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throw it, he receives one counter from each of the other players, and also gains possession of Jack and his basket, giving up his cards to the demander, that is, the dealer.

It is now the new Jack's turn to cry in the same manner, and so the game proceeds. Should the player, however, of whom a fish is asked, not be able to play it, the penalty is that hepays two counters to Jack's basket; the next player has


then to play it or be fined, and so on all round until it is played; the player of it taking possession of Jack's basket, and crying out, "Sprats alive, O!" passing at the same time his cards to the player from whom he receives it. A player neglecting to call out "Sprats alive, O!" when taking the basket, has to forfeit Jack to the player who corrects him. The pool is won by the player who is the first to exhaust his stock of cards.

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HIS game consists of thirty-six cards, each card representing some animal, and having printed or written upon it the names of three other animals of the same class.

A good set of animals for the game would be―(1) Antelope, Reindeer, Vicua, Stag.-(2) Bison, Musk Ox, Yak, Buffalo. (3) Donkey, Mare and Foal, Hunter, Saddle Horse.-(4) Fox, Wolf, Jackal, Hyena.—(5) Hippopotamus, Indian Elephant, African Elephant, Rhinoceros.-(6) Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, Leopard.-(7) Pomeranian, Blenheim, King Charles, Skye Terrier.-(8) Retriever, Pointer, Setter, Water Spaniel. (9) White Bear, Sloth Bear, Brown Bear, American Bear. It is a quartette game, and is thus played :—

The players form a pool by each giving four or six counters, as may be decreed, the whole pack then being dealt out one card at a time to the players. The player at the dealer's left then asks any one of the others for a card of a quartette of which he already possesses at least one. Should the player so asked have it, it must be surrendered; the player then makes another demand, so continuing until he makes a wrong application. A player is not allowed to ask for a card unless he holds at least one of that quartette. When a player has


made all his sets complete, and has no cards left, he is allowed to transfer his call to whoever he pleases.

The pool is won by the maker of the most quartettes.

Another mode of proceeding is that a banker has to be chosen, which post may be filled by a non-player, whose business is to take charge of the pool and receive the forfeits.


Each of the four players has seven cards, the banker retaining the other eight for forfeits, which can be called for, one card at a time; the player on so calling having to pay one to the pool, and taking his chance of the card being of the set required.

The play is commenced by the player next the dealer placing a card upon the table, and calling for another of its class, as mentioned upon it, until each player has had his turn.


A player not having those cards called for, will pay one to the pool, when the dealer has to hand him the top card of those remaining. Should it be the one demanded, he can at once play it; if not, it has to be kept in hand; passing it on to the next to play, and so on until the complete four are formed.

By paying one to the pool, any player, in turn, may purchase a card of the banker until the stock is exhausted; the intention of the game is to form sets of four; for every such set, counters being paid from the pool.

Having made up all the quartettes you can, and wishing to close the game, the odd cards may then be played. The dealer commences by playing one from his own pack, which is taken up by the next player, who, at the same time, gives one of his in return; the next player does the same, and so on until another set is completed, which is paid for as in the previous one. When the players have used up all the cards, the game is terminated, and the pool divided.

Should six or eight persons wish to play, they can only do so by forming partners and advising with each other.

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