Imágenes de páginas


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His purpose of resigning the Secretaryship of the Treasury. His abil-
ity and zeal. His consent to prolong his functions to a given date,
for a particular and important object. His invaluable services. Per-

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Dutch humiliation. De Nagel. Connexion with Russia. The Dutch
Government, during the absence of the Prince of Orange, a Gov-
ernment de facto. Principle implied in the restoration of Louis 18th
by the Allies. American indemnities. Pinkney and Naples. Galla-
tin and France. The Peace of Paris. Military establishments of G.
Britain and Russia. Spirit, &c., all over Europe. U. States and
Spain. Internal affairs. Finances. National Bank. War Taxes.
Double effect of the provision for fostering manufactures. Elec-
tions. New system in the Eastern quarter. Monopoly. The ship-
ping interest. Commercial Treaty with G. Britain. Jay's Treaty.
"Countervailing regulations." Dallas's proposed retirement.
Weather. Crops

To John Nicholas. Washington, May 30

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A Commissioner for receiving subscriptions to the National Bank;
and also for treating with the Choctaws. Considerations of national
policy towards the Indians. A double extinction of Indian claims
preferable to the risk of injustice. Acquisitions made by the heroic
successes of General Jackson. His immortal reputation

To William H. Crawford. Montpellier, June 21

Gen. Gaines. Extreme measures discountenanced. The preferable

mode of resorting to them if necessary. Contingent invasion of a

foreign territory, and a consequence of it. Delicacy of the question

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His plan concerning the currency. Mode of paying taxes. A sugges-
tion. Duty of the State Banks and of the State Legislatures. Re-
striction on circulating paper-

To Hyde de Neuville. Montpellier, July 17

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and decision of Bank deputies. Apparent pur-
State Legislatures. National Bank. Interposi-
Influence of the local Banks on it. Question as
the Executive. An expedient. Treasury notes

17, 18, 19

Accounts of Duplessis. Chew. Robertson. Porter. Offer of a Cabinet
appointment to Clay. Dallas's purposed retirement from the Treas-

ury. Petition of Augustus Johnson for pardon.
Library of Congress. Watterston. Rain. Crops.

To W. H. Crawford. Montpellier, September 21 -

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Objection to notice that a law would not be enforced.
ders on the public lands. Governor Clarke. The Indians.
Fort on the Chatahouchee. Spain. Gen. Jackson

To Mr. Crawford. Montpellier, September 22

Additional regulations for R. B. Lee, Commissioner, &c. Carroll's
claim. A caution. Dallas

To W. H. Crawford. Montpellier, September 23

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Sketch of the finances. Crawford. Clay declines the War Depart-
ment. Monroe. D.'s continued service

To W. H. Crawford. Montpellier, September 30

Jesup's communication and C.'s letters. Gen. Jackson. Erving. Patter-

son. Destruction of negro fort, &c. Rush. Clinch. Case novel, &c.

Captured negroes and Spain. Establishment on the Apalachicola.
Spanish jurisdiction. Jameson's agency. A visit from the Indians
to Washington to be discountenanced. Monroe. Clay. Lowndes's
general talents and public standing

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Dallas about to leave Washington. Offer of War Department to

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To Wilson Carey Nicholas, Governor of Virginia. Montpellier, October 5
Heads of Departments allowed to select their own clerks. Dallas and
the Banks. The currency. Circular from the Directors of the lit-
erary fund. System of public instruction

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Suggests a translation into English of B.'s "Camillo." One contem-

plated of his "Storia della Guerra d'America"

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distribution of power among different bodies, all deriving their ex-
istence from the elective principle, &c. Circumstances in U. States
favorable to the experiment. A.'s approval of M.'s Administra-
tion. Good wishes

To D. Lynch, Jr. Montpellier, June 27

Election as a member of a society for encouraging domestic manufac-

tures. This policy, within certain limits, and in reference to cer-

tain articles, a proper exception to the general rule of leaving to

the sagacity of individuals, and to the impulse of private interest,

the application of industry and capital

Wish of every prudent nation to be independent of other nations for

the necessary articles of food, of raiment, and of defence. Particu-

lar considerations applicable to U. S. Temporary interposition on

behalf of other articles. The case of immigrants. Grounds of pref-

erence among articles of consumption and use. A politic and patri-

otic rule. Acknowledgments -

To Richard Rush. Montpellier, June 27

Jefferson's promised visit. Correa's two characters of Philanthropist

and Plenipotentiary. Conflict, imposed by him, between kind feel-

ing in the Government and its self-respect. R.'s gentle admoni-

tions. C.'s indelicacy in assuming the guardianship of our charac-

ter in Europe. His flimsy apology for resorting to the press. "A

silly reason from a wise man is never the true one." British doc-

trine of blockades. Question of notification. A precedent. Merry.

Onis. Difficulties with Portugal. Correa "the most enlightened

and esteemed foreigner among us." Firmness necessary, and con-

ciliation proper. Event at Pernambuco. Question as to its effect

on the sentiment of European Sovereigns in relation to the Revolu-

tionary scene in S. America. Struggle of the Spanish part of it,

and in the Brazils

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