alfred W. Bennett, 53 Acromegaly: the Skeleton of the Irish Giant Cornelius Magrath, Dr. D. J. Cunningham, F.R.S., 147

Across Thibet, Gabriel Bonvalot, 269

Adami (J. G.), Contributions to the Physiology and Pathology of the Mammalian Heart, 451

Adams (Prof. John Couch): Obituary Notice of, 301; the Cambridge Philosophical Society and, 322; Proposed National Monument to, 401

Addenbrooke (G. L.), Aluminium and its Application to Photography, 134

Adelsberg Cave, the, 207

Adhesion, the Limpet's Power of, Percy A. Aubin, 464

Holosoma, Formation of a Temporary Cyst in the Fresh-water Annelid, Frank E. Beddard, 28

Aerial Locomotive Machines, Use of Chronophotography for
Study of, Marey, 71

Aerodynamics, Experiments in, Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S., 108
Africa: Projected Expedition by Dr. Oscar Baumann in East,
65; Equatorial, My Personal Experiences in, as Medical
Officer of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, Thos. Heazle
Parke, 265; Travels in Africa during the years 1879-83,
Dr. Wilhelm Junker, 507; My Second Journey through
Equatorial Africa, Hermann von Wissmann, 507; Two
African Explorers, 376; Captain Dundas's Expedition in
East, Mount Kenia, Ernest Gedge, 566; African Diamond
Industry, the South, at the Chicago Exhibition, 567
Agassiz (Prof. Alex.), Dredging Operations in the Eastern
Pacific, 281

Agriculture Results of Experiments in, at Rothamsted, on the Question of the Fixation of Free Nitrogen, Dr. J. H. Gilbert, F.R. S., 32; Agricultural Department, Victoria, Results of the Travelling Dairy, A. Crawford, 39; the Weather Bureau of the United States, 86; the Reclaiming and Cultivation of Land in the Camargue, M. Chambrelent, 143; Principles of Agriculture, 173; the Value of Maize as Food, 234; Elements of Agriculture, Dr. W. Fream, 388; the Average Yield of Wheat in Ohio, 420; Proposed Establishment of an Agricultural College in British Guiana, 520; Agricultural Needs of India, 588; Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, 568

Air Temperature, Sun-spots and, 271
Air and Water, Vivian B. Lewes, 531
Airy (Sir George Biddell), Obituary Notice of, 232

Aitken (John, F.R.S.), on the Number of Dust Particles in the
Atmosphere of Various Places in Great Britain and on the
Continent, with Remarks on the Relation between the
Amount of Dust and Meteorological Phenomena, 299
Alaska, the Boundaries of; the Geographical Position of
Mount St. Elias, I. C. Russell, 472
Alder (H. St. A.), Scientific Nomenclature, 104

Algol, Dr. S. C. Chandler, 446
Alkali-maker's Hand-book, by George Lunge, Ph.D., and F.
Hurter, Ph.D., Prof. T. E. Thorpe, F. R. S., 121

Allbutt (Dr. T. C., F. R.S.), Appointment of, to be Regius Pro-
fessor of Physic in room of late Sir Geo. Paget, 402
Allison (Mrs.), the Similkameen Indians of British Columbia,

Alloys, Prof. W. C. Roberts-Austen, F.R.S., Report to the Alloys Research Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 22

Aloi (Prof.), Influence of Electricity on Growth of Plants, 520 Alpine Rubi, T. D. A. Cockerell, 320

Alternate Currents of High Potential and Frequency, Lectures on, Nikola Tesla, 345

Altitudes, Astronomical Possibilities at Considerable, Prof. Pickering, 498

Alum Solution, T. C. Porter, 29

Aluminium and its Application to Photography, G. L. Addenbrooke, 134; the Manufacture and Use of, from an Engineering Point of View, A. E. Hunt, 568

Amazons, Obituary Notice of Henry Walter Bates, F.R. S., the Naturalist of the, 398

America American Journal of Mathematics, 45; Spanish Arrangements for the Celebration of the Quatercentenary of the Discovery of America, 64, 567; American Meteorological Journal, 70, 189, 357, 597; American Journal of Science, 118, 310, 445, 622; American Superiority in Mechanics, Coleman Sellers, 157; the Utilization of the By-products of the Coke Industry, Dr. B. Terne, 157; McKinley Tariff and Scientific Instruments, 208; Fisheries of the Great American Lakes, 259; Fishing through the Ice in the Great American Lakes, 280; Remarkable Display of Aurora Borealis in, 378; Kalm's Account of his Visit to England, on his way to, in 1748, 412; American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Report of, 496; Influenza in, Prof. Edward S. Holden, 582; American Town Trees, J. Robinson, 603; Forestry in, Prof. W. R. Fisher, 611; Ancient Civilization of Central, Alfred P. Maudslay, 617

