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POETRY.-Be near me, Lord, 322. What God does, is well done, 322. How is Gold To-day? 322. The Eve of Election, by John G. Whittier, 366. Symbols, 366. The Voice of Night, 363.

SHORT ARTICLES.-Photography, 350, 368. Bust of Garibaldi, 350. How to live one hundred and fifty years, 350. Elizabeth H. Whittier, 367. Teaching the Dumb to Speak, 367. Newspaper Gratis, 367. Autograph of Tasso, 367. One Fault of Modern Novelists, 368. Utilization of Minute Life, 368.


THE TATLOR BOY. J. E. Tilton & Co. Boston.

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BE near me, Lord, my light and stay,
When fears and doubts perplex my way;
Be near me, when the tempter's wile
Plies craftily my own heart's guile;

As sunlight breaks through clouds and rain,
Be near me in my grief and pain.

I know thou art not far, O Lord,
From him who walketh by thy word;
I know 'tis but the cloud of sin

That hides thee from my heart within ;
I know thou dost not veil thy face
From him who trusts thy plenteous grace.

But, Lord, my flesh doth faint and fail ;
My weak heart sinks; my fears prevail;
Mine eye grows dim: I cannot see
The presence that is life to me;
Hold me, O Lord, that I may know
Thou still art near me here below.

For without thee, my Christ, my Lord,
I find no joy e'en in thy word,
No promise that is clear to me,
No strength, or hope, or victory;
But all is darkness, doubt, and fear,

In heaven and earth, till thou art near.

Be near me, Lord, that I may flee
At once with all my cares to thee;
And when the traitor thought within
Would parley with the lust of sin,
Thy strength unto my weakness bring,
And keep the fortress for its king.

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No poisons his

For remedies,

His truth is my foundation,
His grace my whole salvation.

What God doth, it is all well done;
He is my light and being;
Mere evil he can mean me none;
I bow to his decreeing.

Through weal or woe,
Time still will show,
Which everything revealeth,
How faithfully he dealeth.

What God doth, it is all well done ;

If I must drink the chalice,-
The bitter cup which I would shun,—
My shrinking soul he rallies;
And, firmly placed,

My heart shall taste
That sweet peace in believing
Which softens down all grieving

What God doth, it is all well done,

Strong shall that make and find me. Rough ways I may be forced to run, Griefs pressing close behind me ; Yet God will be

Right fatherly,

In death his arm sustaineth;
Then be it he that reigneth.

-Monthly Religious Magazine.

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Dr. Whately was the comic point. Only let him succeed in collecting jokes enough, and he might certainly hope to describe a MerryAndrew as well as anybody else. To work therefore he went, and the results are two volumes post octavo, made up of scraps and anecdotes; the former evidently supplied by ladies and gentlemen who had taken the measure of their correspondent, the latter entirely his own.

From Blackwood's Magazine. MEMOIRS OF RICHARD WHATELY.* TOWARDS the construction of a biography which is to repay the trouble of reading, two incidents are absolutely necessary. First, there must be proper materials with which to work; and next, the biographer should be capable of making use of these materials when he gets them. We are sorry to say that we can discover little trace of the presence of either incident in the volumes now "The able men who possessed that great before us. To do him justice, Mr. Fitzpatrick advantage," and who "placed at Mr. Fitzmakes no pretence of fitness in any respect patrick's disposal much valuable memoranda for the task which he has undertaken. "I and notes," had reasons of their own for cannot say," he observes, in his preface, keeping their names out of sight. What "that I was at the archbishop's elbow these names may have been we shall not stop through life." In point of fact, his acquaint- to inquire; but this judgment at least may ance with the archbishop was of the slight- safely be hazarded: they gave him no asest kind. They bowed when they passed sistance in the complication of his introduceach other in the street, and perhaps shook tory chapter. That is his own throughhands if by chance they happened to meet in out; and we learn from it that "when a room. Access to Archbishop Whately's George IV. lay in his cradle, there lived at unpublished correspondence he certainly had Nonsuch Park a young cleric named Joseph none; and, judging from the results, seems Whately;" that " Nonsuch Park was begun to have held little confidential communication by Henry VIII. and finished by Queen Elizawith persons in this respect more fortunate beth;" that "Queen Anne, and subsequentthan himself. To be sure we are told that ly James I., occupied it ;" that " in 1730 the "some able men who possessed that great Duke of Grafton sold it to Joseph Thompadvantage, but whose names our author is son Esq. ;" that " by and by, in 1591, Lord not at liberty to disclose, have supplied Lumley conveyed it to the Crown." We adthat deficiency [what deficiency?] by placing mit the importance as well as the peculiarity at his disposal much valuable memoranda of this information; but what connection it and notes." And to get possession of" much has with the late Archbishop Whately is not notes," whether they be really valuable or quite so evident. Richard Whately was not not, is a feat worth achieving. But the born at Nonsuch Park, nor yet in the prebentrue spur to action on the present occasion dal house at Bristol " which is still pointed was neither knowledge of the subject nor the out." Moreover, his father was not a pre"much notes and memoranda" here alluded bend, but a prebendary. But this is not all. to. On the contrary, 66 A letter from Ox- Richard," we are assured, was the youngford," in "Notes and Queries," requesting est of eight children, most of whom died unillustrations of the inexhaustible fund of wit sung,' though neither 'unwept nor unand humor which was perpetually flowing honored.' It is satisfactory to know that from the late Archbishop, fired the soul and among the Whatelys the good old custom still stirred the ambition of Mr. William John prevails of singing dirges, or dragees, over Fitzpatrick. Was he not conversant with the coffins of such members of the family as not a few of the reputed sayings and doings die at home. The unfortunates to whom of the late Archbishop? Could he not, by a Mr. Fitzpatrick alludes so touchingly paid the little diligence in applying to his Grace's debt of nature, we presume, far from the pachaplains and flatterers, make himself master ternal roof. Had circumstances brought. of more? It was evident that the point of them back to die in their own beds, their view in which the public desired to look at wakes would have been kept with all the fervor which marks similar proceedings in the Liberties of Dublin, or among poteen-inspired mourners of St. Giles in London. However, we are consoled by the information that they

