Imágenes de páginas

port alludes to the introduction of both paupers and criminals. My information was procured from masters of passenger vessels.

In the year 1833, (six months thereof,) we had an accession of 8,339 immigrants. Their condition the same as in former reports.

In six months of the year 1834, there arrrived at the port of Baltimore 7,463 foreign passengers. I here again complained of the tide of immigration still setting in upon us. See Appendix to city ordinances, page 31, of the year 1835.

During six months of the year 1835, the number of immigrants amounted to 3,843. Once more I renewed my call on the mayor and councils, in my annual report. See Appendix, &c., for 1836, of city ordinances.

During six months of 1836, we had an accession of 5,268 foreign passengers. I here ceased to make my complaints, as there appeared to be no notice taken of them.

During six months of the year 1837, there arrived 5,941 foreign passengers. No further call was made by me on the attention of the mayor and councils, yet their condition was no better than in former years.

During six months of the year 1838, the number of immigrants was 4,909. I continued silent as to their condition, not feeling disposed to be importunate. This was my last (fifteenth) year of the duties of health officer, the new mayor deeming it proper to change his officer.

In the foregoing statement, I commenced with the year 1829, because during the years preceding the number of immigrants was but small that came under my inspection, and less exceptionable as to character; indeed, they appeared quite like another peoplemostly good mechanics, farmers, &c.—and, in the general, possessed of means to acquire a proper subsistence amongst us. The impression made on my mind by the character and condition of the immigrants, since 1828, was, that they had become an insupportable burden in their own country, and were induced, by false pretences, and sometimes by force, to leave their country for this-the actors or agents in the matter under consideration being impelled thereto by the expectation of emolument to themselves by rendering service to the districts of country from whence these deluded people came, and holding out to them the prospect of a "land flowing with milk and honey." I feel, also, very confident they (the actors behind the curtain) must therein have some political views.

I here subjoin extracts from my annual communications to the authorities of the city of Baltimore, alluded to in this my answer to your first interrogatory, and in part to the fifth, and also to the sixth.

1828. "Many (passengers) arrived here very destitute indeed, which will have a tendency to increase our poor-rates rapidly."

1829. "I beg to be excused for again calling your attention to the great influx of passengers, (foreign immigrants alluded to,) without the least regard to their ability (in many cases) for a maintenance—some lame, blind, others in a state of idiotcy. I was informed by a respectable master of a vessel, that, two years since, a number of passengers were provided for, their passage money paid, &c., by the parish to which they belonged, and sent to this country in the vessel which he commanded."

1830. "A sense of duty impels me again to solicit your attention, not only to the increasing influx, but also to the condition, of strangers arriving at this port, both in foreign and American vessels. The increase every year is remarkable; the condition of many deplorable indeed, both as to their pecuniary resources, as well as to their infirmities, mental and physical. Paupers continue to be sent (or brought) to us in considerable numbers; to meet which, it appears to me highly necessary some measures should be adopted."

1831. «Foreigners, 4,381; in which number, as usual, are comprised many paupers; a number halt, lame, and blind. This circumstance I feel it my duty to again represent as a growing evil, arising out of the facility with which such description of population may be introduced here, which, in other sea-ports, is denied to passenger ships. Vessels, both foreign as well as American, find it to their advantage to take from 150 to 200 passengers for Baltimore-being in ballast, land them without difficulty; and should no freight offer immediately, are convenient to the Potomac or James river, &c., much to their advantage, but greatly to the disadvantage of our city. I would not so frequently call your attention to this subject, did it not appear like an imposition on the lenity of our laws, and a violation of hospitality. During the past season, there has been another instance of the whole number of passengers having been paupers, and sent to this country as such, at the expense of a European parish. This fact was communicated to me by a respectable merchant, whose means of information I presume to be undisputed," s

1832. Number of passengers for six months of this year, 11,946; of which number 400 were citizens of the United States.

"The condition of the passengers, during the past season, has been much the same as stated in my former reports, and I hope it will not be considered importunate if I once more beg the attention of our authorities to this groving evil, whereby a depraved population is with so much facility poured in upon us; the more able part pass on to the interior, but the pauper part is left on our hands. I think, also, that provision should be made by law, requiring every master or commander of a vessel to report, if he knows of or should discover such (convicts alluded to) during his passage to be on board, all and every passenger by his vessel who may have been convicted of any misdemeanor or crime prior to his receiving such passenger on board, and that such convict be retained in safe keeping at the expense of the vessel in which he or she arrives, until the departure of said vessel: and the captain placed under bond to reland said convict at such place or port where he or she was taken on board, or cause him or her (convict) to be relanded."

