Imágenes de páginas




Judicatory (jūdik-ā-to-ri), a. (L. judicato- Jug (jug), n. [Origin doubtful. Perhaps same qualities. It abounds in a kind of oil of a rius, from judico, to judge, judex, judicis, a word as 0. E. jub, a jug. Wedgwood with very drying nature. J. cinerea, the butterjudge.) Pertaining to the passing of judg. some probability adduces another origin, nut of North America, is esteemed anthel. ment; belonging to the administration of from jug or Judge, an old familiar form of mintic and cathartic. The timber of all justice; dispensing justice.

Joan or Jenny, the name being jocularly the species is valuable for cabinet-makers' He who had power to admonish, had also power given to the vessel, like jack, black-jack.] work and similar purposes. Hickory, a very to reject in an authoritative or judicatory way. 1. A vessel, usually made of earthenware, elastic and tough kind of timber, is the

Bp. Hall.

metal, or glass, of various sizes and shapes, wood of Carya alba. See HICKORY. Judicatory (jū'dik-ā-to-ri), n. 1. A court of

and generally provided with a handle or Juglans (jugʻlanz), n. [L., as if Jovis glans, justice; a tribunal. – 2. Administration of

ear, used for holding and conveying liquors; nut of Jupiter: so called because the walnut justice. The supreme court of judicatory.'

a drinking vessel; a mug; a pitcher; a ewer. was consecrated to Jupiter.) A genus of Clarendon.

2. A prison; a jail: often written Stone-jug. trees, the walnuts. See JUGLANDACEE and Judicature (jū'dik-ā-tūr), n. (Fr.) 1. The Gay. (Low.)

WALNUT power of distributing justice by legal trial

Jug (jug), v.t. pret. & pp: jugged; ppr. jug. Jugular (jū'gū-ler), a. (Fr. jugulaire, L. and determination. A court of judicature

ging. To put in a jug: (a) to cook by put- jugulum, the collar-bone, the hollow part is a court invested with powers to admin

ting into a jug, and this into boiling water; of the neck above the collar-bone, from jug, ister justice between man and man. -2. A

to stew in a jugging can; as, jugged hare. root of jungo, to join.) In anat. pertaining court of justice; a judicatory.--3. Legality;

(6) To commit to jail; to imprison. (Low.) to the neck or throat. ---Jugular vein, one lawfulness, as constituted by statute or

Jug (jug), n. The sound fancied to resemble of the large trunks by which the greater enactment.

the note uttered by the nightingale and part of the blood that has circulated in the Our Saviour disputes not here the judicature, for some other birds.

head, face, and neck is returned to the that was not his office, but the morality, of divorce.

Her jug, jug, jug, in grief, had such a grace.

heart. There are two on each side, an exter4. Extent of jurisdiction of a judge or court.

Gascoigne. nal or superficial, and an internal or deeper. Judicial (ju-di'shal), a. (L. judicialis, from Jug (jug), v.i. pret. & pp,

jugged; ppr. jug- Jugular (jū'gū-lér). n. 1. A jugular vein. judicium, judgment.] 1. Pertaining or ap

ging. To emit or pour forth a particular See the adjective. -2. In ich. a member of propriate to courts of justice or to a judge

sound resembling this word, as certain birds the Linnæan order Jugulares. thereof; as, judicial power. -2. Practised or do, especially the nightingale.

Jugulares (jū.gū-lāʻrēz), n. pl. A section or employed in the administration of justice; Jug (jug), v.i. (Probably another form of division of fishes, the general character of as, judicial proceedings. – 3. Proceeding juke, and perhaps allied to Icel. hjúka, to from, issued or ordered by, a court of jus

nurse or cherish.) To nestle together; to tice; as, a judicial determination; a judicial

collect in a covey like partridges: sometimes writ; a judicial sale. - 4. Inflicted as a penalty Juga (jū’ga), n. pl. See JUGUM.

used as transitive with reflexive pronoun.
or in judgment; as, a judicial punishment.
Why then should he . attempt

to throw dis
. Jugal (ju'gal), a. (L. jugalis

, pertaining to a

yoke, matrimonial, from L jugum, a yoke.) honourable imputations on an illustrious name, and to apologize for a judicial murder?


1.1 Relating to a yoke or to marriage. 5. Enacted by statute or established by con

2. Pertaining to or adjoining the cheekstituted authority.

bone; zygomatic; as, the jugal region.
Jugata (jū-gā'ta), pl. [L.,connected (heads),

It was not a moral, but a judicial law, and so was

capita being understood.] In numis. two abrogated; which law the ministry of Christ

v, Ventral fin. p. Pectoral fin. came not to deal with.


heads represented upon a medal side by 6. A term often coupled with astrology as side or joining each other,

which is, that the ventral fins are placed angiving judgments regarding future events.

