Imágenes de páginas
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By a happy coincidence Mr. H. B. Hall had completed, the very day of Mr. Bryant's death, a superb steel engraving of the poet, on which he had been engaged for more than a year. It is a large and fine plate, 12 x 15 inside, a remarkable portrait as well as work of art. It retails at $2 per copy.

THE promised "Ten Year Book" of Cornell University, which will contain many things of interest in regard to alumni and professors of Cornell's first decade, and which is edited by Professor Willard Fiske, is rapidly approaching completion, and will be issued during commencement week.

THE Committee appointed to examine the affairs of Lockwood, Brooks & Co. have issued a circular stating that they did not deem it expedient to call a second meeting of creditors, as the bankrupts were not prepared to make any offer for the property until within two days of the time of meeting appointed by the Court for choice of assignee. They therefore consider it but justice to all the parties concerned that they now report that a careful examination of the books and stock confirmed the statements of the bankrupts made at the first meeting, and that they found no evidence of any improper use of the property, or evasion on the part of the bankrupts. The committee were offered

[blocks in formation]

1 ea. Collins' and Gray's Poet. Works. 18°, black cloth.

Osgood & Co. No other imprint will answer.


every facility for the examination of the property, and the bankrupts acted upon all the suggestions made by the committee for the protection of the estate pending proceedings in bankruptcy.

HOUGHTON, OSGOOD & Co.'s list contains several books that should be specially noted by summer travellers and those who do literary purveying for them. For example, the Sweetser guide-books to New England, the Middle States, the White Mountains, and the Maritime Provinces, which are full of just the information tourists need; and such books as Miss Howard's delightful "Our Summer," either with or without Mr. Hoppin's pictures, that "hit the nail on the head" every time; Miss Jewett's "Deephaven" story-sketches, one of the pleasantest of seashore. books; Page's little book Thoreau, a sympathetic study of this keen observer and ardent lover of nature; Warner's Being a Boy," good for all seasons and all ages, charming to read alone, and a whole 'symposium" for reading aloud; Waring's "Bride of the Rhine," which abounds in pretty pictures and attractive descriptions of the country bordering the river Mosel; and, to stop somewhere, Mrs. Thaxter's excellent little book

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Among the Isles of Shoals," Warner's "Baddeck," and Miss Larcom's "Roadside Poems and "Hillside and Seaside in Poetry," two pocket volumes containing the very best and most attractive outdoor poems ever written. P. S. Don't forget the "Little Classics" and the hundred or more "Vest Pocket" books, which are marvellously good and convenient to carry.

[blocks in formation]


TEREOTYPE plates and copyright of the following book, "The Human Hair and the Cutaneous Diseases which affect it, together with Essays on Acne, Sycosis, and Chiloasma. By B. C. Perry. 6 plates and several cuts. 12°. 402 pages, 1865." With 50 copies in cloth. Address E. W. NASH, agent for Assignee, 115 Fulton st., N. Y.

O be sold June 18, 1878, at the residence of the late poet, The solid Julibrary FERDINAND FREILIGRATH, Com missions are solicited by Oscar Gerschel, bookseller, Schloss Str. 37, Stuttgart, Würtemberg, Germany, for the day of sale or subsequently. Catalogues can be obtained at this office. BUSINESS FOR SALE.

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American Journal of the Medical Sciences (Phila.), from A. Shand school-books. Back numbers of 56,789 differ

its beginning to the end of 1877.

S. CLARK, 66 Nassau St., N. Y., dealer in secondent periodicals for sale cheap.

The Publishers' Weekly.


(For Rules and Regulations see previous numbers.)


Address, referring to number of lot, PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, ACCOM. DEPT. (See rules above.)

102. (New York.)

Biblia, Ex Translatione Joannis Clerici cum ejus Paraphrasi Perpetua, Commentario Philologico, Dissertationibus Crit. quinque et Tab. Cronolog. 7 v. fol, cf, neat, 12.50. Renouard, Annales de l'Imprimerie des Alde, 3 v., hrus, Paris, '25, fine, n. copy, 10.00.

