Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Rensselaer, Stephen van, founder of Polytechnic
Institute, 660.

Rensselaer method, typical for America, 661.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 662, 1072; ac-
count of, 660, 661; courses in, 661; exhibit,
470, 471,484; fees in 1840, 673; requirements
for admission, 668.

Rents, receipts from, 35.
Report, annual, 201, 206.
Report of commission (France), 227, 228, 229; of
minister of education, 261; of State superin.
tendent for 1893, 1112; of subcommittee, 14;
to the legislature, 201.

Reports, German, not published, 534; inspectors',
205; minority, 1457; public, strongly devel
oped, 534; required in Chicago, 534; school
in Bavaria, 332, specialized, 1505.

Repplier, A., 949.

Representatives of the German Government, 11.
Requirements for admission in technological
schools, 668, 669.

Resemblance between American schools, 586.
Reserved books, 977.

Residence, free for teachers, 207.

Resident students. 74.

Responsibility, civic, 161.

Restrained books, 976.

Result of child study, amazing advance in theory
and practice, 370.

Results and methods of advance research work,
in various institutions, 465.

Résumé of discussion in the commission, 230, 231,
232, 233, 234, 235.

Rethwisch, Dr., history of secondary education in
Germany, 550.

Returns, departmental, 267; from different States,
23; of education departments, 264.
Requirements for degrees, 83; sanitary, 187; tabu.
lation of 185.

Requisitions of Department of the Interior, 95.
Reubelt, F. W., 400.

Reuss Jr. Line statistics of education, 2074.
Reuss Sen. Line, statistics of education, 2074.
Revenue for schools, 3.

Review of operations, 246, 247.
Reviews of books, 813.
Revised catalogues, 699.
Revoking appointments, 200.
Revolution widens scope of polities, 531.
Revolution of 1830, 192.

Revue des Deux Mondes. mentioned, 592.
Revue Pédagogique, articles in, 585.

Rewards and medals of London board school, ex-
hibit, 499; and prizes, 351; and punishments,
barbaric system of, 439.

Reynolds, Charles B., 403.

Reynolds, J. P., 407.

Reynolds, P. B., 416.

Rex, C. R., 412.

Rhangabe, Alexander, death and sketch, 1764.
Rhoads, McHenry, 401.

Rhode Island, compulsory education. 561; consti-
tution of 1842 on education, 1327; exhibit,
483, 1602; medical requirements, 1621, 1622;
methods of instructions in, 1676; no new
constitution in, 1776, 1313; pecuniary aid to
students, 1590; per cent of teachers with
normal training, 649: statistics Agricultural
and Mechanical College, 1974: commercial
colleges, 2022, 2038; deaf institutions. 2050-
2052; city schools, 1798; normal schools, 2008;
nurse training schools, 2001; public high
schools, 1872; reform schools, 2067, 2072;
universities and colleges, 1964; summary of
education in, 1675; temperance education
law, 1158; uses surplus of 1836 in education,

Rhythmic action, 379; training in, 380.
Ribot, quoted, 636.

Rice, Miss Emily J., 430.

Rice, J. H., 419.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Robinson, William E., death and sketch, 1758.
Robinson Crusoe as a center of school work, 1505.
Robnett, J. D., 416.

Rochester (N. Y.) kindergarten exhibit, 1071.
Rochester Theological Seminary library, 889.
Rochholz, E. L., death and sketch, 1764.
Rochow, F. E. von, reader of, mentioned, 640.
Rockefeller, John D., and University of Chicago,
607: contributes to Chicago University,
676 note.

Rockford, Ill., 79; public library, 953, 967.
Rockford College, 9; aid to women students, 1593.
Rockford School, 1109.

Rock Hill College, Maryland exhibit, 493.

Rock sections in exhibits from Upsala Uni-
versity, Sweden, 498.

Rockwell, John C., 405.
Rodreques, José Julio, 1783.

Rodgers, Christopher R. P., death and sketch, 1758.
Roemer, Jean, death and sketch, 1758.

[blocks in formation]

Rosing, Miss, 1196.

Ross, Charles C., 419.

