Imágenes de páginas

see their income so greatly diminished that they lead a sort of hand to mouth existence in order not to draw upon the principal.

That farmers don't read farm papers is given as a reason by advertisers for not patronizing the papers, which at other seasons have never failed to make good. The papers themselves are content with saying that the farmer is

The May number of AGRICULTURAL ADVERTISING, the monthly magazine published by the Long-Critchfield Corporation. Chicago, is devoted to Live Stock and is a highly creditable and interesting number, profusely illustrated with many fine original engravings and containing a vast amount of matter specially interesting to breeders, advertisers and lovers of artistic printing.-The Ruralist.

Mr. Alva Agee, who has been a prominent contributor to AGRICULTURAL ADVERTISING for several years, has joined the National Stockman and Farmer, Pittsburg, Pa. Hereafter Mr. Agee will write exclusively for the National Stockman and Farmer so far as agriculture is concerned, and for AGRICUL

Yoakum, Texas. May 9, 1904. Long-Critchfield Corporation, Powers Bldg., Chicago, Ill.

Sirs:-I note in Southern Ruralist your query and $5 offer, "Why Do You Patronize Advertisers?"

To all questions I answer emphatically "No." Except to the last question, and that I answer in the affirmative. I might have today been buying from the home merchant and paying 50 per cent more for goods than I can get them for from liberal advertisers, but for one incident that happened.

Fifteen years ago I entered a home merchant's store, where father had been buying goods, and asked for credit for three yards of "cotton nade" to make a pair of "pants." I was barefooted and nearly "pants" less. The merchant said "No." Although only fifteen years old, the rebuff stung me. I walked out

too busy to do any reading. But he goes to town most every Saturday, and deserts the fields on the Fourth of July.

Some day some advertiser will discover that perhaps the farmer and his family do read in the good old summer time, and the certain wise ones who are waiting till it's time for the war to begin will find that it has begun and that a victorious foe has captured Port Arthur.

TURAL ADVERTISING of matters relating to publicity for farmers. Having proved himself to be a successful farmer, writer and lecturer, Mr. Agee goes to his new work fully equipped to do valuable work in advancing the interests of agriculture by spreading the gospel of better methods. Mr. Agee will be a field editor, traveling about the country and writing about farms and farm methods, illustrating his subject with photographic views.

The May issue of AGRICULTURAL AdVERTISING is just at hand. It is a little the best yet.-The Furrow.

Your May number was artistic and common sense. Fort Worth Daily Live Stock Reporter.

and resolved that I would never ask for credit again and that when I had money to spend I would spend it where I could get the most for my money, quality considered. I kept my resolution. I ordered everything I used from reliable advertisers, and saved from 20 to 75 per cent on every dollar spent. To lessen the freight charges I induced others to send with me for needed articles, which they readily did when they saw the per cent saved. I have never had occasion to ask for credit since, but have had the pleasure of lending money to the very merchant that refused me credit for thirty cents' worth of "cotton nade."

My advice to young men is: Never buy on credit and always buy where you can get it the cheapest, quality considered.


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Those Who Insert "Want Ads,"

(The best test of circulation.)

Three Recent Examples:

H. H. Rodman & Co., Bloomington, Ill.: "We have secured all the help we need, and think your paper a great medium to advertise in." The advertisement was four lines.

F. S. Williams, Philadelphia, Pa.: "My five line advertisement, Want to Buy Farm, has brought me already four hundred replies."

Gerald Howatt, White Plains, N. Y.: "Please say that the farm and dairy manager advertised for by me has been found. I have given up the idea of trying to answer all applicants. I sent replies to 108 gentlemen, and they are still coming."

Printer's Ink, Mr. Geo. P. Rowell's paper for ad vertisers, says editorially: "Newspapers which carry the largest number of want advertisements are closest to the hearts of the people, and are for that reason not only prosperous, but of a distinct profitableness to an advertiser. The Country Gentleman carries more want advertisements than all other agricultural weeklies put together. That tells the story.

Advertisements tastefully set and carefully classified.
One insertion: 40c per line; $5.60 per inch.


Liberal discounts for continuance.
Subscription price, $1.50.

Luther Tucker & Son, Publishers, Albany, N. Y.

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troduce the advertiser to the people who live in "the bread basket of the world"northwest Canada.

Mr. M. Lee Stark has entered the missionary field and is offering to send a list of advertising journals at less than half


Mr. Adams was made secretary and general manager, holding this position until his death, a period of thirty-seven years. Under his management the business became a very important one, and Mr. Adams will be remembered as one who had much to do in building up the manufacturing interests of Illinois.

