Imágenes de páginas

An ounce of fact outweighs a ton of guess"

Advertisers who spend money to secure results are entitled to Facts.

The Northwestern


reaches the well-to-do Farmer of the great Northwest. Its circu-
lation in 1893 was 9,000. In 1903 its average semi-monthly circu-
lation was over 75,000. In 1904 its minimum weekly circulation
was over 75,000 and still growing. Holding its subscribers up-
on its merits and securing renewals from advertisers by produc-
ing results. Thoroughly covers the Agricultural field of the
great Northwest. The best medium in the West for Farm Ma-
chinery, Seeds and other Farm Supplies.

"The Great Northern Merger of Publications" has attracted wide-spread notice, and the attention of Mail Order Advertisers is especially called to

The Home Magazine

with a minimum monthly circulation of


A high-grade literary and domestic monthly magazine which stands upon its
merits. THE HOME MAGAZINE was founded by Mrs. John A. Logan in 1886 at Wash-
ington, D. C., and was purchased by us after most thorough investigation. Its
literary and domestic features are of the highest grade, and it is our intention to
add many new features, enlarge and strengthen the various departments, and en-
list the services of writers of national reputation.

THE HOME MAGAZINE is an unexcelled medium for Mail Order Advertisers,
but is entirely different from the average so-called 'Mail Order" publication.
Reaches 150,000 women who are


for kitchen, garden and flowers. Also a popular medium for advertising poultry,
incubators and home separators.

A Uniform Rate for Advertisers. Protection for our

Ten Per Cent Club Discounts to Advertisers Who use Both of Our Publications. First-Class Mediums for Legitimate Advertisers. No Duplication of Circulation.

Examine Sample Copies and Rates.


Minneapolis, Minn.

NEW YORK: Wm. C. Hill in charge

1321 American Tract Soc. Bldg.

CHICAGO: B. W. Rhoads in charge

914 Schiller Bldg.


Everything Has a Roseate Hue,

but the biggest and best thing for the money is the service given all first-class advertisers who persistently use

The "Old Reliable"

Kansas Farmer

The best weekly medium of the prosperous southwest.
which has enjoyed a prosperous career since 1876.

Average Annual Income, $2,000.

A paper

According to recent statistics, every farmer in Kansas, for 1903, received an average income of $2,000. No other portion of the United States can make as favorable a showing. Now is the time for advertisers to get busy and prosper likewise.

New Departure-Net Flat Rates.

The Kansas Farmer was the first weekly to inaugurate a net flat rate to advertisers. Two years' trial has greatly increased our list of pleased advertisers. It costs only 11 cents per line for space. No other paper attempts to give an equal service for the money. Send your orders through your favorite agency, or to


[blocks in formation]

Topeka, Kans.



is the great New England newspaper. Its
widespread and representative circulation in-
cludes, in large numbers, those who depend
on farming for a livelihood or are interested
in it as a recreation. All its classified


is published under this illustrated heading:



is the only New England paper in which are
announced the Horse Auction Sales held un-
der the auspices of the Boston Horse Market
Association. This organization, it is well to
know, advertises exclusively in the Herald.


under the classification "Farms for Sale" are
122 cents a line of 7 words set solid, and 25
cents a line displayed. Farm tools, seeds,
fertilizers, stock, etc., may also be profitably
advertised among live Yankee farmers in



The Poultry Harvest

Lasts all the year and poultrymen are always ready
to buy and pay cash. The poultry paper that goes
to the farm poultry keeper, as well as the town and

village fancier, is the one that reaches the classes who do practically
all the mail order buying of this country. Such a poultry paper is the

American Poultry Journal,

the oldest poultry publication in this country. It has proved profitable to thousands in the past, and is more influential and more profitable to-day than ever before.

Send for Sample Copies, Rates, Etc.

American Poultry Journal,

325 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO.


Chiefly devoted to agricultural
interests in the new and rapidly
developing region commonly
known as the Great Southwest.

25,000 Guaranteed Monthly Circulation.


Going to farmers in the states of
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois,
Indiana and Ohio.


Do Not

by leaving Farm, Stock and Home off your list.
It is the only paper in this territory that has a
right to the term Best Advertising Medium.
Here's a summary of answers to letters asking
a frank comparison of Northwestern mediums.
64 Advertisers reported FARM, STOCK
Q HOME to be the best.

69 reported returns satisfactory, and
equal to those from any other medium
in the territory specified.

2 reported better results from The Farmer.
2 reported better results from another
paper but did not name the publication.
20 Advertisers did not key their ads.
10 reported returns unsatisfactory, but
five of the ten reported FARM, STOCK

HOME the best, but as none paid,
these five are not included in above 64.

Letters to verify this table are on file. Farm, Stock Q Home does not cut its rates, or take pay for space

in merchandise. You know your competitor is not buying space cheaper than you are. Its rate is the lowest in the Northwest. Its columns are closed against advertising of worthless articles. The farmers of the Northwest will have lots of money to spend this fall; and they are good spenders.

Let us send you a sample copy.

Farm, Stock & Home, Minneapolis, Minn.

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