Statius, Opera, Ven. in æd. Aldi, 1502, st. mor. gt, lines and ms. on margin, only Aldine ed., 6.00.

Cæsar, Opera, Ven. in æd. Aldi, 1818, cuts, vellum, 5.00. Apuleius Opera c. Alcinoi Intr. Ven. in æd. Aldi, 1521, vel., only Aldine ed., 10.00.

Dictionarium Graecum, Ven. in æd. Aldi, fol, hsh, 6.00.
Polybius, Gr. and Lat. c. not. varior. ed Gronovius, 3 v. 8°,
vel., Amst., 1670 (P. and F. 5 l. 5 s.), 6.00.
Polybius, Gen. Hist., transl. by Hampton, 8°, hcf, L., '12,


Graff, Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz, with Massman's Index, 6 v. 4°, hmor, Berlin, '34-46 (39th), 18.00.

Stephanus, Thesaurus ling. Latinæ ed. Gessner, 4 v. fol, hcf, Lip., 1749, 18.00.

Bailey, Univ. Etymol. English Dictionary, ed. by Scott, fol, cf, 12.00.

Hoffman, Lexicon Universale, 4 v. fol, vel, Lug. Bat., 1698, v. neat, 15.00.

Euripides, Opera Omnia, Gr. and Lat. c. Scholiis, etc., 9 v. 8°, bds, Glasguæ, '21 (61. 6s.), 10.00.

Herodotus, Hist. Latiné, 8°, cl, Oxon, '22, 1.50.

Livius, Hist. ed. Twiss, 4 v. 8°, cl, Oxon, '40 (11. 185.), 5.00. Thucydides, Ed. Bekker, c. schol. et annot., 4 v., cl, Oxon, '21 (2l. 12s. 6d.), 4.00.

Petronius, Lat. avec Traduction Fr. par D[urand], 2 v. 8°, hcf, Paris, '03, 3.50.

Barthélmy, Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, 4°, cf, P. Didot, 43, 2.50.

Robinson, Designs for Ornamental Cottages, 96 pl, 4°, hrus, L., '36 (21. 2s.),

Dean, Designs for Country Residences, fol, cl, L., '67 (2l. 25.), 5.00.

Home, Comparative Anatomy, ab. 400 pl, 6 v. 4o, hcl, L., '14-28 (181. 18s.), 30.00.

London Exhibition, Official, Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue, 5 v. 1. 8°, rus, extra, L., 51, 20.00.

Suetonius, Opera ed. Burrman, 2 v. 4°, cf., Amst., 1736,


Quinctilianus, Opera ed. Burmann, 3 v. in 2, 4o, cf, Lug. Bat., 1720, 6.50.

Buchananus, Opera ed. Burmann, 2 v. 4°, Lug. Bat., vel, 6.00, cf, 5.00.

Hobbes' Complete Works, 16 v. 8°, cl, L., '39 (81. 8s.), 24.00. La Harpe, Course de Litterature Anc. et Moderne, 18 v. 16°, sh, P., '23, 7.50.

De Pauw, Philosophical Dissert. on the Egyptians and Chinese, 2 v. 8°, bds, L., 1795, 2.50.

De Pauw, Phil. Dissertations on the Greeks, 2 v. in 1, 8°, hcf, L., 1793, 2.50.

De Pauw], Recherchés Philos. sur les Americains, 2 v. in 1, 12°, cf, Berlin, 1768, 2.25.

Kames, Sketches of the History of Man, 4 v. 8°, bds, Edgb. 1788, 4.50.

Chaucer, Canterbury Tales in Modern Versions, 3 v. 12°, hrus, Oxf., 1795, 7.00.

Homer, Opera cum Scholiis, with Index Vocabulorum, 5 v. 8°, cf, Oxon, 1780, 5.00, lp, 7.50.

Cooper, Naval Hist. of the U. S. 2 v. 8°, cl, Phila., '40,

[blocks in formation]

100 Smiley's Arith., '61, sw, 13 C.

14 Felter's Gram. Sch. Arith., '68, sw, 40 c. Felter's Commercial Arith., '68, sw, 40 c.


6 Carter's Geog. and Atlas, '60, sw, 50 c. 28 Guyot's Introd. to Geog., '69, sw, 42 c. 20 Hooker's Physiology, '65, sw, 72 c.