Jugate (jū'găt), a. (L. jugum, a yoke.) In terior to the pectoral. See MALACOPTERYGIL See ASTROLOGY.-7. Judicious.

bot. coupled together, as the pairs of leaflets Jugulate (jū'gu-lát), v.t. pret. & pp. juniin compound leaves.

lated; ppr. jugulating. [L. jugulo, jugulaHer brains a quiver of jests, and she does dart

tum, to cut the throat, to kill, from jugulum. them abroad with that sweet, 'loose, and judiciat Jugated (jū'gāt-ed), a. Coupled together. action. B. Jonson. Juge,t n. A judge. Chaucer.

See JUGULAR, a.) To kill by cutting the jugu. --Judicial factor, in Scots law, a factor or Juggernaut, Juggurnaut (jugʻgėr-nąt), n. lar vein; to destroy. Dr. İ. Bigelow. (Rare.) administrator appointed by the Court of

1. The popular form of Jagannathä, "the Jugulator (jū'gū-lát-er), n. A cut-throat or Session (sometimes by the sheriff), on special famous Hindu idol. See JAGANNATHA.

murderer. (Rare.) application by petition, setting forth the

2. Anything, as an idea, custom, fashion, Jugum (jū’gum), n. pl. Juga (jū'ga). [L., a circumstances which render the appoint

and the like, to which one either devotes yoke, a pair of anything, a ridge.) In bot one ment necessary. Such factors are usually himself or is blindly or ruthlessly sacrificed. of the elevated portions by which the carpels appointed in cases where a father has died The men most likely ultimately to rise to wealth

of umbelliferous plants are traversed. without a settlement, leaving his children

and fame are those who do not place their friends Juice (jūs), n. (O. E. jous, Fr. jus; L. jus, broth,

and families and their own future under that awful in pupillarity, and also where a party has be

soup, juice. Comp. Skr. yusha, broth) The Fuggernaut, a strong will.


sap; the watery part of vegetables, especially come incapable of managing his own affairs.

3. A blind or ruthless sacrifice. -Judicial separation. See SEPARATION.

of fruits; also, the fluid part of animal subJudicially (ju-di'shal-li) , adv. In a judicial Juggle (jugʻl), v.i pret. & pp. juggled; ppr.

stances. “The juice of Egypt's grape.' Shak. juggling. 10. Fr. jogler, Fr. jongler, It. giomanner; in the forms of legal justice; as, a

An animal whose juices are unsound can never be colare, from L. joculor, to jest or joke, from nourished.

Arbuthner. sentence judicially declared.

L. jocus, a jest. j 1. To play tricks by sleight Juice (jūs), v. t. Judiciary (jū-di'shi-a-ri), a. (L. judiciarius,

To moisten or provide of hand; to amuse and make sport by tricks, from judicium, judgment.] 1. Pertaining which make a show of extraordinary powers;

with juice. 'Dry meat ... not juiced with to the courts of judicature or legal tribu

blood.' Fuller. to conjure.-2. To practise artifice or impos- Juiceful (jūs'ful), a. nals; judicial. Judiciary proceeding.'

Full of or abounding ture. Bp. Burnet.—2. Pertaining to the predic

in juice. They so juiceful were.' Drayton.

Be these juggling fiends no more believed. Shak. tion of future events. 'Judiciary astro

Juiceless (jūs'les), a. Destitute of juice; logy.' Hakewill. See JUDICIAL, 6.

Juggle (jugʻl), v.t. To deceive by trick or dry; without moisture.

artifice. Judiciary (jū-di'shi-a-ri), n. That branch

Juiciness (jūs'i-nes), n. The state of being

Ist possible the spells of France should juggle of government which is concerned in the Men into such strange mysteries?

juicy or of abounding with juice; succulence

Shak. trial and determination of controversies be Juggle (jugʻl), n. 1. A trick by legerdemain. Juicy (jūs'i), a. Abounding with juice; moist:

in plants. tween parties and of criminal prosecutions;

2. An imposture; a deception. the system of courts of justice in a govern

succulent.”. Each plant and juiciest gourd.'

Am I to be overa wed ment; the judges taken collectively.


By what I cannot but know Judicious (jū-di'shus), a. [Fr. judicieux,

Is a juggle born of the brain? Tennyson.

Juil, n. The month of July. Chaucer. from L. judicium, judgment.] 1. According Juggler (jugʻler), !!. 40. Fr. jugleor, jogleor, Jujube, Jujub (jū'jūb), 12. (Fr. jujube, a

Juise,t n. See JEWISE. to sound judgment; adapted to obtain a jongleor, &c.; Fr. jongleur; a nasalized form good end by the best means; well consi- from L. joculator, one who jokes. See

jujube, from L. zizyphum; Gr. zizyphon; dered: said of things; as, nothing is more JUGGLE, v. i.) One who juggles: (a) one important to success in the world than a

who practises or exhibits tricks by sleight
judicious application of time, unless it may of hand; one who makes sport by tricks of
be a judicious expenditure of money.- extraordinary dexterity. *As nimble jug-
2. Acting according to sound judgment; glers that deceive the eye.' Shak. (6) A
possessing sound judgment; directed by cheat; a deceiver; a trickish fellow.
reason and wisdom: said of persons; as, a O mne! you juggler! you canker-blossom!
judicious magistrate; a judicious historian. You thief of love! what, have you come by night
3. Relating to a court or the administra- And stolen my love's heart from him? Shak.
tion of justice; judicial.