*"Memoirs of Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin. With a glance at bis contemporaries and times." By William John Fitzpatrick, J. P. London: Richard Bentley.


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were neither unwept nor unhonored. But phy; that Whately at once attracted athere a fresh trouble awaits us. We cannot tention because of his originality; "that quite see, from Mr. Fitzpatrick's account of notwithstanding this originality, and the nothe matter, which of the eight Whatelys are toriety incident to it, his undergraduate really dead, and which still alive. Of the course is said to have been quiet; " that obfour daughters he disposes satisfactorily taining a double second, he was still, “in enough. Only one, "the relic of a physi- the scholars' race, more than once tripped; cian," survives; the other three sickened, and that "from the time he entered Oxford, died, were waked, and, we suppose, buried. Whately was remarkable for a certain amount But over the fates of the brothers a veil of of originality, both of thought and action, mystery is spread. which sometimes amounted to rank eccentricity." In spite of all this, however,—in "The Rev. Thomas Whately, rector of Chetwynd, and the senior of the late arch- spite of the eccentricity which caused his bishop by fifteen years, is also still alive. undergraduate course to be quiet,” and William Whately officiated for some time as his frequent trips in the scholars' race, a vicar in Berkshire; and Joseph, who, hav- Whately "at last made good his footing, and ing assumed the name of Hasley by royal turned the corner cleverly." "In 1808 he sign-manual, and represented St. Albans in graduated, and in 1810 he won a twentytwo parliaments, prematurely died some five-guinea prize." In 1811, the highest honors and-forty years ago.'

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which it was possible to confer, unless the Is Joseph Whately dead? and if he be, Provost's chair of Oriel, reached Whately in what has become of him? 66 Having as the shape of a Fellowship; and in 1812, he sumed a new name, sat in two parliaments, became a Bachelor of Divinity. "In estiand died "—what next? As to William, he mating the value of these triumphs," conmay still be officiating, for aught we know tinues our author, "it must be remembered to the contrary, as vicar or rector-or what that Whately, even at this early period of not-if not in Berkshire, somewhere else. life, was beset with enemies, who first reviled We ask for explanations on these heads, and him as an impudent pretender, and at a later hope that when Mr. Fitzpatrick prepares a date stigmatized him as an object of grave new edition of his work, he will supply them. suspicion." A second-class in classics and It is not, however, solely on points like mathematics, and election to a Fellowship of these that Mr. Fitzpatrick is carried, by the his College, were, equally with the prize for power of his own genius, out of the common the English essay, legitimate grounds of tricourse of mundane affairs. We are informed, umph to Whately; but they must have for example, that under the care of a Mr. shrunk into nothing in comparison with such Phillips, who kept a school in Bristol, and a premature elevation to the dignity of Bachwas always referred to by Dr. Whately as a elor of Divinity as is vouched for here. We skilful and judicious teacher, Richard Whate-are sorry to say, however, that we doubt the ly received a comprehensive course of general fact of the elevation. We suspect that in instruction. This is at least curious. Nei-1812 Whately attained, as other men do, by ther among men nor among horses were we length of standing, the right to take his aware till now that it was possible to receive Master's degree, and that the Bachelorship a course either of instruction or running. of Divinity came later. Be this, however, The former were supposed to receive or ac- as it may, Mr. Fitzpatrick, we are afraid, quire some amount of knowledge, greater or allows a lively imagination to run away with less, by going through a course of instruction; him when he describes Oriel, in the days of the latter, to win or lose plates according as Whately's freshmanship, as the great school they were first or last in getting over the of speculative philosophy in Oxford. If Oriel course. But Mr. Fitzpatrick knows better, ever deserved to be so considered, in contraand is, besides, singularly instructed, in his distinction to other colleges, it was after own way, respecting Oxford and its usages. Newman, Keble, and Whately himself had Thus we learn from him not only that Rich- become fellows; and their own tastes, as well ard Whately was placed, at the age of eigh-as the course of events elsewhere, led them teen, in Oriel College, but that Oriel was into speculations which, whether philosophthen the great school of speculative philoso-ical or not, exercised for good or for evil no

