Imágenes de páginas

it not provoking that our happy couple should
have determined to return home immediately, for
the sake of those horrid races, and that abomina-
ble ball? Captain B- regrets, as much as I
do, this change in our plans; for, as he justly re-
marks, we shall have no pleasure in conversing in
a crowd. Pray do not suppose I have a reason
for my regret; I hope you know me too well to
suppose I could be guilty of the impropriety of
falling in love with a person whom I have known
only a fortnight. I may own without a blush,
that I am attached to the country; and that if I
were to be married a hundred times, it should be
the scene of my wedding excursion. I need not
remind you who should be my bride's-maid. But
I must conclude. Captain B- interrupts me,
to solicit one farewell ramble before we leave
these enchanting scenes-perhaps for ever. Believe
me, unalterably yours,

Sophia and Captain B are extremely ill-which we are obliged to entertain each other. Is bred, and are so taken up with each other, that they pay George and myself scarcely any attention. I suspect they intend to have a wedding excursion of their own before long. There is very little company here this season, at least what I call company; and good clothes are quite thrown away, for if you get caught in a shower whilst exploring, it is very uncertain whether you can shelter; and if you can, the cottages are poor paltry places. They are real cottages. By the way, how came we all to forget that the races were so much earlier this year? George is extremely vexed, as he wishes to see L.'s horse run; and as there will be no other ball before the winter assemblies commence, I think it would be a thousand pities to lose this opportunity of making my appearance. It is my own private opinion that Sophia will be a bride before winter, and of course I should not like to see myself superseded. We have therefore decided to shorten our excursion, and you may expect us home in a few days. George regrets as much as I do, that we should have come to this out-of-theworld country. Captain B- and Sophia seem to find it delightful, but I think they are very romantic, and know nothing of the world. Love and a cottage are, as you have so often remarked, perfectly ridiculous. I have no doubt that George and I shall enjoy much rational happiness; our opinions coincide on all important points, and he has promised to take me to Cheltenham when our visiting bustle is over. The morning I left home, I was too much agitated to observe it, but I find my travelling pelisse disgracefully made. George's acquaintances and mine will, when added together, make such a large circle, that I am not exceedingly anxious for new friends, unless they are particularly stylish people; for I am convinced that the happiness of young married persons chiefly depends upon the choice of company. Be sure give my best love to all the Johnsons and Dickenses, and tell them what a charming excursion we have had, and how happy I am. I believe I have now said everything of consequence. Pray remember about the ball fringe, and with my best love, in which George joins, believe me, my dear mother,

"Your affectionate child,

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"P.S. You may depend on seeing us in four days, at the farthest. I would not stay an hour longer than necessity compels me."

The reader will anticipate the result of this farewell ramble. It was twilight,— the witching hour of romance; the breeze Just kissed the lake; just stirred the trees. The moon was too well-bred to withhold her influence on such an occasion-whilst here and there a modest star peeped forth, like an attendant spirit; the birds sung their vesper carols-the air was mingled balm and music-everything tended to a love-scene. The conversation we do not disclose; but when the ramblers returned to the inn, the young lady retired, to erase from her letter the passage on the impropriety of falling in love in a fortnight; and to add in a postscript, that she was engaged to be married. Captain B- found the "happy couple" where he had left them, with this change in their occupations-that the bridegroom hav ing pared his nails, was whistling a waltz; and that the bride, having finished her letter, had taken up an old newspaper.

Thus ended a wedding excursion; in the course of which, two of the same party fell out of love, and the remaining two fell in. What effect a return into the world produced upon their respective feelings, we leave as a problem to be solved by the sagacious

The following are the closing remarks con- reader. tained in the bride's-maid's epistle :

"And now, my dear friend, you will give credit to my assurance, that Mr. and Mrs. are utterly insensible to the charms of this earthly paradise! Excursions which have enraptured Captain B and myself, have overwhelmed them with ennui; and though I am sure we have behaved towards them with the greatest tact and delicacy, never intruding upon their tête-a-têtes, joining them in their rambles, or endeavoring in the least to divert their attention from each other, they are evidently displeased with us. How dif ferent are tastes! They are perpetually sighing for noisy pleasures and vulgar gaiety; whilst we


TRUE WIT is like the brilliant stone
Dug from Golconda's mine;
Which boasts two various powers in one-
To cut as well as shine.

