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AFRICA, Letter from Mrs. Edwards, 3; Letter

from Mrs. Fay, 4; Letter from Miss Price, 359;

New Continent of Africa, Changes in Twenty.

five Years, 6; Some Inanda Schoolgirls, 63;

Umeitwa and Yona, 263, 303; Word from Mrs.

Stover, 255.

AUSTRIA, Work in Austria, 507.

BIBLE READINGS, Belief of the Truth, 319; Bless-

ing of Peace, 466; Christian Joy a Strength, 170;

God's Everlasting Faithfulness, 516; Joy of
Harvest, 366; Lord's Witnesses, 223; My Neigh
bor, 22; Power of Prayer, 66; That Your Faith
and Hope May Be in God, 125; Vision of God,
271; What Doth the Lord thy God Require of
Thee, 416; Words of Jesus, 563.

CHINA, Appeal for Workers at Pao-ting-fu, 216;

Report of Foochow Boarding School, 403; Re.

port of Work in Tung-cho, Extracts from, 400;

Touring Notes, 405; Woman's Hospital in Foo

chow, 315; Woman's Influence in China, 401;

Women's Meetings in Foochow, 162.

ILLUSTRATIONS, Bowker Hall, Bombay, 60;

Boarding School at Foochow, 404; Bruce, Miss

Harriet L., 203; Carey's Pulpit, 549; Chandler,

Mrs. Charlotte E., 202; College at Serampore, 550;

Dancing Girl in India, 208; Gateway to Mission

Premises, Pao-ting-fu, 406; Graduating Class of

Medical Students, Foochow, 316; High-caste

Girls, 555; House Where Carey Died, 549; Howe,

Miss Annie L., and a Kindergartner, 461;

Kaahumanu, 25S; Kapiolani, 259; Liliuokalani,

Queen of Sandwich Islands, 260; Little Amy,

305; Little Japanese, 460; Lotus Pond, 408;

Low-caste Girl, 557; Madonna of the Lily, 1;

Mexican Woman, 496; Mexico, Sketches from,

497; Princess Kaiulani, 261; Pundita Ramabi,

200; Spain, Map of, 504; Schools in Turkey, 112,

115; Teresa and Her Husband, 511; Tomb of Ca.

rey, 550; Widow Wallis' House, 552; Why Weep-

est Thou, 153; Yona, 264.

INDIA, Bowker Hall, Bombay, 58; Bowker Hall,

Opening of, 99; Changes in India, 213; Christian

Death in a Heathen Land, 2:1; Contrasts, 553;

Day Schools, 218; Hindu Gentleman, Letter from,

308; Hindu Woman and Her Redemption, 205; If

They Only Knew, 558; Mahableshwar and the

Sanitarium, 266; Root, Letter from Dr. Pauline,

410; Thank Offerings, 352.

IN MEMORIAM, Mrs. Charles Stoddard, 567.

JAPAN, Education of Women, 448; Japanese Bible

Woman's Report, 158; Kindergarten in Kobe,

450; Power of Prayer, 452; Sunday's Work, 454;

Women's Bible Training School in Kobe, 155.

Mexico, Extract from Letter, 494; One of the

Saints, 509; Present Attitude of Protestants

toward, the Church of Rome, 499; Sketch of

Mission.Work Chihuahua, 495.

MICRONESIA; Foss, Letter from Miss Ida C., 312;
Jouthal Extracts, 309; Perils by Sea, 355; Rand,
Extract of Letter from Mrs. Carrie T., 495; Wo.
utan's Boards in Micronesia, 313.

MISCELLANEOUS, Daily Prayer in Missionary

Work, 55; Editorial Paragraphs, 2, 49, 98, 154,

201, 253, 301, 350, 397, 446, 494, 545; Flash Lights

on William Carey, 548; Hawaiian Islands, The,

257; How to Increase Interest in Meetings, 126;

Our Prayers, Their Effect, 51.; Widow Wallis'

Back Parlor, 551.

