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Dewdrop (dü'drop), n. A drop of dew, complish a purpose; promptness in devising solution rotating the plane of polarization which sparkles at sunrise; a spangle of dew. expedients; quickness and skill in managing of a ray of light to the right.


or conducting a scheme of operations; as, Dextrous, a. See DEXTEROL'S. Of microscopic powers that could discern

the negotiation was conducted with dexte Dey (da), n. [Turk. dai, a maternal uncle; The population of a dewdrop. Montgomery. rity.

hence, a title applied by the Janizaries to Dewfall (dü'fal), n. The falling of dew, or They attempted to be knaves, but wanted art and a person of mature or advanced age, and the time when dew begins to fall.


South. more specifically to their commander, who Dewiness (dū’i-nes), n. State of being dewy. SYN. Adroitness, activity, expertness, art, frequently came to the pashaship or reDewitt (de-wit'), v.t. (After two Dutch states

skill, ability, address, tact, cleverness, faci- gency of a province.] The title of the old men named De Witt, opponents of the Prince lity, aptness, aptitude.

governors or sovereigns of Algiers, Tunis, of Orange, massacred in 1672 by the mob, Dexterous, Dextrous (deks'ter-us, deks': and Tripoli, under the protection of the without subsequent inquiry.] Í'o murder; trus), a. 1. Able or disposed to use the right Sultan of Turkey. to assassinate. [Rare.]

hand in preference to the left; right-handed. Dey,t Deyet (dā), n. (See DAIRY.) A female, One writer, in a pamphlet which produced a great 2. Ready and expert in the use of the body sometimes a male, servant who had the sensation, expressed his wonder that the people had and limbs; skilful and active in manual charge of the dairy and all things pertaining not, when Tourville was riding victorious in the Channel, Dewitted the nonjuring prelates. Macaulay.

employment; adroit; active; ready; as, a to it; a female servant in general. Chaucer.

dexterous hand; a dexterous workman. Deye,tv.i. To die. Chaucer. Dewlap (dū'lap), n. [Dew, and lap, to lick.] 1. The fold of skin that hangs from the

For both their dextrous hands the lance could wield.

Deyer, t n. A dyer. Chaucer.

Pope. D.P. Abbreviation for defensor fidei,defender throat of oxen and cows, which laps or licks

3. Ready in the use of the mental faculties; of the faith. the dew in grazing. -2. The flesh on the prompt in contrivance and management; D.G. Abbreviation for Dei gratia, by the throat become flaccid with age.

expert: quick at inventing expedients; as, grace of God. And when she drinks against her lips I bob, a dexterous manager.

Dhole (dol), n. The Cingalese name for the And on the withered dewlap pour the ale. Shak.

The dexterous Capuchins never choose to preach

wild dog of India (Canis dukhunensis), in Dewlapt (dūʻlapt), a. Furnished with a on the life and miracles of a saint, until they have

size between a wolf and jackal, and of a rich dewlap, or similar appendage.

awakened the devotional feelings of their auditors by bay colour. It hunts in packs, and runs Mountaineers

exhibiting some relic of him, a thread of his garment, down almost every animal except the eleDewla pe like bulls, whose throats had hanging at 'eni a lock of his hair, or a drop of his blood. Macaulay.

phant and rhinoceros. Wallets of flesh.


4. Skilful; artful; done with dexterity; as, Dholl (dol), n. The Indian name for Cytisus Dew-point (dū'point), n. The degree indi

dexterous management. «Dexterous sleights Cajan, or pigeon-pea, a kind of pea supplied, cated by the thermometer when dew begins of hand.' Trench.-SYN. Adroit, active, ex- dried and split, in India to the navy. to be deposited. It varies with the degree pert, skilful, clever, able, ready, apt. Dhoney, Dhony (do'ni), n. Same as Doni. of the humidity of the atmosphere. The Dexterously, Dextrously (deks’ter-us-li

, Dhotee, Dhoty (do'tē, do'ti), n. A long more humid the atmosphere, the less the deks'trus-li), adv. With dexterity; expertly; narrow strip of cotton or gauze sometimes difference between its temperature and that skilfully; artfully; adroitly; promptly. ornamented with a silk border, worn by the of the dew-point, and vice versa. When Dexterousness, Dextrousness (deks'ter. male Hindus instead of pantaloons. the air is saturated with moisture and any us-nes, deks'trus-nes), n. Dexterity; adroit. Dhow (dou), n. An Arab vessel, generally colder body brought into contact with it, ness.

with one mast, from 150 to 250 tons burden, deposition of moisture or dew immediately Dextrad (deks'trad), adv. In med. towards employed in mercantile trading, and also in takes place on its surface.

the dextral aspect, as of the body; towards Dew-retting (dū'ret-ing), n. In agri. the the right of the mesial plane. Barclay. spreading of hemp or flax on grass to expose (Rare.] it to the action of dew, which expedites the Dextral (deks'tral), a. Right, as opposed to separation of the fibre from the feculent

left. Sir T. Browne. Dextral shell, in matter.

conch. a shell which has its convolutions Dew-stone (dū'ston), n. A species of lime- from right to left when the mouth is turned stone in Nottinghamshire, which collects a downward: opposed to sinistral shell. large quantity of dew on its surface.

Dextrality (deks-tral'i-ti), n. The state of Dew-worm (dū'werm), n. The common being on the right side. earth-worm (Lumbricus terrestris).

Dextrine (deks'trin), n. [From L. dexter, Dewy (dū’i), a. 1. Of or pertaining to dew. right as opposed to left.) (C6 H10 03.). The 'Tis a morning pure and sweet,

soluble or gummy matter into which the And a dewy splendour falls

interior substance of starch globules is conOn the little flower.


vertible by diastase or by certain acids. It 2. Partaking of the nature or appearance of is remarkable for the extent to which it dew; like dew; as, deuy tears.

turns the plane of polarization to the right A devy mist

hand, whence its name. Its composition is Went up and watered all the ground. Milton.

the same as that of starch. By the action 3. Moist with, or as with, dew; as, dewy of hot diluted acids, or of an infusion of fields.

malt, dextrine is finally converted into grapeHis dewy locks distilled

Slave Dhow, east coast of Africa. sugar. It is white, insipid, and without Ambrosia.


smell. It is a good substitute for gum-arabic carrying slaves from the east coast of Africa 4. Accompanied with dew; abounding in in medicine.

to the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. dew. 'Dewy eve. Milton. - 5. Falling Dextro-compound (deks'tro-kom-pound), Dhu, Dubh (du). (Gael.) A common elegently, or refreshing, like dew. Dewy sleep n. In chem. a compound body which causes ment in Celtic place and personal names, ambrosial.' Cowper.-6. In bot. appearing the plane of a ray of polarized light to rotate as if covered with dew. to the right. Dextrine, dextro-glucose, tar

signifying black, as Dublin (Dubh linn), the Dexiariæ (deks-i-a'ri-ē), n. A family of dip

black pool; Dhu Loch, the black loch; Rotaric acid, malic acid, cinchonine, are dex- derick Dhu, the black Roderick. terous insects (flies), of inoffensive habits, tro-compounds.