GENIUS, like that, if polish'd right,

With the same gifts abounds;
Appears at once both keen and bright,
And sparkles while it wounds.

are contented with a solitary walk or ride, during LIFE.-The hyphen between matter and spirit.


The Emperor Moth.-I have been much struck by the remarkable fact, recorded in your last by "Puss," in connection with this moth. It puzzles me, quite as much as it does the other entomologists spoken of by your correspondent: I must confess I never before met with a similar circumstance. It is not a very uncommon thing among the "Bombyx tribe," for two caterpillars to envelop themselves in one common covering: that is, the two caterpillars will make one large cocoon, and at the proper period, out of this one cocoon two moths will appear. But then, the chrysalides of the two moths are to be found. This has occurred to myself more than once. That two moths should proceed from one single chrysalis is most remarkable; and I certainly have never witnessed anything of the kind. I hope "Puss" has preserved both the chrysalis and the cocoon; as also both of the moths. They would be very pleasing mementoes of a very curious fact. I always preserve specimens of the chrysalides, the cocoons, and the eggs; and have quite an interesting collection of this kind; indeed, many cases full of them. It is very interesting either for reference or comparison. I trust that "Puss" is not going to abandon the delightful and interesting study of the insect world; and I hope that she will continue to watch closely their singular changes and transformations. There is scarcely any study which is more gratifying to a contemplative mind.--BOMBYX ATLAS, [Had the circumstances connected with this "Emperor Moth" been communicated to us by a party unknown to us, we should have hesitated before we gave them insertion. But the veracity of "Puss" is far beyond suspicion. Her regard for truth, rules every action of her life. So pure a lover of nature is she, and so very close an observer of all that is interesting in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, that her conscience would be wounded were she to over-color or exaggerate any simple facts that might present themselves. The freaks of nature are sometimes very puzzling, and quite defy any attempt at explanation. This is evidently one of them. We feel these few observations to be called for, under the circumstances.]

Canaries "sitting" whilst travelling by Rail, dc. In the Spring of 1850, I had occasion to move from Dawlish to Kingsbridge, a pair of canary birds. This was at a time when the hen was sitting on four eggs. The first part of the journey was performed by railway; the last nine miles by coach, or rather omnibus, over a rough hilly road. The cage containing my little pets rested on the lap of one or other of the party during the journey; but you may imagine had little hope that the eggs would remain uninjured. However, the birds were tame; and being in wellknown company, the little hen sat closely the whole time, and when she had been one week at Kingsbridge became the happy mother of three fine birds, all of which throve nicely. One I have now, amongst twenty others; but, strange to say, when about a year old, she lost one eye, without any apparent cause. The eye has sunk, and the lid is closed over it. The father of this bird lost an eye whilst suffering from a severe illness (this

was during the summer before the canary I speak of was hatched). Does this one misfortune in any way account for the other? A CLERGYMAN'S WIFE.

[Severe cold, arising from an exposure to draught, no doubt caused both these misfortunes.]

Hempseed as Food for Goldfinches.-The presiding goddess of my home, says, Mr. Editor, that much as she relishes and enjoys your articles on song-birds, yet must she demur to your dictum with respect to the sparing use of hempseed. She has a very favorite goldfinch, which was reared in a cage; he has lived in it six years at least, and during the whole time has been fed upon hempseed and green food alone. Nor will he eat anything else, although often tried in accordance with your recommendations. He is a first-rate songster, toujours heureux, toujours gai," and has always enjoyed most excellent health. How do you account for this? Will this one instance at all affect your general advice, or do you consider it an exception to the general rule?-JOHN GARLAND, Dorchester.