Ross, George W., 9, 246, 424, 1213.

Ross, W. W., 405.

Rosseter, E. C., 400.

Rostock, Mich., 1781.

Roth, Theo. B., 415.

Rothang, J. G., 321.

Roubais, photographs of schools, 588.
Rouleau, Thomas G., 430.

Roumania, statistics of education, 2076
Round-table discussions, 1505.
Rounds, Prof. C. C., 436, 1019.

[blocks in formation]

Roustan, Honoré, 338.

Rowe, Prof. H. M., 433.

Roxbury Latin School, diagram of time given to
various studies, 683.

Royal Academy of Fine Arts, course in typo
graphic drawing, 597.

Royal Academy of Medicine, 185.

Royal Academy of Science, Literature, and Art,


Royal Academy of Sciences, 185.

Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1177.
Royal Athenees, 174.

Royal charters, only mention of education in, 1230.
Royal College of Science, 1176.

Royal commission, 20.

Royal decree, 180, 194.

Royal Free Hospital, 1175.

Royal Library at Brussels, 186.

Royal Medical Academy at Brussels, 186.

Royal Museum at Brussels. 186.

Royal Normal College for the Blind, London, 1151.

Royal Polytechnicum at Berlin, 12.

Royce, Josiah, 390, 435, 643.

Ruano, Dr. Alberto Gomez, 424.

Rubens, pictures of, mentioned, 622.

Rucker, W, H., 400.

Rude methods. 1185.

Rudolph, E., 1781.

Rudolph Indexer Company, plan for reprinting
titles of American books, 579 note.

Rue, David E., 404.

Ruegg, Prof. H. R., 1784.
Ruetenik, H. J., 414.
Ruge, Dr. Max, 1782.

Ruggles, Professor, 1018.

Ruggles, Miss Henrietta J., death and sketch, 1758.
Rugs from Damascus, handiwork, 501.

Rules and regulations, teachers trying to keep
within, 516.

Rules for cataloguing, 836-848; for library man-
agement, 941; recommended, 755.

Rumford, Count, complete works, 1061; inven-
tions, 1061.

Rumford kitchen exhibit, 1060, 1061.
Rundlett, Louis J., 403.

Runkle, President, 1199.
Runkle. Prof. J. D., 423, 1057.
Runkwitz, K., 1782.

Rupert, William M., 407.

Rural or industrial communes, 196.

Rural schools, grading in New Jersey, 1664; short

terms, 539.

Rusch, G., 321.

Rush, Benjamin, views on national university,


Rusk, Gen. Jeremiah M., 1777.

Ruskin, John, 939, 1173.

Russell, B. B., 402.

Russell, E. Harlow, 365, 390, 436, 638; methods of
studying children, 636.

Russell, Frank P., 399.

Russell, Prof. Israel C., 426.
Russell, John, Lord, 1169.

Russell, William, 1498.

Russia, class distinctions in, 1197; colleges for
women, commission on regulation, 688;
courses offered, 689; courses preferred, 68);
established, 688; homes of pupils, 690, inter-
est in philosophy in, 690; medical courses,
690; sources of support, 690; statistics, 689
work in languages, 690; work in national
history, 690; complexity of forms in, 1197;
delegates to World's Fair. 556; education
in, 10; under control of different ministries,
687; educational exhibit. 500, 518, 624, 652,
653, 1196; extent, 652; girls' handiwork ex-
hibit, 455; girls' schools, 687, 688; grammar
grade, geographies on, 651; higher education
of women, 687-690; Jewish aversion to agri-
culture in, 652; length of medical courses,
1631; manual training of, 500; Americans
on, 573; imitated, 526; religion in schools,
1197; schools for special classes, 500; statis-
tics of education, 688, 2076; subordinate
grades, 1197; women doctors in, 1197, 1628
Russia leather, 910.

[blocks in formation]

illuminated work, 508.

Safford, Adelbert Leon, 402.

Sage, Henry W., adopts policy of E. Cornell, 665.
Sage library, 882.

St. Benedict's College, aid to students, 1586.

St. Bonaventure's College, aid to students, 1586.
St. Catherine's College, aid to students, 1605.
St. Charles College, aid to students, 1585.

