Imágenes de páginas

25.-Keerles, vassals. Plee, pleghe, homage-audit. Moon, demon. Bereghten, to govern. Dee, deghe, due. Sop, t' sop, top, the crown of the head, and here as the tonsure or the crown of the head; and thus Sop-heer, the gentleman with the tonsured crown, is a metaphor for the ecclesiastical lord of the domain; Abbot. Lieven, to love. Sluijpe, as the contraction of sluijping, the old form of the participle present of sluijpen, to crawl slyly out of a hiding-place, to surprise by stealth. In, come on; into. De strijd, the struggle, a vying together. Wijsen, to show. Kael, destitute, naked. Hooren, to conform to. Heet, command. Laede, counter, money-table. Wal, abyss, gulph, whale, monster. Happen, to catch (overtake). Seer, severe, sore. Vijand, enemy. Melken, to soothe by gift. Flauw, weak, relaxed. Haeve, have, possessions.

Boers, peasants. Houd, quickly.

26.-Lette, hindrance. Hel, clear, evident. Sinn is, is the soul of, devoted to. Soen, compensation, fine, penalty. Sinnen, to revolve in the mind. Wyten, to reproach, to throw in the teeth. Breed, broadly. Botter, cheat. Guiten, to play the rogue, to find out specious reasons for an unjust decision in law, to grind the law to suit the judge's private inclinations. Wijsen, to point at. Marren, to hammer in the mind, to take

time to think of.

27.-Ryden, to ride.

Toe ban, denounce upon. Wreê, wrede, savage. Kruijs, curse. Toesien, to look to. Ors, hors, horse. Muijsen, to take care of number one, to take a full share of.

28.-Wo o aes, where any thing to eat. Wo aet, where food. Hincken, to limp, to hop, to follow slowly but surely. Luiden, to sound. Nutting, acquiring. Kijven, to wrangle, to extort by squabbling. Duyt, doit, money. Beguyghen, to quiz.

29.-Nauwen, to be distressed for want of. Lief, rather. Still, quiet.

30.-Beker, beaker, chalice, cup. Baeten, baten, to profit by, to make booty. Keck, boldly. Meê aes daer, there with provision. Prijcken, to parade, to assume a pompous demeanour. Hoeven, farm-houses. Billigh, just. Mie, miede, miete, stipend, reward, meed.

31.-Hoy, hooi, hay. Innen, to get in. Suijpe, sot. Gauw, sly, roguish. Koren, to vomit. Wee, grief, pain, woe. Meynen, to estimate, to rate. Ander, in another way, other. wise. Vast, constantly. Sluijpen, to glide away, to slide out from.



32.-Pochen, to bluster. Vuyl, foul, dirty. Rye, in a row, one after the other. Becken, to urge, to stimulate. Begaen, to commit, to do. Aenwassen, to increase. Disch, table. Sed-behoor, moral fitness of conduct. Wars, worse. Koen, hardy. Houden, to maintain. Kitsen, to spew. Hin, hence. Breed, broadly. Hunne, to them. Hen, from there. Houde, quickly. Kluysse, cell. Licht-hel, as elear as daylight.

33.-Heyt, furious. Hollen, to be in a state of fury, to be run away with. Noó-weêr, storm. Luchten, to explore. Stel, constitution. Vond, found. Wassen, to wax. Teêr, teder,

soft, tender, and so rotting.

35.-Hegghe, a bush.

pene, pang of greediness.

36.-Oom, cousin.

Schreiten, to call out lustily. Greyt-
Weêrhoud, withheld.

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hellish. Winnen, to familiarize with.

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