Amorphous Boron, the Properties of, A. E. Tutton, 522 Amsterdam Royal Academy of Sciences, 48, 72, 240, 408, 576,


Anatomy, Comparative: the Cranial Nerves of Man and Selachians, Prof. Cossar Ewart, 527

Anatomy of the Dog, 16

Ancient Civilization of Central America, Alfred P. Maudslay, 617

Ancient Monuments, Orientation of, Rev. Fred. F. Grensted, 464

Ancient Tombs and Burial Mounds of Japan, Prof. Hitchcock, 381

Andalusite at Ariège, on the Relations existing between the Form
and Nature of the Beds of, M. A. Lacroix, 624
Andaman Islands, Disappearance of the Aborigines of the, 587
Anderson (Thos. D.), the New Star in Auriga, 365
Andes of the Equator, Travels among the Great, Edward
Whymper, Prof. T. G. Bonney, F.R.S., 561
Andoyer (M.), Orthochromatic Plates for Astronomical Photo-
graphy, 280

André (M.), the Spontaneous Oxidation of Humic Acid and Vegetable Soil, 288; the Manifestation of Negative Electricity during Fine Weather, 528

Anemometer Comparisons, W. H. Dines, 623

Anemometers, Two New Forms, in use at Kew Observatory, 587

Aneroid Barometer, How to Use the, Edward Whymper, 339


Aneroid in Hypsometry, the, Herbert Tomlinson, F. R.S., 440 Aneurism, a Treatise on the Ligation of the Great Arteries in continuity, with Observations on the Nature, Progress, and Treatment of, Chas. A. Ballance and Walter Edmunds, Dr. M. Armand Ruffer, 530

Angot (A.), Instructions Météorologiques, 196

Angot (M.), Temperature Observations in 1890 on Eiffel Tower, 234

Ångström, the Chromosphere Line 6676'9, Rev. A. L. Cortie, 103; Heat-Radiation of Gases under the Electric Discharge, 306

Animal Sketches, C. Lloyd Morgan, 291

Animals, a Remarkable Book on the Habits of, W. H.
Hudson, Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, 553

Annales of the University Observatory in Vienna, 138
Annelid Eolosoma, Formation of a Temporary Cyst in the
Fresh-water, Frank E. Beddard, 28

Annelids: Preliminary Notice of a New Branchiate Oligochate,
Frank E. Beddard, 109

Anthrax, Animals rendered immune to, Dr. Th. Weyl, 312
Anthropogéographie, Friedrich Ratzel, 557

Anthropology: Anthropological Society, 71, 164, 431, 503, 551; the Mexican Atlatl, or Spear Thrower, 66, 103; the Limits of Savage Religion, Dr. Tylor, 71; Strange Symbolical Marriage Custom in India, Dr. Post, 135; the Similkameen Indians of British Columbia, Mrs. Allison, 164; Nature and Man in North America, Prof. N. S. Shaler, 220; Prof. Putnam's Exhibit at Chicago Exhibition, 259; the Transformation of the Animal Skull into a Human Skull, P. Topinard, 260; Discovery of Aboriginal Skulls in the Argentine, Señor Moreno, 278; Rev. Lorimer Fison on Anthropological Study, 426; Anthropogenie, oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen, Prof. Ernst Haeckel, 482; L'Anthropologie, 521; the Manchu Race, 523; the Ceremonial Circuit of the Cardinal Points among the Tusayan Indians, J. W. Fewkes, 546; Finds at the Great Zimbabwe Ruins, Theodore Bent, 551; Population of the Five Continents, Emile Levasseur, 552; Mission Scientifique de Cap Horn, J. Deniker and P. Hyades, 577; the Botocudos of Brazil, 615

Anti-Taurus, the Eastern Taurus and the, D. G. Hogarth, 138 Antipodes, Oysters at the, 43

Antoine (Ch.), the Characteristic Equation of Water-vapour, 336

Antwerp, proposed International Economic Congress at, 586 Apertures, the Law of Limiting, Dr. E. J. Spitta, 186 Aphanapteryx in the New Zealand Region, Prof. Henry O. Forbes, 580