St. Clair, Mrs. F. P.. 418.

St. Clair papers, cited, 1274.

St. Etienne, deaf mute exlubit, 651.
Saint-Foix, Comte de, 337, #52.

St. Ghislain. 191.

St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Athenaeum library, 963, 975.
St. John's College, Cambridge, aid to students, 1606.
St. John's College, Maryland, aid to students, 1581.
St. John's College, Oxford, aid to students, 1601.
St. John's Institute for Deaf-mutes, 1122.
St. Joseph's Academy, St. Augustine, Fla., 1136.
St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, altar exhibit, 493,

St. Lawrence Island, 1735; no teacher for, 1736;
scene of tragedy, 1736.

St. Lawrence University, aid to students, 1586.
St. Louis, exhibit of technical schools, 617; kin-
dergarten display, 489; kindergarten in,
1127; medical school for women, 611; normal
school, 1160: opening of new public library
building, 1659; public high school, mention-
ed, 680; post-graduate medical schools, 610;
school system, 1127; schools, Dr. Rice on,
567; Washington University, 1128.

St. Louis manual training school, 1127, 1159; ac-
count, 679.

St. Louis mercantile library, 876.

St. Louis Polytechnic School, length of course, 668.
St. Louis public library, 875, 959, 971, 1659.

St. Louis University library, 887.

St. Luke's Hospital. Chicago, 1109.

St. Luke's School, 190.

St. Mary Hall, aid to students, 1601.

St. Nicholas, 191.

St. Patrick's School, Nashville, 1136.

St. Paul, exhibit, character, 646; excellence. 489;
manual training exhibit, 572; model school
exhibit from, 489, 621; new methods in, 618;
schools, character, 523; Dr. Rice on, 568.

St. Paul public library, 959, 971.
St. Peter's College, aid to students, 1603.
St. Petersburg, College for women established, 688;
educational museum mentioned, 650; head-
ache among school children, 637; technolog.
ical institute, 1199.

St. Stephen's College, aid to students, 1586.
Salaries, 176; and classification of teachers, 175;

annual, 193; for urban schools, 347; average,
167, 204, 207, 222; expenditure for, 183; in
Belgium, 162-170; in New York City, 1620;
in University of Michigan, 672; in urban
schools, 347; of American professors, 673;
of American teachers, 546-615; of assist-
ants, 754; of professors, 180; of teachers and
superintendents, 3, 23, 31, 200, 251; table, 175.
Sale, Professor, 259.

Sale, A. R., 401.

Salem exhibit, 1032.

Salem Bentley school, 1159.

Salem (Mass.) public library, 858, 889, 957, 970.
Salient features of educational work as shown by
the exhibits, 460.

Salisbury, Bishop of, 216.

Salisbury (Conn.) library, 952, 965.
Sallwürk, E. v., 394.

Salmond, Dr., 259.

Salute to flag in American schools, 590.

Salvador, statistics of education, 654, 2078.
Salzmann, influence on German schools, 558.
Samples of school work, 189.

Samson, George W., 418.

San Diego public library, 950, 964.

San Domingo, educational statistics, 654.
San Francisco, evolution of universities in, 007;
manual training school mentioned, 679; med-
ical schools buildings, G08; mentioned, 605;
older, developed by rivalry, 607; new meth-
ods in, 618; public school system of, 620.

San Francisco aw library, 886.

San Francisco mercantile library, 878.
San Francisco public library, 876.

Silver Street Kindergarten, exhibit in drawing,

[blocks in formation]

Sanitary requirements, 187.

Sanor, S. D., 405.

Sanskrit, at Bryn Mawr, 533.

Sanskrit roots indicated actions, 374.

Santa Barbara free public library, 950, 964.
Santa Rosa library, 950, 964.

Sanz Del Rio, 390.
Sargent, A. L., 956, 969.

Sargent, Prof. D. A., 423, 528.
Sargent, E. B., 937.

Sargent, J. S., prepares juvenile index, 582.
Sargent, Winthrop, agent of Ohio Co., 1270.
Sargent machine, charterized, 528.