Juggleress (jugʻlėr-es), n. A female who
His last offences to us

practises jugglery. T. Warton.
Shall have judicious hearing Shak. Jugglery (jugʻlėr-i), n. The art or perform-
SYN. Prudent, rational, wise, discreet, in- ances of a juggler: legerdemain; trickery;
telligent, skilful, discerning, sagacious.

imposture; deception. Judiciously (jū-di'shus-li), adv. In a judi- Jugglingly (jug’ling-li), adv. In a juggling cious manner; with good judgment; with

or deceptive manner. discretion or wisdom; skilfully.

Juglandaceæ (jug-lan-dā'sē-ē), n. pl. The Longinus has judiciously preferred the sublime

walnut tribe, a nat. order of exogenous plants, genius that sometimes errs, to the middling or indif- chiefly found in North America. They are ferent one, wliich makes few faults, but seldom rises trees with alternate pinnate stipulate leaves, to excellence.

Dryden. and unisexual flowers, the males in catkins, Judiciousness (jū-di'shus-nes), n. The qua- the females in terminal clusters or loose

Jujube (Zisyphus vulgaris). lity of being judicious, or of acting or being racemes. Juglans and Carya are the prinaccording to sound judgment.

cipal genera. The common walnut (Juglans Ar. zizuf, the jujube-tree.] 1. The popular Juffer (juf'fèr), n. In carp, an old name regia) is a native of the Levant. Its seed name of Zizyphus, a genus of plants, nat. for a piece of timber 4 or 5 inches square. is esteemed for its sweetness and wholesome order Rhamnaceæ. The fruit is pulpy and




resembles a small plum. The fruit of Zizy- The reviewer jumbles up his crotchets with specu- to bend (e) One who jumps a claim. phus vulgaris and 2. jujuba, natives of the

lations on the stake in the country' argument. (United States and Australia. ] () (Comp.:

Sat. Rev. East Indies, was formerly used in pectoral Jumble (jum'bl), v.i. To meet, mix, or unite

jump, a jacket.) A fur under-jacket. Kane. decoctions, but it is now in little reputation. in a confused manner.

Jumping-deer (jump'ing-der), 12. The black2. A confection made of gun-arabic or gela

They will all meet and jumble together into a per.

tailed deer (Cervus Lewisii), found in the tine, sweetened and flavoured so as to re

fect harmony.


United States to the west of the Mississemble the jubube fruit.


1. Confused mixture, Juket (jūk), v.i. (Comp. jug, to nestle, and Jumble (jum'bl), n.

See HEFr. jucher, to roost, to perch, the Walloon mass, or collection without order; disorder; Jumping-hare (jump'ing-hār), n.

LAMYS. confusion. form of which is jouki. Neither Littré nor

Jumping-rat (jump'ing-rat), n. See HEBrachet suggests any etymology for jucher.]

What jumble here is made of ecclesiastical reven

LAMYS. To perch, as birds do.

ues, as if they were all alienated with equal justice.


Jump-seat (jump'sēt), n. A carriage-seat Juke (jūk), v. i. [Same word as Sc. jouk (which 2. In confectionery, a cake composed of

So constructed that it can be used as a see).) To bend or jerk, as the head.

flour, sugar, butter, and eggs, Aavoured single or double seat; a carriage having a Two asses travelled; the one laden with oats, the other with money; the money-merchant was so proud Jumblement (jum'bl-ment), n. with lemon-peel or sweet almonds.

movable seat.

The act of Jump-weld (jump'weld), n. A butt weld of his trust that he went júking and tossing of his head.


jumbling together or state of being jumbled (which see).

together; confused mixture. Hancock. Julep (jūlep), n. [Fr. julep, Ar. julab, from

Juncaceæ (jung-kā'sé-e), n. pl. The rush Per. gulab, rose-water.) 1. A sweet drink; Jumbler (jum'bler), n. One who jumbles

order, a small natural order of endogenous a demulcent, acidulous, or mucilaginous Jumblingly jum'bling-li), adv. In a jumor mixes things in confusion.

plants, so named from the typical genus

Juncus. It is principally composed of obmixture. Here something still like Eden looks: bling or confused manner.

scure herbaceous plants with brown or green Honey in woods, juleps in brooks. H. Vaughan. Jument t (jū'ment), n. [Fr., from L. ju- glumaceous hexandrous flowers, the perSpecifically-2. In phar. a medicine com

mentum, & beast of burden.) A beast of ianth being in two series, as in Liliaceæ, but

burden; a beast in general. Fitter for posed of some proper liquor and a sirup of

calycine instead of petaloid. The embryo sugar, of extemporaneous preparation, servjuments than men to feed on.' Burton.

is in most Juncaceæ small and erect from ing as a vehicle to other forms of medicine.