60 Hooker's Natural Philosophy, '73, nn, 67 c. 11 Willard's U. S., 8°, '69, sw, 80 c.

6 Gray and Adams' Geology, '59, sw, 55 c.

33 Lossing's Pict. U. S., '58, sw. 87 c.

5 Rolfe and Gillett's Handbook Stars, '68, sw, 67 c.

7 Rolfe and Gillett's Cambridge Astron., '68, nn, 72 c.

39 Burrington's Natural Science, '58, sw, 25 c.

8 Rolfe and Gillett's Chemistry, Cambridge, '67, nn, 72 c.

4 Darby's Chemistry, '67, sw, 75 c.

10 Jones' Philosophy, '54, sw, 30 c.

6 Robinson's El. Astron., '66, sw, 40 c.

2 Robinson's University Astron., '67. sw, 90 c.

6 Mason's Practical Astron., '58, sw, 50 c.

12 Zumpt's Latin Grammar (Anthon's), '71, sw, 55 c. for Beginners, '47, sw, 40 c.



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106. (Baltimore.)

Southern Literary Messenger, '35-40, 5 v. roy. 8o, sh, s,
Southern Quarterly Review for '55, 2 v., hrus, 3.00.
Life of J. Brainard, 12°. cl, 60 c.

Hist. of New Jersey, ed. by W. H. Carpenter and T. S.
Arthur, cl, Phil., 50 c.

Lamon Blanchard's Sketches from Life, with a Memoir, by Edward Bulwer Lytton, N. Y., hm, 60 c.

Beeton's Modern Men and Women, from Geo. III. to Victoria, 16°, mus, L., 60 c.

Romance of Travel, by Chas. MacFarlane, 12°, cl. L., 50 c. Philosophy of Human Life, by J. Jennings, M.D. [contains last sickness of Washington, Harrison, and Taylor], cl, 12°, 75 C.

Hall's Sketches of the West, 2 v., mus, Phil., 1835, 1.10. The World Here and There, and Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England (Putnam's Semi-Monthly Library), N. Y., 52, P, 2 v. 75 c.

Coggeshall's History of American Privateers, il., tpw, pc,

75 C.

Parkman's California and Oregon Trail, N. Y., '49, cl, 75 c.


Life of Chatterton, by Gregory, 8°, cf, L., 1789, r, 75 c.
Famous Books, by W. D. Adams, 8°, cl, gc, L., 1.25.
The Sham Squire and Informers of '98, hm, Dublin, 60 c.
Mrs. Ellis' Mothers of England, 12°, cl, N. Y., 50 c.
Chorley's Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, 2 v. cl. il, N. Y., go c.
Album of Love, containing Love Thoughts of many Poets,
sm. 8°, L., 50 c.

Eight Years in Congress, by S. S. Cox, por., 75 c.
Memoirs of R. Cumberland ("Best of Autobiographies").


107. (New York.)

North American Review, complete set from v. 1, New Series (20), to v. 125 (June to Dec., '77) incl., all in numbers in good order and warranted perfect, 130.00. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, complete set from v. 1, 39 to v. 63, '70, end of publication; first 41 v. bd. in hcf, full gilt back, remainder in numbers, complete except three late numbers missing; warranted perfect and in good order, 63.00.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

W. Chillingworth's Religion of Protestants, fol. Oxford, 1638, smooth cf, fc, first ed., with 19 pp. mss. index, 2.50. Alford's Greek Gospels, 8°, N. Y., '59, hroan, 1.50.

J. C. Robertson's Church Hist. to 1122, 2 v. 8°, L., '54-6, cl, gc, r, o, p, 4.50.

R. Field, Of the Church, 4 v. 8°, Camb., '47, cl, fc. 3.00. E. H. Landon, Ecclesiastical Dict., 2 v., all published, thk. 12°, L., '49-53, cl, fc, r, 4.00.