Dura, Dourah (dụra), nQ [Ar. dura.] and usually seen on flowers. Dextro-glucose (deks'tro-glū-kos), n. In

Indian millet, the seed of Sorghum vulgare, Dexter (deks'ter), a. (L. dexter, akin to

chem. ordinary glucose or granular sugar, after wheat the chief cereal crop of the Gr. dexios, Skr. daksha, on the right hand. ] called also grape, fruit, honey, starch, dia- Mediterranean region, and largely used in Pertaining to or situated on the right hand; betic, urine, chestnut, and rag sugar, accord- those countries by the labouring classes for right as opposed to left; as, the dexter side ing to its origin. It has its name from its food. Varieties are grown in many parts of of a shield.

property of turning the plane of polarization Africa. It is imported into this country On sounding wings a dexter


to the right. It occurs abundantly in sweet from the Levant. In Nubia it is used for eagle flew Pope. fruits, honey, many animal tissues and

currency. See MILLET. The dexter side of the es.

liquids, as the liver, amniotic and allantoic Di-. [Gr. di, dis, twice.] A common Greek cutcheon is opposite to the left

liquors, the blood, the chyle, the yolk and hand ... of the person who

prefix meaning twofold or double; as, dipterlooks thereon.

white of hens' eggs, in urine, and in unnatEncyc. Brit.

ous, two-winged; diptych, a tablet folded - Dexter chief point, in urally large quantity in diabetic urine. It

in two leaves; diarchy, government by two. her. a point in the right

is said to occur in certain fern-impressions In chemical words, prefixed to a radicle hand upper corner of the

from the clay-slate of Petit Cour of Savoy. shield, being in the dexter Dextro-gyrate (deks-tro-jir'át), a. (From

occurring in any compound it denotes that

the compound contains two atoms of the A, Dexter chief

dexter, and gyrate (which see). ) Causing to extremity of the chief, as

radicle; thus, dichloride of tin contains two point.

turn towards the right hand; as, dextroA in the cut.

atoms of chlorine and one of tin; dioxide of Dexterity (deks-te'ri-ti), n. [L. dexteritas, gyrate crystal, that is, a crystal which in

tin, two atoms of oxygen and two of tin. circular polarization turns rays of light to Di-, Dia- [Gr. dia, through.) A prefix in from dexter, right, fit, prompt.] 1. Ability the right use the right hand more readily than the

words derived from the Greek, which in left; right-handedness.

If the analyzer (a slice of quartz) has to be turned some words signifies through, by, or through

towards the right, so as to cause the colours to sucDexterity appears to be confined to the human ceed each other in their natural order-red, orange,

out, in others division or diversity. Somerace, for the monkey tribes use the right and left yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet--the piece of

times it appears to be merely intensive, inlimbs indiscriminately, Lancet. quartz is called right-handed or dextro-gyrate. creasing the positive meaning of the word.

Rodwell. 2. Suppleness of limbs; adroitness; activity;

Di-, Dis-, Dif-. [L. dis, asunder, apart.) A expertness; skill; that readiness in perform: Dextrorse, Dextrorsal (deks-trors', deks- frequent prefix implying separation, distriing an action which proceeds from experi

trors'al), a. (Formed from L. adv. dextror- bution, and the like; as, divide, disrupt, ence or practice, united with activity or

sum, towards the right side, contr. from differ. quick motion; as, a man handles an instru

dextrovorsum-dexter, right, and vorsum, Diabase (di'a-bās), n. [Prefix di, two (in ment or eludes a thrust with dexterity. for versum, versus, in the direction of, from this word with an erroneous form), and Dexterity of hand, even in common trades, cannot

verto, versum, to turn.] Rising from right base-rock with two bases. ) Diorite: greenbe acquired without much practice and experience.

to left, as a spiral line, helix, or climbing- stone: a name given by Brongniart, but A. Smith. plant.

afterwards abandoned by him. 3. Readiness of mind or mental faculties, as Dextrose (deks'tros), n. (C2H,20) A Diabaterial (di'a-bā-tē"ri-al), a. [Gr. diain contrivance, or inventing means to ac- name for grape-sugar, so called from its batēria (hiera), offerings before crossing the

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borders, from diabaino. See DIABETES. ] emollient plaster originally composed of the Diadem (di'a-dem), v.t. To adorn with or Passing beyond the borders of a place. juices of herbs, but now made by beating as with a diadem; to crown. Diadem'd Mitford.

together olive-oil and finely pounded lith- with rays divine.' Pope. [Rare.) Diabetes (di-a-bē'tēz), n. [Gr. diabētēs, from arge. It is used for curing ulcers, and is the Diadem-spider (di'a-dem-spi-dér), n. A diabaino, to pass through-dia, and baino, basis of most offcinal plasters.

name sometimes given to the conimon garto go or pass.] In med, a disease character Diachyma (di-a'ki-ma), n. [Gr. dia, and den-spider, perhaps from the markings upon ized by great augmentation and often mani. chyma, liquid.) In bot. the parenchyma, or the dorsal surface of its abdomen. See fest alteration in the secretion of urine. green cellular matter of leaves.

GARDEN-SPIDER. There are two varieties; the one is merely a Diaconal (di-ak'on-al), a. (L. diaconus, Gr. Diadexis (di-a-deks'is), n. (Gr. diadexis, a superabundant discharge of ordinary urine, diakonos, a deacon.) Administering by as- taking from another, from diadechomai, to and is termed diabetes insipidus; in the siduous offices; pertaining to a deacon. receive.] In pathol. a transformation of a other the urine has a sweet taste, and con- Diaconate (di-ak'on-át), n. 1. The office or disease into another, differing from the tains abundance of a peculiar saccharine dignity of a deacon.--2. A body of deacons. former both in its nature and seat. matter (diabetic sugar); this variety is called Diaconate (di-ak'on-át), a. Superintended Diadrom (di'a-drom), n. [Gr. diadromos, a diabetes mellitus. This disease usually at- or managed by deacons. 'One great diaco- running through--dia, through, and dromos, tacks persons of a debilitated constitution nate church.' Goodwin.

a running.) A course or passing; a vibratowards the decline of life, and generally Diacope (di-ako-pë), n. (Gr. diakopē, a tion; the time in which the vibration of a without any obvious cause. Thirst and a cutting in two, a notch, a cleft-dia, and pendulum is performed. voracious appetite are its first symptoms; koptö, to cut.] 1. In gram, tmesis; a cutting

A philosophical foot one third of a pendulum, whose the urine gradually increases in quantity; a word in two and inserting one or more diadroms, in the latitude of forty-five degrees, are and then there is a sense of weight and words between them; as, of whom be thou equal to one second of time, or a sixtieth of a minute. uneasiness in the loins, emaciation, cedemat- ware.'--2. A genus of fishes of the section

Locke. ons legs, and hectic fever.

