Imágenes de páginas

God, new character of revealed in the
gospel, whether true, considered, iii.
246. 290. and passim.
God of this world, ii. 489.

Goodness of God to sinners, self-moved,

i. 87. 330. ii. 263.
Glory of God, the principal motive
and ultimate end of virtuous actions,
i. 64.

a sense of it, a cure for false no-
tions in religion, iii. 35.

declarative glory of God, whether
God does always design and act to
promote it, ii. 135.

Gospel, definition of, ii. 340.

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nature of, what, ii. 340.

requirements of, what, i. 332.

offers a good of infinite value, ii. 433.
offers of made to all, i. 381.1

its offers and encouragements to sin-
ners, what, ii. 309. iii. 109.
-compliance with, what, i. 430. (See
covenant of grace.)

calls us to love that character of God,
exhibited in the law, iii. 318.
Gospel at variance with the Arminian
scheme, iii. 42.

Government of God, wisdom and recti-
tude of, ii. 114. 175.

the joy of holy beings, ii. 112-117.
+ 524.

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his government of the world consi-
dered, i. 70-92.

Grace, free, the only ground of hope
and salvation, i. 107. 125. iii. 54.
-- common, resisted, i. 230-236.
special, irresistible, i. 237.
ineffectual, i. 240.


extent of, i. 421.

different measures of, ibid.
restraining, i. 216.

discriminating, i. 239.
sovereignty of, i. 238.
indefectibility of, i. 440, 449.
Grace, true, evidences of, what, i. 247.
ascertainable, i. 248. how, 249.
false grounds of judging of them,

rules for determining and ascer-
taining these evidences, i. 267.

false experiences, what, i. 421.
--growth in grace, the best evidence of
grace, i. 442. ii. 296.

common and special grace different,
iii. 246.

Guilt of the damned ever increasing, i.


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necessary for receiving the gospel, i.


reasons for, motives to, and means
of, what, i. 276-283.

errors of Antinomians, respecting it,
i. 283.

evangelical, nature of, what, i. 433.
Humility, the distinguishing character-
istic of the Christian, ii. 521.

- effects of, what, ii. 522.
Hypocrite, legal, his hopes built on the
sand, i. 126.

evangelical, the foundation of his
faith and joy, what, i. 126.
Hypocrites see no need of Christ, î

deceptions of, what, i. 445.


Idolatry, prevalence of, after the flood,
i. 412. iii. 804.


Illumination, spiritual, nature and ne-
cessity of, i 95. 116. 376. 440. ii. 299.

necessity of, i. 426. 431.
Illumination, Divine, nature of, what,
ii. 499.

peculiar to the saved, ii. 506.
different from what natural men
experience, how, ii. 509.

effects of, what, ii. 510.

is the beginning of spiritual, and
the earnest of eternal life, ii. 526.
Impenitence of the wicked, voluntary,
i. 395. and criminal, i. 396.
Imperfection, remains of, in believers,
what, i. 60 and Note.
Imputation of Adam's sin to his poste-
rity, considered, i 221. 300. 312.
of Christ's righteousness to believers,
doctrine of, i. 457.

Inability, moral, criminal and punish-
able, i. 150-163.

extent of, i 226.

nature of, what, ii. 496.

consequences of denying it, what,

i. 258.

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Indignation of God against sin, reason-Justification by free grace, doctrine of,

ableness of, ii. 359.
Indwelling sin, in believers, i. 246.

of the Spirit in do. i. 449.
Infants, baptised, whether members of
the visible church, considered, iii. 187.
consequences of supposing them
entitled to all church privileges, what,
iii. 188. and passim.
Infidelity, in the hearts of unregene-
rate men. i. 459. ii. 210. 299.
Infinite wisdom and rectitude of the Di-
vine nature and government, ii. 114.
belief of this essential to the founda-
tion of true religion, ii. 129. 175.
Israelites, dealings of God with, i. 76.
170-176. 415.

- inexcusable in their disobedience and
unbelief, i. 170-175.

their receiving the law upon mount
Sinai, iii. 15.

their unbelief, and its consequences,
what, ii. 115

designs of God, in his dealigs to-
wards them, what, i. 76.

- how they obtained pardon, ii. 444.
Isralites, circumcised, duties of, what,
iii. 138. Note.

Irresistible grace, necessary to conver-
sion, i. 237.

Invitations of God, the ground of a

sinner's encouragement to come to
him, i. 400. ii. 241. 263. 396. 434.

