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Agricultural Epitomist

is in a position to serve reliable agricultural advertisers to better
advantage than any other agricultural paper published in the

It is now in its 23rd year, and for many years has been univer-
sally considered the latest and highest authority on all agricul-
tural subjects.

It is the only farm paper edited and printed on a farm.

This gives its teachings a true, substantial and practical ring
which no other farm publication has as yet laid claim to, and
which is appreciated by the leading farmers of the world
It is the official organ of the

Epitomist Experiment Station

A co-operative organization which has attracted world wide recognition as the most successful, businesslike institution ever developed for the betterment of farm industry. 650 acres of fertile land, ideally situated for experimental purposes, is the home of

The Agricultural Epitomist

and through its columns all of the most progressive farmers
keep abreast of the times.

Thousands of our readers are stock
holders in the Epitomist Experiment
Station, which gives that touch of per-
sonal interest to the Agricultural
Epitomist which is so valuable to
its advertising patrons.

Write for handsome illustrated
book which fully explains the at-
titude in which our hundreds of
thousands of paid subscribers
stand in relation to our paper
and how that may be brought to
bear in building up your busi-
ness. This and any other infor-
mation Free.

The Agricultural
Spencer, Indiana


The Homestead--Iowa's Paper

and the agricultural authority for the whole central west. A paper
fitted to the needs of the richest and most progressive farmers in
the world. It brings results because its territory is fertile, and its
readers believe in it. Farmers who pay a dollar for a paper read it
carefully. That's the kind of circulation you get in

The Homestead-More Than 60,000

depend upon it for the farm and buying suggestions. Two generations have been brought up on it. If you want a favorable introduction to these prosperous families you must get it through THE HOMESTEAD, DES MOINES, IOWA.


American Poultry Journal

The paper that's building business for the best class of advertisers among the best class of poultry keepers.

It is the oldest and strongest paper in the field.
Its readers are the class whose inquiries mean

More people are becoming interested in poultry every day.
You can't afford to neglect this increasing, progressive class.
These people need everything. They will have confidence
in your goods if they are advertised in

The American Poultry Journal, 325 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Send for sample copy and rates.




in its campaign editorials and articles is a prominent, significant and attractive feature of Mr. Bryan's Commoner. This fearless, sturdy publication is paid for, looked for, and closely read by a peculiarly intelligent and thoughtful class of farmers and ruralists. The Circulation of

The Commoner

is not in great centers already over-crowded with great newspapers with their multitudinous evening editions. Consequently it is an ideal mail-order medium. June 1st the sworn circulation of The Commoner was


Average January 1st to June 30th, 145,884, and as the presidential campaign gets fiercer and hotter this circulation should soon reach the 200,000 mark. The Commoner has no circulation mysteries. We will satisfy your inquiries regarding circulation in any manner-post-office receipt, sworn-to circulation by states, or we would be glad to have you call and examine our circulation books. Everything open and “above board." Send for rates and sample copies.

The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.

J. P. Limeburner

185 Dearborn St.


A. J. Limeburner
Betz Building

Results Count

The Farm Star

(The Indiana Rural Free Delivery Weekly)

goes to but one class of Rural Free Delivery Farmers in the agricultural districts of the State of Indiana, Eastern Illinois and Western Ohio. These subscribers not only Read the Farm Star and patronize its advertisers, but they also use its classified columns for their own advertising. Read what two subscribers to the Farm Star say as to its merits as an advertising medium:


"Had to Return Money"

"Please discontinue my ad as I have sold my chickens. Money orders pouring in every day to be returned. I think the Farm Star is the best advertising medium for the Farmer."

(Signed) W. W. KEY, R. F. D. 2. Roachdale, Ind.

From All Over Indiana

"Please discontinue accompanying advertisement in the Farm Star. An ad surely brings answers from all over Indiana. The Farm Star can't be beaten if you have anything to sell."

(Signed) O. H. REES, R. F. D., 27. Glenwood, Ind.

These letters show that the Farm Star's subscribers are a mail order buying class of people and have the money to do such buying. Results received by general advertisers have been just as good. Contracts have been received from the following well-known advertisers for large space to be used during the coming season:

Montgomery Ward & Co.
Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Bullock, Ward & Co.
Theo. Noel Co.
Advance Fence Co.
Coiled Spring Fence Co.
Majestic Wire Fence Co.
Model Mfg. Co.

Information Pub. Co.
Blackman Stock Remedy

Wm. S. Gilbreath Seed Co.

C. M. & St. P. Ry.

M. K. & T. Ry.

People's Supply Co.
Live Stock Remedy Co.
Iowa Incubator Co.

Sure Hatch Incubator Co.
Progress Tailoring Co.
O. T. Moses & Co.
Globe Association.
Superior Mfg. Co.
C. M. Scott & Co.
Double Power Mill Co.
American Home Monthly.
Women's Mutual Benefit

Gemmer Engine Co.
Hoosier Drill Co.
Empire Drill Co.
Superior Drill Co.
Bowles Live Stock Co.
Stark Nurseries.

Smith Manure Spreader Co.
Inland Poultry Journal.
Superior Mfg. Co.

People's Popular Monthly.
Gedge Tank Co.

Snoddy Remedy Co.

McDonald Bros. Scale Co

Kline Drummond Mer. Co. Empire Stove Co.

The Farm Star Guarantees a Rural Free Delivery Circulation of

50,000 Weekly

among farmers in the State of Indiana, Eastern Illinois and Ohio, in rich mail order and agricultural advertising territory. It will pay you to get a sample copy and rate card before completing your list for fall advertising, from

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