OUR WORK AT HOME, April Meeting, 278; Annual

Meeting, 25, 67, 522, 570; Bible Readings, 22, 66,

125, 170, 223, 271, 319, 306, 416, 466, 516, 563; Holy

Shadow, The, 467; Leaflets, 129; Leaves from Our

Branches, 24, 72, 176, 228, 272, 323, 372, 420, 469,

519; Material Adavantages for Missionary Effort,

173; Missionary to the Missionaries, 468; Mov-

ing the Fence Farther Out, 320; Nehemiah's

Method, 225; Quarterly Meeting, 568; Pot-bound

Missionaries, 418; Receipts, 26, 74, 130, 178, 231,

279, 326, 378, 422, 471 523, 570; Special Call to

Woman's Foreign Missionary Work, 174; Thank

Offerings, 367; Topics for Auxiliary Meetings,

23, 73, 130, 177, 230, 277, 325, 371, 422, 470, 51, 523,

569: Why and How of Boys' Mission Bands, 517;

Women with Hands, 171; Ways of Working,

POETRY, An Easter Voice, 153; Light for the Na-
tions, 165; Rejoice, ye Christians, 1; Rise on the
Shadowed Nations, 97-

SPAIN, Boarding School at San Sebastian, 503; The
Gospel in Spain, 512; Progress in the School at
San Sebastian, 61.


Missionary Effort, A, 569; Gospel for Japanese

Women, 470; Islands of the Sea, 277; Millions in

China, 422; Mission Work in Papal Lands, 521;

New Continent of Africa, 23; Our Great Oppor-

tunity, 178; Power of Prayer in Missionary Work,

73; Redemption of India's Women, 230; Study

of Some of the Great Religions, 325; Thank-

Offering Meetings, 371; Twenty-five Years in

Turkey, 130.


Girls in China, 414; Changes in India in Twenty-

five years, 221; Children's Opportunity, 168; Gods

of Heathen Children, 318; Islands of the Pacific,

269; Japan, Old and New, 464; Light in the Dark

Continent, 21; Mission Work in Papal Lands, 514;

Thank-Offering Service, 365; Turkey, 123; What

Children's Prayers can do, 65.

TURKEY, American College for Girls, 457; Bible

Woman in Van, 108; Bible Women, Report of,

356; Charter Day in American College for Girls,

Constantinople, 308; Chief Nationalities of the

Ottoman Empire, 101; Evangelistic Work

among Women, 103; Girls' Boarding Schools,

110; Glimpses of Oorfa, 12; Kindergarten in Ces-

area, 169; Kindergarten in Smyrna, 463; Letters

from Harpoot, Extracts, 254, 255; Letter from

Mrs. Newell, Extract, 447; Religious Interest in

Harpoot, 160; Religious Work in Euphrates Col-

lege, 456; Some Visits in Constantinople, 106.


Day Schools in India, 218; Gospel in Spain, 512;

Helper for Toderog 16; If They Only Knew, 558;

Kindergarten in Cesarea, 169; Kindergarten in

Kobe, 459; Kindergarten in Smyrna, 463; Light

for the Nations (poetry), 165; Mahableshwar and

the Sanitarium, 266; My Thanksgiving Box, 361;

One of the Saints, 509; Plea for Junior Work,

165; Report of Young Ladies' Societies, 219;

Root, Letter from Dr. Pauline, 410; Some Inanda

Schoolgirls, 63; Topics for Children's Meetings,

21, 65, 123, 168, 221, 269, 318, 365, 414, 464, 514;

Woman's Hospital in Foochow, 315; Young Wo.

men and Missions, 117.


HOME DEPARTMENT, An Advance, 232; Annual
Meeting, 573; Annual Meeting of Southern
Branch, 383; May Meeting, 328; Plan of Work
for Washington, 181; Report of Home Secretary,

Report of Foreign Secretary, 133; Report of
Treasurer, 31; Southern California, 79.

JAPAN, Earthquake in Japan, 29; Letter from Miss.
Gunnison, 235; Our "California Home" (Illus-
trated), 525.

MISCELLANEOUS, Good Cheer, 184.

TURKEY, Letters from Mrs. Baldwin, 281, 473.

AFRICA, Madagascar, 482; Our Yona, 186; Revival
Work in South Africa, 434-
BRIDGE BUILDERS, Beginning School Work in
Peking, 44; Glory Kindergarten Examinations,
Records of, 537; Kobe College, 192; May Rallies,
296; Monastir, Letters from, 441; School and
Kindergarten Work in Stamboul, 321; Some Ex-
perience in Teaching in China, 42; Story of a
Teacher in the Madura School, 147; Sunday School
in Cairo, 295.