Sarmiento, Argentine statesman, 1220; President
of Argentine Republic, 1221.
Sartain, Miss Emily, 431.
Sartin, Miss Emily, 1087.
Sarver, John M., 1493.
Sator, Charles R., 401.
Saunders, Frederick, 870.

Saussure, Horace Benedict de, 284.
Savage, Frank, 402.

Savage, G. M., 415.

Savage, Minot J.. 390.

Savage, W. H., 407.

[blocks in formation]

Saxe-Altenburg, statistics of education, 2074.
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, public schools in, 324; statis-
ties of education, 2074.

Saxe-Meiningen, statistics of education, 2074.
Saxe-Weimar, statistics of education, 2074.
Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Gustave, Prince of, death,

Saxman, Prof. S. A., 1742.

Saxony, illiterate recruits from, 328; no educa-
tional exhibit at World's Fair, 549; statis-
tics of education, 2074.
Scandinavians in Chicago, 500.
Scantlin, Louisa, 953, 967.
Scarborough, John C., 398.
Scarlett, Augustus, 1076.
Schaefer,-, 1782.

Schaeffer, Charles A., 410.
Schaeffer, Nathan C., 398, 1671.
Schaerbeek, 190, 191.

Schaff Rev. Philip, 1777.

Schallenberger, Margaret E.. 399.

Schaller, Dr. Ferdinand, death and sketch, 1764.
Schapman, II. A., 412.

Scharlach, Chr. Fr., 1782.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Schneider and Petersilie, work on Prussian
school system, 549, 550.

Schneider, J., death, 1764.

Schnerr, Leander, 415.

Schoechert, Rev. John Herman, 1737.
Schoener, Rector, 1782.

Scholarship, low rate of, 151; of importance in
teaching, 1656.

Scholarships, and prizes, 182; in English univer-
sities discussed, 1575; number, 169; public
and private, 174; traveling, 182.
Scholastic affairs, 159.

Scholastic authorities, supervision of, 343.
Scholastic work, 220.

School adminstration, 197, 245; method and care
of, 566.

School age, 264; at which pupils leave, 166; obliga-
tory, 8.

School apparatus exhibit from Stillwater, Minn.,


[blocks in formation]

School attendance, 166, 172, 248; and State help, 506;
discussed, 537; in Austria, 615, 1186; in Eng.
land and Wales, 203, 615; in France 552, 615;
in Italy, 615; in Prussia, 552, 615, in public,
172; in United States, 615; no compulsory
law for, 522; statistics of, in United States,
563; subsidized schools, 172.

School board, 204; elections, 217; in London, 7;
power, 649.

School books, French exhibit, 583.

School building, 352; appointments, 616; character,
617, 718; expenditure for, 23; in America, 615.

School circulation, record of, 696.

School colonies, 173.

School committee, 163.

School commencement, attended, 592.
School curriculum, shortening the, 1451.

School education, questions of international in-
terest, 439.

School exercises, 197.

School exhibits, 461; character, 630; difficulties of

comprehension, 590, 591; made attractive,
461; of Boston, 482; of Uruguay, 448.
School fees contributed, 171; reduction of, 203.
School for children of the nobility, 1209.
School for deaf-mutes in City of Mexico, 1218.
School for engineers at Willets Point, mentioned,


School for flower makers, 190.

School for the blind and dumb in Tokyo, 1209.
School for the blind at Janesville, Wis., 1119.
School for the feeble-minded at Faribault, 1123.
School fund of Connecticut, mentioned in consti-

tution, 1321; of Iowa, mentioned in constitu-
tion, 1331; of New York, history, 1330 note.
School furniture, 12; expenditure for, 23.
School grades, age-marks differences, 376.
School hours, length 352; in Boston, 628.
Schoolhouses, 2, 23, 252.

School hygiene, 128, 363; in United States, im-
portance of, 648; Commissioner of Education
on, 649.

"Schooling" turning children against work, 1638.
School instruction given to techniques, 1461.
School journals in Germany, 551.

School lands, first mentioned in Vermont consti-
tution, 1314; importance of, in American
system, 621; of fowa, mentioned in consti-
tution, 1331.

