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The Nebraska Farmer



S the advertising medium to use to get the
best mail order buying trade in Nebraska
and adjoining country. These people

have money to buy with and they want
the best of everything. They look to their ag-
ricultural paper for the advertisements of what
they want, and if they do not find it, write the
publisher asking where it may be had. This
has been the experience of the present pub-
lishers of the Nebraska Farmer for the past
twenty years, and they have been farmers in
Nebraska for thirty-one years, and are farming
and breeding fine stock yet, hence know from
practical experience the needs and conditions
of western farming.

The Nebraska Farmer Co. have just published a history and souvenir edition of NEBRASKA'S RESOURCES, ILLUSTRATED, in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Nebraska's birth as a Territory, May 30, 1854. This book contains 144 pages and nearly 200 appropriate illustrations, and, is acknowledged by those who know, to be one of the best books ever published about the State. While the book is worth 50 cents per copy, it is given free as a premium with a year's subscription to Nebraska Farmer at $1.00, or it will be sent postpaid for 25 cents to anyone interested in obtaining reliable agricultural information about Nebraska.


1505 Howard Street, Opposite Auditorium,


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Has for half a century been recognized as the leading agricultural authority by the world, and the ONLY agricultural NEWSpaper.

It circulates largely among the very best class of rural and suburban residents and the wealthy city owners of fine country places.

It goes, not only to the best farmers, breeders and

horticulturists everywhere, but to hundreds of people who really do not care much what anything costs, if they think they want it.

Not every man who lives on a farm is a good customer; the Country Gentleman reaches the very


And as to extent of circulation, it need only be noted that the Country Gentleman publishes (and at full rates always) more "Want Ads" than all other agricultural weeklies put together. Do you suppose that would be the case, if any other such paper really sold a larger number of copies per week? Advertising terms, one insertion, forty cents per line, $5.60 per inch, with fast increasing discount for continuance.

Please send for samples to the publishers.


For a Real Live Proposition

one that stands on its merits and shows results

The Practical Farmer

has no equal in the agricultural field. It is the
paper for pushing, wide-awake farmers, for it is
up-to-date. It's full of valuable and reliable infor-
mation and clean advertising. This is why it is
paid for and read by


substantial agriculturists who demand a dependable
medium. This is a circulation that produces
orders and pays big dividends on the investment.
Look through a sample copy (which will be sent
on request) and let your judgment do the rest.
If you once give THE PRACTICAL FARMER a trial,
you will need no further assurance of its pulling

The Practical Farmer, Philadelphia, Pa.

Western Representative, A. H. BILLINGS LEA
806 Security Building,

Chicago, Illinois

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