Apteryx, Additional Observations on Development of, T. J. Parker, F.R.S., 311

Arabian Sea Cyclones in the, 276; Cyclone Memoirs of the, W. L. Dallas, 135

Archæology Excavation of the Prehistoric Mounds in Ohio, 20; the Chronology of the Neolithic Age in Scandinavia, and the Bronze Age in the East and Southern Europe, Prof. Montelius, 39; Dr. Ermling on the Nurhagi of Sardinia, 114; the late Dr. Reinholm on Finnish Archæology, 496 Architects, Institution of Naval, 570

Architecture, Naval: the Steadying of Vessels at Sea, J. I. Thornycroft, 570; the Influence of Shallow Water upon the Trial Trip Speeds of Modern Vessels, W. H. White, F. R.S., 571; on Balancing Marine Engines and the Vibration of Vessels, A. F. Yarrow, 571

Arctic Plants, Fresh Evidence concerning the Distribution of, during the Glacial Epoch, Dr. A. G. Nathorst, 273 Arendt (Dr.), Relationship of Atmospheric Electrical Phenomena to Terrestrial Magnetism, 432

Argentine, Discovery of Aboriginal Skulls in the, Señor
Moreno, 278

Arithmetic, Chemical, Problems in, E. J. Cox, 293
Arithmetic, Mental, Clive Cuthbertson, 78; Dr. K. Haas, 198
Arithmetic for Schools, Chas. Smith, 247

Arithmetical Exercises in Chemistry, Leonard Dobbin, 76
Arizona, the Prehistoric Irrigation Canals of, 185; the Native
Iron of Cañon Diablo, M. Mallard, 575

Armstrong (H. E., F.R.S.): Sulphochloride of Isomeric Dibromonaphthalenes, 263; Action of Alcohol on Sulphonic Chloride, a Means of producing Ethereal Salts of Sulphonic Acid, 263; Action of Bromine on Mixture of Ortho- and Paranitro-a-Acenaphthalides, 263; Camphrone, 263; the Interactions occurring in Flames, 430; Relative Orienting

Effect of Chlorine and Bromine, the Constitution of Parabromand Parachloraniline Sulphonic Acids, 525; Anhydrides of Sulphonic Acids, 525; Production of Ketone 1: 2: 4Acetorthoxylene from Camphor by Action of Sulphuric Acid and Zinc Chloride, 551

Arons (Dr.), Experiments on the Electrical Polarization at the Two Sides of a Metallic Plate Immersed in an Electrolyte at Right Angles to the Current, 576

Arrow Poison, A. Coppen Jones, 343

Art, on the Relation of Natural Science to, Prof. E. du Bois
Reymond, F.R.S., 200, 224; W. Ainslie Hollis, 319
Arteries, a Treatise on the Ligation of the Great, in Continuity,
with Observations on the Nature, Progress and Treatment of
Aneurism, Chas. A. Ballance and Walter Edmunds, Dr. M.
Armand Ruffer, 530

Artillery of the Future and the New Powders, James Atkinson
Longridge, 146

Asia, Central, M. Grum-Grzimailo's Journey to, 40
Askenasy (Herr), Silent Combination of Hydrogen and
Oxygen, 616

Ass, the Cat and the Sheep in China, the Origin of the, Dr
Macgowan, 285

Assheton (R.), the Formation and Fate of the Primitive Streak in the Frog, 140

Assimilation of Diet investigated in a Dog working in a Tread mill, Dr. Rosenberg, 599