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[Hempseed is always objectionable when its use can be dispensed with. It assists in shortening the lives of all birds. Yet is it beneficial at certain times, used in homoeopathic combination with canary, flax, and rape. It is moreover fatal to the fine, gaudy plumage of a goldfinch; or the rich color of a bullfinch. It makes the latter quite a dingy brown. We still adhere to our principles; and would always recommend the general use of the three seeds mentioned, excluding hempseed, except as a medicine. In this case, as the bird is hearty, it would be unwise to change his diet. Yet is hempseed far too heating for summer food. A little egg and sponge-cake should be occasionally given as a treat, and the bird should be allowed a bath daily.]

The Chemistry of Nature.-An attentive observer of nature must often be struck with surprise, when he sees the indifference with which the majority of mankind pass by her wonderful changes. To these, the most inexplicable performances of so-called magicians bear no comparison; and it may perhaps be interesting to the readers of OUR JOURNAL, to note one or two of the most remarkable in plants and animals. It will undoubtedly astonish many, to be told that the great fabric of the animal and vegetable kingdoms which meet our eye, have been built up entirely from gases and water; and these, in most cases, colorless. Even the brown and solid trunks of gigantic forest trees, which have stood the shock of ages, were composed originally of substances, as apparently immaterial. This, although strange, is true; for plants derive nourishment exclusively from gaseous and liquid products, no solid probably being ever absorbed. Animals subsist chiefly on the organised tissues of plants, or on each other. The four chief nutritive bodies required by plants, are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen; and these must be in a certain state of alteration or modification; as in air, carbonic acid, ammonia, &c. These gaseous bodies are mostly dissolved by the rain, in its passage downwards to the earth; and there absorbed by the fibrilla of the roots. In the minute cells of

plants, are to be found the most remarkable chemical decompositions, which no chemist can ever produce. Here various bodies are fixed or eliminated, and nourishment supplied to the tissues. Then, as to exhalation-from the green parts of plants we find that oxygen, the chief essential of plants and animals, is given off abundantly from those parts which are colored. Carbonic acid is important to plants; containing carbon, a black body resembling charcoal, of which it is the chief constituent. A remarkable instance of the adaptation of birds to their leafy habitations, is, that in singing they give off this body largely, mixed with air. Animals are chiefly fed by plants, containing the same four elements abovementioned, but modified in their condition. It is a well known fact that, unless we eat and drink, we die; but that while we are eating and drink ing we are really dying, may appear a paradox. It nevertheless is strictly true. The destruction and reproduction of the particles of the human frame are continually going on; so that a man at forty years, though apparently the same as at twenty, has not probably a single atom in his body which has not been changed. Respiration itself is, in fact, a species of slow combustion. By this, the vital current is purified and supplied with oxygen; while a portion of the same body combined with superfluous carbon, is again given off. So that we may truly be said "to die daily," and to enter again upon a kind of new life; this continues till the vital force finally becomes extinct, when another series of changes are produced.-CHEMICUS.

Insects, Lasiocampa, Rubi, &c.-I am not at all surprised that "Cerura's" friend has been unsuccesful in rearing the larvae of Lasiocampa Rubi. Many years ago, I myself made the same mistake in feeding them on the bramble. They all, of course, died. Experience has made me wiser; and I have many a time reared them as mentioned in the March number of OUR JOURNAL. Bear in mind that I lay down no absolute rule; I speak of that which I individually have found to be best. Wet food I have always considered objectionable; for there is generally sufficient moisture in the leaves for the proper nourishment of the larvæ. But by all means let "Cerura" follow his own fancy in this matter. "Chacun a sa façon." I shall have pleasure, at the proper season, in sending him through you some eggs of Potatoria. I did not positively assert that his larva of Ligustri was stuck by an ichneumon; I merely suggested (ante page 125), the probability of such a thing. "Cerura" says he is able readily to decide when a caterpillar is unfortunately so stuck. I confess that I have often been deceived by appearances; and knowing how very liable the larva of Ligustri is to be destroyed by its enemy the ichneumon, I really did conclude his had fallen a victim to this abominably destructive insect. After all, I have still some slight misgivings as to this matter, more especially as "Cerura" simply affirms his own disbelief, without stating his own opinion of the fact. Is "Cerura" fond of coleopterous insects? If not, let me recommend him to study them as an additional most instructive recreation (if simply recreation); but I would much rather see it made a thorough study.-BOMBYX ATLAS.