Jump (jump), v.i. [Akin Dan, gumpe,


the base of the seed, while in Liliaceæ it is 3. A United States drink composed of spiritG. gumpen, to jolt or jump; Icel. goppa, to

very variously placed with regard to the jump or skip; E. jumble seems a kind of

hilum, rarely absolutely basal. uous liquor, as brandy or whisky, sugar,

The order pounded ice, and a seasoning of mint. Called dim. ) 1. To throw one's self in any direction

forms one of the transitions from complete also Mint-julep. by lifting the feet wholly from the ground

endogens to the imperfect glumaceous form Julian (jūli-an), a.

of that class.
Pertaining to or de-
and again alighting upon them; to leap; to

The plants of this order are rived from Julius Cæsar.-Julian calendar, spring; to bound.

chiefly found in the temperate or colder the calendar as adjusted by Julius Cæsar,

Not the worst of the three but jumps twelve foot

parts of the world. They are stemless herbs, in which the year was made to consist of

and a half by the squier.

Shak. or possess a slender, rarely stout, stem, the 365 days 6 hours, instead of 365 days. — 2. To be agitated or shaken; to jolt.

leaves being narrow with striate nerves.

They are often planted to strengthen sea Julian epoch, the epoch of the commence- The noise of the rattling of the wheels, and of the and river walls and embankments. Some ment of the Julian calendar, which began prancing horses, and of the jumping chariots.

of them, as the common rush, are employed in the forty-sixth year before Christ.-Ju

Nah. iii. 2. lian period, a period consisting of 7980 Ju3. To go along; to agree; to tally; to coin

for making mats, chair - bottoms, and cide: generally followed by with.

brooms. The pith lian years. The number 7980 is formed by

several species is used the continual multiplication of the three In some sort it jumps with my humour. Shak.

for lamp and candle wicks. Juncaceous (jung-kā'shus), a.

In bot. pernumbers 28, 19, and 15; that is, of the cycle -To jump at, to embrace or accept with

taining to or resembling the Juncaceæ, or of the sun, the cycle of the moon, and the eagerness; to catch at; as, I made him an

those plants of which the rush is the type; indiction. The first year of the Christian offer, and he juinped at it. (Colloq.) era had 10 for its number in the cycle of Jump (jump), v.t. 1. To pass by a leap; to pass Juncaginaceæ (jung-ka-jin-ā'sē-e), n. pl.

juncous. the sun, 2 in the cycle of the moon, and over eagerly or hastily; to skip over; to The arrow-grass order, a small and unim4 in the indiction. Now, the only number leap; as, to jump a stream. -2. f To put to less than 7980 which, on being divided suc

portant natural order of endogenous plants, stake: to hazard.

with small, usually greenish, hermaphrodite cessively by 28, 19, and 15, leaves the re

To jump a body with a dangerous physic or diæcious flowers in spikes or racemes, spective remainders 10, 2, and 4, is 4714. That's sure of death without it.


and narrow sheathing radical leaves, inhabHence the first year of the Christian era

3. In smith work, to join by a butt-weld. -- iting marshy places in temperate or cold recorresponded with the year 4714 of the Julian period. — Julian year, the year of

To juinp a claim, in the United States and gions. The genera Triglochin and Scheuch

Australia, to endeavour to obtain possession zeria are represented in Britain. 365 days 6 hours, adopted in the Julian

of the claim or land which has been taken Juncatet (jung kāt), n. The original form calendar, and which remained in use until

up and occupied by a settler or squatter in of Junket (which see). superseded by the Gregorian year, as established in the reformed or Gregorian calen

a new country, the first occupant, by squat- Juncite (jun'sīt), n. (L. juncus, a rush.] In

ter law and custom, being entitled to the dar.

geol. a striated, grooved, and tapering rushfirst claim on the land. Julianist (jūli-an-ist), n. Eccles. one of a

like fragment of a leaf occurring in the DeJump (jump), n. 1. The act of jumping; a section of the early Coptic Church, who held

vonian formation. the Saviour's body to be incorruptible: so

leap; a spring; a bound.—2. A risk; a ven- Juncous (jung'kus), a. (L. juncosus, from

ture; a hazard. called from Julian of Halicarnassus, their

juncus, a rush.] Full of rushes; resembling


Our fortune lies upon this jump. leader: opposed to Severian.

rushes; juncaceous. (Rare.) 3. In geol. a dislocation in a stratum; &

Junction (jungk'shon), n. Julidae (jū’li-dē), n. pl. Same as Iulidae

(From L. junc(which see). fault. - 4. In arch, an abrupt rise in a level

tio, from jungo.. See JOIN.] 1. The act or Juliform (jū’li-form), a. In bot. formed like course of brickwork or masonry to accom

operation of joining; the state of being a julus, amentum, or catkin. modate the work to the inequality of the

joined; union; coalition; combination; as, Julis (jūʻlis), n. A genus of acanthopterygian ground.- From the jump, from the start or the junction of two armies or detachments. fishes, belonging to the family Cyclolabridæ. beginning

2. The place or point of union; joint; junc

ture; specifically, the place where two or Several species are found in the Mediter. Jumpt (jump), adv. Exactly; nicely.

more railways meet; as, Camden Junction. ranean Sea, as well as in the tropics; they Thus twice before, and jump at this dead hour, are small fishes, with brilliant colours, and

With martial stalk hath he gone by our watch.