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Kaowledge of our guilty and helpless
condition, necessary to our under-
standing and embracing the gospel, i.
337. 355 and to our accepting the
righteousness of Christ, i. 364
Knowledge, speculative, insufficient to
beget love to God, iii. 307. 308.

errors of Pelagians, Socinians, and
Antinomians, on this point, iii. 307.


Law of God, duties required in it, what,
i. 53. iii. 268.

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extent of its requirements, i. 143.
unalterable and incapable of any a-
batement, i. 110-127. 145.
- fitness of, i. 111. 147.

threatenings of, what, i. 120. 159.
[See threatenings not abated, i. 145.]
consequences of supposing it abated
and altered, what, i. 116, 117. 254.
the criterion of moral character and
of blame worthiness, ii. 371.

· repentance presupposes a love and
approbation of it, ii. 373.

-fulfilled by Christ, how, i. 358. this
necessary, why, i. 359.

- the rule of life to the believer, ii.

is perfect, requiring sinless obedi-
ence, iii. 237.

— submission to, necessary, in order to
receiving the gospe, i. 125.

Law, holy, just, and good, independ-
ently of the gospel, ii. 205-212.

antecedently to a consideration of
the gift of Christ, and the work of re-
demption, ii. 359. iii. 267.

approbation of, necessary to our
embracing the gospel, ii. 209. 212.
265. Note. 361. 384.

objection answered, ii. 362.
Laws of God display his goodness, i. 84.
Law, our schoolmaster, iii. 9.

view of it as given on Mount Sinai,
iii. 14-17.

-uses of, what, ibid.

requirements of, what, iii. 17, 18.
promises life on condition of sinless
obedience, iii. 18. 19.

threatens eternal damnation for eve-
ry violation of it, ii. 320. iii. 19—22.
- in what sense understood by St. Paul,
considered, iii. 21. Note.

by the deeds of it, no flesh justified,

iii. 22.

Israelites obliged to approve of it,
iii. 23.

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- devotedness to him, i. 64. [See de-

motives from which true love to God
takes its rise, i. 67.

from his infinite amiableness, i. 67.
from what he has done, and pro-
mises to do for us, i. 131.

from his command and authority,
i. 133. iii. 466.

measure of love to God, what is re-
quired, i. 143.

Love to God, obligation to it binding,
originally from what he is in himself,
i. 97.




infinitely, i. 99.

eternally, i. 108.

- unchangeably, i. 109.

the foundation of all religion, ii. 266
- the foundation of all holy obedience,
i. 66. 192.

- fruits and effects of, what, i. 138.
Love to God arising from an apprehen-
sion of his love to us, and not from
a discovery of his moral excellence,
false and spurious, i. 58. Note. 126.
128. ii. 219. 404. iii. 461.

- primary and chief motive that ought
to induce us to love, what, ii. 200, 201.
Loving God, not for what he is, crimi-
nal, i. 128.

Love, true, distinguished from self-love,
i. 135-139. ii. 221. 316.

- counterfeit, its nature and effects
described, i, 139–142.

-to our neighbour, i. 179. [See neigh-

Love to our neighbour, none without | Means which God uses for the recovery

love to God, i. 87.

of Christ, greatness of, ii. 347.
to Christ, necessarily implies love to
God, ii. 301. Note.

essential to true faith, i. 458.
-to Christians, what, i. 182.
Lord's supper, a seal of the covenant
of grace, iii. 161. and passim.
nature and design of this covenant
here sealed, iii. 166.

- qualifications necessary to receiving
this seal aright, what, ibid.

- is not a converting ordinance, iii. 167.

infant baptism does not qualify a per-
son for it, iii. 402. 442.

indispensable duty of all godly per-
sons to come to it, iii. 397.


Man, original state of, ii. 54.


made a free-agent, ibid. and lord of
this lower world, ibid.

his natural capacity and faculties the
same as before the fall, i. 148.

his natural capacity to fulfil the law
of God considered, i. 144-149.
destitute of the moral image of God,
by nature, i. 200. 316.

- perishing condition of, i. 299. ground
of it, what, ì. 300. 314.

Mankind, all equally sinful by nature,
i. 240. 317. ii. 34. Note. iii. 305.

- naturally enemies to God, i. 162.
317. iii. 303. 311. Note.

-evidences of it, i. 318. iii. 306.
in their opposition to the gospel, i.
420. iii. 305.