Acanthopterygii and family Percidæ, dis- Diæresis, Dieresis (di-7're-sis or di-e're-sis), Diabetic, Diabetical (di-a-bēt’ik, di-a-bēt'- tinguished from other genera of the family n. (Gr. diairesis, from diaireö, to divideik-al), a. Pertaining to diabetes. - Diabetic by a notch at the lower part of the preoper

dia, and haireo, to take, to seize.) Separsugar (C. H 1906. H2O), the sweet principle culum, to which a projecting tubercle is ation, particularly of one syllable into two; of diabetic urine. It is identical with starch- attached. Many large and beautiful species

also the mark"; which signifies a division, sugar, grape-sugar, sugar of fruits, &c., the of this genus inhabit the Indian seas. Some

as in naïf; dialysis. name common to all of which is dextro- of them are upwards of 3 feet long.

Diaglyphic (di-a-glif'ik), a. (Gr. dia, and glucose. See DEXTRO-GLUCOSE. Diacoustic (di-a-kous'tik), a. (Gr. diakouo,

glyphö, to carve.) A term applied to sculpDiablerie, Diablery (di-ä'ble-ri), n. (Fr. dia- to hear-dia, and akouo, to hear.) Pertain- ture, engraving, &c., in which the objects blerie.] 1. Mischief; wickedness; devilry. ing to the science or doctrine of refracted

are sunk into the general surface. Craig.-2. Incantation; sorcery; witchcraft. sounds.

Diagnose (di-ag-nos), v.t. pret. & pp. diag. Clarke.

Diacoustics (di-a-kous'tiks), n. (See adjec- nosed; ppr. diagnosing. (See DIAGNOSIS ) Diabolic, Diabolical (di-a-bol'ik, di-a-bol'. tive.] The science or doctrine of refracted

In pathol. to distinguish; to discriminate; ik-al), a.' (L. diabolus, the devil. See DEVIL.) sounds; the consideration of the properties

to ascertain from symptoms the true nature Devilish; pertaining to the devil; partaking of sound refracted by passing through differ

and seat of, as a disease. of the qualities of the devil; hence, infernal; ent mediums. Called also Diaphonics.

Diagnosis (di-ag-no'sis), n. [Gr. diagnosis, impious; atrocious; nefarious; outrageously Diacritical, Diacritic (di-a-kritik-al, di-a- from diagignösko, to distinguish.] Scientific wicked; as, a diabolical temper; a diabolical kritik), a. (Gr. diakritikos, able to distin- discrimination of any kind; a short distincscheme or action. guish, from diakrino, to separate-dia, and

tive description, as of plants; more specifiDiabolically (di-a-bol'ik-al-li), adv. In a krino, to separate.) That separates or dis

cally, in med. the discrimination of diseases diabolical manner; very wickedly; nefari- tinguishes; distinctive; as,a diacritical point.

by their distinctive marks or symptoms. ously.

-Diacritical mark, a mark used in some

This is one of the most important branches Diabolicalness (di-a-bolsik-al-nes), ne. The languages to distinguish letters which are

of medical knowledge. state or quality of being diabolical; devilish- similar in form. Thus, in the German run Diagnostic (di-ag-nos'tik), a. (Gr. diagnosness; outrageousness; atrocity. Warton. ning-hand the letter u is written thus, ů, to

tikos, able to distinguish, from diagignöskoDiabolify (di-a-bol'i-fi), v.t. To ascribe dia- distinguish it from n.

dia, and gignösko, to know.) Distinguishing; bolical qualities to. (Rare.] Diadelph (di'a-delf), n. (Gr. di for dis, characteristic; indicating the nature of a

disease. The Lutheran (turns) against the Calvinist, and twice, and adelphos, a brother.) In bot. a diabolifies him.

Farindon. plant the stamens of which are united into Diagnostic (di-ag-nos'tik), n. 1. The sign or Diabolism (di-ab'ol-izm), n. 1. The actions two bodies or bundles by their filaments.

symptom by which a disease is known or

distinguished from others. Diagnostics are of the devil; conduct worthy of a devil Diadelphia (di-a-del'fi-a), n. pl. The name "Guilty of diabolism.'

of two kinds--the adjunct, or such as are Sir T. Broune.

given by Linnæus to his seventeenth class 2. Possession by the devil. “The farce of of plants. It consists chiefly of leguminous

common to several diseases; and the special diabolisms and exorcisms.' Warburton. genera

or pathognomonic, which always attend the Diabolize (di-ab'ol-iz), v. t. To render dia- Diadelphous, Diadelphian (di-a-delf'us, disease, and distinguish it from all others.

di bolical or devilish. Eclec. Rev.

2. pl. The department of medicine consist[Rare.]

'i-an), a. Diabrosis (di-a-bro'sis), n. [Gr., corrosionIn bot. having its

ing in the study of the symptoms by which dia, intens., and bibrösko, to eat.] In surg. stamens united in

one disease is distinguished from another;

symptomatology. the action of corrosive substances, which

two bundles by possess a property intermediate between their filaments, the

But Radcliffe, who, with coarse manners and little caustics and escharotics. bundles being

book learning, had raised himself to the first practice Diacatholicon (di'a-ka-thol"ik-on), n. [Gr. equal or unequal; Diadelphous Stamens of

in London chiefly by his rare skill in diagnostics,

uttered the more alarining words-small-pox. dia, and katholikos, universal.) A kind of grouped together Indigofera tinctoria.

Nacaulay. purgative medicine: so called from its

in two bundles; as, gene


Diagnosticate (di-ag-nos'tik-āt), v.t. ral usefulness.

diadelphous stamens. In papilionaceous diagnose (which see). Diacaustic (dî-a-kas'tik), a. (Gr. prefix dia, flowers, out of ten stamens nine are often

Diagometer (di-ag-om'e-ter), n. [Gr. diago, through and E caustic from Gr. kaustikos,

united while one (the posterior one) is free. to conduct, and metron, a measure.) An from kaió or kaó, to burn or inflame.) In

Diadem (di'a-dem), n. [Gr. diadēma, from electrical apparatus used by Rousseau for math. belonging to a species of caustic curves

diadeo, to gird-dia, and deo, to bind.] ascertaining the conducting power of oil, as, formed by refraction. If rays Pm, issuing

1. Anciently, a head-band or fillet worn a means of detecting its adulteration. It from a luminous point P, be refracted by

by kings as a badge of royalty. It was consists of a dry pile, by means of which a
made of silk, linen, or wool, and tied round current is passed through the oil, and the
the temples and forehead, the ends being strength of the current is determined by a
tied behind and let fall on the neck. It magnetized needle. Want of conducting
was usually white and plain; sometimes power diminishes the current, and there-

fore the deviation of the needle.
Diagonal (di-ag'on-al), a. (Gr. diagonios,
from angle to angle-dia, and gonia, an
angle or corner.) 1. In geom. extending

from one angle to the opposite of a quadP

rilateral figure, and dividing it into two

equal parts.-2. Being in an angular diDia caustic Curve.

rection. - Diagonal scale, a scale which the curve Am B, so that the sines of incidence

consists of a set of parallel lines drawn

on a ruler, with lines crossing them at are to the sines of refraction in a given ratio;

1, Parthian Diadem. 2, Jewelled Diadem of Con- right angles and at equal distances. One the curve CDH, which touches all the re

stantine.-From ancient coins.

of these equal divisions, namely, that at fracted rays, is called the diacaustic curve

the extremity of the ruler, is subdivided or caustic by refraction. See CAUSTIC. embroidered with gold or set with pearls

into a number of equal parts, and lines are The principle, being once established, was applied

and precious stones.--2. Anything worn on to atmospheric refractions, optical instruments, dia

the head as a mark or badge of royalty; a caustic curves (that is, the curves of intense light crown. Produced by refraction), and to various other cases. Mont Blanc is the monarch of mountains;

Whewell. Diacaustic (dī-a-käs’tik), n. 1. In med that

They crown'd him long ago

On a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds, which is caustic, or burns by refraction, as

With a diadem of snow.