Juncture (jungk'tūr), n. [L. junctura, from

Shak. have the head void of scales.

jungo, to join. 1.1 A joining; union; amity. One species, Jumpt (jump), a. Neat; close; exact; nicely The juncture of hearts.' Eikon Basilike. the rainbow - wrasse (J. mediterranea or

fitting. Jump names.' B. Jonson. vulgaris), has been taken on the Cornwall Jump (jump), n. [Fr. jupe, a long petti

2. The line or point at which two bodies are

joined; a seam; a joint or articulation.coast. Its colours are particularly brilliant,

coat or skirt; It. giubba, from Ar. Jubbah, 3. A point of time; particularly, a point renthe back greenish-blue, the belly silver with

a kind of outer garment.] 1. A jacket or dered critical or important by a concurlilac bands, and a beautiful play of rainbow colours on the head.

loose coat reaching to the thighs, buttoned rence of circumstances.

down before, open or slit up half way be- In such a juncture what can the most plausible Julus (jū’lus), n. Same as Iulus (which

hind, with sleeves to the wrist. -2. pl. A sort and refined philosophy do? see).

Berkeley. of boddice used instead of stays. July (jū-li'), n. The seventh month of the

Juncus (jungkus), n. A large and widely year, during which the sun enters the sign

Bless me, Mr. Carmine, don't mind my shape this distributed genus of plants, the type of the bout, for I'm only in jumps.

Foote. Leo: so called from Julius, the surname of

nat. order Juncacece (which see) or rush Caius Cæsar, who was born in this month. Jump-coupling (jump’ku-pl - ing), n. In tribe. They have a rigid habit, and small Before that time, this month was called mech, see THIMBLE-COUPLING.

greenish or brown flowers, arranged in heads

One who or that Quintilis, or the fifth month, according to Jumper (jump'er), n.

or panicles. They inhabit bogs and wet the old Roman calendar, in which March

which jumps. (a) A long iron chisel pointed places, abounding in the temperate and was the first month of the year.

with teel used by masons an miners foi arctic zones. The stems of sev species July-flower (jū-li'flou-ėr), n. Same as Gilly

boring holes in stones and rocks, as in cases are made into mats, and the pith is used for flower. Drayton.

when they are to be split or blasted by an lamp and candle wicks. fumart (jū'mart), n. [Fr.) The supposed

explosive. It receives its name from its Jundie, v.t. or i. To jog with the elbow; offspring of a bull and a mare. “Mules and

motion when used. (b) A maggot or larva to jostle. (Scotch.) jumarts.' Locke.

of the cheese-fly or Piophila casei. See June (jūn), n. (L. Junius, perhaps after L. Jumble (jum'bl), v.t. pret. & pp. jumbled;

CHEESE-FLY. (c) One of a sect of fanatics Junius Brutus, who abolished regal power ppr. jumbling. (O. E. jombre, jumbre, jumpre,

among the Calvinistic Methodists and others at Rome, or from some other member of to agitate, to shake together; akin to jump,

in Wales, from their violent agitations and this family; in any case from same root as and to Dan gumpe, to jolt.) To mix in

motions during the time of divine worship. junior, L. juvenis, a youth; E. young.) The a confused mass; to put or throw together

(d) In the United States, a rude kind of sixth month of the year, when the sun enters without order: often followed by together or

sleigh: usually, a simple box on runners, the sign of Cancer.

especially on runners which are parts of the Juneating (jūn'at-ing), n. A kind of early ир. One may observe how apt that is to jumble together

poles forming the thills, and the middle apple, said to ripen in June; a jenneting. passages of Scripture.

Locke. portions of which are made thinner so as June-berry (jūn'be-ri), n. (From the fruit JUNGERMANNLACEÆ



ripening in June.] The service-berry (which used extensively in Holland in the prepar- George, taking out his wife to a new jaunt or judet see). ation of gin, and in medicine as a powerful

every night, was quite pleased with himself as usual, Jungermanniaceæ (jung-gér - man'ni-ā"- diuretic. When distilled with water they

and swore he was becoming quite a domestic char acter.

Thackeray, sé-ė), 12. pl. [In honour of the German botanist L. Jungermann, who died in 1653.) A

Junket (jung'ket), v.i. To feast; to banquet; group of cryptogams, closely resembling

to take part in a gay entertainment. mosses, usually regarded as a sub-order of

Job's children junketed and feasted together often.

South. Hepatice, but sometimes classed as a separate natural order. They are distinguished

Junket (jung ket), v. t. To entertain; to

feast. by the solitary capsules which for the most

The good woman took my lodgings over my head. part split into a definite number of valves,

and was in such a hurry to junket her neighbours. and are filled with a mass of spiral elaters

H. Walpole. and spores. Most of them have distinct

Junketing (jung ket-ing), n. A private feast leaves. The species inhabit the trunks of

or entertainment; a junket. trees or damp earth, in cool moist climates.