Assmann (Dr.), Meteorological Observations during Balloon Voyages, 168

Assmann (Dr.), Observations made in a Captive Balloon, 432 Aston (Emily), some Compounds of Oxides of Silver and Lead, 93 Astronomy: T. W. Backhouse on the Apparent Size of Objects near the Horizon, 7; Proper Motions of the Stars, W. H. S. Monck, 8; Dr. Müller on the Telluric Spectrum, 21; Tempel. Swift's Periodic Comet, 21; Catalogue of Rutherfurd's Photo. graphs, 21; Our Astronomical Column, 21, 41, 68, 89, 117, 137, 159, 186, 210, 237, 261, 280, 307, 325, 352, 380, 404, 422, 446, 473, 497, 521, 547, 569, 589, 616; Outburst of Dark Spots on Jupiter, 42; Wolf's Periodic Comet, 42; the Total Lunar Eclipse of November 15, 42; the Elements of the Minor Planets, 42; Star Groups, J. Ellard Gore, 52; Theory of Astronomical Aberration, M. Mascart, 68; Two New Laws of Celestial Mechanics, H. Struve, 70; the Rotation of Jupiter, A. Belopolsky, 70; Determination of the Solar Parallax, A. Auwers, 89; Photometric Observations, Dr. Müller, 90; Tables of Vesta, G. Leveau, 95; Method of observing the Motion of Stars in the Line of Sight, Prof. J. Norman Lockyer, F. R. S., 117; the Variation of Latitude, 117; Photography of the Eclipsed Moon, 117; the Recent (December 1, 1891) Eclipse of the Moon, Mrs. R. M. Crawshay, 134; Proposals for a Co-operative Observation of the so-called Luminous Clouds, 117; Prof. J. S. Slater's Improved Armillary Sphere, 134; the Secular Acceleration of the Moon, and the Length of the Sidereal Day, 137; State of Solar Activity, Prof. Tacchini, 137; Observations of μ Cephei, J. E. Gore, 137; Influence of Ring and Disk Blinds in Micrometric Measurements, Dr. Walter Wislicenus, 137; Annales of the University Observatory in Vienna, 138; Astronomische Nachrichten 3068, 3069, 159; Jupiter and his First Satellite, E. E. Barnard, 159; Spectra of the Sun and Metals, F. McClean, 159; Tempel,-Swift Comet, 159; Distribution of Energy in Stellar Spectra, Prof. Pickering, 159; on the Observation of North Polar Stars in the Vertical of Polaris, 159; Measurement of Jupiter's Satellites by Interference, A. A. Michelson, 160; Capture of Comets by Planets, Prof. H. A. Newton, 186; Law of Limiting Apertures, Dr. E. J. Spitta, 186; Connaissance des Temps, 186; Secular Variation of Latitudes, 210; Rotation of Venus, Herr Loschardt, 210; Stars having Peculiar Spectra, Prof. Pickering, 210; a Double Moon, Rose Mary Crawshay, 224; Wolf's Periodic Comet, Dr. Berberich, 237; the Diffraction Effects produced by placing Screens in Front of Object Glasses, Prof. Pritchard, 237; Refractive Power of Cometary Matter, E. E. Barnard, 237; Himmel und Erde, 237; Washington Observations, 1886, 237; Stonyhurst Drawings of Sun-spots and Faculæ, Rev. Walter Sidgreaves, 261; some apparently Variable Nebula, Lewis Swift, 261; the Red Spots on Jupiter, W. F. Denning, 272; Motion of Stars in the Line of Sight, Prof. H. C. Vogel, 280; Orthochromatic Plates for Astronomical Photography, MM. Fabre and Andoyer, 281;