Byron. the sun's rays concentrated by a double con- 3. Supreme power; sovereignty. Dryden. vex lens, sometimes employed to cauterize 4. In her. an arch rising from the rim of a an ulcer.–2. A diacaustic curve. See the crown, and sometimes of a coronet, and

Diagonal Scale. adjective.

uniting with other arches to form a centre Diachylon, Diachylum (di-aʼki-lon, di-a'- which serves, in the case of a crown, to sup- drawn through the points of division obki-lum), n. [Gr. diachylos, very juicy-dia, port the globe and cross or fleur-de-lis as a liquely across the parallels. With the help through, and chylos, juice.) In med. an crest.

of the compasses such a scale facilitates the

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laying down of lines of any required length branch of a parent language, with such ing dials; the science which explains the to the 200th part of an inch.

local modifications as time, accident, and principles of measuring time by the sunDiagonal (di-ag'on-al), n. In geom, a right revolutions may have introduced among dial. ---Dialling lines or scale, graduated lines line drawn between

descendants of the same stock or family placed on rulers, or the edges of quadrants the opposite angles

living in separate or remote situations. But and other instruments, to facilitate the of a quadrilateral

in regard to a large portion of words many construction of dials. -- Dialling sphere, an figure, as a square or

languages which are considered as distinct instrument made of brass, with several semiparallelogram, and

are really dialects of one common tongue. circles sliding over each other upon a mov. dividing it into two

In many cases dialects exhibit more accu- able horizon, serving to demonstrate the equal parts. It is

rately the ancient form of this common nature of spherical triangles, as well as to sometimes called the

tongue, and are less corrupted or modi. give the true idea of drawing dials on all Diameter, and sometimes the Diametral. fied than the literary language.-- 2. Lan- sorts of planes. Diagonally (di-ag'on-al-li), adv. In a diago- guage; speech or manner of speaking. Dial-lock (di'al-lok), n. A lock provided pal direction.

If the conferring of a kindness did not bind the

with one or more dials, each with a hand or Diagonialt (di-a-go'ni-al), a. Diagonal; dia- person upon whom it was conferred, to the returns pointer connected with the mechanism of metrical 'Diagonial contraries. Milton. of gratitude, why, in the universal dialect of the the lock in such a way that the bolt will Diagonous (di-ag'on-us), a. In bot. having world, are kindnesses still called obligations? South.

not move unless the hands are set in a parfour corners.

Syn. Language, tongue, speech, idiom, phras- ticular manner. Diagram (di'a-gram), n. [Gr. diagramma, eology

Diallogite (di-al'lo-jit), n. (See DIALLAGE.] that which is marked out by lines-dia, and Dialectal (di-a-lek'tal), a. Same as Dialectic. A mineral of a rose-red colour, with a lami. graphó, to write.) 1. In geom. a figure, Dialectic, Dialectical (di-a-lek'tik, di-a- nar structure and vitreous lustre. It is a drawing, or scheme delineated for the pur- lek'tik-al), a. 1. Pertaining to a dialect or carbonate of manganese, more or less mixed pose of demon.

dialects; not radical.-2. Logical; argumen- with the carbonate of lime. strating the pro

tal. - Dialectical subtleties.' Boyle. Diallyl (di-allil), n. See ALLYL. perties of any Dialectic, n. Se ALECTICS.

Dialogical (di-a-loj'ik-al), a. Pertaining to, figure,

Dialectically (di-a-lek'tik-al-li), adv. In the or partaking of the nature of, a dialogue; square, triangle, manner of a dialect.

dialogistic. Burton circle, &c. -- 2.

Dialectician (di'a-lek-ti" shan), n. One Dialogically (di-a-loj'ik-al-li), adv. In the Any illustrative

skilled in dialectics; a logician; a reasoner. manner of a dialogue; dialogistically. Gold. figure; especial.

Dialectics, Dialectic (di-a-lek'tiks, di-a-lek'- smith. ly, one wherein

tik), n. (Gr. dialektikë (technė), the act of dis- Dialogism (di-al'o-jizm), n. A feigned speech the outlines are


cussing, from dialego. See DIALECT. H-1. (In between two or more; a mode of writing exclusively

the first form.) The name given to the art of dialogue in the third person; oblique or chiefly delineated; an illustrative table ex- reasoning or disputing, or that branch of indirect narrative. hibiting the outlines of any subject. Such logic which teaches the rules and modes of Dialogist (di-alo-jist), n. (See DIALOGUE.) diagrams are now much used by public lec- reasoning, or of distinguishing truth from 1. A speaker in a dialogue.-2. A writer of turers and in educational works.-3. In error; the method of investigating the truth dialogues. ancient music, a table representing all the by analysis ; also, the science of ideas or Dialogistic, Dialogistical (di-al'o-jist"ik, sounds of the system; a musical scale. of the nature and laws of being. Later it di-al'o-jist"ík-al), a. Having the form of a Diagrammatic (di'a-gram-mat"ik), a. Per- came to signify the art of using forms of dialogue. taining or relating to, or partaking of the reasoning so as to make fallacies pass for Dialogistically (di-al'o-jist''ik-al-li), adv. nature of, a diagram; represented by means truth; word-fence. ---2. (Also in the first In the manner of dialogue. of a diagram; consisting of a diagram. form.) The logic of probabilities, as opposed Dialogize (di-al'o-jiz), v... (See DIALOGUE.]

Aristotle undoubtedly had in his eye, when he dis- to the doctrine of demonstration and scien- To discourse in dialogue. criminates the syllogistic terms, a certain diagram- tific deduction. ---3. (In the second form.) In Dialogue (di'a-log), n. [Fr. dialogue, from matic contrast of the figures. Sir W. Hamilton,

Kant's philos. the logic of appearance, as Gr.dialogo8,conversation, dialogue, from diaDiagrammatically (di'a-gram-mat"ik-al- distinguished from universal logic, or that legomai, to dispute-dia, and lego, to speak.) li), adv. After the manner of a diagram. which teaches us to excite appearance or 1. A conversation or conference between

For the first syllogistic figure, the terms, without illusion. As logical or formal, it treats of two or more persons; particularly, a formal authority from Aristotle, are diagrammatically the sources of error and illusion, and the placed upon a level. Sir W. Hamilton,

conversation in theatrical performances; mode of destroying them; as transcenden- also, an exercise in colleges and schools, in Diagraph (di'a-graf), n. [Gr. dia, and graphó, tal, it is the exposure of the natural and which two or more persons carry on a disto describe.] An instrument for reprodu

unavoidable illusion that arises from human course. – 2. A written conversation, or a cing, without its being necessary to know reason itself, which is ever inclined to look

composition in which two or more persons drawing or prospective, the figure of objects upon phenomena as things in themselves, before the eyes.