little influence over the minds of the rising | Morgan; her Career, Literary and Personal," generation.

and "The Life, Times, and Contemporaries of Lord Cloncurry," we confess that we never saw one or other of them. But if to Lady Morgan and Lord Cloncurry Mr. Fitzpatrick has meted out the same measure of injustice which he has dispensed to Archbishop Whate

very silly and, to the utmost extent of their poor ability, very pestilent people, even more ridiculous after death than they made themselves in their lifetime.

We began this paper by confessing that we could discover little trace in Mr. Fitzpatrick's pages of either of the incidents, a happy combination of which is necessary to the production of a readable biography. No letters, no papers, no journals of the manly, then he will have contrived to render two about whom he proposed to write, appear to have been placed at Mr. F.'s disposal. A little gossip more or less trustworthy, with a few curt answers to questions asked, appear to comprise the sum total of his stock in trade, if we except newspaper articles, notices in magazines, or annual registers, and here and there a county history. But it is too evident that, had the whole wealth of Whately's private diaries been handed over to Mr. Fitzpatrick, and all who were deepest in Whately's confidence stood at his elbow to prompt him, the reading public, so far as this biography is concerned, would have gained little from the circumstances. Mr. Fitzpatrick and Archbishop Whately have nothing in common. The former is not only incapable of understanding what the latter was; but he cannot always express in intelligible English the ideas, such as they are, which fill his own mind. What, for example, does he mean to say in sentences like these: "The choice of a profession was now the question. It is impossible to doubt, from the deep thought evinced in his able lecture 'On the Influence of the Professions on the Character,' that the adoption of the clerical was other than the result of mature consideration. We do not think that Whately was likely to have been unduly dazzled by the many brilliant minds which flung their light around him, and had already fired the ambition of numbers who soared merely to fall."

Richard Whately, the hapless victim of an Irish J. P.'s attempt at authorship, was the youngest son of the Rev. Joseph Whately one of the prebendarios of Bristol. He was born on the 1st of February, 1786, in Cavendish Square, London, during one of those temporary sojourns in the capital with which his family were accustomed to refresh themselves. After passing through a good private school, he was entered at Oriel College, Oxford, of which Mr. Copplestone, subsequently Provost, and by and by Dean of St. Paul's and Bishop of Llandaff, was then the classical tutor. Mr. Whately's career as an undergraduate was respectable, but by no means brilliant. He maintained a fair place in the lecture-room, and generally acquitted himself well at collections ; but he neither astonished his teachers, as the late Sir William Hamilton did, by the extent and accuracy of his scholarship, nor, like Keble, won both their admiration and affection by throwing over the commonest college exercise the halo of a poetic mind. Neither can it be said of him that he was popular with his contemporaries. A tall, gaunt figure, manners rude, sometimes bordering upon boorishness, and an aptitude in saying sharp things in season and out of season, offended the multitude, who seldom care to look We are inclined to believe that our read- far into the characters of those who tread upon ers, like ourselves, have by this time had their corns. But beneath this rough exterior enough of Mr. Fitzpatrick and his crudities. there were qualities which gradually worked That worthy but misguided man writes him- to the surface and did their owner yeoman's self, we perceive, J. P. on his title-page, service. Copplestone, in particular, found and asks us to bear in mind that he is "au-out ere long that his queer-mannered pupil thor of Lady Morgan; her Career, Literary was no common man; and the pupil, not and Personal,' and of The Life, Times, and much accustomed in those days to be treated Contemporaries of Lord Cloncurry,' etc." kindly, opened his heart to the tutor, and The letters J. P. stand, we presume, here as they became fast friends. Certainly there elsewhere, for Justice of the Peace. Let us were few points of resemblance between the express the hope that the Justice's law is constitutions, moral and intellectual, of the better than his literature. As to "Lady two men. But the attachment thus com

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