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add anything which seems wise to him. Let the pupils try to write a few things which they have learned.

When the class begins to study the third part of the book, I would suggest that the teacher go over the lesson before meeting the class. It is true that the explanations of the rules of grammar are written in Italian; nevertheless, I am positive that through the many examples I bring out he can easily see what I am talking about, so that he may prepare himself to explain it more fully to the class.

As the pupils are requested to write exercises on each lesson of the first and third part, the teacher would do a wise thing to take their note books home and make all corrections with red ink. This can easily be done if the class meets twice a week; but if the book is used in the public evening schools which meet four or five times a week, then the teacher could ask different ones in the class about the lesson and write the correct answers on the black-board so that the rest of the pupils could see their own mistakes and correct them themselves.

These are the most important suggestions that I have to make to the American teacher, but the experience he will acquire in teaching the class will be more valuable for his future work than all the guiding rules and principles which I could give him either in writing or in speaking.

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Nel corso di queste lezioni gli esercizi in italiano da tradursi in inglese e le traduzioni dall' inglese in italiano hanno una tinta piuttosto letterale che altro. Ciò è stato fatto per imbeccare la frase inglese all' alunno e facilitare il suo lavoro. Nelle spiegazioni grammaticali abbiamo usato, per quanto ci è stato possible, parole adatte alla intelligenza della maggioranza di coloro per cui il libro è stato scritto. Insomma, lo scopo principale di questo volume non è di fare sfoggio di lingua italiana e di far risaltare tutte le sue sfumatore, ma di agevolare i nostri immigrati nell'imparare L'INGLESE al più presto possibile.


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