are represented as conversing on some and cognitions a priori as properties adDiagraphic, Diagraphical (di-a-graf'ik,

topic; as, the Dialogues of Plato. hering to these things, and in such way to Dialoguet (di'a-log), v.i. To discourse todi-a-graf'ik-al), a. [Gr. dia, and graphö, to form the supor-sensible, according to this describe.] Descriptive.

gether; to confer. * Dost dialogue with thy assumed cognition of things in themselves. shadow?' Shak. Diagraphics (di-a-graf'iks), n. The art of design or drawing

We termed Dialectic in general a logic of appear. Dialoguet (di'a-log), v.t. To express, as in

ance. This does not signify a doctrine of probabi. dialogue; to put in the form of a dialogue. Dial (di'al), n. [L.L. dialis, daily, from L. lity; for probability is truth, only cognized upon in- * And dialogued for him what he would say.' dies, a day.) 1. An instrument for showing sufficient grounds, and though the information it gives

Shak. the hour of the day from the shadow thrown is imperfect, it is not therefore deceitful. by a stile or gnomon upon a graduated sur

Kant, translated by Meiklejohn. Dial-plate (di'al-plat), n. 1. The plate of a face. When the shadow is cast by the sun 4. (Also in the second form.) The method

dial, on which the lines are drawn to show it is called a sun-dial (which see). -2. The of dividing and subdividing, dissecting and

the hour or time of the day.-2. The face of face of a watch, clock, or other timekeeper, analyzing a topic, so that we may be directed

a clock or watch, on which the time of the on which the time of the day is indicated. to the various lines of argument by which

day is shown.-3. Any kind of index-plate. 3.1 A clock; a watch.

it may be approached, investigated, de- Dial-wheel (di'al-whēl), n. One of those He drew a dial from his poke; fended, or attacked: contrasted with logic,

wheels placed between the dial and pillarAnd looking on it with lack-lustre eye,

plate of a watch. whose province it is to criticise these arguSays, very wisely, 'It is ten o'clock;'

ments, so as to reject the sophistical, and Dial-work (di'al-werk), n. That portion of Thus we may see,' quoth he, 'how the world wags.' allow their exact weight to the solid. Taylor.

the motion of a watch between the dial Shak

and movement-plate. 4. A miner's compass. Wright.-5. Any plate Art does not analyze, or abstract, or classify, or Dialycarpous (di'a-li-kärp'us), a. (Gr. or face on which a pointer or index revolves,

generalize; it does not lay bare the mechanism of
thought, or evolve by the process of a rigid dialectic

dialyö, to separate, and karpos, fruit.] In moves backwards and forwards, or oscil- the secret order and system of nature and history. bot. a term applied to a plant whose fruit is lates, marking revolutions, pressure, &c.,

Dr. Caird. composed of distinct separate carpels. according to the nature of the machinery of Dialectology (di'a-lek-tol"o-ji), n. That Dialypetalæ (di'a-li-pet"a-lē), n. pl. (Gr. which it forms part; as, the dial of a steam- branch of philology which examines the dialyö, to separate, and petalon, a leaf. In gauge, gas-meter, or telegraphic instrument. nature and relations of dialects. Beck. bot, same as Polypetalæ (which see). --Night or nocturnal dial, an instrument for (Rare.)

Dialypetalous (di'a-li-pet"al-us), a. In bot. showing the hour by the shadow of the moon. Dialector (di'a-lek-ter), n. One skilled in same as Polypetalous (which see). Such instruments may be constructed rela- dialectics.

Dialyphyllous (di-al-if'il-lus), a. (Gr. dialyö, tive to the motions of the moon; or the hour Dialist (di'al-ist), n. A constructor of dials; to separate, and phyllon, a leaf.] Same as may be found by calculation from the moon's one skilled in dialling.

Dialyse palous. shadow on a sun-dial.

Diallage (di'al-āj or di-al'la - jē), n. [Gr. Dialysepalous (di'a-li-sep"al-us), a., [Gr. Dial (di'al), v. t. pret. & pp. dialled; ppr. diallage, an interchange, difference- dia, dialyö, to separate, and L.L. sepalum, a dialling. 1. To measure with, or as with, a and allasso, to make other than it is, to leaf.] In bot. noting a flower with a calyx dial; to indicate upon, or as upon, a dial. change.) A silico-magnesian mineral of a composed of separate sepals; polysepalous.

Hours of that true time which is dialled in lamellar or foliated structure. Its sub-spe- Dialyse, Dialyze (di'a-liz), v.t. In chem. to heaven.' Talfourd.-2. In mining, to sur- cies are green diallage, hypersthene, and separate by a dialyser, as substances capvey by means of a dial.

bronzite. The metalloidal sub-species is able of being so disengaged from a mixture; Dialect (di'a-lekt), n. (Gr. dialektos, conver- called schillerstein, or schiller spar. It forms to diffuse by, or as by, the process called sation, speech, from dialego, to converse diallage rock, and enters into serpentine. dialysis. See DIALYSIS. dia, and lego, to speak; Fr. dialecte.] 1. The Diallage (di-al'la-jë), n. (See previous en- Dialyser, Dialyzer (di'a-liz-ér), ?. The form or idiom of a language peculiar to try.] In rhet. a figure of speech by which parchment paper, or septum, stretched over a province or to a limited region or people, arguments are placed in various points of à wood or gutta-percha ring used in the as distinguished from the literary lan- view, and then brought to bear all upon operation of dialysis. guage of the whole people, and consist- one point.

Dialysis (di-a'li-sis), n. (Gr. dialysis, a loosing chiefly in differences of orthography Diallelt (di'al-lel), a. Meeting and inter- ing from anything, a separation; dialyo, to or pronunciation. The Greek language is secting, as lines; crossing; not parallel. dissolve-dia, and lyö, to dissolve.) 1. A remarkable for four dialects -- the Attic, Ash.

mark in writing or printing consisting of Ionic, Doric, and Eolic. A dialect is the Dialling (di'al-ing), n. The art of construct- two points placed over one of two vowels,

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to show that the two vowels are to be as, the diameter of a tree or of a stone or of be cut as rose diamonds are cut as tableseparated in pronunciation, as in aër: other- the head.

diamonds. Fig. 1 is the diamond in its sise called Diæresis. — 2. In rhet. asynde- Diametral (di-a-met'ral), a. Diametrical rough state; fig. 2 is the vertical, and fig. 3 ton (which see). – 3. In med. debility; also, (which see).

the lateral appearance of a brilliant; fig. 4, a solution of continuity.--4. In chem. the Diametral (di-a-met'ral), n. A diameter; a the vertical, and fig. 5 the lateral appearact or process of separating the crystal- diagonal.

ance of a rose-cut diamond; in fig. 6 the flat loid elements of a body from the colloid. Diametrally (di-a-met'ral-li), adv. Diamet- portion a in a cut stone is called the table; This is done by pouring a mixed solution rically:

the part abb, which projects from the of crystalloid and colloid on a sheet of Diametric, Diametrical (di-a-met'rik, setting, is the front, the part bbc, sunk in parchment paper stretched over a wood or di-a-met'rik-al), a. 1. Of or pertaining to a the setting, is the back or culasse, while the gutta-percha hoop, having its edges well diameter. -2. Directly opposed; as far re- line bb is the girdle. ---3. A very small printdrawn up, and confined by an outer rim. The moved as possible, as at the two extremities ing letter.-4. A geometrical figure, otherparchment is allowed to float on a basin of of a diameter.

wise called a rhombus.--.5 One of a set of water. Diffusion immediately commences, At all events he had exposed himself to reproach playing cards marked with the figure or the crystalloid passing through and dissoly- by diametrical opposition to the profession of his figures of a diamond.-6. A glazier's tool for ing in the pure water beneath, whilst the whole life.