the Astronomical Theory of the Glacial Period, Sir Robert
Ball, Prof. G. H. Darwin, F. R. S., 289; on some Points in
Ancient Egyptian Astronomy, J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S.,
296, 373; Obituary Notice of Prof. John Couch Adams, 301;
Proposed National Monument to late Prof. J. C. Adams, 401;
Election of Sir R. S. Ball to Lowndes Professorship in room
of late Prof. Adams, 402; Wolf's Numbers for 1891, 307;
Solar Activity in 1891, Rudolf Wolf, 307; a New Journal,
307; Large Meteor of January 24, 1892, W. F. Denning,
317; New Star in the Milky Way, Ralph Copeland, 325;
Observations of Mars, Dr. Lohse, 326; Solar Prominence
Photography, Prof. G. E. Hale, 326; Re-discovery of Brooks's
Comet (1890 II.), 326; the Vacant Chair of Astronomy at
Cambridge, 337; on the New Star in Auriga, 344, 366; Thos.
D. Anderson, 365; G. Rayet,408; J. Norman Lockyer, F. R. S.,
429; the Astronomer-Royal for Scotland, 454, 527; H. C.
Vogel, 498; Report of U.S. Naval Observatory, 352; Obser-
vations of Nebula and Star Clusters, M. Bigourdan, 352;
Solar Observations, Prof. Tacchini, M. Marchand, 352;
Measures of the Nebula near Merope, 352; Photographic
Magnitudes of Stars, 380; Zodiacal Light, O. T. Sherman,
381; a Preliminary Statement of an Investigation of the
Dates of some of the Greek Temples as derived from their
Orientation, F. C. Penrose, 395; Solar Disturbances of 1891,
June 17, H. H. Turner, 404; Photography of Solar Promi-
nences, M. Deslandres, 404; on the Variation of Latitude,
Dr. S. C. Chandler, 404; the Warner Observatory, 422;
Measurement of Solar Prominences, M. Fizeau. 422; the
Draper Catalogue of Stellar Spectra, A. Fowler, 426;
Cordova Observatory, 446; Algol, Dr. S. C. Chandler, 446;
Sun-spots of February, 446; a New Comet, Prof. Lewis
Swift, 446; Prof. Krueger on Motions of Periodic Comets,
446; Orientation of Ancient Monuments, Rev. Fred. F.
Grensted, 464; Solar Investigations, Prof. Hale, 473; New
Double Star, 26 Auriga, S. W. Burnham, 473; Rotation
of Jupiter, W. F. Denning, 473; New Star in Auriga, Herrn
Eugen and Gothard, J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., 473; the
Lick Spectroscope, 473; a Bright Comet, 473; Sun Pillar,
Annie Ley, 484; New Comet, W. F. Denning, 484;
Fuzziness of some Variable Stars, Cuthbert G. Peek, 497;
Astronomical Possibilities at Considerable Altitude, Prof.
Pickering, 498; Increase of the Earth's Shadow during Lunar
Eclipses, Dr. Hartmann, 498; Aberration, Lord Rayleigh,
Sec. R. S., 499; a New Comet, W. F. Denning, 513; the
Planet Jupiter, 521; the Objective Prism, Prof. Pickering,
521; Variation of Latitude, Dr. B. A. Gould, 521; the
Discovery of Neptune, Prof, Holden, 522; Astronomy at the
Paris Academy, March 21, 522; Variability of Nebulæ, Dr.
Lewis Swift, 522; Solar Prominence Photography, M.
Deslandres, 522; Aurora Spectrum, Prof. Hale, 522; the
Capture of Lexell's Comet by Jupiter, Prof. G. H. Darwin, 526;
the Relative Motion of 61 Cygni, Prof. A. Hall, 547; the
Temperature of the Sun, M. H. Le Chatelier, 547; Comet
Swift, March 6, 548; Wolf's Comet, 1891 II., Herr Dr.
Thraen, 548; Periodic Perturbations of the Four Inner
Planets, Prof. Newcomb, 548; N. P.D.'s observed with
Greenwich and Washington Transit Circles, Prof. Newcomb,
548; Washington Observations, 1887, 548; Observations
of the Spectrum of Nova Aurige, Dr. Henry Crew, 569;
E. W. Maunder, 616; Denning's Comet (b 1892); Dr. R.
Schorr, 569; Comet Swift, 1892, 569; Displacement of
Radiant Points, Dr. J. Kleiber, 570; Two New Variables in
Cepheus, Paul S. Yendell, 570; on the Variation in Lati-
tude, M. Faye, 570; Elementary Mathematical Astronomy,
C. W. C. Barlow and G. H. Bryan, 579; Astronomy at the
Paris Academy, April 11, MM. Périgaud and Boquet, 589;
Solar Heat, Dr. Joseph Morrison, 589; Periodic Variations
in Latitude, - Chandler, 589; Perseids observed in Russia
in 1890, Th. Bredichin, 597; Photography at the Cape
Observatory, D. Gill, 600; Photographs of the Region of
Nova Cygni, 617; Winnecke's Comet, Dr. G. F. Haerdtl,
617; Personal Equations in Transit Observations, 617; the
Sirius System, Dr. A. Auwers, 617; Photographs of a part
of Cygnus, M. Faye, 624


Atlantic, North, Severe Weather in the. October 1891, 38
Atlantic, North, Pilot Chart of, December 1891, 258
Atlas, the Dwarfs of Mount, R. G. Haliburton, 66
Atlas, Handy, of Modern Geography, 605

Atlas, the Universal, 52

Atlatl, the Mexican, 66, 102

Atmosphere, the Mass of the, M. Mascart, 311
Atmosphere, Polarization of, by Light of Moon, N. Piltschikoff,

Atmosphere, the General Circulation of the, Dr. J. M. Pernter, 593
Atmospheric Pressure, Physiological Action of Diminished,
F. R. Mallet, 606