- voluntary in their bad and sinful tem-
per, i. 153.

naturally insensible of their guilt and
perishing condition, i. 318.

are restrained by the goodness of
God, how, i. 407.


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of sinners, what, i. 388. 409.

of grace, their use and efficacy to
sinners, what, i. 225. how, and for
what ends to be used by them, i. 424
-426. [See unregenerate.]

external, sufficient to render the sub-
jects of them accountable, i. 170-

misimprovement of, criminal and
punishable. [See heathen.]
Mediator, office of, i. 295.

- necessity of, i. 339. and why, i. 351.
Christ's fitness and sufficiency for, i.

· God-man mediator, i. 481.

- interposition of, necessary before
God could deal with man in a way of
mercy, iii. 450.
Mediation of Christ, design of, what,
ii. 376.

[ocr errors]



the procuring cause of all benefits to
man in the present world, i. 389. 403

procures a reprieve from, and sus-
pension of the threatened ruin, i. 403.
lays men under infinite obligations,
iii. 467.

| Messiah, final judge of the world, ii. 83.
Merit, personal, insufficient to obtain a
title to heaven, i. 15.

none in the perfect obedience of
creatures, i. 99. 101. 129.

false notions of, i. 107.
Mercy, God's, designs of, by what ex-
cited, considered, i. 320.

--not to mitigate the severity of the
constitution made with Adam, ibid.
nor of the law of nature, i. 322.
nor by man's inability to keep it, i.
326. nor by any goodness in man, i.
329. but are from his own self-moving
goodness and sovereign grace, i. 330.
Mercy, exercises of, what, i. 348.

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greater part of, may yet be saved, i. Millennium, i. 496.

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Moral excellency of Ged, a sight of,
lays the foundation for divine love, i.

- the foundation of moral obligation,
iii. 458.

- view of, convinces the mind of the
truth of the gospel, ii. 510.

kills a self-righteous spirit, ii. 486.
Moral government of God, original ex-
cellency and design of, ii. 352. [See

Moral inability, what, 149.
criminal, i. 150.

- inexcusable, i. 155. 326.

[blocks in formation]
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Neighbour, love to him, what required,

i. 179-183.

how manifested, i. 186.

Obedience of creatures to God, rea-
sonableness of, i. 79.

why approved and rewarded, i. 79
Obedience, perfeet, lays God under no
obligations, i. 101.

the condition of life by the first
covenant, i. 101..

the condition on which the law
promises life, iii. 18.

sincere, not all that is required, i.


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motives by which we are to be in- Pardon of sin, inconsistent with the

fluenced to it, i. 183.

it is right and fit, ibid.

the command and authority of
God, i, 184.

example of God, í. 185.

standard and measure of it, what,
i. 186.

its counterfeits, natural compas-
sion, i. 188. good-nature, ibid. natu-
ral affection, i. 189. party spirit, i.
190. that arising from other's love to
us, ibid. from their being as bad as
we, ibid.

Nicodemus, his coming to Christ for in-
struction, i. 293.

Christ's conference with, i. 294.
Non-elect, dealings of God towards,
what, i. 394. 421.

subjects of common mercies and
common grace, i. 396.

―causes of their own destruction, i.


Obedience, active, of Christ, necessa-
ry, i. 358.

the ground of our acceptance with
God, i. 363. [See Christ.]
Obedience of Christ, meritorious, why,
ii. 389.

Divine perfection, without an atone-
ment, ii. 343.

how obtained, ii. 454.

Parents, obligations of, to their baptised
children, iii. 185.

their right to their children, what,
iii. 464.

- duties towards them, what, iii. 486.
Passive faith, insufficient and unscriptu-
ral, ii. 397. note. 403.

Mr. Sandeman's notions of, errone-
ous, iii. 258.

Patience and forbearance of God, abu-
sed by sinners, i. 406–408.

greatness of, towards a rebellious,
guilty world, iii. 520.
Patriarchs, dealings of God with, i. 415

Paul's way of reasoning, in his epistle
to the Galatians, shown, iii. 12, 13.
Perfections of God, natural and moral,
i. 69.

how discovered, i, 69—97.
by his works, i. 70-93.
by his word, i. 93-95.

by his Holy Spirit, i. 95-97.
- gloriously displayed in the death of
Christ, ii. 337. 356.

Permission of sin, lessens not the evil
and criminality of it, ii. 145. 155.
[See sin.]

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