Riddle's Christian Antiquities and Analysis of the Writings of the Ante-Nicene Fathers, thk. 8°, L., '43, cl, gc, best ed, 2.50.

Books remaining of lots 41, 54, 89, offered at twenty-five per cent discount.

109. (New York.)

Art Journal, with Catalogue of the Exhibition of '51, 2 v. 4°, cl, per v., 3.25.

Power (John), A Handy Book about Books, L., '70, 8o, 3.00. Dibdin (F. F.), Library Companion; or, The Young Man's Guide, etc., L., '24, 2 v. in one, cf, 8°, 4.00.

Perkins' Best Reading, N. Y., '77, 8°, cl, 75 c.

Maberly (Mrs.), Melanthe; or, The Days of the Medici, L., 43, 3 V. 12°, hcf, per v., 25 c.

Byron (Lord), Select Poetical Works, por., B., '49, za°, cl,

50 C.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Cusick's Ancient Hist. of the Six Nations of Indians, curious cuts, 8°, pamp., 1.00.

Budd's Penn. and N. J. in 1695, new ed., notes, etc, 8°, sheets, 1.00.

Historical Mag. and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History, and Biography of Am., from v. 1, '57, to 74-5, 22 v. roy. 8°, in nos., 45.00.

Congressional Globe, from commencement v. 1, '33, to 42d Cong., 71, 102 v. 4°, hrus, 125.00.

Anderson's Constitutions of the Free Masons, 1723, facsimile, 4°, cl, 1.50.

Hist. of England, by Hume and Smollett, with continuation
by Hughes, pl., 21 v. 12°, cl, uncut, L., '34, 16.00.
Smith, Hist. Duchess Co., N. Y., 8°, cl, gc, '77, 2.60.
Schoolcraft's Indian Tribes of the U. S., pl., 6 v. 4°, cl, gc,
Gov't ed., Phil., '51-7, 60.00.

Thomas' Account of Penna. and West N. J. in Am., 1698,
map, 12°, in sheets, N. Y., '48, gc, 1.00.
New England Primer, B., 1777, 32°, bds, 43, 25 C.
American State Papers, 1789-1833, 21 v., fol, hrus, gc, 40.00.
Biographical Hist. of Lancaster Co., Pa., by Harris, 639 pp.
8°, sheets, 72, 1.00.

Bayles, Hist. Sketches of Suffolk Co. (L. I.), N. Y., 12°, cl,

74, 1.75

Alsop's Maryland, with Treatise on the Wild and Naked Indians, 1665, with notes, etc., by Dr. Shea, por. and map, 8°, sheets, N. Y., '69, 1.00.

Annals of the Classis of Bergen, N. J., with hist. by Taylor, pl, 12°, cl, '57, 1.25.

N. Y. Astor Place Riot, Forrest and Macready, 25 c. Worley's Two Years' Journal in N. Y. City, 1679, notes, etc., by Dr. O'Callaghan, 8°, sheets, 1.00. Descendants of Walter Briggs of Westchester, N. Y., etc., 4°, pr, 1.50.

Pedigree of the Seamans descended from Capt. J. Seaman, of Hempstead, L. I., fol., 75 c.

Eubank's Hydraulics, etc., ill. 8°, cl, '49, 3 00.

Owen's Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, etc., pl, thk. 4°, cl, '55, 2.50.

Boston Slave Riot and Trial of Anthony Burns, por., 8°, pamp., 54, 30 c.

Trial of C. S. Smith, of Otego, N. Y., for Bastardy, etc.,

port., 8°, pamp., 74, 30 c.

Buxton on Prison Discipline, 8°, bds, L., 75 c.
Zadkiel's Grammar of Astrology, 12°, cl, L., 40, 1.50.

Jesus and His Biographers, Furness, 8°, cl, Phil., 38, 2.00.
Nolte's Fifty Years in both Hemispheres, 12°, cl, 75 c.
́ 112. (Philadelphia.)