Macaulay. cutting glass. Diamonds so used are uncut, colloid remains behind. Thus gruel or broth, Diametrically (di-a-met'rik-al-li), adv. In and they are so mounted as to act upon the containing a very little arsenic dissolved in a diametrical direction; directly; as, diamet- glass, not by an angle, but by a curvilinear it, gives up the whole of its arsenic to the rically opposite. "Whose principles were edge of the crystal. - Black diamond, a term water, whilst scarcely a trace of the organic diametrically opposed to his.' Macaulay. applied colloquially to coal. - Diamond edisubstance passes through. As almost all Diamond (di'a-mond), n. [Fr. diamant,

tion, an edi. the poisons in common use, as arsenic, 0.E. diamonte, diamaunt, corrupted from

tion of a work strychnine, corrosive sublimate, oxalic acid, adamant (which see). Compare also It. and

printed in diaacetate of lead, morphia, &c., are crystal- Sp. diamante, G. diamant or demant. ]

mond, or very loids, the toxologist is by this process fur- 1. Adamant; steel, or some imaginary sub

small type. nished with a very easy mode for detecting stance of extreme hardness or impenetra

Diamond fret their presence. bility.

in arch. a speDialytic (di-a-lit'ik), a. Pertaining to dialy- Then zeal, whose substance is ethereal, arming in

cies of mouldsis; unloosing; unbracing, as the fibres; re- complete diamond, ascends his fiery chariot.

ing consisting laxing

Diamond Fret.

of fillets interDiamagnetic (di'a-mag-net"ik), a. [Gr. dia, 2. A mineral, gem, or precious stone, of the

secting each and magnēs, a magnet.] Pertaining to or exmost valuable kind, remarkable for its hard

other, so as to form diamonds or rhombuses. hibiting the phenomena of diamagnetism; a ness, as it scratches all other minerals. When

Resembling a term applied to a class of substances which, pure, the diamond is usually clear and trans- Diamond (di'a-mond), a.

diamond; as, a diamond colour; consisting when under the influence of magnetism, and parent, but it is sometimes coloured, the col

of diamonds; as, a diamond necklace; or set freely suspended, take a position at right ours being white, yellow, blue, green, black,

with a diamond or diamonds; as, a diamond angles to the magnetic meridian, that is, &c. In its rough state it is commonly in the

ring. point east and west. From the experiments of

form of a roundish pebble, or of octahedral Diamond-beetle (di'a-mond-bēt-1), p. The Faraday it appears to be clearly established

crystals. It consists of pure carbon. When that all matter is subject to the magnetic placed Between the poles of a powerful bat

Entimus imperialis, a splendid coleopter

ous insect, belonging to the family Curcuforce as universally as it is to the gravitating

tery it is completely burned to carbon di-

lionidæ. It is very abundant in some parts force, arranging itself into two great divi

When pure and transparent, dia

of South America. sions, the paramagnetic and diamagnetic.

monds are said to be of the first water, and Diamond-borer, Diamond - drill (di'a; Among the former are iron, nickel, cobalt,

as their transparency decreases they are
classed as of the second and third water.

mond-bor-ér, di'a-mond-dril), n. A metal platinum, palladium, titanium, and a few

bar or tube, armed at the boring extremity other substances; and among the latter are The weight, and consequently the value,

with one or more diamonds, by the abrasion bismuth, antimony, cadmium, copper, gold, of diamonds is estimated in carats, one of

caused by which, as it rapidly revolves, lead, mercury, silver, tin, zinc, and most

which is equal to 4 diamond grains or 3-174 solid, liquid, and gaseous substances. When grains troy, and the price of one diamond

rocks, gems, &c., are speedily perforated. a paramagnetic substance is suspended compared to that of another of equal colour,

Large implements of this kind driven by

steam-power are now used in mining, tunfreely between the poles of a powerful horse

transparency, purity, form, &c., greatly inshoe magnet it points in a line from one creases with the weight. Thus, a diamond Diamonded (di'a-mond-ed), a. Having the

nelling, &c. pole to the other, which Faraday terms the of 1 carat would bring about £21, while one

figure of an oblique-angled parallelogram, azial line. On the other hand, when a diaof equal purity, form, &c., 2 carats in weight

rhombus, or lozenge. * Diamonded or magnetic substance is suspended in the would bring about £80. Diamonds are valu

streaked in the fashion of a lozenge.' Fuller. same manner it is repelled alike by both

able for many purposes. Their powder is poles, and assumes an equatorial direction, the best for the lapidary and the gem en

Diamond-mine (di'a-mond-mīn), n. A mine

in which diamonds are found. See DIAor a direction at right angles to the axial graver, and they are much used in the cut

MOND. line.

ting of window and plate glass. They are Diamagnetic (di'a-mag-netrik), n.

Diamond-shaped (di' a-mond - shāpt), a. A sub

also extensively used by copper-plate enstance which, when magnetized and susgravers as etching points, and by engineers

Shaped like a diamond; specifically, in bot. pended freely, points east and west. See the for piercing rocks. (See DIAMOND-BORER.)

applied to leaves when approaching to a adjective. One of the largest diamonds known is that

lozenge-shape, having those sides that are

opposite equal, and the angles generally Diamagnetism (di-a-mag'net-izm), n. 1. That belonging to the Rajah of Mattan, in Bor

two obtuse and two acute. branch of magnetism which treats of dianeo, weighing 367 carats. One of the most Diamond-spar (di'a-mond-spår), n.

Same magnetic phenomena and diamagnetic celebrated diamonds is the Koh-i-noor, now

as Corundum. bodies.-2. The action or magnetic influence belonging to the crown of Great Britain;

Diana (di-ä'na or di-an'a), n. In myth, the which causes a diamagnetic substance, when it originally weighed, it is said, about 800

Latin name of the goddess known to the suspended freely between the poles of a carats, but by subsequent recutting it has

Greeks by the name of Artemis, the daughpowerful horse-shoe magnet, to assume an

been reduced to 103) carats. The Orlow equatorial position, or to take a direction diamond, belonging to the Emperor of Rus

ter of Zeus or Jupiter and Leto or Latona. at right angles to the axial line.

sia, weighs 195 carats; and the Pitt or Diamantinet (di'a-man-tin), a.