All those snug junketings and public gormandizJungle (jung'gl), n. (Hind, jangal, desert,

ings for which the ancient magistrates were equally forest, jungle.) Properly an Indian term

famous with their modern successors. applied to a desert and uncultivated region

Washington Irving: whether covered with wood and dense

Junk-ring (jungk'ring), n. In steam-engines, vegetation or not; a sparsely inhabited re

a ring fitting in a groove round a piston to gion; in English generally applied to land

keep it steam-tight. It is screwed down covered with forest-trees, thick, impene

Juniper (Juniperus communis).

upon and confines the packing of the piston. trable brushwood, or any coarse, rank, vege

Juno (jū'no), n. [L.] 1. The highest and yield an essential oil, which is said to be tation

most powerful divinity of the Latin races in the most powerful of all diuretics in doses

Italy, next to Jupiter, of whom she was The operations of the Kaffirs have been carried on

of four drops. J. sabina or savin yields a by the occupation of extensive regions, which in some places are called jungle, in others bush; but in

most powerful diuretic, and an oil which is reality it is thickset wood that can be found any. a local irritant. J. virginiana and J. berwhere.

Duke of Wellington. mudiana are trees; the wood of the latter is Jungle-fever (jung'gl-fe-ver), n. A disease much used by cabinet-makers, and in the prevalent in the East Indies and other manufacture of pencils. tropical regions, a severe variety of remit- Juniper-resin (jū’ni-per-re-zin), n. Santent fever. It is characterized by the re

darac (which see). currence of paroxysms and of cold and hot Junk (jungk), n. (Fr. jonc, L. juncus, a bulstages. The remissions occur usually in the

rush, of which ropes were made in early morning and last from eight to twelve hours, ages.) 1. Pieces of old cable or old cordage the fever being most typically developed at

used for making points, gaskets, mats, &c., night. Called also Hill-fever.

and when untwisted and picked to pieces, Jungle-fowl (jung'gl-foul), n. A name given

forming oakum for filling the seams of ships. to two birds, the one a native of Australia,

2. Salt beef supplied to vessels for long voy. the other of India. The jungle-fowl of Aus- ages: so called from its resembling old ropes' tralia is Megapodius tumulus. (See MEGA

ends in hardness and toughness.
PODIUS.) The Indian jungle-fowl is Gallus The purser's junk had become tough. Dickens.
Sonnerati, the first species of the genus Junk (jungk), n. [Fr. jonque, Sp. and Pg.
Gallus known in its wild state to naturalists.

junco, said to be from Chinese chouen, a It is abundant in the higher wooded dis

vessel.) A flat-bottomed ship used in China tricts of India, is about equal in size to an

and Japan, often of large dimensions. It ordinary domestic fowl, but more slender

has a high forecastle and poop, and ordi. and graceful in its form; the comb of the

narily three masts of considerable height, male is large, and its margin broken; the each mast being in one piece. colours are rich and beautiful; the hackle

Juno, from the Capitoline Museum. feathers are ornamented by flat horny plates of a golden orange.

the sister and wife, the equivalent of the Jungly (jung'gli), a. Of the nature of a

Greek Hera. She was the queen of heaven, jungle; consisting of jungles; abounding

and under the name of Regina (queen) was with jungles.

worshipped in Italy at an early period. She Jungly-gau (jung'gli-gou), n. Bos sylhet

bore the same relation to women that Jupianus, a species of ox inhabiting Sylhet and

ter did to men. She was regarded as the other mountainous parts of the north-east

special protectress of whatever was conof India It is nearly allied to the gayal

nected with marriage, and females from and to the common ox, and has more the

birth to death had her as a tutelary genius. appearance of some of the European do

She was also the guardian of the national mesticated breeds of oxen than any of the

finances, and a temple, which contained other wild oxen of Asia.

the mint, was erected to her under the name Junior (jū'ni-ėr), a. (L., contracted from

of Juno Moneta on the Capitoline. -2. In juvenior,comp.of juvenis,young. ]1. Younger;

astron. one of the small planets or asteroids not as old as another. It is applied to dis

which circulate between the orbits of Mars tinguish the younger of two persons bear

and Jupiter, discovered by Professor Harding the same name in one family or town,

ing of Göttingen in 1804. and opposed to senior; as, John Smith,

Junta (jun'ta), n. [Sp.) A meeting; a counjunior. —2. Lower or younger in standing,

cil; specifically, a grand council of state in as in a profession, especially the bar; as,

Spain. a junior counsel; a junior partner in a com

Junto (jun'to), n. (Sp. junta, a meeting or pany.

Chinese Junk.

council, from L. junctus, joined.) A select Junior (jū'ni-ér), n. 1. A person younger than another.

council or assembly, which deliberates in The fools, my juniors by a

China also, and the Great Atlantis (that you call
America), which have now but junks and canoas,

secret on any affair of government; a meetyear.' Swift 2. One of shorter or inferior

abounded then in tall ships.

