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placed in their respective quarters in the sky, and the mother of Horus Hathor or Nebt-hat rule the intermediate Northeast, South-west, South-east, North-west points, those marking the St. Andrew's Cross indicating the yearly circuit of the sun-bird. Thus Horus, who is represented on the walls of the temple as born from the womb of the Pole Star goddess, is the son of the eight-rayed star1.

The Hebrew Hoshea is thus, as the son of Nun and the eight, the counterpart of the Egyptian Horus born of the Pole Star, and his mother was Nunet, the Vulture Pole Star Vega, while his father Nun was the ocean-god Num of the Finn Samoyedes, who divided the rule of the world between Jumala, the heaven god, and Num, the water god 2. He was also a god of the Ugro-Finn Akkadians of Elam, the land of the great Naga snake Susi-Nag, for Elam, the South-eastern land of Akkadian geography, is called Mat Num-maki, the land of the lady (mak) Nun 3. The name of the god or goddess of the sun of the winter solstice rising in the South-east is indicated by the cuneiform symbol, meaning the three gods ➤, the Assyrian Rabu, the Hebrew Rabbi, the Hindu Ribhus. This parent of the sun-god was in Hebrew belief the fish-mother-goddess, for Nun means a fish in Hebrew. In other words, she was the goddess Tirhatha, or the cleft, the pool who was originally the mother Bahu who gave birth to the sun-god born from the mother-tree grown in her ocean mud.

It was under the two robber leaders, the dog-star Sirius and the young sun-god succeeding the lion-star, the ape with the lion's tail, that Jericho, the moon or yellow (Yarah Yareh) city, was betrayed by Rahab, the crocodile-mother, the constellation Draco, who admitted the two spies or

Marsham Adams, The Book of the Master of the Secret House, chap. vi., The Temple of the Virgin-Mother, pp. 71-73.

2 Max Müller, Contributions to the Science of Mythology,, vol. i. p. 261. 3 R. Brown, jun., F.S.A., Primitive Constellations, vol. ii. chap. xiv. pp. 163-165; Sayce, Assyrian Grammar: Syllabary Sign 361, 498.

thieves sent by Hoshea1 to rob the Treasury of the heavens, of which this constellation was the crown and keystone. It was the Hindu Shunshu-māra of which the stars Gemini were the hands, the alligator, the constellation Vyasa, the parents of the fathers of the Kauravyas and Pandavas Dritarashtra and Pandu. Rahab, the crocodile constellation which, like Trophonius, connived at the robbery of the treasure-house she built, was converted into a mother-star of the new solar worship, and became the mother of Boaz 2, the sun-pillar of the twin-pillars Jachin and Boaz before the temple at Jerusalem.

The city fell before the blast of the trumpets of rams' horns ushering in the cycle-year, which also proclaimed its fall, and the birth of the sun successor of its interloping follower, the eleven-months year of the horse's head. This conquest was effected after the erection of Gilgal, the circle of year-stones, the pillar girdle of Hir-men-sol, the sun-god of the great stone (men).

The seven trumpets of rams' horns which overthrew the walls of the moon-city were the seven stars of the Bearmother of the ram-sun, born, as we shall see in Chapter VII., of the Bear thigh. It was encompassed six times on the first six days of the siege, the six days of the Hittite week, and on the seventh day it was encompassed seven times. The number thirteen refers to the thirteen months of the year, the thirteen children of Jacob, to be described in Chapter VIII.

The ancient date of this change of ritual from Pole Star and moon worship to that of the sun-god is shown by the rite of circumcision which Hoshea required all the Israelites to undergo. By this rite the sun-worshippers united themselves to the land of their adoption by mingling their blood with its soil, and its antiquity is indicated by the stone or flint knives used by Joshua, which, according to the Septuagint version of the account of his burial, were buried with him 3.

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The place of this revolution in Hebrew traditional history is shown in the historical genealogy of the kings of Edom, to which I have referred previously. Boaz of the golden pillar, the husband of Rahab, was the counterpart of Samlah of Masrekah, the vine-land, the Phoenician Pen Samlah, or the face of the God of the Name (Shem), the prophet pillar Samuel, the son of Hannah, the fig-tree from which the phalli of Dionysus were made 1. He is otherwise called Penuel, the face of God. This was the gnomon image of the young Dionysus, son of Semele or Samlath, the god of the conical towers of Penuel which Gideon destroyed. His successor was Shaul of Rehoboth by the river Euphrates, the squares and suburbs of Babylon, where Shaul or Shawul was the sun-god 2.

Shaul was the Saul of Hebrew history consecrated by Samuel, who inaugurated his rule as god of the year by setting up as his monument the symbol of the hand of the five-day weeks 3. He is the pillar-chief of the prophetpriests of the Ephod, who was succeeded by the sun-god of the eight-rayed star-father of the later year-kings, the sun-god who drove his year chariot through the heavens, independently of the Pole Star, following the path marked out for him by the Zodiacal Stars. This was the sun-god Dod or Dodo, the beloved-one, the eighth son of Jesse or Ishai, meaning He who is. He is called Baal Hanan in Gen. xxxvi. 38, and in 2 Samuel xxi. 19, xxiii. 24, Elhanan, the son of Dodo of Bethlehem, who slew the great Goliath, the chief of the Rephaim, or sons of the giant (Repha), the star Canopus. In Genesis xxxvi. 38, he is called the son of Achbor, the mouse, that is of Apollo Smintheus, the mouse, and his name Baal Hanan means the merciful or pitying-god, the sun-physician, the Phoni

1 Movers, Die Phonizier, vol. i. pp. 24, 25.

2 Gen. xxxvi. 37, 38; Sayce, Hibbert Lectures for 1887, Lect. i. pp. 54, 55. 3 1 Samuel xv. 12. The word monument in our version, the Hebrew jadh, means, as noted in the margin, a hand.

cian Eshmun, the Greek healing-god Esculapius, the son of the Indian snake and sun-cock sacrificed to him. This god, who introduced the new form of solar worship, will form the subject of the next chapter.






HE period now arrived at in this review of the history of human progress and national education is one which discloses to us the completion of the stage of development occupying the epoch of lunar solar worship of the threeyears cycle and of the eleven-months years measured by weeks of nine and eleven days. The social organisation of this age of transition was still, as in the days of the Pleiades year, based on the system of village and provincial governments, which gave each village and province the control of its own affairs, provided they did not injure those of their neighbours. The diffusion of this underlying principle of public policy studded during this period the whole of India, the coast-lands on the North of the Indian Ocean, the villages of the Euphrates and Tigris, Egypt, Syria, Armenia and Asia Minor, with provinces formed by the union of village communities. In the most prosperous of these regions, those watered by the Indus, Nerbudda, Jumna and Ganges in India, and the Euphrates and Tigris in Mesopotamia, the groups of allied provinces, which had become incorporated as separate confederacies, were controlled by imperial princes who, as national law-givers, ruled the province forming the centre of each confederated association of united states. The city which was the headquarters of the central ruler became, like Kashi and Babylon, the parent-village of the confederacy, the site of the national

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