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A Real Luxury

All of the customary bother and unsatisfactoriness of oldfashioned lamps is done away with in The Angle Lamp. It While

is a positive luxury. more brilliant than gas or electricity, it gives no more heat, never smokes, smells or gets out of order, is lighted and extinguished as easily 'as gas, and requires almost no care-none in fact, when compared with other lamps. Its economy is simply unapproached. Eighteen Cents' worth of ordinary kerosene burns for one month, which is cheaper than any other light, good or bad. The remarkable feature," No Under Shadow," insures all the light directly downward. Thousands in use in homes, stores, offices, churches,etc., etc., all unreservedly indorsed. If you wish to free yourself, once and for all, of light troubles and big bills send for our Catalogue W, showing all styles, from $1.80 up. THE ANGLE LAMP CO., 76 Park Place, N. Y.

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UNIV. OF MICH. JUL 24 1900

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