Effect of Electricity on Flowers.-M. Bertholon, of Montpelier, announces that he has proved by experiment that flowers on being electrified emit a much stronger odor than usual; which explains the fact that the atmosphere is generally loaded with fragrance during the prevalence of thunderstorms.-P. T.

A Beautiful" Dove-like" Flower.-The Panama Star mentions a beautiful lily, with a bulb root, long oval leaves, and a stock four feet in length, found only on one particular part of the Isthmus, near Panama. It is named Espiritu Santo, and is thus described:-"The plant possesses little beauty beyond what is contained in the flower itself, which is of a most elegant and peculiar formation. The outward part, which is smaller than a pigeon's egg, resembles a curiously shaped vase; on opening the lid of which, the most perfect and beautiful fac simile of the dove is found within. The head is turned over its back, appearing as if it were about to take its farewell of earth, and soar to some brighter region. No person can see this extraordinary flower for the first time without a deep feeling of wonder and admiration at the perfection and beauty displayed in its formation; and every succeeding time it is met with, the observer gazes upon it with increased admiration and curiosity." HELEN W.

[The flower is elsewhere styled the "Paradise Flower;" and if we remember rightly, there is a sonnet to it in a collection of poems, by the Rev. J. W. Burgon, of Oriel College, Oxford.]

Thoughts on a Faded Rose:

Sweet flow'r! how fleeting is thy bloom,
How soon thy beauties fade;
Though lately cull'd from Flora's bow'rs,
In brightest tints array'd.

How great the change a few short hours
Have wrought upon thy lot;
Those leaves on which the sunbeams smil'd,
Lie wither'd and forgot!

Still beautiful thou art! tho' death

Has mark'd thee for his own;
E'en when upon thy blushing cheek
The glitt'ring dew-drop shone.
Fair blossom! while I sadly gaze
Upon thy fragile form,
Methinks thou dost a lesson teach
That mortals should not scorn.

Emblem thou art of all the bliss

This passing world imparts;
Where love, and friendship's silken chain,
Would fain enthral our hearts.

Then may we learn from thy frail life,
To place our hopes above;
For God reigns there, and He alone
Is worthy of our love.

R. C.

To Keep away the Moth.-Before folding up and putting away your winter blankets, furs, and other articles, sprinkle them, or smear them over with a few drops of oil of turpentine ; either alone

or mixed with an equal bulk of spirits of wine. No stain will be left; and if spirits of wine be used, the odor is by no means disagreeable. ARABELLA E.

Death of the Nottinghamshire Entomologist."-Mr. John Trueman, of Edmonston, well known in Mansfield and its neighborhood as "the Nottinghamshire Entomologist," was killed accidentally on the 4th ult., at Ollerton races, by coming in contact with a fly which was driving at a rapid rate. His collection of English insects was one of the completest ever formed by a private individual, and the British Museum is indebted to it for many specimens.-E. W.

How to turn a White Dahlia blue.-I have been told, but never have tried the experiment, by a celebrated cultivator of dahlias in Belgium, that he hopes to be able, in the course of a year or two, to produce a blue one, by keeping constantly watered the root of a white one with a solution of sulphate of iron. The sulphate of iron turns hydrangeas blue, and why not, he says, other white flowers as well? Of course, the solution must be very weak when used.—G. C.

Epitaph on a favorite Mouse.-A few days since, my old master was looking over some manuscripts written very nearly half a century ago; when all of a sudden I saw a peculiar smile on his face. As he was calmly watching my movements, I asked what amused him so much? He then showed me the book, and extracted from it the following epitaph on the "Death of a favorite Mouse," written thirty-five years ago. It will prove to my little cousin, Bo-peep," that formerly our race was as much petted as they are now. I admire the verses so much for their simple, natural, and unaffected feeling, that I thought you would not object to giving them a corner in OUR JOURNAL.-DOWNY.