Memoir of Chas. D. Meigs, M.D., 12°, P., '76, 50 c. Memoir of Thomas B. Wilson, M.D., 8°, P., '65, 50 c. Memorial Jas. W. Wallack, Sr., 8°, uncut, N. Y., 65, 1.00. Memorial Rev. Peter O. Studdiford, 8°, P., '73, 50 c. Miller, F. W., Hist. New Hamp. Gazette, 1757, uncut, Ry. Sco., '72, 1.00.

Mitchell, S. L., Ch. and Ser. Thos. Jefferson, 8o, N. Y., '26, 50 c.

Northwestern Cent. Celebration, July 4. '76, La Crosse, W.,

8°, 50 c.

Osgood, Thomas Crawford, 8°, N. Y., 75, 50 c. Pedigree Sir Ferd. Gorges, 8°, uncut, B., '75, 1.00. Phila. Bar to Judiciary, Jan. 8, '67, 8°, uncut, P., 75 c. Phillips, Penna. Paper Money, 8°, P., '62, 1.00.

50 c.

Pleasures Numismatic Science, 8°, uncut, P., '67,

Prescott Memorial, por., N. Y., '59, 50 c.


Tribute, Am. Ant. Soc., 80, Worcester, '59, 50 c. 66 Mass. Hist. Soc., 8°, B., '59, 50 C. Quincy, Josiah, Tribute Mass. Hist. Soc., 80, B., '64, 50 c. Quincy, J., James Graham vindicated from Bancroft 8°, B., '46, 75 C.

[ocr errors]

Quincy, E., Notice Horace Binney, 8°, B., '76, 50 c.
Reed, W. B., Oration Gen. Hugh Mercer, 8°, P., 44, 50 c.
Robbins, C., Discourse Wm. Parsons Lunt, 8°, B., '57, 50 c.
Rowan, S. N., Adams and Jefferson, 8°, N. Y., 26, 50 c.
Rudder, W., Science and Theology, 8°, uncut, P., '69, 75 c.
Shakspeare, Tercentenary N. E. Hist. Gen. Soc., 8°, un-
cut, B., '64, 1.25.

Shakspere Society, Philadelphia, 8°, P., '60, 1.50.

Silliman, Eulogy on Pres. Dwight, 8o, N. Haven, '17, 50 c. Sivett's Defence Tim. Pickering Bancroft's Hist., 12°, B., '59: 75 c.

Stanford, J., Jefferson and Adams, 8°, N. Y., '26, 50 c. Stevens, W. B., Cent. Anniv. Am. Ind,, 8°, P., '76, 50 c. Strong's Eulogium Horace Binney, 8°, P., '76, 50 c. Ticknor, Geo., Tribute Mass. Hist. Soc., 80, B., '71, 50 c. Tyson, J. R., Col. Hist., East and South, 8°, P., 42, 50 c. Thomas, Sketch Ch.-Just. Shaw, 8°, B., '68, 50 c.

Van Rensselaer's Eulogy Daniel Webster, 8°, B., '52, 50 c. Walker, T., Oration Daniel Webster, 8°, '52, 50 c. Washburn, Memoir of Levi Lincoln, por., 8°, uncut, B., '69, 1.00.

[ocr errors]

Webster, D., Adams and Jefferson, 8°, B., '26, 50 c.
72d Birthday, 8°, N. Y., 54, 50 c.
Dinner Citizens Phila., 8°. 47, 50 C.
White, A. D., Effect of Secession, 8°, map, '61, 50 c.
Winthrop, Memoir Nathan Appleton, por., B., '61, 1.00.
Wood, G. B., Hist. University of Penna., 8°, P., '53, 50 c.

[blocks in formation]

Arnold, Aug. C. L., LL.D., Living World, descriptions of the Races of Men and the different Animals, Birds, Fishes, and Insects, with anecdotes, assisted by Edw. A. Samuels, many finely col. pla., 2 v. in 1, 4°, fp, ftkym, gte, B., '68-'71, (20.00) 8.00.

Harrison's British Classicks, steel engrs., 8 v. 8°, hcf, L., 1785, 4.50.

Horne's Introd. to the Scriptures, 2 v. in 1, 1. 8°, sh, N. Y., '64, good as n, 2.75.