Bacon. ing or collection of men combined for secret standing in his profession than another, who

deliberation and intrigue for party pur. is called his senior; specifically, said of Junk (jungk), n. [A form of chunk, chump, members of the bar. a log or thick piece; comp. Sc. junt, a lump.)

poses; a faction; a cabal; as, a junto of A thick piece; a chunk.

ministers. He had been retained as Mr. Sergeant Snubbins's junior. Junk-bottle (jungk'bot-1), n. A thick strong

The puzzling sons of party next appeared, Dickens.

Thomson. bottle, usually made of stout green glass.

In dark cabals and mighty juntos met. Juniority (jū-ni-or'i-ti), n. The state of

Junker (jungk'ér), n. [G., young noble.] Party, Faction, Cabal, Junto, Combinabeing junior. A young German noble or squire; specific

tion. See under CABAL. Juniorship (jū'ni-ėr-ship), n. State of being cally, a member of the aristocratic party in Jupardie, † Jupartie, n. Jeopardy; danjunior; juniority.

Prussia which came into power under Otho ger. Chaucer. Juniper (jū'ni-per), n. [L. juniperus; Fr. von Bismarck-Schönhausen (Prince Bis- Jupati-palm (jö-pa-tē'päm), n. Raphia genièvre.] The name of the hardy exogenous marck), when he was appointed prime

toedigera, a palm which grows on the rich evergreen trees and shrubs of the genus minister, 9th Oct. 1862.

alluvial tide-washed soil on the banks of Juniperus, chiefly natives of the northern Junkerite (jungk'ér-īt), n. A crystallized the Lower Amazon and Para rivers in Braparts of the world. They belong to the protocarbonate of iron; spathic iron ore.

zil. It has cylindrical leaf-stalks, which nat, order Coniferæ and the group Gym- Junket (jung'ket), n. (Formerly written

measure from 12 to 15 feet in length, and nospermeæ, of the sub-class Monochlajuncate, from It. giuncata, cream cheese

are used by the natives for a variety of purmydeæ. About twenty species are known, brought to market in fresh rushes, from L. poses, as for the walls of houses, baskets, the most important of which are the J. juncus, a rush; O.Fr. joncade, a delicacy

boxes, &c. communis, J. sabina or savin, J. virgini- made of cream, rose-water, and sugar.] 1. Å Jupe (jūp), 7. Same as Jupon. ana, and ). bermudiana. J. communis, or sweetmeat; curds mixed with cream, sweet- Jupiter (ju'pi-ter), n. [L., from Jovis pater common juniper, is a common bush growing ened and flavoured; hence, any kind of

Jovis for Diovis, from a root signify. wild in all the northern parts of Europe, delicate food.

ing light, day, heavens (see DEITY), and and abundant in the mountains of Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and on low ground

You know there wants no junkets at the feast.

pater, father.] 1. The supreme deity among

Shak. the Latin races in Italy, the equivalent of in the northern parts. The berries require

With stories told of many a feat,

the Greek Zeus. He received from the Rotwo years to come to maturity, when they How fairy Mab the junkets eat. Milton,

mans, whose tutelary deity he was, the titles assume a bluish-black colour. They are 2. A feast; a gay entertainment of any kind. of Optimus Maximus (Best Greatest) As





the deity presiding over the sky he was Jurassic (jū-ras'sik), a. In geol. of or be- sophy of positive law, as distinguished from considered as the originator of all atmos- longing to the formation of the Jura moun- particular jurisprudence, or the knowledge pheric changes. He was regarded as su- tains, or Jura limestone, or oolite forma- of the law of a particular nation. Medical preme in human affairs; he foresaw and tion.Jurassic system, the name given by jurisprudence, forensic medicine (which see directed the future, and sacrifices were continental geologists to what is termed in under FORENSIC). offered up to him at the beginning of every this country the Oolitic system.

Jurisprudent (jū-ris-prö'dent), a. Underundertaking in order to propitiate his fav- Jurat, Jurate (jū'rat), n. [Fr., from L. ju-standing law. Puffendorf, a very jurisour. He was likewise believed to be the ratus, sworn, from juro, to swear.] 1. A prudent author.' West. guardian of property, whether of the state person under oath; specifically, a magistrate Jurisprudent (jū-ris - prö'dent), n. One

in some corporations; an alderman, or an learned in the law; one versed in jurispruassistant to a bailiff.

dence. Jersey has a bailiff and twelve sworn jurats to

Klosterheim in particular

had been progovern the island.

Craig. nounced by some of the first jurisprudents a female appanage.

De Quincey. 2. In law, the memorandum of the time when, Jurisprudential (jūris-prö-den"shal), a. the place where, and the person before whom an affidavit is sworn. Wharton.

Pertaining to jurisprudence. Dug. Stewart. Jurationt (jū-rā'shon), n.

