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While the Cloth workers and Shearmen complain of the Gig-mills and Shearing Frames, on account of their effect in throwing them out of employment, their advocate enlarges on the depopulating tendency of these machines; on their being injurious to the fabric, the fore mer by over stretching, and the latter by knibbing or cutting holes; and he calls on the legislature to interpose its authority in preserving the reputation of the woollen manufacture, which is in danger, accord ing to his representation, of falling a sacrifice to private avarice. Mr. Jackson contends that the reputation of the great staple manufacture of the country ought not to be surrendered, without check, to the self interested views of the manufacturer; and he recommends it to the legislature to support and invigorate the system of searching and sealing. In the last place, he offers his protest against the abolition of the system of apprenticeship.

The credit of Great Britain in the foreign market must certainly depend on the excellence of its fabrics; and, disapproving of the modern cant' as he calls it, that men's own interest is a sufficient security for the observance of right, Mr. Jackson urges the policy of placing the manufacturer under wholesome regulations.


Art. 36. A Defence of the established Protestant Faith, preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary, Newington Butts, in the County of Surrey, October 19, 1806, being the Sunday following the Interment of the late Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph; with an Appendix containing a Sketch of the Life of the Bishop. By Robert Dickenson, Curate and Lecturer. 8vo. 25. Ri vingtons.

Did the preacher intend, by this discourse, to convince his audience that he had caught the late Bp. of St. Asaph's mantle? If this was his design, he has rather overacted his part. Dr. Horsley, with all his zeal against sectaries, would not have been so indiscreet as to assert, with Mr. D., that the Church has shewn a peaceable disposition in permitting sectaries to follow quietly their own approved principles.' Would this preacher claim a merit for our Established Church, because she abstains from persecuting her quiet Protestant brethren? When such assertions are made, we may fear that some few of her members, if left to themselves, would not permit the sectary to follow his principles; especially after we have read in a note that, if our Saviour was to pass by a certain methodistic place of worship in Newington Butts, inscribed the House of God, he would enter in and scourge them out for a den of thieves." To this illiberal language, so ill suited to the 19th century, is subjoined a wish that the public influence of sectaries was abolished by authority of Parliament.' How ignorant must Mr. D. be of the principles of religious liberty, or of the true policy of States! On the treatment of sects, the advice of Gamaliel is wisdom.

The memoir briefly notices the prominent events in Dr. Horsley's learned and active life. He was born at Thorley in Essex, in October 1733, and died at Brighton, October 4, 1806.


Art. 37. The Spirituality of the Divine Essence. Preached before the Associated Ministers and Churches of Hampshire, September 24, 1806, and published at the united Request of the Minister and Congregation of Fareham, where it was delivered. By John Styles. 8vo. IS. Williams and Co.

In speaking of the Divine Nature, we employ words with very inadequate notions. The text of this discourse, (John iv. 24.) though in the shape of a positive proposition, conveys only negative ideas; and it is thus contemplated by the sensible preacher. It asserts that God is not matter, but possesses in his nature properties infinitely superior to and distinct from it; or is an eternal, independent, infinite, almighty, immutable, holy, and good spirit, having neither a body, por parts of a body. This doctrine is established by the marks of intelligence observable in the universe, by the creation of inferior spiritual beings, and by the testimony of revelation. Hence is deduced the importance of religion, the folly of idolatry, and the nature of acceptable worship.

To this elaborate discourse is added a suitable improvement.



• Sir, 3d April, 1807. IN N your Review for February, p. 221, you ask a question, which I beg leave to answer, as it may prove highly detrimental to Messrs. Dring and Fage, by obstructing the sale of an article, of which they are the proprietors. Clarke's hydrometer is the only one used, or allowed by Government, for estimating the strength of spirits either in the Customis or Excise; nor is there, as far as I can learn, the least intention of disusing it.

Permit me to add, that I prefixed the word Genuine, to distinguish my book from another with a title nearly similar and I trust the Reviewer will allow that spurious arts, and spurious practices, are sometimes adopted in many things: and that many, who may possibly have learned both decimal fractions, and the extraction of roots, when at school, have forgotten them too far to apply them when they set about gauging, without the assistance of some remembrancer. To a candid reader, too, I apprehend, nothing I have given will be found superfluous; though surely such a one cannot deem the whole of Euclid's Elements necessary.