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Cats, beyond all question, " Vermin".-Let me confess to you, my dear Sir, that there has always been one point, and one only, in which I considered there was some little discrepancy between your "preaching and practice;" but, having now discovered my error, and no longer thinking so, I cannot do otherwise than write you a plain unvarnished tale" by way of making the amende honorable. I could never for a moment imagine until now, how you, being as well as myself such

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a lover of all dumb created things, could write so strongly against that silky, artful creature, “the Cat;" until "woful experience" has opened my eyes to such being quite consistent with your other opinions on Natural History. The fact is this. My "second-self" has for some years past kept a few, say ten or a dozen, little Bantam fowls-great pets of ours as you may guess, living as we do in the midst of bricks and mortar in a town. From time to time, however, during several years, divers of these pets have most unaccountably disappearedI say unaccountably, for from their house being a brick-built and slated one, with railings at the sides, and no rat-holes discoverable therein, it became impossible, unless I could believe in what I considered your "theory," that cats could be the aggressors. This year likewise, three chickens and one hen have been destroyed in the same mysterious manner; and on Friday night last our greatest pet, a splendid little fellow and a present to our only child, was killed. It was found on the following morning, much mutilated; the head being off, and the body mangled. A piece or two of fur were adhering to the spurs of the bird, evidently from his struggles with the enemy. Doubt seemed now at an end; accordingly the next night a rat gin was placed close to the fowl-house door, and baited with the head of the unfortunate cock. The next morning, a brown monster in the form of a cat was discovered, caught by the leg. I need not tell you that his life was speedily put an end to with the kitchen poker. We now hope to have a little peace for our feathered pets. I really feel bound, Sir, to absolve you from the charge of cruelty to animals; and to admit that you are fully justified in using the strong language you occasionally do against those plagues the domestic cats, which are allowed to range at large in such numbers during the night.-JOHN GARLAND, Dorchester.

Insects, Potatoria, &c.-Let me thank C. MILLER for his obliging communication (ante page 253). I have bred some thousands of Potatorias, but certainly never adopted the plan he speaks of. I hope this year to try the experiment. I fear C. Miller's olfactory nerves are not very sensitive; as he has not yet been able to perceive the offensive smell emitted by the caterpillar and chrysalis of the Goat-Moth. Only three days since, I had occasion to examine a box which contained one of these chrysalides; and I can assure him the perfume was as pungent as ever, although placed there nine years ago.BOMBYX ATLAS, May 5.

The Country; and the Benefits derivable from Early Rising-You are really very tantalising, Mr. Editor, for writing so graphically and so vividly about the joys of the country, and the sympathetic feeling that unites all ramblers in the fields. I want to do as you do, but cannot. I drink deeply into the spirit of every word you write, and long to share with you all the delectabilities you speak of. I am confident we should sympathise. But where I live-some two hundred miles from you-people do not regard pure feeling ; they ridicule everything like sentiment. heart, like yours, is formed for friendship; but I live in an atmosphere where friendship, properly so called, cannot flourish. Eating, drinking, and


sleeping, are the gods we worship; and I have no inducement to early rising. Oh, if you lived nearer; if you would but knock at my casement at sun-rise, and let me join you-how gladly would I become your pupil, and emerge into a new and blissful life! I should like to see an article on Early Rising from your pen.-FANNY, Liverpool. [We have curtailed your letter, Fanny, but we are well pleased to let the sentiment remain. You feel, just as we wish all our readers to feel that the life we are compelled to live is an artificial one. We sacrifice nature altogether, and pay dearly for the sacrifice at this lovely season in particular. We have in our former volumes gone largely into the subject of Early Rising. Consult the index to each volume. Hear what Daniel Webster says about enjoying the Beauties of the Morning :



the single correct reply is by a lucky guess. The humbug has been got up in a slovenly manner. In the haste to get money, the rehearsals have been neglected. The cloven foot is ill concealed. The impostors may "pay " well to be written up; but it will not do. We can deal with science, and believe everything that is connected therewith. But let this world be the limit; and let us not presume publicly to recognise any new editions of the "Witch of Endor." The trick is stale; the imposition is detected; the public are wide awake. -LYNX.

