Imágenes de páginas
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2. Quando si parla di un numero da mille a nove mila e nove

cento può dirsi in due maniere.


I have five thousand five | hundred dollars (5,500).

I have fifty-five hundred dollars.

Ho cinque mila e cinquecento dollari.

Ho cinquantacinque centinaia di dollari.

3. Quando si domanda e si risponde intorno all'orario bisogna usare sempre is it e it is. Is it, si usa nella domanda; it is, nella risposta.


What time is it?
It is six o'clock.

It is a quarter past six.
It is half past six.

It is a quarter to seven.

It is ten minutes to eight.

Che ora è?

Sono le sei.

Sono le sei ed un quarto.

Sono le sei e mezzo.

Sono le sette meno un quarto.

Sono le otto meno dieci.

OSSERVAZIONE: Per la domanda di un tempo passato si usa was it e per la risposta it was.

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4. Quando si domanda o si risponde intorno all'ora in cui vien fatta una cosa allora si mette at a principio di frase.


At what time does the train ar- A che ora arriva il treno?


It will arrive at nine o'clock.

Arriverà alle nove.

5. Quando si vuol domandare dell'età di una persona, di un animale o di un oggetto qualsiasi, in inglese si usa il verbo essere invece del verbo avere, come si fa in italiano.


How old are you?

How old is your horse?

How old is this picture?

Quanti anni avete?

Quanti anni ha il vostro cavallo?

Quanti anni ha questo quadro?

6. Volendo fare una domanda intorno alla quantità (singolare) di una cosa, si usa how much (quanto, quanta), e quando si vuol fare una domanda intorno ad un numero (plurale) si usa how many (quanti, quante).


How much does this hat cost?
How much milk do you drink?
How many suits have you?
How many sisters has he?

Quanto costa questo cappello?
Quanto latte bevete?
Quanti abiti avete?
Quante sorelle ha egli?

7. Quando si vuol domandare dell'altezza, profondità, dimensione, ecc., di una cosa, si mette sempre la particella how innanzi all'aggettivo.

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6. Quanti libri avete comprati in quel negozio?

7. Quanto latte bevete al giorno?

8. Quanto pane e cacio mangia vostra zia?

9. Quanto costa questa scrivania?

Quanto è alto il Duomo di Milano?

Quanto è profondo questo pozzo? 12. Quanto è lontano l'ufficio postale?



After a long stay on the island, Columbus left San Salvador and sailed for home to bring the glad news to the King.

During this voyage he discovered a number of other islands, among which were Cuba and Haiti, the latter of which he called Hispaniola. Here Columbus built a little port and left a little colony.

In January, 1493, he set sail for Spain, but after a few days a terrific storm came on and threatened to wreck the ship and to bury at the bottom of the great sea all memory of that wonderful discovery.

In the midst of the terrible tempest Columbus and his men prayed to God to save them and to give them the privilege of returning home safe and sound. The Lord granted their requests.

In the following April the great discoverer reached Barcelona, Spain, and made his entry with a triumphal procession, and was received with great honor by the King and Queen, who, as a mark of special honor, made him sit under a canopy, purposely built for the occasion, while he related his experiences. They listened with great joy and interest to his account of the wonderful things he had seen beyond the sea.

Columbus was not altogether satisfied with what he had discovered; he made three more voyages and discovered other new lands.

During the last few years of his life the courageous navigator was treated very badly by his enemies, who were jealous of his

success. Columbus died in 1506, after a long and painful disease, caused by his sufferings.


I. What did Columbus do after a long stay on the island?


What did he discover during the voyage?

3. What did he do in Haiti? 4. What happened a few days after he had left for Spain?

5. What did they do in the midst of that terrible tempest?

6. Did the Lord grant their request?

7. When did they reach Barcelona?

8. How did Columbus make his entry?

9. How did the King and Queen receive him? Where did they make him sit?


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