Atmospheric Rings, Dr. Sprung, 599

Attitudes of the Zebra during Sleep, and their Influence on
the Protective Value of its Stripes, on the, 248
Aubin (Percy A.), the Limpet's Power of Adhesion, 464
Auriga, on the New Star in, 344, 366; Thos. D. Anderson,
365; G. Rayet, 408; J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S., 429;
Astronomer-Royal for Scotland, 454, 527; S. W. Burnham,
473; H. C. Vogel, 498

Auroras: a Rare Phenomenon seen at Lyons, N. Y., Dr. M. A.
Veeder, 7; at Halifax, Prof. J. G. MacGregor, 7; at
Toronto, R. N. Hudspeth, 7; Plan for Observations to
determine Local Distribution and Altitude of, M. A. Veeder,
234; Aurora, Geo. M. Seabroke, 605; Arthur Marshall, 605;
Arthur E. Brown, 605; Aurora visible from Westgate-on-
Sea, 613; Aurora Borealis, J. Lovel, 223; Aurora Borealis
in America, Remarkable Display of, 378; the Aurora
Spectrum, Prof. Hale, 522

Australia: Hydrology of the Mitta Mitta, James Stirling, 40;
Botanical Museums and Gardens of Australasia, Prof. Goodale,
65; a New Freshwater Isopod, Charles Chilton, 66; Olive-
Culture in Australia, J. L. Thomson, 135; Horticulture in
South Australia, 184. Australasian Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science: Section A, Mathematics, Physics, and
Mechanics-Mathematical Analogies between various Branches
of Physics, Prof. Bragg, 423; Seismological Phenomena in
Australasia, 423; Quaternions as a Practical Instrument of
Physical Research, A. McAuley, 423; the Grouping of Stars
in the Southern Part of the Milky Way, H. C. Russell,
F.R.S., 423. Section B, Chemistry and Mineralogy-W. M.
Hamlet on the Progress of Chemistry in Australasia, 423;
A. Liversidge, F. R. S., on the Rusting of Iron, 424. Section
C, Geology and Palæontology-T. W. E. David on Volcanic
Action in Eastern Australia and Tasmania, 424; W. J. C.
Ross on the Discovery of Two Specimens of Fossil Lepido-
dendrons in the Neighbourhood of Bathurst, New South
Wales, and the Inferences to be drawn from their Occurrence,
424. Section D, Biology-Prof. W. Baldwin Spencer on the
Freshwater and Terrestrial Fauna of Tasmania, 425; Prof.
Hutton on the Origin of the Struthious Birds of Australasia,
425; Prof. Spencer on the Habits of Ceratodus, the Lung
Fish of Queensland, 425. Section E, Geography— Captain
Pasco on Early Discoveries in Australia, 425; D. Murray on
Mr. Lindsay's Expedition in Western Australia, 425; J. P.
Thomson on Recent Explorations and Discoveries in British
New Guinea, 425. Section F, Economics and Social Science
and Statistics, 426. Section G, Anthropology-Rev. Lorimer
Fison on Anthropological Study, 426. Section H, Sanitary
Science and Hygiene, 426. Section I, Literature and Fine
Arts-Prof. Morris on Universities in Australia, 426. Sec-
tion J, Engineering and Architecture-C. Napier Bell on
Sanitary Engineering, 426
Austria, Health Springs of Germany and, Dr. F. O. Buckland,

Austria-Hungary, the Increase of Population in, 158
Austrian Economists, W. Smart, 268

Auwers (A.): Determination of the Solar Parallax, 89; the
Sirius System, 617

Aylesbury, Proposed County Museum for Bucks, 114
Aymonnet (M.), Periodic Heat Maxima observed in Spectra
from Flint and Crown Glass, and Rock Salt, 504

Ayrton (Prof. W. E., F.R.S.): the Thermal Emissivity of Thin
Wires in Air, 162; Rotatory Currents, 191; Electrotechnics,
326; the Function of a University, 439

Azaleas, Intermediate Forms of, Wm. Sowerby, 519
Azoimide, NH, Further Researches upon, A. E. Tutton, 127

Babel, the Tower of, and the Confusion of Tongues, Thos. G.
Pinches, 210

Bacillus in Influenza, the Alleged Discovery of a, 250
Backhouse (T. W.): Apparent Size of Objects near the Horizon,
7; Nacreous Clouds, 365

Bacterium allii, Dr. Griffiths, 624

Bagard (H.), a Thermo-electric Standard of Electromotive
Force, 192

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