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well Publishing Co., Publishers of Farm and Fireside. e stone trimmings, 200 x 75 feet.

ilt during the past year. FARM AND FIRESIDE is Iding and complete equipment, including many machines, electrotype foundry,

d art departments.

00 Copies Each Issue.


Getting Acquainted.

HE need for closer relationship between advertisers and publishers was urged by M. Lee Stark at the last meeting of the Boston Space Club. One of the plans suggested was a national federation to include the various local organizations that are found in the larger cities. In this way it was claimed a mutual understanding between publisher and advertiser could be had and buyer and seller would learn how dependent they are on each other. On this point Mr. Starke spoke as follows:

“The publisher, especially in view of the increased cost of productions and the reduced subscription price, is almost wholly dependent upon the advertiser for his profits. On the other hand, the space user is equally dependent

upon the publisher. There can scarcely be conceived two elements in the business world that are so vital to each other's success. The bringing together of these two interests will, I am convinced, demonstrate to the publisher the necessity of his active cooperation in the advertiser's behalf, or, in other words, his making every dollar the advertiser puts in his publication a profitable investment.

"The publisher must realize that if the space he sells does not pay, the advertiser cannot afford to stay; that he must not keep raising rates simply because he thinks the advertiser will stand it, or because he needs more income, but he must keep the rates where his space can be used with profit; in other words, he must strive to give one dollar's worth of publicity for one dollar. He must gain the advertiser's confidence by telling what his actual circulation is, by having one rate and one condition for a certain service, the same to all, and under no circumstances vield to the temptation to accept business at cut rates. His self-respect demands this, and a publisher must respect himself if he expects others to respect him. "The way in which advertising has been developed can hardly be realized by the average publisher. It is estimated that during the past twelve months there was invested by shrewd business men in general publicity in this country alone over $100,000,000. I believe that if the figures could be ob

tained of the money spent in both local and general fields they would reach the enormous total of $500,000,000.

"On the other hand, the advertiser will realize from meeting the publisher and conferring with him, that the publisher has some rights that must be respected. He may possibly see that every advertiser cannot have extra position on the choicest news pages, surrounded by reading, at the run of paper rates. Or, as one Hoosier publisher used to put it, "an advertiser ought to realize that he cannot buy cream at the price of skimmed milk." The advertiser will also learn that the publisher is under heavy expense-heavier than ever before. The cost of production is steadily increasing the cost of labor, of paper and ink-and the lower selling price of the publication makes it absolutely necessary for the advertising rates to be increased in order to make the publication profitable. The advertiser will also realize that the publisher must make up his publication so as to please the subscriber, that by giving the readers the best service he can obtain their respect and confidence. The advertiser is as much the gainer by this in the long run as the publisher.

"Until a man has conducted an advertising campaign he can have no notion of the detail and difficulties that attend the most ordinary transactions between advertiser and publisher. Most of this business is transacted by correspondence, which, to say the least, is very unsatisfactory. The parties do not know one another personally and things go along at cross purposes, often ending in actual hostilities. Personal acquaintance of advertisers and publishers not only make this relation more congenial, but gives each the benefit of the other's experience and knowledge and fosters the toleration that one naturally has when he knows what difficulties the other man works under. The advertiser has knowledge that can't be put into correspondence, and so has the publisher. When they get together and talk on advertising, each learns something that neither knew before. They both realize that advertising is a great business and that the publication of a successful medium is a great commercial enterprise."

The Truth About Circulation



HERE is a good story told of an ancient musician who continually harped on one string, and when criticised for the quality of his music replied that he knew it was monotonous, but had the merit of attracting attention. In these later days we sometimes congratulate ourselves that we have hatched a new breed of truth, but sooner or later we find we have only discovered some fact already known to some man or number of men from the time "whereof the mind of man runneth not to the contrary." For some time I claimed the originality of likening advertising to the ancient musician in that attraction was effected more by the quantity than the quality, but in glancing over an old journal of the early days, I bumped against the advice that an advertiser should have one story to tell and tell it everywhere all the time." Peculiar it is, too, how very sound such counsel is, and only goes to show that truth is ever truth and never stale.