I am, Sir,

"Your obedient humble Servant,

We have received a letter from Mr. Winter, in which he intimates a want of candour in our account of his Sermon On the endless Duration of Future Punishment: (Rev. for March, p. 335.) but we are rather surprized at such a charge, when we studiously endeavoured to distinguish between the preacher and his argument. We allowed Mr. W. to be what we believe he is, a very amiable man, though we could not suffer his reasoning to pass without animadversion, when

we regarded it as subversive of all our notions of the divine rectitude. We grant that theologians, who take his side of the question, are induced by the laudable motive of deterring sinners: but they seem not aware that their argument, by destroying the moral attributes of God, would tend, it duly considered, to annihilate our love and reverence for the Deity, and in course to annihilate the first principle of religion. Scripture should therefore be judiciously interpreted on this point. That the meaning of words is influenced by the connection in which they stand, and by the subject to which they are applied, is very evident. In the present case, would not Mr. Winter smile with contempt at a writer who should quote the expressions of Scripture," everlasting mountains," and "everlasting hills," as proofs of the eternal existence of the world? It is of little consequence whether whaaw or oλegov be used. The latter is, as we remarked, employed in the text of the sermon: but we readily acknowlege an oversight on this point, as stated by Mr. W. in his letter, and have to observe that in Matthew 25. 46, to which he refers at p. 18, as the strongest evidence on the subject, the word xoow and not or will be found-While we combat the doctrine of eternal punishment in another world, we certainly shall not hesitate to exonerate Mr W. from temporary censure at our insignificant tribunal, when it appears to have been erroneously bestowed.

We know nothing of the work mentioned by W. H. in a letter dated Lincoln, July 18, 1807: but perhaps our acquaintance with it may commence betore the arrival of the time thus anticipated.

J.W. H. has our thanks for his polite communication, and for the justice which he renders to our feelings in supposing that it cannot be otherwise than acceptable to us as literary men. We are scarcely aware, however, to what use we can apply it, since we are ignorant of the book to which it refers, but which we suspect to be a periodical publication not cognizable by us.

Our friend S. G. mistakes the meaning of the passage on which he founds his inference. When we spoke of Surveyors, (see Rev. for March, p. 308) we quoted the term used by the writer of the work then before us, but certainly did not design to pass a censure on architects. We know that the words are at present too often confounded: but we intended then, and do now wish, to protest against such indiscriminate language:-a title, which is applicable only to scientific and well educated artists, should not be conferred on measurers and builders: -the context, we think, might have illustrated our meaning. To what precise description of persons the author of the book meant to refer, it is more within bis power than ours to ascertain.

The AFPINDIX to this Vol. of the Review will be published with the Number for May, on the 1st of June.

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ART. I. Mémoires présentés à l'Institut, &c.; i. e. Memoirs presented to the Institute of Sciences, Letters, and Arts, by seve ral learned Men, and read at the Meetings.-Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Vol. I. 4to. Paris. Imported by De Boffe,

To the antient volumes of Memoirs of the Academy of Paris

are annexed, as forming a supplementary work, eleven volumes, intitled like that which is now before us, Mémoires présentés, &c. In these repositories were inserted Memoirs communicated by foreigners, and by other philosophers who were not members of the Academy; and to that appendix the present corresponds, bearing a similar relation to the volumes of the Institute.

A preface details the causes which have hitherto delayed the publication of this volume: but they are uninteresting to the English reader.

The brief Astronomical Memoirs, here inserted, are

Astronomical Observations made at the National Observatory of Paris, Year 4th. to determine the Opposition of Mars and Jupiter. By M. BOUVARD.

Determination of the Orbits of some antient Comets. By J. C. BURCKHARDT.




Memoir on Micrometers. By J. C. BURCKHARDHT.

Theorems on Polyhedrometry. By SIMON LHUILLIER, Professor of Mathematics at Geneva.-If we call the faces of a Polyhedron, A, B, C, D, &c. and the Inclination of two faces AB, ab, of AC, ac, &c. then it is easily shewn that

A=B. cos. ab + C. cos. ac + D. cos. ad+ &c. (1) Similarly,

BA. cos. ab + C. cos. bc + &c.

CA. cos. ac + &c.



These equations the Genevese Professor chiefly uses for deducing the properties of polyhedrons. His process, although not very compendious, is plain and direct, and is conducted by successive eliminations; thus from equations (1) (2), A may be eliminated; also from equations (2) (3), &c.

In the latter part of his memoir, the author gives two theorems relative to the centre of gravity; in which the distance of the centre is determined by the sum of the products of each body into the square of its distance from any point. The first theorem of this kind was proposed by La Grange in the Berlin Memoirs of 1783; and it has since been given by that learned author in his Fonct. Analyt. and by La Place in his Mecaniq. Céleste. If m, m', m", &c. denote the bodies d, d', d", &c. their distance from any point, P, d, d', &c. shews their mutual distances; then the distance of the centre of gravity from P = square root of this quantity:

md2+m' d'2+ &c.


mm'd2 + mm"♪ ́2 + &c.
(m+m' + &c.)1

Memoir on Equations of mixed Differences. By M. BIOT.-By an equation of mixed differences, is understood one that expresses a relation between the differential or fluxionary coefficients of y, and the differences of y; the quantity y being supposed to be a function of x.

For instance, if yyy, then

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is an equation of mixed differences.

Equations of this kind arise from such questions as the following. It is required to find curves possessed of this pro


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