Regent diamond, among the French crown tine.

jewels, 1364. Diamonds are found in numer

ous localities in Hindustan, Malacca, Borneo, In Destiny's hard diamantine rock. Sylvester, Du Bartas,

and other parts in the East. In America

they occur in Brazil, North Carolina, and Diameter (di-am'et-ér), n. (Gr. diametros-dia, and metron, measure.] 1. A right

Georgia. They have also been found in

Algeria, Australia, and latterly in large line passing through the centre of a circle

quantities in South Africa. Diamonds are or other curvilinear figure,

cut into various forms, but chiefly into brilterminated by the circum

liants and rose diamonds or rosettes. The ference, and dividing the figure into two equal parts.

brilliant-cut best brings out the beauty of Whenever any point of a

the stone, and is the most expensive and figure is called a centre, any

difficult; it has an upper or principal ocstraight line drawn through

tagonal face, surrounded with many fathe centre,and terminated by

cets; the greater the number of facets, the

more valuable the diamond. The rose-cut opposite boundaries, is called a diameter.

diamond has a flat base, above which are And ar y point which bisects all lines drawn through it from opposite boundaries is called a centre. Thus, the circle, the conic sections, the parallelogram, the sphere, the cube, and the parallelopiped, all have centres, and by analogy diameters. Euclid uses the word diameter in the sense of diagonal. - 2. In arch, the measure across the lower part of the shaft of a column, which, being divided into sixty parts, forms a

Diana.-Antique statue in the Louvre. scale by which all the parts of the order are measured. The sixtieth part of the diameter

and sister of Apollo. She was the virgin is called a minute, and thirty minutes make

Diamonds, rough and variously cut.

goddess of the chase, and also presided over a module.--3. The length of a right line

health. passing through the centre of any object two rows of triangular facets, the six upper- Dianatict (di-a-nat'ik), a. (Gr. diana), to from one side to the other; width; thickness; most uniting in a point. Stones too thin to flow through.) Reasoning logically and

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of or

progressively from one subject to another. pente, five.) 1 In music, a fifth; an interval Diaphoresis (di'a-fo-rē" sis), n (Gr. diaScott.

making the second of the concords, and phörēsis, perspiration, from diaphoreo, to Diander (di-an'dér), n. (Gr. di for dis, twice, with the diatessaron, an octave. -- 2 In carry through, to throw off (as fever) by

and anēr, andros, a male.] In bot. a plant phar. a composition of five ingredients. perspiration - dia, and phoreo, to carry. ] having two stamens.

Diaper (di'a-pèr), n. (Fr. diapré, pp. of dia- In med. a greater degree of perspiration Diandria (di-an'dri-a),n. pl. The second class prer, to variegate with different colours; than is natural, but less than in sweating. in the Linnäan system, com

LL diasprus, a kind of precious cloth, Diaphoretic, Diaphoretical (di'a-fo-ret"ik, prehending all genera with

from It. diaspro, jasper, a precious stone of di'a - fo-ret'' ik-al), a. (See DIAPHORESIS.) flowers having only two sta

various colours. See JASPER) 1. A kind of Having the power to increase perspiration. mens, provided the stamens

textile fabric, formed of either lipen or cot- Diaphoretic (di'a-fo-ret"ik), n. A medicine are neither united at their

ton, or a mixture of the two, upon the sur- which promotes perspiration; a sudorific. base, nor combined with the

face of which a figured pattern is produced Diaphoretics differ from sudorifics; the style and stigma, nor separ- Diandria. by a peculiar mode of twilling. Diaper is former only increase the insensible perspiraated from the pistil.

much used for towels or napkins. Hence- tion, the latter excite the sensible discharge Diandrian, Diandrous (di-an'dri-an, di-an'- 2. A towel or napkin.

called sweat. drus), a. In bot. having two stamens.

Let one attend him with a silver basin,

Diaphragm (di'a-fram), n. (Gr. diaphrag. Dianoetic(di'a-no-et'ik), a. (Gr. dianoētikos, Another bear the ewer, the third a dia per. Shat. ma, a partition wall-dia, and phrassi, to from dia, and noeð, to revolve in the mind.) 3. The flower

break off, to defend ] 1. In anat. the midriff, Capable of thought; thinking; intellectual; ing either of

a muscle separating the chest or thorax of or pertaining to the discursive faculty. sculpture

from the abdomen, or lower cavity of the I would employ ... dianoetic to denote the operalow relief, or

body. A complete diaphragm is found only tion of the discursive, elaborative, or comparative of painting or

in mammalia. -2. A partition or dividing faculty. Sir W. Hamilton. gilding used to

substance, commonly with an opening Dianoialogy (di'a-noi-al"o-ji), n. (Gr. dia- ornament a

through it.-3. In optics, a circular ring noia, thought, and logos, discourse.) That panel or flat

used in optical instruments to cut off mardepartment of philosophy which treats of surface. - 4. In

ginal portions of a beam of light, as at the the dianoetic faculties. Šir W. Hamilton. her. same

focus of a telescope.-4. In conch. a straight Dianthus (di-an'thus), n. [Gr. dios, divine, Diapering

calcareous plate which divides the cavity of and anthos, a flower.) The pink, a large (which see).

certain shells into two parts. genus of tufted herbs, nat, order Caryophyl- 5. A square

Diaphragmatic (di'a-frag-mat"ik), a. Aplaceæ, with narrow grass-like leaves, and piece of cloth

pertaining to the diaphragm. solitary or fascicled rose, purple, or white for wrapping

Diaphragmatitis (di-a-frag'ma-ti"tis), n. flowers. The calyx is tubular, and the five about the hips

In med. inflammation of the diaphragm, or petals have long claws. Two hundred of a child.

of its peritonæal coats. species have been described from Europe, Diaper (di'a- Diaper, Westminster Abbey. Diaphysis (di-af'i-sis), n. (Gr. dia, through, temperate Asia, North America, and Africa. per), v. t. To

and physis, growth.] In bot. an abnornal The garden pink is derived from D. Caryo- variegate or diversify, as cloth, with figures; extension of the centre of a flower, or of an phyllus, and sweet-william is D. barbatus. to flower.

inflorescence Four species are natives of Britain: D. Down-droop'd, in many a floating fold,

Diaplastic (di-a-plas'tik), 1. A medicine Armeria (the Deptford pink), D. prolifer, D.

Engarlanded and dia per'd deltoides (the maiden pink), and D. caesius

With inwrought flowers, a cloth of gold.

used in the treatment of fractured or dis

located limbs.

