Imágenes de páginas


Good intentions supported by good deeds and perseverance have raised plow boys to presidents, and have not lost their power to make you what you ought to be. -Impressions.

Ideas for advertisements may be found in divers places, but the least commendable source of inspiration is somebody else's advertising. Making ads out of ads is like writing books about books. The subject is served up to the reader thrice diluted, and the real story veiled behind rehashed pithless phrases.-Printers' Ink.

Testimonials are just as useful in other kinds of business as in the patent medicine business.

People place their business when they have confidence and they have confidence when they see others have placed confidence and have been satisfied.-White's Sayings.

It's not an ideal solicitor who takes note of but two dates-when the contract is signed and when it expires.-Rusty Mike's Diary.



If you are advertising shirts, do not tell the people about how long you have been in business, or about how much room you have got in your factory, or about your idea of the outcome of the presidential election, or the Russian-Japanese war. them about the shirts. Tell them why it is to their advantage to buy these particular shirts rather than others in the market. Tell them what the shirts cost. the shirts are better than any others, tell them why they are better. If you are selling them cheaper than others, tell them "why" you are selling them cheaper. are all full of curiosity and we want to know "why," and if you can give the public good, sound, sensible reasons for believing what you tell them, you are very apt to get their business.-E. D. Preston in Modern Methods.


Some men are always afraid they will do a trifle more work than their pay envelope calls for. But these men as a rule never have much salary to call for.Western Monthly.

The agricultural building at the St. Louis exposition covers 23 acres and is the largest structure ever erected for a single department.

The man who would enjoy most must know most. The man who would accomplish much must prepare himself for his work, and in this time of such intense competition it is a self-evident fact that the man who fails to appreciate the importance of a special education along any line of agriculture, must necessarily labor under a serious handicap.-C. C. Hatfield in The Agricultural Student.

The quality to be most earnestly striven for in advertising is not originality, or cleverness, or even personality, but in

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formation. It is so very difficult to avoid superficiality. Half the advertising printed in every sort of medium to-day is lacking in the simplest particulars that a reader wants to know. Advertising that tells the whole story needs no cleverness or originality. Advertising that omits vital points about the goods can be redeemed by no originality or cleverness in telling. The latter may adorn and attract, but when an ad is being read by a pros pective buyer they carry no weight whatever.-Printers' Ink.

"One stroke of a bell in a thick fog does not give any lasting impression of its location, but when followed by repeated strokes, at regular intervals, the densest fog or the darkest night cannot long conceal its whereabouts. Likewise the single insertion of an advertisement-as compared with regular and systematic advertising is in its effect not unlike a sound, which faintly heard but once is lost in space and soon forgot."-The Progressive Monthly.

Words are powerful. The short easy words are best. A clean cut, distinct impression is best conveyed by short words and short sentences. The old, tried and constantly used words, the common words, are the best, because they convey your meaning plainly to the masses, and they are your principal customers.-Ad. Writer. It isn't the thing you do That brings success to you

It's the way you advertise it;
Though your work is the best on earth
You must whoop for all you're worth
To induce the world to prize it.

-New York Herald.

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Prestige is "a good report among men." Its value to its possessor is manifold. gives added weight to each word he says. It secures support for his worthy aims. It widens the channels of his influence. It finds willing hands to work for him. It lays the best at his feet. It brings great concessions for his patronage. It causes others to follow his example. It opens the door to larger opportunities.

A measure of prestige is within the reach of every person who appreciates its value and takes the trouble to attain it. The first requisite is solid worth. After

The Way to Reach

the representative farm folks is through the columns of FARM LIFE, the representative paper for farm folks.


is the only agricultural publication that is keeping pace with the improved conditions of the American farmer. A glance at FARM LIFE will convince you of this statement, and will assure you that there is no guessing as to the quality of our circulation, which for August was 120,500 copies. See your advertising agent or write us.

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Collier's Weekly in its advertising campaign, gave the following information to
show that it ran more advertising in one month than other leading magazines:

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It will surprise many to know that the magnitude of the Poultry Industry has enabled its Leading Exponent-the Reliable Poultry Journal-to secure and hold more business than any one of the popular magazines above mentioned. In the month referred to


Suppose that none of your competitors are represented in its columns! What a chance for an advertising scoop. Send for a Free Sample Copy of THE WORLD'S LEADING (Biggest and Best) POULTRY JOURNAL whose Guaranteed Circulation is Invariably Exceeded.



The only International Jour-
nal devoted exclusively to the
Great Fruit Industry. Con-
ducted on entirely original
lines and endorsed in highest
terms throughout the country.

"The Pomological Magazine of America."-Parker Earle.

Advertise in One-Reach All Fruit Growers, Shippers, Package Makers, Nurserymen, Seedsmen, Implement Makers, Commission Dealers, etc.


Get sample copy and note difference.

American Fruits Publishing Co. 16 State St., Rochester, N. Y.



will take your business into the
homes of the most
grain and live stock farmers of
the great prairies of the west.
The paper is the official
organ of the army of co-
operators. They believe
in patronizing their
friends and will pat-
ronize you, if you
take space with us,
Mr. Advertiser.

Send for sample copy and rates.

The Farmers Advocate,
Topeka, Kans.

[blocks in formation]

Ten years ago the great west was stil in the hands of the mortgagees. Western mortgages were still the bug-a-boo of castern merchants. Western farmers were still poor and merchants hesitated to seek their business.

Bumper crops and good prices for them rid the farms of their mortgages and the farmer of the burden of paying them off. They have put the farmer in the foremost rank of the buyers of the good things in life.

For forty years the south has been poor, too poor to merit the serious thought of the great mass of advertisers who sought farmer buyers. But the old King has come back to his kingdom. Cotton is again King.-Batten's Wedge.

Nineteen hundred and four offers better opportunities for advertisers than any previous year.

Better things, better markets, better methods, better mediums.


The advertiser who does not have prosperous year has only himself to blame. -Retailer and Advertiser.

Richard Wood, advertising manager of the Metropolitan magazine, says: "I believe that the men who are most valuable to the advertising business are those who work without the dependence of good fellowship and conviviality, and those who have studied general trade conditions and merchandising thoroughly, and who simply convince their prospective customers with good sound logical arguments.

"I believe that friendship should be a result of good business dealing, rather than business dealing a result of friendship. Combine this idea with earnest and persistent work, and you have my impression of the real mission of an advertising man."

A good catch line followed by weak argument always reminds me of a soft head under a silk hat.-Jed Scarboro.

An erroneous idea prevails among some people that the self-made man is a success and the college-made man is a failure. Many men fail-some of them are college men and some are not. It all lies in the man and his determination to win. This determination leads him, if a college man, to apply his learning; if not a college man, to acquire the necessary knowledge by special study and application. One thing is certain, the unqualified man never wins.Common Sense.

To reach the leading live stock raisers of Missouri,
Kansas, Oklahoma, and Indian Territory with ef-
fect, you must use

The Farmer & Stockman

published at Kansas City, the second largest live
stock market in the world and the center of the
country's richest agricultural section. THE
for and read by the most prosperous families, be-
cause it reflects and stimulates their desire for the
latest improvements and most modern methods.
It has the confidence of its readers and the contin-
ued and growing support of its reliable advertisers.
See that your list includes this business bringer.

Office, 403 Century Building, Kansas City, Mo.

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