School legislation, 13; in Connecticut, 1642-1799,
1240-1256; in Pennsylvania, 1261-1267; of
Plymouth colony, 1238, 1239.

School libraries, 353, 96, 917; expenditures for, 23;
first development of, 1325.

School management, 161; methods of discipline,


Schoolmasters, act concerning, in Connecticut,
1247; communal, 200; in Massachusetts,
qualifications of, 1235, 1236.
School moneys, receipt of, 34.

School of applied design for women, exhibit, 1075.
School of Arts and Trades, Leipsic, course in

typographic drawing, 597.

School of design for women, Philadelphia, 1087.
School of mines, France, exhibit, 589.
School of mines, London, 259.

School of mines of Hainaut, 192.

School of mines of North Dakota, provided for in
constitution, 1398, 1400.

School of pedagogy, 253; in University of New
York City, account of, 635.

School of practical science. 255.

School of seamanship. 189.

School of swimming, 447.

School of technology in Boston, 256.

School of the future, 358.

School of weaving, 187; at Norrköping, Sweden,


School officers of State, 397.

School organization, 352.

School papers published by high schools, 1027.
School population, relation to total population, 25;
daily attendance, 28.

School privileges at Port Simpson, 1742.
School programmes, 352, 1469.

School property, 2, 479; value, 23, 32, 46.
School registers, 26.

School registration, free, 619.
School revenue, 35.

Schoolroom, American, impressions made by, 626;
effects counteracted by playground, 383.
Schoolrooms, not used for religious instruction,
536; sisters not to wear religious garb in, 536.
School savings bank, 7, 173, 205, 354, 1154.
School society of Connecticut, character indicated
by regulations of, 1796, 1254; substituted for
town, 1253.

School statistics of 1890, 143.

School supervision, importance of, 629.
School system controlled by States, 523; no na
tional organization of, 523; of Great Brit-
ain, 7; of West Virginia, 1695; Waetzoldt
on, 548; strong points in America, 440.
School taxes, 312; character, 619; privileges of
cities, 523.

School term, 2; length of, 2, 166; shortening of, 40.
School vacation, 173.

School work, exhibit of Alaska, 473; exhibition
of, 163; J. M. Rice on, 648; practical charac-
ter of, in United States, 634; Robinson
Crusoe as a center of, 1505; samples of, 189;
utilizing Columbian Exposition in, 458.
School yard, opened, 195.
School year, duration, 2, 204, 248; in America, 538,
Schools, agricultural, 342, 354; American, criti-

cisms, 567; American fondness for, 587; and
population, 194; blackboards in, 617; classi-
fied, 21; clerical, 171, 176; common, in Con-
necticut, see Connectient; conduct of, 616;
decentralized in America, 561; decorations
in, 618: elementary, number in United
States, 593; expenses, 593; time consumed
by, 542; employment of men necessary to
raise the level, 526; of women as teachers
in, 526; equipment, 44; exhibits in women's
and children's buildings. 591; expenditures
in America and Italy, 615; fire escapes in,


618; for men, 169; for printers, 597; for re-
formatory or criminal classes, exhibit, 495;
founded by women, 1176; general descrip-
tion of 617, 618; gradation of American, 524;
hygienic examination of, 363; in Alaska,
1731, 1745; amounts contributed by Federal
Government and by churches, 1747; in Bel-
gium. 160; control of, 166; for adults, 160;
in Italy, for soldiers, 1187; inspection of
higher, 223; internal conduct of, 170, 225;
lavish representations of, 621; maintenance
of, 199, 340; methods of teaching, 616; mixed,
194; for whites and negroes, 527; model ele-
mentary, 170; must prepare for practical
life, 352: new methods in newer cities, 618;
no entrance without authority in Germany,
324: notions of agriculture in, 169; of Egypt,
exhibit, 451; of New Haven County, Conn.,
1634 of theology, law, and medicine, 96:
oral instruction in, 617; organization and
conduct of, 207; overcrowded, 44; recon-
structed in accordance with child nature.
358; rivalry between States over. 616; seats
and desks in New York, 617; sectarian, pro-
posed constitutional amendment against,
1294; separate for whites and blacks, 527;
special trade, 188; State, tendency toward
uniformity, 625; statistics of industrial
courses, 188, 191; statute to regulate, 245,
246; supervision of, 441; technical and in
dustrial, 186; training in, 170; treatment of
maps and pictures, 618.

