Imágenes de páginas

They knew almost nothing of the Atlantic Ocean. It was called "The Sea of Darkness" because they did not know what was in it or on the other side of it.

Every one in those times thought that the earth was flat. However, after careful study and observation Columbus came to the conclusion that the earth was not flat, but was round. He then tried to make the people believe that to reach India and the other rich Eastern lands, all they needed to do was to sail westward, instead of making a long journey eastward by land as they used to do in those days.

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10. To what conclusion did Columbus come after a careful study, and what

did he begin to do?

10. A che conclusione venne Colombo dopo uno studio accurato, e che cosa cominciò a fare?

Spiegazioni grammaticali

Il plurale.

1. Come regola generale, il plurale in inglese si forma aggiungendo una s al singolare, sia nei nomi maschili che in quei femminili.

[blocks in formation]

2. Vi sono parecchi nomi in inglese che terminano in ch, sh, ss, x, o ed in tali casi, per formare il plurale, si deve aggiungere es.

[blocks in formation]

3. Parcchi nomi che terminano in ƒ e fe, vanno soggetti ad un mutamento, quello cioè di cambiare la consonante f in v e quindi vi si aggiunge es al plurale.

[blocks in formation]

4. La maggior parte di questi nomi terminanti in fe fe si attiene alla regola generale, quella cioè di aggiungere semplicemente la s al singolare per formare il plurale.

[blocks in formation]

5. Per tutti i nomi che terminano in y preceduta da una consonante, al plurale si cambia il y in i e quindi si aggiunge es.

[blocks in formation]

6. Però, se il y è preceduto da una vocale, allora si aggiunge

solo la s al plurale.

[blocks in formation]

7. Vi sono alcuni nomi che non cambiano al plurale.


sheep, pecora, pecore

means, mezzo, mezzi

deer, cervo, cervi

news, notizia, notizie

wages, salario, salarii
hair, capello, capelli
swine, maiale, maiali


wealth, ricchezza, ricchezze

8. I seguenti nomi hanno una forma irregolare al plurale.

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Traducete questo in inglese

L'anitra sta nell'acqua ed i sorci scherzano in casa.
I piatti sono sulla dispensa e le scatole sotto il letto.
Le ciliege che sono sull'albero non sono mature (ripe).

I giorni sono lunghi e le notti sono corte.

Quell'uomo e quelle donne sono nel giardino.

I capi dell'esercito italiano sono a Roma.

7. Voglio comprare due dozzine di coltelli.

8. Le patate che sono nella scatola non sono buone. 9. I vostri doveri sono grandi.

10. Le nostre mogli sono donne intelligenti.



Although the people were very anxious to get to India in the shortest possible way, they could not be persuaded that Columbus' views were right concerning the shape of the earth.

They thought that, if the world were round, the people on the other side of the world would have to walk on their heads. So they believed that Columbus was crazy for presenting such a theory.

Since Portugal, through a prince called Henry the Navigator, had been repeatedly trying to find a shorter way to India, Columbus at first tried there for aid, in order to make a journey to India by sailing west. He met with no success, however.

Finally he decided to go to Ferdinand, king of Spain, and ask him for help; but the king rejected his plan, believing that it was a wild dream.

Columbus at this point became very much discouraged and did not know what to do. However, as he was about to leave, someone persuaded him to lay his plans before Queen Isabella. The queen listened with keen interest to what Columbus had to say about the shape of the earth and the short way to India, and thought that everything he had said was true. So she promised him everything he needed,-ships, men and provisions, even if she were obliged to sell her jewels in order that he might be sent forth on his projected voyage.



What did the people think
of Columbus and of his

1. Che cosa credeva il popolo di Colombo e delle sue vedute?

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