Mr. Adams was a member of the Congregational Church, superintendent of the Sunday school, and for many years held the office of deacon. A wife, daughter and son survive to mourn an irreparable loss.

The Canadian Thresherman sends out a neat folder implying that it is able to in

price to yearly subscribers. He says in his circular announcement that "My reason for this is that I find upon inquiry, to my surprise and chagrin, that the average advertiser, publisher and agent does not study the leading advertising journals as thoroughly as it seems

to me they should be studied to keep abreast of the times. The lawyer studies the legal journals; the physician the medical journals; the minister the theological journals-they realizing that they cannot be intelligent representatives of

their professions otherwise."

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"Who's Your Friend?" is the title of a Httle booklet published by the Rock Island Plow Co. setting forth the merits of the company's products and denouncing the mail order house in what the author is pleased to call "a tirade." Francis D. Blake, the author, is ad man with the company issuing the booklet, and his published opinion of the mail order house is not a high one.

Up-to-Date Farming, Indianapolis, is sending out a series of mailing cards, two cards a week being sent, which are calculated to attract attention and secure consideration for that journal. No two cards are alike in color or shape and the matter on them is brief and to the point.

The Farmer's Voice announces that whiskey advertising will not hereafter appear in its columns, nor any other advertising that is not strictly first-class.

The board of trustees of the Iowa Agricultural College has granted to Prof. W. J. Kennedy a year's leave of absence, during which time he will study the breeding and feeding of live stock in Europe. He will visit England, Scotland, Ireland, the Channel Islands, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and Holland while absent, and

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At the Head

of the List

One of the greatest mail order houses in this country writes us that the returns from the


place it at the head of the list, more returns having been received from it than any other paper used by the house. We have this letter on file and will give the name of the firm to any one interested in having proof of this statement. The Skandinaven goes to a class of people who are thrifty, and ready to take advantage of opportunities to buy at prices that save money for them. Authority on all matters of interest to Scandinavians, the Skandinaven carries the weight of its influence to its advertising columns and makes sales for advertisers.

The Skandinaven Skandinaven Bldg., Chicago.

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The new home of the Kansas City Journal is claimed to be one of the best newspaper buildings in the country. It is situated in the heart of the city and runs through an entire block, fronting on Eighth street. It is three stories high, has deep basements, and contains 45,000 square feet of floor space. The Journal is fifty years old and celebrates its Golden Jubilee by taking possession of this fine building, equipped with every modern device in the way of heating and lighting

omitted, dependence in the list of papers of this class having been placed in one of the standard newspaper directories.

The Iowa State College writes: "W. H. Olin has just returned from Odebolt, Ia.. where he has been studying the growth of barley in a co-operative experiment on Mr. A. E. Cook's Brookmont farm. Mr. Cook has seeded 900 acres to barley for the experiment. One variety was selected for its high yield wherever tested in Iowa, a second variety has been bred in one family in Bavaria for 100 years for high yield and malting qualities. A third variety was bred from a single head that showed unusually fine qualities and the grain bred from this head has shown, on small fields, a yield of 25 per cent above that of good ordinary barley. Prof. Olin is making a careful study of the growth of these varieties on this large scale and hopes to be able to secure data from this test that will help Iowa farmers to make a large increase in their yield."


Kansas City Journal Building

apparatus and fitted out with presses capable of printing 100,000 twelve-page papers per hour, together with everything necessary to make a first-class newspaper. The building is steel construction, red vitrified brick and terra cotta trimmings. The inside finishing is in keeping with everything else about the institution. The building was thrown open to the public for inspection May 28, and visiting ladies were presented with a souvenir song, words and music by Kansas City talent.

In the list of live stock dailies in the May issue of Agricultural Advertising the Fort Worth Daily Live Stock Reporter was

It is announced that The Farmer and Breeder, Sioux City, Iowa, has been merged with the semi-weekly Tribune of that city, and hereafter the papers will be published weekly as The Breeder and Farmer, by the Sioux City Tribune Co. The consolidated papers will retain the force of both the old papers and make it possible through this increase to give every detail careful


Collier's Weekly in its advertising campaign, gave the following information to
show that it ran more advertising in one month than other leading magazines:

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It will surprise many to know that the magnitude of the Poultry Industry has enabled its Leading Exponent-the Reliable Poultry Journal-to secure and hold more business than any one of the popular magazines above mentioned. In the month referred to


Suppose that none of your competitors are represented in its columns! What a chance for an advertising scoop. Send for a Free Sample Copy of THE WORLD'S LEADING (Biggest and Best) POULTRY JOURNAL whose Guaranteed Circulation is Invariably Exceeded.


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