Tennyson. (the Cheddar pink). Diaper (di'a-pér), v. To draw flowers or

Diapophysical (di'a-po-fiz'ik-al), a. Diapaset (di'a-páz), n. Same as diapason. figures, as upon cloth. 'If you diaper on Diapophysis (di-a-poʻfi-sis), n. (Gr. dia,

pertaining to a diapophysis. "A tuneful dia pase of pleasures.' Spenser. folds. Peacham. Diapasm (di'a-pazm), n., [Gr. diapasma, Diapered, p. and a. Flowered.

through, and apophysis, outgrowth.) In from dia passo, to sprinkle over.) A per. Diapering (di'a-per-ing), n. In her. the

anat. the dorsal or tubercular portion of the fume consisting of the powder of aromatic covering of the surface of a

transverse process of a vertebra. herbs, sometimes made into little balls. shield with ornament of

Diaporesis (di'a-po-rë"sis), n. (Gr. diaporeB. Jonson. some kind, independently

sis, a doubting, from diaporeo, to doubt.) In Diapason (di-a-pă'zon), n. [Gr. diapason, of the bearing or of the

rhet. doubt; hesitation; a figure in which the concord of the first of the musical scale colours. It was much used

the speaker seems to be in doubt which of with its eighth; the octave--a contr. for hë in the middle ages to give

two subjects he ought to begin with. dia pasón chordón symphonia, the concord a richness to highly fin

Diarchy (di'ár-ki), n. (Gr. di for dis, twice, through the first and last (lit. through all) ished work. It is some

and archein, to be the first, to rule.) A form notes. Pasón is the genit. pl. fem. of Gr. ad- times only painted, as in

of government in which the supreme power jective pas, all.] In music, (a) an old Greek the example here given,

is vested in two persons term for the octave, or interval which inbut sometimes it is in

Diarial, Diarian (di-â'ri-al, di-â'ri-an), a.

Diapering. cludes all the tones of the diatonic scale. low relief like the speci

Pertaining to a diary or journal; daily. The diapason or eight in musick is the sweetest men of wall diaper given under DIAPER, n.

Diarist (di'a-rist), n. One who keeps a diary. concord; inasmuch as it is in effect an unison. Diaphane (di'a-san), n. (Gr. dia, through, Diarrhoea, Diarrhea (di-a-rē'a), n. [Gr.

Bacon. (6) Proportion in the constituent parts of and phainò, to show.) 1. A woven silk

diarrhoia from diarrheo, to flow through stuff with transparent and colourless figures.

dia, and rheo, to flow.) A morbidly frequent an octave; concord; harmony; thus, a note 2. In anat. an investing, cortical membrane

evacuation of the intestines, generally owing or instrument is said to be out of its diapaof a sac or cell.

to inflammation or irritation of the mucous son if it has not a correct relation with the Diaphaned (di'a-fānd), a. Transparent.

membrane of the intestines, and commonly other parts of the octave. “In perfect dia(Rare.)

caused by errors in regimen, the use of food pason. Milton. (c) The entire compass Diaphaneity (di'a-fa-nē"i-ti), n. [Gr. dia

hurtful from its quantity or quality, &c. of the tones of a voice or of an instrument. From harmony to harmony

phaneia, transparency, from diaphaino, to Diarrhætic Diarrhetic (di-a-rėt'ik), a.
shine through-dia, and phaino, to shine.) Diarthrosis (di-ar-thro'sis), n. (Gr., from

Producing diarrhea or lax.
Through all the compass of the notes It ran, The power of transmitting light; transpa-
The diapason closing full in Man. Dryden.
rency; pellucidness. The diaphaneity of

diarthroo, to divide by joints-dia, through, (d) A rule or scale by which the pipes of the air.' Boyle. (Rare.)

asunder, and arthroo, to fasten by a joint, organs, the holes of Autes, &c., are ad- Diaphanic, t Diaphanous (di'a-fan"ik, di

from arthron, a joint.) In anat the movjusted, in due proportion for expressing af'an-us), a. (See DIAPHANEITY.) Having

able connection of bones, permitting them the several tones and semitones. (e) One power to transmit rays of light, as glass;

to revolve freely on each other in every of certain stops in the organ, so called be- pellucid; transparent; clear.

direction, as in the shoulder joint. cause they extend through the scales of the

Diary (di'a-ri), n. (L. diarium, a daily al

Air is an element superior and lighter than water, instrument. They are of several kinds, as through whose vast, open, subtle, diaphanic, or

lowance of food, a journal, from dies, a day.) open diapason, stopped diapason, double transparent body, the light afterwards created easily An account of daily events or transactions; diapason, and the like.


Raleigh. a journal; a register of daily occurrences or

A crystal river Diapason-diapente (di-a-på'zon-di-a-pen'

observations; a blank book dated for the

Diaphanous, because it travels slowly. tē), n. In music, a compound consonance

record of daily memoranda; as, a diary of

Wordsworth in a triple ratio, as 3 to 9, consisting of Diaphanometer(di'a-fan-om"et-ér), n. (Gr.

the weather. 9 tones and a semitone, or 19 semitones; a diaphanēs, transparent, and metron, a mea

In sea-voyages, where there is nothing to be seen

but sky and sea, men make diaries; but in landtwelfth. sure.) An instrument for estimating the

travel, wherein so much is to be observed, they omit Diapason-diatessaron (di-a - pā'zon-di-a- transparency of the air.


Bacon. tess'a-ron), n. In music, a compound con- Diaphanoscope (di-a-fan'o-skop), n. [Gr. Diary (di'a-ri), a. Lasting for one day; as, cord, founded on the proportion of 8 to 3, dia, through, phaino, to show, and skopeo, a diary fever. consisting of 8 tones and a semitone. to see.] In photog. a dark box in which Diaschisma (di-a-skiz'ma), n. (Gr., a piece Diapason-ditone (di-a-pā'zon-di'ton), n. In transparent positives are viewed, either cut off, from diaschizo-dia, and schizo, to

music, a compound concord, whose terms with or without a lens. The positive should cut off. ] In ancient music, the difference are as 10 to 4, or 5 to 2.

be placed as far from the eye as the equiva- between the comma and enharmonic diesis, Diapason - semiditone (di-a-på'zon-se-mi- lent focal length of the lens with which the commonly called the lesser comma.

di'ton), n. In music, a compound concord, negative was taken; and when a lens is used Diaspore (di'a-spor), n. (Gr. diaspeiro, to whose terms are in the proportion of 12 to 5. for viewing it, its focal length should be the disperse.) A mineral, consisting of hydrate Diapensiaceæ (di-a-pen'si-a" sēė), A same.

of alumina, occurring in lamellar concrenat. order of dicotyledonous plants, allied Diaphanously (di-af'an-us-li), adv. Trans- tions, of a pearly gray colour. It is infusible, to the heaths, inhabiting the northern parts parently.

a small fragment, placed in the flame of a of Europe and America, consisting of pro- Diaphonic, Diaphonical (di-a-fon’ik, di-a- candle, or exposed to the flame of the blowstrate small shrubs with pentamerous gamo- fon’ik-al), a. (Gr. dia, and phoneo, to sound. ] pipe, almost instantly decrepitating and petalous flowers, and three-celled erect cap- Diacoustic.

being dispersed; whence its name. sules. The order contains six genera, each Diaphonics (di-a-fõn'iks), n. The science Diastaltic (di-a-stalt’ik), a.

[Gr. diastalwith one or two species.

or doctrine of refracted sounds; diacoustics tikos, dilating.) Dilated or extended: an Diapente (di-a-pen'tė), n. [Gr. dia, and (which see).

epithet given by the Greeks to certain in

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