CHINA, Beginning School Work in Peking, 44;

Footbinding, 35; Haven, Letter from Miss Ada,

433; Home Again, 142; Life in Shantung, 137;

Lin Ching, 535; Russell, Miss, Letter from, 577;

Shansi Mission, 248; Some Experience in Teach-

ing, 42; Stanley, Miss, Letter from, 90; Woman's

Work in Pang-Chuang, 387; Word from Miss

Chapin about Scholarships, 535; Work in Pao-

ting-fu, 531.

CORAL WORKERS, How we Live in the Kusaie
School, 390; Kindergarten Work at Marash, 289;
Mary D. Mills, Letter from, 91; Monastir, Letters
from, 442; Question for Leaders, 194; Story of a
Chinese Boy, 240; Work for Erzroom, 291.

HOME DEPARTMENT, Annual Meeting, 490, 581;

Calendar, 586; Correction, 490; Female Education

in India, 393; Heathen Woman's Prayer, 541;

Need of the Hour, 292; The Observer, 46, 196,

250, 393, 489, 541; Our Thank-offering Meeting,

540; Receipts, 47, 95, 150, 199, 251, 298, 347, 394,

442, 491, 542, 5SS; Self-denial, 539; Studies in Mis-
sions, 45, 93, 150, 197, 249, 297, 345, 391, 436, 488,
538, 587; Talk about Tithes, 438; What One
Worker Needs, 391.

ILLUSTRATIONS, Anatolia College, Marsovan, 477;
Girls' School, Marsovan, 478.

INDIA, Female Education in India, 393; Glimpse at
Medical Evangelistic Work, 430; Heathen
Woman's Prayer, 541; Miss Millard, Letter from,
246; Story of a Teacher in Madura School, 147;
Young Women in India, 479.

IN MEMORIAM, Miss Carrie S. Bell, 145; Mrs.

Henry Plant, 146.

JAPAN, Annual Mission Meeting, Notes from, 520;

Cozad, Miss Gertrude, Letter from, 579; Dud.

ley, Miss, Letter from, 287; Gill, Miss Almona,

Letter from, 245; Glory Kindergarten, Records

of, 537; Gulick, Mrs., Letter from, 189; Kobe

College, 192; Kobe Girls' School, 81; Kobe Home,

Letter from a Visitor, 33; Kumamoto, Encourage.

ments and Discouragements, 285; Meyer, Miss,

Letter from, 187; More of Miss Wainwright's

Tour, 247; What a Music Teacher Can Do, 190;

Woman's Work in Niigata, 144.
MEXICO, Letter from Mrs. Crawford, 243; Some
Mexican Teachers, 429.

MICRONESIA, Hoppin, Miss, Letter from, 339; How

we Live in the Kusaie School, 390; Little, Miss

Alice, Letter from, 531; Logan, Mrs., Extracts

from Journal, 333; Logan, Mrs., Extracts from

Letter, 242; Power of Prayer, 530; Thanksgiving

Day in Kusaie, 385.

MISCELLANEOUS, Reviews, Reconsiderations, Re-

visions, 486; Thank Offerings, 340.

POETRY, Easter, 185; Hymn of the Covenant, 198;
Trust, 440.

STUDIES IN MISSIONS, Bible Reader, The, 488;

Bible Teachings on Giving, 297; Condition of

Heathen Women, 538; Inanda Seminary and

Umzumbe Home, 197; Kobe College, 94; Madura

Girls' Boarding School, 150; Prayer in Missions,

391; Reasons for Thanksgiving, 436; Review of

the Year, 587; Samokov School and Monastir

School, 249; The School as a Missionary Force,

45; The World's Debt to Missionaries, 346.

TURKEY, Barnum, Mrs., Letter from, 238; Brewer,
Miss, Letter from Sivas, 288; Facts which En-
courage, 39; Graham, Miss, Letter from, 237;
Hard Knots untangled in Hadjin Home, 139;
Kindergarten Work at Marash, 289; Monastir,
Letters from, 441; School and Kindergarten Work
in Stamboul, 341; School at Marsovan, 477; What
one Worker Needs,391; Word from Marsovan,240.

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