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So, also, in the matter of measuring circulation, and the true determination of its value to the advertiser. Fortunately the "circulation liar'' has been pretty well weeded out, but in his place has grown up an equally obnoxious successor, so that we cannot refrain from occasionally harping on the string of honesty in circulation. The advertisers are too ready to pull out the directory and look at the record when statements of circulation are made by the solicitor, and this is an effective check upon inflation in many cases. But circulation cannot always be shown by the directory within close limits. The publishers are taking copious doses of their own prescription and pushing vigorously for increased production. Journals are consolidating, new ones entering the field, and the ad man must be alert if he would know when he is getting value for his money. Right here some one asks if returns are not a good test. Returns are like trying a dose of medicine on the dog. It is too late when the dog is dead. The ad man should be able to tell whether a proposition is valuable to him before he puts money into it, and after all is said I know of no way to be sure except by a reliance on the statement of the pub

lishers or his representatives. Now in a campaign to increase circulation, of course some special inducement is made either by way of reduced price or some valuable premium. Sometimes this increase can be secured by sheer hard work. This latter is especially true where a publication has merit which needs only proper presentation to interest and sesure subscribers. Quite recently dot counting contests have figured largely and, no doubt, a tremendous increase in circulation has been secured by such means. But is this circulation of such permanent character as to be valuable to the advertiser at the increased rates charged? At the outset of these campaigns it is undoubtedly good policy to contract for space, but the ad man should have means of knowing when the trial subscriptions expire and what percentage is renewed. For it is easy to see that a circulation of 100,000 may, after the enthusiasm has waned, drop one-half or more, and the advertiser be none the wiser, but continue to pay the top price until too late he finds he has been trying to win on a failure.

There is among reputable publications a wholesome spirit of fair play, and when the large circulation is secured there is means used to maintain it. But the world is not yet peopled with honest men and until it is we must look sharp.

Postoffice receipts are absolutely valueless unless of recent date and covering a goodly period. It is easy to mail a big edition for a few weeks, then run for a while on the strength of the showing. Mailing lists are of little value, because, like some town records, the dead and absent are always retained in the enumeration. Paper and ink bills are delusive. The frank word of the publisher of a reputation for honesty is, after all, the only test. Let us be thankful that most publishers have this reputation and those who have it not would do well to join us

at once.

The publisher may not actually misrepresent his circulation, but he may, sometimes, be reticent about giving some facts in their simplicity. I recently received a request for a portion of my advertising from a publication right in the field that I want to reach; it is just the

kind of publication that I have used with success. But when I wrote asking for statement of circulation I received the reply that the paper is read by upwards of 10,000 people every week." Now, I contend that is an evasive answer, for no publisher knows how many people read his paper. If that publisher had

been frank and stated that he had an actual circulation of 1,000 or 5,000 we would have done business, but the careful man will not take any such chances. That upwards of 10,000'' will pass in law as a mere "matter of opinion,'' upon which no action can be founded, and is too vague and uncertain to claim attention when there are so many reputable papers in the field whose publishers do not hesitate to tell the exact truth, even though they sometimes are compelled to admit a decrease.

Again, the publisher should not hesitate to tell just what the quality of his circulation is-what class of people are his readers. For it sometimes happens that papers with a large and increasing population are not profitable. What good would it do to advertise a line of fur coats in the paper that goes into every home in Florida. Too many advertisers have wasted money paying for a large percentage of circulation that was of no value to them. If publishers could devise some scheme whereby the charge would be based upon the actual percentage of their circulation that was valuable to the advertiser, they would take a long stride towards increasing the

value of their paper to some who now find it unprofitable. If an advertiser could utilize the entire edition, make him pay the flat rate. If only a quarter or half is useful to him, charge him accordingly. Or they might charge on the basis of returns. This is a bold proposition, but I have a reputation for such.


