Imágenes de páginas


A red rogue came to our house,
And took a goose away.

Do you know the red rogue's name,
Or do you say Nay?

(A FOX.)

We have a horse,

Without any head,

And although not alive,
He'll never be dead.


Higgledy, piggledy, here we lie,

Picked and plucked, and put in a pie.


What is there filled with knowledge, and yet knowing nothing? (A BOOK-CASE.)

As I was going over London Bridge,

I met Mister Rusticap;

Pins and needles in his back,

A-going to Thorny Fair.


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The king could not read it, no more could the queen ;

They sent for a wise man out of the East,

Who said it had horns, but was not a beast.


Peas-porridge hot, peas-porridge cold,
Peas-porridge in the pot, nine days old.
Spell me That in four letters.
(ТНАТ. )

What drink is like a letter of the Alphabet?



Purple, yellow, red, and green,

The prince cannot reach it, nor yet can the queen;
Nor can you, love, with all your sweet prate,
Tell me this riddle while I count eight.


Thirty white horses.
Upon a red hill;

Now they tramp,

Now they champ,

Now they stand still.


A palace made of gilded brass,
And having neither fire nor glass.

Two legs sat upon three legs,
Holding one leg in his lap;
In comes four legs,

And runs away with one leg.

Up jumps two legs,

Catches up three legs,

Throws them after four legs,

And makes him bring one leg back.

(ONE LEG, is a Leg of Mutton: TWO LEGS, a Man; THREE LEGS, a Stool; and FOUR LEGS, a Dog.)

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There was a man who had no eyes,
He went abroad to view the skies;
He saw a tree with apples on it:

He took not apples off, yet left not apples on it.

(The man had but ONE eye, and the tree but TWO apples on it.)

Formed long ago, yet made to-day,

Employed while others sleep;
What few would wish to give away,
Or any wish to keep.
(A BED.)

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty got a great fall;

Three score men, and three score more,

Cannot place Humpty Dumpty as he was before.
(AN EGG, broken.)

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Every lady in this land

Hath twenty nails upon each hand
Five and twenty on hands and feet
All this is true without deceit.

Every lady in this land

Hath twenty nails; upon each

Hand five; and twenty on hands and feet.
All this is true without deceit.

As I went through the garden gate,
Who should I meet but Dick Redcap,
A stick in his hand, and a stone in his throat.
If you tell me this, I'll give you a groat.

Old Mother Twitchett had but one eye,
And a long tail, which used to fly;
And every time she went over a gap,
She left a bit of her tail in a trap.


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