Imágenes de páginas

Italian-English Dictionary

ABBREVAZIONI — a., aggettivo; ad., avverbio; f., femminile; m., maschile; pn., pronome; pr., preposizione; s., sostantivo (nome); v.a., verbo attivo;, verbo irregolare; v.n., verbo



A, pr. at, to, by, in, on, for, | Accanto, ad. aside.

with, under.

Abbandonare, v. a. to abandon, Accelerare, v. a. to accelerate,

to forsake.

Abbassare, v. a. to abase, to cast


Abbastanza, ad. enough.

Abbenchè, c. although.

Abbisognare, v. n. to want.
Abbondante, a. abundant, copi-


Abbordare, v. a. to board.
Abbruciare, to burn.

Abbrunare, v. a. to make brown.
Abbrustolire, v. a. to toast, to

Abile, a. able, clever.

Abilità, f. ability.

Abitante, m. dweller.

Abitare, v. a. to dwell.

Accedere, v. n. to approach.

to speed.

Accendere, v. a. ir. to kindle,

to set fire.

Accento, m. accent; pronuncia-

Accessibile, a. approachable.
Accettare, v. a. to accept.

Accetto, a. acceptable, agree-

Acchiudere, c. a. ir. to enclose.
Acciaio, m. steel.

Accidente, m. chance, misfor-
tune, accident.

Acciò, acciocchè, c. in order that.

Acclamare, v. a. to acclaim; to applaud.

Abitazione, f. dwelling, resi- Accogliere, v. a. ir. to gather,

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Accumulare, v. a. to heap up. Affitto, m. rent.

Accusare, v. a. to accuse.

Acerbo, a. sour, tart; hard,


Acqua, f. water; (fig) rain. Acre, a. sharp, sour, harsh. Acuto, a. acute, sharp pointed, piercing.

Ad, pr. to, at; ad uno ad uno,

one by one. Adagio, m. (mus.) adagio;

proverb, ad. slowly, softly. Adatto, a. adapted, fit, proper to, suitable.

Addestrare, v. a. to prepare, to drill, to instruct.

Addio, ad. farewell.

Affrancare, v. a. to free.

Affrettare, v. a. to hasten, to
Affrontare, v. a. to face.
Afoso, a. muggy.

Agente, m. agent, manager. Aggirare, v. a. & n. to surround.

Aggiungere, v. a. ir. to add.
Aggiunto, f. addition, increase.
Aggiunto, a. added, united.
Agiustare, to adjust, to settle,
to adapt.

Aggrappare, to grasp.
Aggredire, v. a. to attack.

Agiato, a. wealthy, convenient.

Addizione, f. addition, supple- Agire, v. a. to act, to operate.


Aderire, v. n. to adhere.

Adesso, ad. now, this instant.

Adorare, v. a. to adore, to worship.

Adornamento, m. ornament, attire.

Adornare, v. a. to adorn.
Adorno, m. ornament, attire.
Adottare, v. a. to adopt.
Adunque, ad. then, therefore.
Affacendato, a. very busy, oc-

Affamato, a. starved, famished.
Affare, m. affair, business, rank.
Affatto, ad. quite, entirely.
Afferrare, v. a. to lay hold of,
to seize.
Affezione, affection, tenderness.
Affinchè, c. to the end that.

Agitare, v. a. to agitate.

Agitazione, f. agitation.

Agnello, m. lamb.

Agonia, f. agony, anguish, in

tensity. Agosto, August.

Agricoltura, f. agriculture. Agrimensore, m. land surveyor. Aiutare, v. a. to help, to assist. Aiuto, m. help, assistance. Alacrità, f. alacrity, liveliness. Alba, f. break of day.

Albero, m. tree, mast, pedigree. Alfabeto, alphabet.

Allarme, m. alarm.

Alleanza, f. alliance, league. Allegro, a. cheerful, gay, merry, mirthful.

Alleviare, v. a. to alleviate.
Allievo, m. pupil, scholar.

Allocuzione, f. address, speech.
Allora, ad. then, at that time.
Alquanto, ad. somewhat, in
some degree.

Altezza, f. height, sublimity.
Alto, a. high, tall, loud, deep.
Altresì, ad. also, likewise, too.
Altrettanto, ad. as much.
Altri, pn. another; some, others.
Altrimenti, ad. otherwise.
Altro, a. other, another.
Altrove, ad. somewhere else.

Ancora, ad. also, yet, still, even,

Andare, v. n. ir. to go, to march
Anello, m. ring.

Angolo, m. angle, corner.
Angusto, a. narrow, hampered.
Anima f. soul, life.
Animale, m. animal.
Animare, v. a. to animate.
Animo, m. understanding, mind
Anitra, f. duck.

Annegare, v. a. to drown.

Altrui, pn. others, other people. | Anniversario, m. anniversary.

Alzare, v. a. to raise, to lift up,

to hoist.

Alzarsi, to get, to rise.
Amabile, a. amiable, lovable.
Amare, v. a. to love, to like.
Amaro, a. bitter, grievous, cruel.
Amato, a. beloved.
Ambedue, pn. both.
Amicizia, f. friendship.
Amico, m. friend.

Ammaestrare, v. a. to teach.
Ammalare, v. n. to get sick.
Ammalato, a. sick, ill.