See also Education, constitutions on, High
schools, Public high schools.

Schopenhauer, A., 939.

Schöppner, E., 320.

Schornstein, Dr. E., 1782.

Schottmüller, Dr. Conrad, 1782.

Schreiber, Felix, 394.

Schreiber, Prof. George L., 430.

Schroder, 390.

Schubert, Anton, death and sketch, 1764.

Schnette, C. H. L., 414.

Schultheiss, W. K., 390.

Schultz, Aug., 415.

Schultz, F., 390.

Schulz, F. A., 1782.

Schurman, J. G., 413, 423, 535, 1493.

Schwab, Dr. J. C., 995.

Schwartz, Mr., 1033.

Schwartz, J., 895.

Schwatka Frederick, death and sketch, 1758.
Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, statistics of education,


Schwartzburg Sondershausen, statistics of edu
cation, 2076.

Scidmore, Miss Eliza Ruhamah, 426.
Science, American, Jules Violle on, 593-599; geog.
raphy as a, 284; inferior to dollar in United
States, 595; popularized in America, 561;
practical school of, 255; should be taught
by scientists, 1487; value of as an educative
study as compared with language, 440.
Science of education possible, 1479.
Science of paidology, 362.

Science of statistics, 1505.
Science teaching, 1019; laboratory method in, 462.
Sciences. 182; accessory, 235; and arts, support of

161; commercial, 178; experimental, 234;
faculty of, 234; indispensable for practice
in induction, 1479.

Scientific branches, 349.
Scientific cookery, 447.

Scientific course, 55, 61.

Scientific diploma, 184.

Scientific explanations, children accept as final,


Scientific generalizations, observations material

for, 364.

Scientific instruction for workmen, 186.

Scientific notions necessary to agriculture, 1181.
Scientific preparation, 227.

Scientific pursuits, standard of usefulness applied

in, 82.

Scientific Review, mentioned, 612.

Scientific School of North Dakota, mentioned in

constitution, 1398.

Scientific schools, statistics, 1981.

Scientific studies for medical students, 9, 228, 229.

[blocks in formation]

Scott, Rev. John W., death and sketch, 1758.
Scott, Marcus W., 404.
Scott, Orion C., 401.
Scott, William H., 414.
Scovel, S. F., 414.

Scranton (Pa.) public library, 962, 974.
Scrapbooks, 999.

Scribner's Sons, mentioned, 576.

Scripture, E. W., 382, 390.

Scriptures, college students ignorant of, 536
Scudder, H. E., 949.

Scudder, John H., 1076.
Seamanship, school of, 189.
Search, P. W., 399.

Seats and desks in New York schools, 617.
Seattle public library, 963, 975.
Seaver, Edwin P.. 402, 428, 1494.
Secomb, D. F., 959, 972.

[blocks in formation]

Secondary schools, 175, 438; a two-fold course. 1462.
complete course, 1452; classified, 1482; fr
boys and for girls, 223; growth of 52, n
America, 590; character 678; in New Zea
land, 258; in Uruguay, 339; investigati a
and observation in, 678; number 678; ob,ecis
of. 438; private, 1463; programmes, 148. Ie-
form of 1448; remedies for evils of 1484;
summary of statistics, 1; weak points in.
14; without Latin, 678.

See also High Schools; Public high schools:

Secondary studies in universities, 349; obligatory
and optional, 349.

Secondary study, 176.

Sectarian instruction, 162, 204, 209.

Sectarian laws, proposed constitutional amend
ment against, 1294.

Secular schools changed to sectarian. 171.

Sedgwick, Albert, report on Connecticut common-
school fund quoted, 1260.

Seehaus, Karl, death, 1784.

Seeley, Charles A. death and sketch, 1758.
Seelye, L. Clark, 418.

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