I believe that in general the publisher is anxious that his paper shall pay the advertiser, because, otherwise he cannot expect to hold him. It is; therefore, of the utmost importance that the purchaser of space should know exactly what he may expect, and if there is the least suspicion that it will not pay the publisher should be the first to point it out. may lose an advertiser, but he will win a friend which may sometimes be of equal value. In the scramble to secure business some publishers may lose sight of the fact that not to everyone can they be of value, and find, later, that reports are rife that their paper is not a payer. To go a step further, I do not know any reason why publishers should not pick out their customers same as the advertiser picks out his papers-by the showing in the way of returns.

The true test, then, as to the value of circulation, is the statement of the publisher, backed up by his reputation for honesty and his watchfulness of the interests of his advertisers. It is becoming more and more important that he use extreme care to see that his record is such as will give the advertiser confidence and win his regard.



Following Up Inquiries

HE preliminary work has been done. The newspaper ad has brought an inquiry. A circular or catalogue has been sent. What else needs be done? Our catalogue is the best one ever printed concerning our particular kind of goods. Other dealers in the same line have issued catalogues, but they look like thirty cents compared with ours, although no doubt the firms sending them out think them all right. Any man who gets our catalogue will see at once that it is the best one ever sent out, and this will give him such a good opinion of our goods that he will give us his order.

This seems to be the line of reasoning adopted by a great many advertisers. They seem to forget that no two men see the same thing exactly alike. They think they have gone to the limit in their catalogue and their competitors may think the same thing. Who is going to judge between them? Just the man who happens to get a catalogue from two or more firms competing in the same line.

No one knows just how this man may look at these catalogues. He may fancy the one with the red-and-green cover or the one with the one-color, plain type cover or the one made after a clay model. No one, not knowing the man, can even guess which of two catalogues will make the strongest impression on the recipient. One man issues a very plain catalogue and makes merit of its cheapness by saying he puts the money saved on the catalogue into his goods. A number of firms that once did this comes to mind, and it is also remembered that some of them who once boasted of the plainness and cheapness of their catalogues now send out some very brilliant publications. There is a moral to this, but it will not be sought out at this time.

Seeking the source of human impressions is not the object in writing this article. The fact that such diverse impressions as are above referred to may be created is enough for our purpose. Their existence being conceded, it is our purpose to make some inquiry as to the course that we should pursue in order to secure a better chance to finally secure the order of the man who has answered our ad and has received our catalogue. In the first place, every communication

received from a possible customer should be answering by sending a letter to him. No objection to a form letter presents itself, if the form letter can be made so as to cover all the necessary points. This should be a friendly but not too familiar letter. It should be of an introductory nature and open the way to further cor respondence. If a form letter is used, however, it should be so well printed that it will not be detected. The writer favors a direct letter, written in the regular way. This gives an opportunity to make it more individual, and if the correspondent is tactful and adapted to the work it is a very effective way of following up inquiries.

The next thing should be a booklet, not too large to enclose in an ordinary envelope, and not heavy enough to require additional postage. This should be pointed, and drive home in a terse way the statements in the catalogue first. sent, and should be accompanied by a letter explaining that the booklet is sent for the additional information of the recipient. This second letter may assume a better acquaintance with the correspondent and be couched in a more friendly tone, but should never assume familiarity. Every man likes to be treated with respect, and a letter referring to "your esteemed favor' always creates a better impression than one that begins: "I have your favor of the 'steenth inst.'' Signing a letters yours very respectfully' does not require much more effort than to curtly say, "Yours truly, " and it leaves a pleasant memory with the recipient.

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In beginning a form letter it is much better to begin "Mr. John Smith" than to simply write "John Smith." After the second letter it does not do any harm to begin "Dear Mr. Smith, " and each succeeding letter, while placing before the possible buyer arguments why he should buy of us, should never express any anxiety nor try to over-persuade. Try to make it appear that you are more interested in getting him to buy the best article of the kind that is on the market than in selling yours to him simply because you make it.

Where a correspondence of this kind should end has never been decided. It is conceded that it is not well to let it drop until a definite statement that an

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