Atlantic Monthly, v. 1-14, '57-'64, publisher's binding, fc,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Matthew, 2.50. Epistles, 2 50.

Dwight, Timothy, Theology Explained and Defended, with a Memoir of the Life of the author, 4 v. 8°, N. Y., '67, n, (8.00) 3.50.

Olshausen, Commentary on the New Testament, rev., Kendrick, 6 v. 8°, sw, (18.00) 7.50.

Emmons', Nathaniel, D.D., Works, Memoir, ed. by Ide, por., 6 v. 8°, hcf, B., '42, (24.00) 7.50.

116. (Syracuse, N. Y.) All in good, salable condition. Schucker's Life of S. P. Chase, 8°, cl, 2 50. Draper's American Civil War, 3 v., cl, 6.30. Schuyler's Turkistan, 2 v., cl, 4.75.

Lippincott's Pronouncing Dict. of Biog., by J. Thomas, 2 v, sh, 12 00.

Henry Wilson's Rise and Fall of Slave Power in America, v. 1, 3d ed., cl, 3.00.

Works of Hannah More, 2 v., cl, 8°, 2.00.

Spectrum Analysis, by Dr. H. Schellen, 8°, cl, 3.80.
Allibone's Dict. of Authors, 3 v., sh, 12.75.
Goethe's Works in German, 6 v., cr, 8°, cl, 8.00.
2 v., cr, 8°, cl, 3.00.

[ocr errors]

50 vols. Vest-Pocket Series, assorted, 25 c. 20 vols. Poems of Places, assorted, 50 c. My Garden, its Plan and Culture, by Alfred Smee, cr. 8°, 5.50.

Chambers' Cycl. of English Literature, 2 v., cl, 8°, 5.00.

3 The Universe, by F. A. Pouchet, Scribner's ed., 8°, cl,


Encylopædia Brittanica, hrus, L. B. & Co. ed., 8°. per v 9.25, 7 vols. already published.

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'54, 8°, bl. cl.

Greeley's Amer. Conflict, v. 2, Case & Co., '66, 8, bl. cl. Flato, ed. Geo. Burgess, v. 1, L., H. G. Bohn, '40 (?), gr. cl, 6 v. ed.

Bird's Masterpiece, a work of chess.
Allibone's Dict. Authors, 3 V., sh.
Lippincott's Biog. Dict., sh.

Pron. Gazetteer, sh.

Chamber's Cycl., Engl. ed., 10 v., cl.

Audubon's Book of Birds, Edinburg ed., 8°, v. 1 and 2, cheap.

Watson's Men of the Revolution.

The Christian Truth on Scripture Rules of offerings for Religion, pub. by Daniel Dana, Jr., '51.

Mark Hopkins Miscellaneous Essays and Discourses.
C. P. McIlvaine's Evangelical Discourses.
Townshend's Mesmerism.

Tried and True.

Progress of Religious Ideas, by L. M. Child.

Upland Game Birds and Water Fowls of U. S., by A. Porter, Jr.

Stanley's How I found Livingstone.

Sir Guy de Guy, cl, gt.

Mozart and Mendelssohn in Tone Masters' Lib.
Light-Hearted Girl.

The Heathen Chinee, Why and How.

Tilt on Elements of Health, and Principels of Female Hygiene.

Christmas Stories, Tale of Two Cities, Riverside ed., brown cloth, with side stamping.

Beadle's Western Wilds and Men who have made Them. Small Work on Etching.

Architectural Sketch Book, v. 2 and subsequent vols. in numbers or bound.

New York Sketch Book of Architecture, v. 3 and subsequent vols.

Burns' Poems, ed. by Cunningham, 4 v., Hilliard, Gray & Co., B.

Medd's Pharmacopoeial Botany.

Dr. Dick on Derangements of the Digestive Organs, (pub. about '45)

Practical Mineralogy, by E. J. Chapman, 8°, L., '43 (or later).

Operative Surgery Illustrated, by R. U. Piper, B., '52. Transactions of the Am. Ophthalmological Soc. for '69, Tourist's Guide; or, Pencillings in Europe, by Col. J. H.