such a man as Dr. Ashburner should have been duped by so shallow an artifice, and given sanction too to the imposture by the publication of his name! As for Robert Owen, the octogenarian, it is no wonder if at his age he should exhibit signs of decay; and we can afford to smile at the poor old man's egotistical credulity. It seems that women always officiate in these matters. Dux fœmina facti! Is it then a matter to marvel at, if petticoat influence should warp the judg ment? I am very greatly mistaken if I did not one day observe Mrs. Hayden, the rapping "Medium," walking arm-in-arm through the public streets with one of our professed modern philosophers, a man ranking high in the medical profession. Hence his perversion from the cause of truth! Mr. Robert Spicer is another singularly 'Everybody knows the morning in its meta- demented individual, the avowed champion of Rapphorical sense, applied to so many occasions. ping Spirits. He has been inditing a very silly The health, strength, and beauty of early years, letter to the Critic, which, to show his ignorance lead us to call that period the morning of life.' I imagine, they have cruelly printed at length! Of a lovely young woman, we say she is bright When he talks about Spirits conversing by as the morning; and no one doubts why Lucifer alphabets under the table, he quite upsets one's is called son of the morning.' But the morning gravity. Besides, the Spirits give incorrect reitself, few people, inhabitants of cities, know any-plies in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred; thing about. Among all the good people, not one in a thousand sees the sun rise once a-year. They know nothing of the morning. Their idea of it is, that it is that part of the day which comes after a cup of coffee, or a piece of toast. With them, morning is not a new issuing of light, a new bursting forth of the sun, a new waking up of all that has life from a sort of temporary death, to behold again the works of God, the Heaven and the earth-it is only a part of the domestic day, belonging to reading the newspapers, answering notes, sending the children to school, giving orders for dinner, &c. The first streak of light, the earliest purpling of the east, which the lark springs forth to greet; and the deeper and deeper coloring into orange and red, till at length the glorious sun is seen, regent of the day-this they never enjoy, for they never see it. I never could think that Adam had much the advantage of us, from having seen the world while it was new. The manifestations of the power of God, like his mercies, are, new every morning,' and fresh every moment. WE see as fine risings of the sun as ever Adam saw; and its risings are as much a miracle now as they were in his day, and I think a good deal more; because it is now a part of the miracle, that for thousands and thousands of years he has come to his appointed time, without the variation of a millionth part of a second. I know the morning; I am acquainted with it, and I love it. I love it, fresh and sweet as it is a daily new creation, breaking forth, and calling all that have life, and breath, and being, to new adoration and enjoyments, and new gratitude."-Let these remarks, Fanny, rouse you to an effort in our absence. We thank you for your good-will, and shall be happy to hear you have become an early riser. Having no precise address, we could not write you privately.]

The "

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Spirit Rappers."-You deserve public thanks, Mr. Editor, for having so completely exposed these wretched impostors. From what I hear, and from what I have seen, I imagine their reign is nearly over. It is to be lamented that

[You have only anticipated what we would

*Poor Robert Owen was sadly hoaxed. His seduction by the fair "Medium was comparatively easy. The following is his confession."While conversing with Mrs. Hayden, and while we were both standing before the fire, and talking of our mutual friends, suddenly raps were heard on a table at some distance from us, no one being near to it. I was surprised; and as the raps continued and appeared to indicate a strong desire to attract attention, I asked what was the meaning of the sounds. Mrs. Hayden said, they were made by Spirits anxious to communicate with some one, and she would inquire who they were. They replied to her, by the alphabet, that they were friends of mine who were desirous to communicate with me. Mrs. Hayden then gave me the alphabet and pencil, and I found that the spirits were those of my mother and father.(!) I tested their truth by various questions, and their answers, all correct, surprised me exceedingly. I have since had twelve séances, some of long continuance, and during which I have asked a considerable number of questions; to all of which, with one exception, I have had prompt and true answers, so far as to the past and present, and very rational replies as to the future."-After this, Mrs. Hayden raised the ghosts of Benjamin Franklin and others; among them, the ghost of Mrs. Owen, and her younger daughter! All this garbage is printed and published-and how much more-ED. K. J.

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