Imágenes de páginas

sublime, pathetick, familiar, or gay, the colours of
his style, and the musick of his cadence, are adapted
with the most exquisite skill to the character which
he designs to paint, or the sentiment which he wishes
to express :

"So on the tip of his subduing tongue

"All kinds of arguments and questions deep,
"All replication prompt and reason strong,
"For his advantage, still did wake and sleep,
"To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weep.
"He had the dialect and different skill,
"Catching all passions in his craft of will."

I have withdrawn from the Index, which will be
found at the close of this work, those references which
relate to the topicks discussed in the foregoing Essay,
that the reader may have the materials, upon which
he is to form his opinion, at once before him. I
have not put down every exemplification of what has
been stated, but have thought it would be sufficient
to produce as much as would establish the principle.

Particles omitted:

listen, listen to, xi. 105.
serve, serve for, vi. 24.

other instances of particles omitted, xii. 23, 83.

Particles redundant:

command upon, command, xi. 137.
drink in, simply drink, viii. 116.
drink up, simply drink, vii. 480.
other instances, vi. 70.

xiv. 58.

xiii. 228, 390.

xiv. 131.

xv. 33, 282.

xix. 142.

Particles employed contrary to modern usage:

for catching cold, lest they should catch cold, iv. 26.
for blunting, for fear of blunting, xx. 273.

guilty to, guilty of, iv. 214.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

xiv. 384.

[blocks in formation]

charge with, i. e. charge for, xii. 172.

xvi. 134.

xviii. 427.

I desire you of more acquaintance, v. 255.
I desire you of the like, vi. 498.

whom we intreated of succour, xvii. 349.*

Adjectives used adverbially:

damnable, for damnably, x. 438.

xiv. 318.

honourable, for honourably, xiv. 288, 395.
voluntary, for voluntarily, viii. 286.

Double comparative:

more wider, viii. 416.
more richer, x. 11.

Double superlative:

most best, vii. 272.

*For a multitude of particles similarly misapplied in the
writings of the age of Queen Anne, see Lowth's Grammar,
p. 166. Edit. 1775.

Double negative, ix. 11.

xi. 122.

Negative used to assert a thing strongly:

here's no vanity, xvi. 395.

Present tense of a verb used for the passive parti-

[blocks in formation]

Active participle, used for passive:
discontenting, discontented, xiv. 383.
longing, longed for, iv. 66.

multiplying, multiplied, xiii. 354.
all obeying, all obeyed, xii. 326.

Passive participle for active:

brooded, for brooding, xv. 293.
deformed, deforming, iv. 262.
becomed, becoming, vi. 192.

delighted, delighting, ix. 282.
professed, professing, x. 27.

Adjectives used for active participle:

estimable, esteeming, xi. 379.
penetrative, penetrating, xii. 375.

Adjectives used for passive participle:

dividable, for divided, viii. 263.

corrigible, corrected, xii. 375.

Participle passive instead of adjective:
unavoided, for unavoidable, xix. 183.

Plural nouns employed, where we should now use
singular :

preys, xi. 160.
hilts, xii. 152.
sights, xix. 150.
sleeps, iv. 249.

Plural substantive with singular verb, xi. 101.

Singular substantive with plural verb, iv. 389.
xii. 124.

there and where, used as substantives, iv. 169.

for, instead of because, passim.

as, for as if, passim.

x. 127.

sentences beginning one way, and ending another, iv.

245, 255.

ix. 200.

x. 118, 477.

xii. 14, 113.

xiii. 163, 427.
xiv. 133.

xv. 38, 109.

less and more; Shakspeare apt to get into confusion
in the use of those words, xii. 8, 273.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

exíle, xii. 181.

instínct, xii. 159.

impórtuned, vi. 16.

perséver, v. 273.

septúcherd, xx. 151.

solémnized, four syllables, iv. 309.

xv. 82.

Words either pronounced differently in those days,
or lengthened, or shortened, by poetical licence:

briar, monosyllable, iv. 185.

broker, monosyllable, xv. 158.

dear, dissyllable, vii. 107.
fire, dissyllable, iv. 20, 63.
hair, dissyllable, v. 94.
hire, dissyllable, iv. 220.
learn, dissyllable, v. 89.
shake, dissyllable, xv. 43.

years, dissyllable and monosyllable in the same line,

XV. 29.

your's, dissyllable, v. 79.

children, trisyllable, iv. 265.

dazzled, trisyllable, iv. 56.
entrance, trisyllable, vi. 43.

juggler, trisyllable, v. 276.

monstrous, trisyllable, xi. 185.

resembleth, quadrisyllable, iv. 31, 137.
contrary, quadrisyllable, xviii. 160.

C. Baldwin, Printer,
New Bridge-street, London.


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