Sherburne, pub. in Phila. about 25 years ago.

Josephus Flavius' Works, v. 1, '44, Pratt, Woodford & Co. Thos. Jefferson's Writings, v. 4, 54, John C. Riker. Moore's Masonic Memoirs of Joseph Warren.

Great Harmonia, v. 6.

3 Parker's 10 Discourses on Religion.

Vol. 7 and 8 Stier's Words of Jesus.

Eaton's Treatise on Art of Breeding Pigeons, ill, L., '58.
Wallace's Travels on Amazon.

Lea's Catalogue Plants of Cincinnati, '46.
The Infidel, by Bird.

Abbott, H. L., In Memoriam, 8°, B., '64.

Siege Artillery in Campaign against Rich


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Bishop, Loyalty on the Frontier, St. Louis, '63.

Briggs, Sermon on Lander, Salem, '62.

Buddington, Memorial of G. F. Ward, Jr., '66.

Bill, L., Lyrics, etc., pp. 368, N.Y., '66.
Bradbury, Lt., Memorial of.

Blackwell, Acrostics on Con. Generals, '69.
Bacon, Adventures of a Pioneer Boy, 8°.

Battre, The Military Souvenir, 2 v. 4°.

Bouton, Mem. of Gen. Bell.

Bacon, Mem. of G. J. Bacon.

Bacon, Adjt., Mem. of, B., '65.

Burnside, Memoir of, 4°.

Broomer, Gen., Memoir of. B., '64.

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[blocks in formation]


A Book for Sportsmen. By JOHN BUMSTEAD. Illustrated. The intention of this book is to give the novice in sportsmanship such suggestions and plans of operations as might naturally be demanded by him of an experienced sportsman. Throughout it pursues a course that will enable the novice to apply any ideas of his own that he may have to the task of becoming a practiced shot. It applies particularly to brushshooting, by which is meant all kinds of hunting and shooting of game birds in the fields and in the woods, and is adapted to all parts of the United States and Europe.

I vol., neatly bound in cloth. Price, $1.50.


Six Letters to a little Girl on the Elementary Principles of Drawing. By CHARLES A. BARRY, Instructor in Drawing in the Public Schools of Boston. This little treatise will fill a general want in schools and homes. Paper covers, 25 cents. A neat edition in cloth, 50 cents.

For sale by all Booksellers, or sent by mail, on receipt of the price, by

No. 5 Beekman St., New York.


Ferns in their Homes and Ours.

By J. ROBINSON, Professor of Botany, Massachusetts Horticultural Society. With eight chromo-lithographs of rare ferns and fourteen other plates. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

This is the only American work treating on the cultivation of ferns, now so popular. No one should go into the country without a copy. Advance orders have been received covering the first edition.

Circulars with dealer's imprint furnished to all who desire them. Order at once.

The Structure and Habits of Spiders.

By J. H. EMERTON. Fully illustrated. · 12m0, cloth, $1.50.

Ferns of North America.

By DANIEL C. EATON, of Yale College. Issued in
large 4to monthly parts, three superb chromo-litho-
graphic plates in each part. $i per part. Seven
parts now ready.

Samples and circulars furnished.
Discount to the trade.

For sale by all dealers. Sent post-paid on receipt of

IS. E. CASSINO, Publisher,



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Blank Books, Envelopes, Papeteries, Writing Papers of Every Description, No. 815 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.


Carter's Inks & Mucilage

Fac-simile of Trade-Mark, Patented, Water-Marked in every Sheet.

Royal Irish Linen


London and Royal Ulster Works,




Have now in stock full lines of all their manufactures; Juvenile and other Publications; Scrap Albums; Easter, Sunday. School, and Birthday Cards; Chromographs; Studies in Flowers and Fruit; English and Continental Views: Menu and Name Cards; also their Royal Irish Linen and Pure Flax Paper, in reams and papeteries. Also full stocks of Blackwood & Co.'s celebrated London Ink, Jetoline, Mucilage, Sealing Wax, etc., to which they would invite the attention of the trade. ALFRED IRELAND, Agent for U. S., 611 and 613 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

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