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Southern Planter,


THE South Atlantic States



Virginias, Carolinas, Tennessee to-day the most fertile field in this country for the breeder and live stock man. Close to the great eastern markets, railroad facilities splendid, climate and soils unsurpassed. Our farmers have awakened to their greatest interest and are raising stock, and good stock, too. Have you secured your share of their trade?

The Southern Planter

will help you as it has hundreds of other breeders Remember, it is the "Breeders' Gazette" of the East. May we send you a copy and rates?


We do not pretend to give
an advertiser results any.
where outside of Canada,
but we do guarantee that


has the largest paid-in-
advance circulation in
the Dominion. It reaches
all the best, up-to-date
farmers and stockmen in
every part of every prov
ince of Canada.


The Farming World,

Ask for a sample and a rate
card. Our proposition
will interest you.


As previously noted, there has been a decisive improvement in the character of the advertisements seen in most of the leading mail order journals. However, there are still a few among the cheaper class of these publications where there is much room for improvement in this regard. Twenty-four advertisements of very questionable character are to be found on a single page from a recent issue of one of this class. Such an array can not but cast a harmful effect over any clean advertising with which it is associated. We speak for an earnest censorship upon such dishonorable advertising.-Mahin's Magazine.

Jest because ye hev got a special piece of work to do tomorrow ain't no reason thet ye must set down en do nothin today. Et's the today advertisin thet counts.Rusty Mike's Diary.


People have to know prices anyway. you value your clerk's time, you must admit that it is cheaper to have people see the price in print than to make a "bluff" at buying.

Modern advertising takes the public into its confidence, and does it in their homes where there is time to think and ponder over the expenditures. Seldom is an advertised article an undesirable acquisition, for it is bought after mature consideration -and not on the spur of the moment. Don't hide prices. If you are ashamed of them go out of business.-Americar Advertiser.

It is not the telling of things that a man don't know, but rather impressing upon him the importance of doing those things which he knows but neglected.-Ad Writer.

Many a man permits a lie to creep into his advertising matter who wouldn't be guilty of the same offense in his daily talk. In advertising as in everything else, honesty pays. The Furniture Journal.

No matter what it is, mind it. Half the trouble in the world is caused by interfering with another man's affairs, and the other half by failure to attend to your own.-Batten's Wedge.

There is one valuable phase of advertis ing that, with but few exceptions, has been employed very little or only superficially by manufacturers and dealers. It is the


The Chicago Daily
Drovers Journal

has for over 30 years been recognized as the leading live stock and farm daily of the world. It goes
every day into the homes of over 35,000 stockmen and farmers in the Mississippi Valley and Western States
who are prosperous and willing to buy. The Drovers Journal reaches more of the stock raising farm-
ers who are well-to-do, and will use their money to buy things for their own use, than any other paper
in the country. It is especially valuable as a medium for advertising land, farm and ranch implements,
vehicles, farm supplies, stock remedies, and every article used on the farm or in the farm household

Agents Rector Cream Separator

"We are highly pleased with the results of our
advertisement in the Drovers Journal. We
have sold quite a number of separators and have
placed several county agents through our adver-
tisement in your paper, so by expending a few
dollars in Drovers Journal printingink,we put
our separators before the people and are reaping
nice returns for the same."

Shippers of the "DIXIE BRAND" of Cottonseed


"We are running an advertisement in nearly all the responsible stock papers and are taking them in the office here, and we wish to compliment you on the fact that we are obtaining better results from our card in your paper than from all the others combined, and besides, we obtain more information than from any of the others."

We will be pleased to send you a sample copy and our rates.



Wisconsin Agriculturist,


Racine, Wis.

Stanley, Wis., April 11, 1904.

Gentlemen-Find enclosed express order for the two inser-
tions of my one inch advertisement of sale of twelve Berkshire
I am pleased to say that these two insertions brought
me more inquiries by far than I received from three other
papers in which I had the advertisement at the same time.
which claims 75.000 subscribers, inserted
the advertisement twice and failed to bring a single inquiry.
four times, brought a few inquiries but no sales.
two times, seven inquiries and three sales.
The Wisconsin Agriculturist, two times, brought twelve or
fourteen inquiries and made seven sales.

[ocr errors]

J. E. STORY, Proprietor.

Scores of letters like the above prove that, cost considered, the Wisconsin Agriculturist is today the best live stock advertising medium in this country. In this case $4.00 spent in the Wisconsin Agriculturist brought more business than six times as much spent in three other papers.

detailed description (words and pictures) of the manufacture of an article, from the raw material in the mine or forest, step by step, until it becomes the finished product, ready for the consumer. That such a de scription or story can be made intensely interesting, and hence immensely valuable as an advertising adjunct, is evidenced by the well-written and popular short, illustrated articles that have appeared quite frequently in the magazines during the past three or four years describing, in an impersonal way, the rise and development of some industry.-E. D. Snow, in Printers' Ink.

Good ads are tailor made. The hand-medown sort are usually written on the spur of the moment without thought of the value of space or results. Measure every feature of the thing to be advertised. Jot down every item that will likely appeal to this or that person. With these measurements you are in a position to construct an ad that will fit.-Omaha Trade Exhibit.

There should be a good reason for the use of every periodical in which a man permits his advertising to appear. No one advertiser can use them all, but how to select, and select the best for his purpose, is a question that an advertiser should not decide for himself.

An advertising agent, who has for many years followed his profession, gains a knowledge of values and results of advertising that no one else can have, and while that information must, as far as any individual client is concerned, be absolutely confidential, the abstract of the knowledge must be valuable to any intending advertiser, and must be as well worth paying for as an abstract of title to property, a legal opinion on a point of law, or a doctor's prescription in sickness-Batten's Wedge.

There have been a great many pages written and published on the absorbing subject, "What Makes a Man an Advertising Man?" But after all has been said there stands forth conspicuously the simple fact that the sole qualification necessary in an advertising man is the ability to get results. That is what advertisers throughout the world are looking for today. And the experience of those engaged in the search all go to prove that while there are plenty of men who can write advertising matter, and plenty of men who can make plans for spending money, and plenty of men who know all about mediums and rates, there are very, very few advertising

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