1833. "The condition of the immigrants (foreign), as far as they came under my observation, was much of the same character as reported in former years. They will no doubt drop a full share (indeed I can bear testimony to the fact) of paupers at our doors."

Again. "Thus the immigrant finds it to be his advantage to select Baltimore as his (or her) place of landing, being also 50 to 100 miles nigher to his place of destination. Thus, in addition to diminishing his cash expenditures, and as the amount of immigration, so is the amount of pauperism increased on our hands," &c.

1834. "You can form no idea how many paupers are dropped amongst us, from such a host of passengers, during six months of each year."

1835. The number of immigrants in six months of this year, 7,463. "For immigrants continue for the most part, as heretofore reported, of the lowest order (class) of the population of Europe."

1836. The number arrived six months of this year, 3,843. No remarks were made in my annual communication of this year as to the condition of the immigrants, amounting to 5,268.

1837. From folio 489 of revised ordinances of the city of Baltimore for 1838, I extract as follows:

"But I beg leave again to assure you that there were many characters amongst these immigrants badly calculated to benefit our country, either by their morals or their ser

vices. It is true, however, that some come prepared to purchase lands in the West; but I think I am within bounds when I state, that I believe twenty-five out of the hundred are only of that class of immigrants, leaving a balance against us of 75 per cent.' including the halt, lame, blind, mendicants, and persons unacquainted with any business except laboring," &c.

Henry Lamparter, jr., deposed as follows:

My age is 21 and upwards, my residence in Philadelphia, my occupation a dyer. I was born in Wurtemberg, and came to this country when I was five years old. My father, with whom I reside, keeps a public house in Philadelphia, and I have opportunities of becoming acquainted with many immigrants who come to this country. I know the instances of two persons-one named Christopher Brown, and one named Henry Knapp; they were represented by their fellow-passengers (and I believe them) to have been foreign convicts, shipped here by order of their governments. Their passage was said to have been paid by their governments, and their passports furnished. Christopher Brown arrived here about six or seven months ago, from Wurtemberg. Henry Knapp came here several years ago-four or five years; he was from Bavaria. I recently acted as interpreter for a man named Papenberg, now under arrest for murder in this county. I learned from a woman who accompanied him, that they had both been sent to this country from a house of correction in Brunswick.

Wm. Wardenburg, of Baltimore, said upon oath :

He knows that criminals and paupers have been sent to this country from Europe; knows that paupers from the alms-houseso f Germany were sent here by government, in the ships Ernest and Gustave, Captain Faust, and the Albert, Captain Klockgeter. Within the last two or three years, the number of criminals and paupers sent to the city of Baltimore has greatly increased; and the witness thinks that the charge on passengers arriving in this country should be raised. Criminals, both men and women, have been sent here; has known them to be guilty of crimes since their arrival here; knows an instance in which one of these persons was sent to the jail of this city for stealing, and who stole the poker from the room in which he was confined just before he was released. This criminal had been only two or three weeks in the country when he was arrested.

Abraham Cuyk made the following statement, on oath, to verbal interrogatories propounded to him:

I am a native of the Netherlands. Have resided in the United States 28 years, and in the city of Baltimore about 15 years. For four years I acted as an agent for forwarding immigrants to the Western country, and for the last year I have been transacting the same business on my own account.

He then handed in the following statement in writing, to which he was


Baltimore, January 30, 1845

To the Commissioners on the Naturalization laws for the city of Baltimore: GENTLEMEN According to your demand, I have to state to your honorable body the following facts: In November, 1843, the Bremen barque Republic, Captain Tegeler, owners, Messrs. Albers & Koneken, consigned to Messrs. Albers & Co., here, 'arrived

here with 28 convicts from the kingdom of Wurtemberg. They were brought with dragoons to Bremerhaven, and put on board of said vessel, and one of the dragoons remained on board until they went to sea, and he returned with the pilot. And, besides, there were two murderers on said vessel, as passengers.

The publication that lately appeared in the " Sun," of the German Society of Maryland, is merely a humbug. They never appointed a committee to make inquiry, on account they know themselves it is true.