Ammendare, v. a. to amend, to

Ammirare, v. a. to admire.
Ammissione, f. admission.
Ammogliare, v. a. to marry.
Ammonire, v. a. to admonish,

to warn.

| Anno, m. year.

Annullare, v. a. to annul, to

Ansietà, f. anxiety.
Ansioso, a. anxious.

Anzi, pr. before; ad. rather,


Anzi che no, ad. rather, sooner.
Aperto, a. opened, open.
Apparenza, f. appearance.
Apparire, v. n. ir. to appear.
Appartenere, v. n. ir. to belong.
Appello, m. call, appeal, chal-

Appena, ad. hardly, scarcely.
Appendere, v. a. ir. to hang on.
Appresso, pr. near.

Approvare, v. a. to approve.
Appuntamento, m. appointment.
Appunto, ad. precisely.

Ammontare, v. a. to heap up, Aprile, m. April.

to amount.

Amorevole, a. kind, amorous.
Anche, ad. also, too, likewise,


Aprire, v. a. ir. to open, to dis


Aquila, a. eagle.

Arancia, f. orange.

Ardere, v. n. to burn, to glow.
Ardire, v. n. to dare, to be bold.
Arduo, a. difficult, perilous.
Area, f. area.

Argomento, m. argument.
Aria, f. air, mien.

Arido, a. dry, poor.
Armistizio, m. armistice.

Arrendersi, v. r. to surrender. | Arrestare, v. a. to arrest, to seize.

Arricchire, v. a. to enrich, to adorn.

Arridere, v. a. ir. to smile upon. | Arrivare, v. n. to arrive, to reach.

Arrivo, m. arrival, coming. Arrolare, v. a. to enroll, to register.

Arte, f. art, artifice, skill, craft.
Articolo, m. article.

Artificiale, a. artificial, artful.
Artista, m. artist.

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Assoluto, a. absolute, arbitrary. Assumere, v. a. ir. to assume. Astro, m. star.

Astuzia, f. craftiness, cunning,


Atroce, a. atrocious.

Attacco, m. sticking, attack.
Attenzione, f. attention.
Atto, m. act, action, deed, sign.
Attore, m. actor, player, agent.
Attrarre, v. a. ir. to attract, to

Attrazione, f. attraction.
Audace, a. audacious, bold.
Autore, m. author, maker, in-


Autorità, f. authority. Avanti, pr. & ad. before, forward.

Avanzare, v. a. to advance. Avere, v. a. ir. to have, to pos


Avvenire, v. n. ir. to happen.

Asciugare, v. a. to dry, to wipe. Avversità, t. adversity.

Asciugatoio, m. towel.

Asciutto, a. & m. arid, dry. Ascoltare, v. a. to listen. Aspettare, v. a. to expect, to await.

Aspettazione, f. expectation. Assai, ad. enough, much, very. Assediare, v. a. to besiege. Assemblea, f. assembly, meeting.

Assenza, f. absence.

Asserire, v. a. to assert, to affirm.

Avvertire, v. a. & n. to advise. Avvicinanza, f. approach. Avvisare, v. a. to advise, to

warn, to notice.

Avviso, m. advice, news, note. Avvocato, m. advocate, lawyer. Azione, f. action, deed, right.


Babbo, m. papa, dad, (for father).

Baccelliere, m. bachelor of arts.

Assolvere, v. a. ir. to absolve. Baciare, v. a. to kiss, to salute.

Bacio, m. kiss.
Bagattella, f. trifle, bauble.
Bagliore, m. flash of light, glare.
Bagnare, v. a. to wet, to wash.
Balla, f. bale, package.
Bambola, f. doll, puppet.
Banchetto, m. banquet.
Banda, f. side, band, troop.
Bandiera, f. banner, ensign.
Basso, a. low, mean, base, abject
Basta, ad. enough, stop.
Bastimento, m. ship, vessel.
Bastione, m. bastion, rampart.
Bastone, m. staff, truncheon.
Battaglia, f. battle.
Battello, m. boat, canoe.
Battere, v. a. to beat, to knock.
Battezzare, v. a. to baptize.
Baule, m. trunk, travelling-

Bellezza, f. beauty.

Bello, a. beautiful, handsome.
Beltà, f. beauty.

Belva, f. (poet.) wild beast.
Benchè, c. although.

Bene, m. good, advantage, property.

Benedire, v. a. to bless, to con


Bilancia, f. pair of scales, bal


Bisogna, f. business.
Bisognare, to want, to need.
Bisogno, m. want, exigency.
Blocco, m. blockade.

Bocca, f. mouth, taste, aperture.
Bollire, v. n. to boil, to bubble


Bollo, m. seal, stamp.
Bomba, f. butt, mark, bomb.
Borsa, f. purse, exchange.
Bosco, m. wood, forest.
Bottega, f. shop.
Bottiglia, f. bottle.
Bottone, m. button, bud.
Braccio, m. arm, cubit, fathom.
Breve, a. & ad. brief (ly),
short (ly).

Brevemente, ad. briefly, in


Brillante, a. brilliant, bright.
Brocca, f. pitcher, jar.
Brodo, m. broth.

Bruciare, v. a. to burn.
Bruno, a. brown.

Brutto, a. ugly, filthy.
Bue, m. ox.

Bugia, f. lie, flat candlestick.

Benevolenza, f. benevolence, Bugiardello, m. story teller.

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