I transport a great many to the West; so last year I sent 1,800 away; therefore, I am very well acquainted with the importation. The captain, the moment after fastening the vessel, tries to get rid of them, on account he knows what cargo he has in the vessel. But it would be against the German Society of Maryland, if they should not come, because the most of them, or a good many, are owners or consignees of vessels.

And more, also, last Thursday, the 23d instant, the Bremen ship Albert, Captain Klockgeter-owners, Brothers Kuhlenkamp, in Bremen, consigned to Messrs. A. Schuinacher & Co., arrived here with 106 passengers, whereof 19 went to the West, and the others remained here, on account they had no money, and the German Society of Maryland has already given to the Brothers Poolman, passengers of said vessel, $4. If you do not think they are paupers, I do not know who are. In fact, here arrives no vessel with passengers where there are no paupers on; and the German Society of Maryland are aware of that, but self-interest compels them to keep silence. They have sent last year circulars out to Germany, to recommend them to come with money; but they do not care if they are out of prison, or where they come from. It is well known any of the German kingdoms are very willing to empty prisons, and give them five or ten dollars along, to get rid of them; and certainly the Bremen merchants do not care how they load their vessels, if they only get paid for it, if they are murderers, burglars, or paupers.

I have said enough on this subject, and believe your honorable body will find them satisfactory enough.

On my part, I am, very respectfully, yours,


Moses Catzenstein handed in a statement, in writing, (in the German language,) of which the following is a translation, to which he was sworn on the five books of Moses, (the witness being a Jew.)

By request of the commissioners, appointed by the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate, in regard to the importation of paupers and criminals from foreign countries, I would respectfully state, that I embarked in Bremen, on board the Bremen ship Republic, Captain Tegeler, together with about 100 other passengers, in the course of the summer of 1843, and arrived in Baltimore about the middle of Decenher of the same year; that among the above passengers were 28 criminals, sent out of the country by their respective governments, and accompanied by a police officer until the ship was fairly at sea, when each of these 28 persons were handed a certain sum of money by the police officer, and he then left the ship with the pilot, and the ship proceeded on her voyage-her port of destination being Baltimore, in Maryland, United States of America. Nearly all the persons alluded to are now in Baltimore.

He knows a criminal, exclusive of those mentioned in his statement, who was transported to this country, from the neighborhood from which he (Catzenstein) came, for drunkenness and robbery; and that said criminal is now in this city. The witness

resided in the county of Lowenstein, in the kingdom of Hanover. The name of the criminal alluded to is August Munzell.

Loring D. Chapman, of the city of New York, an editor, aged fortysix years, answered thus:

The person who constructed the machine for destroying the life of Louis Philippe is now a resident of this city. I know of several other instances, by information; some of these came of 1837. I have examined the subject, and am possessed of information of frequent instances of this kind. The communications from the American Consuls at Bremen and Leipsic, to Mr. Woodbury, contain the facts in reference to the deportation of foreign convicts.

Samuel J. Robbins testified as follows:


"I believe that foreign convicts have been introduced into this country. This belief is founded upon inquiries made and papers read by me upon this subject, in the almshouse of this city and district; in which establishment I have had means of acquiring information, being and having been for the last four years Secretary of the Guardians of the Poor for the city of Philadelphia, district of Southwark, and the townships of the Northern Liberties and Penn;' but I cannot now specify the particular information or the particular documents on which my belief is founded. I recollect that one of the paupers in this alms-house acknowledged to me that he had been a convict abroad, and we sent him back to Bremen, at his own request."

To the sixth interrogatory annexed to said commission-he answering, says:

In answer to this interrogatory the deponent says: I have no other knowledge than such as may be contained in the following narration: The number of immigrants which arrived at the port of Philadelphia above two years of age, for the year ending the 1st of January, 1845, was 4,478; of which number about 100 have been admitted as paupers. The population of the alms-house, on the 11th of January, 1845, consisted as follows:

[blocks in formation]

George W. Smith, of Philadelphia, testified as follows:

When I resided in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the years 1834, 1835, 1836, and 1837, I visited the poor-house of the West Kirk parish (which parish contains 71,000 inhabitants) in company with Mr. Whigham, one of the directors. He showed me a number of boys, paupers, whom they intended to send out to Canada, via New York, in order to benefit them, and to save expense to the parish. These boys did not exceed a dozen in number, to the best of my recollection. I was informed that the practice was


When I returned to the U. States, I saw frequent notices in the New York journals of young vagrants or paupers from the poor-house being arrested in New York, where it appeared they had remained, instead of proceeding to Canada, as intended. Of these

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