Jurist (jū’rist), n. (Fr. juriste; from L. jus,

In law, the act of swearing; the administration of an oath.

juris, law.] A man who professes the Jurator (jū'rát-ér), n.

science of law; one versed in the law, or

A juror.
Juratory (jū’ra-to-ri), a. (Fr. juratoire, from

more particularly in the civil law; one who L. juro, to swear. ] Of or pertaining to, or

writes on the subject of law. comprising an oath; as, juratory caution, a

It has ever been the method of public jurists to

draw a great part of the analogies on which they description of caution in Scots law, some- form the law of nations, from the principles of law times offered in a suspension or advocation, which prevail in civil community.

Burke. where the complainer is not in um- Juristic, Juristical (jū-rist'ik, jū-rist'ik-al), stances to offer any better. It consists of a. Relating to a jurist or to jurisprudence. an inventory of his effects, given up upon Juror (jūʻrer), n. (O.Fr. jureur, a sworn witoath, and assigned in security of the sums ness, from jurer, to swear. ] One that serves which may be found due in the suspension. on a jury; a juryman: (a) one sworn to deJure divino (jū'rē di-vi'no). (L.) By divine liver the truth on the evidence given him right.

concerning any matter in question or on Juridic (jū-rid'ik), a. Same as Juridical. trial. See JURY. (6) One of a body of men Juridical (jū-rid'ik-al), a. (L. juridicus- selected to adjudge prizes, &c., at a public jus, juris, law, and dico, to pronounce.] exhibition.-Juror's book, a book or list of 1. Acting in the distribution of justice; per- persons qualified to serve on juries, annually

taining to a judge or the administration of made out for each county.
Jupiter, from an antique statue.

Jurt (yurt), n. Same as Yurt. or of individuals. White, the colour of the

All discipline is not legal, that is to say juridical, Jury (jū'ri), n. [0. Fr. jurie, an assize, from

but some is personal, some economical, and some Fr. jurer, L. juro, to swear.] 1. A certain numlight of day, was sacred to him ; hence, ecclesiastical.

Milton. ber of men selected according to law, imwhite animals were offered up in sacrifice to

2. Used in courts of law or tribunals of jus- pannelled, and sworn to inquire into or to him, bis priests wore white caps, his chariot

tice; in accordance with the laws of the determine facts, and to declare the truth was represented as drawn by four white country.

according to the evidence legally adduced. horses, and the consuls were dressed in white

The body corporate of the kingdom, in juridical

Trial by jury signifies the determination of upon the occasion of their sacrificing to

construction, never dies.

Burke. facts in the administration of civil or crimhim when they entered upon office. He is often represented with thunderbolts in

- Juridical days, days in court on which inal justice by a number of men, generally his hand, and the eagle, his favourite bird, the laws are administered; days on which

twelve, sworn to decide facts truly accordthe court can lawfully sit.

ing to the evidence produced before them. is generally placed by the side of his

The juries at present in use in England throne. – 2. One of the superior planets, Juridically (jū-rid'ik-al-li), adv. In a juridremarkable for its brightness. Its mean

ical manner; according to forms of law, or in the ordinary courts of justice are granddiameter is about 85,000 miles; its dis

proceedings in tribunals of justice; with juries, petty, petit, or common juries, and tance from the sun 490,000,000 miles, and legal authority.

special juries. Grand-juries are exclusively Jurinite (jū'rin-it), n. its period of revolution round the sun a

An ore of titanium incident to courts of criminal jurisdiction; little less than twelve years.

their office is to examine into charges of The disc of

found in Dauphiny, at Tremadoc in Wales,
and in Arkansas. It is also known as

crimes brought to them at assizes or sesJupiter is always observed to be crossed in Brookite and Arkansite.

sions, and if satisfied that they are true, one certain direction by dark bands or belts. The planet is accompanied by four moons Jurisconsult (jū'ris-kon-sult), n. [L. juris

or at least that they deserve more partior satellites, which revolve about it nearly consultus jus, juris, and consultus, from

cular examination, to return a bill of inin the plane of its equator, exactly in the consulo, to consult.) A master of Roman

dictment against the accused, upon which same manner as the moon revolves about jurisprudence (the civil law); one who gives

he is afterward tried by the petty jury. A the earth.-3. The ancient chemical name

his opinion in cases of law; any one learned grand-jury must consist of twelve at the of tin, which was supposed to be under the in jurisprudence; a jurist.

least, but in practice a greater number control of the planet Jupiter.

Jurisdiction (jū-ris-dik'shon), n. [Fr., from usually serve, and twelve must always Jupiter's-beard (jū’pi-térz-bērd), n.

concur in finding every indictment. Petty The

L jurisdictio-jus, juris, law, and dictio, houseleek (Sempervivum tectoruin).

from dico, to pronounce.) i. The legal or common juries consist of twelve men Jupon, Juppon (ju-pon'), n. (Fr., from jupe,

power or authority of doing justice in cases only, and are appointed to try all cases both of complaint; the power of executing the

civil and criminal. The jury, after the Sp. jupon; from Ar.jubbah, a kind of outer laws and distributing justice; the authority

proofs of a cause are summed up, unless the garment.] In anc. arwhich a court of law or equity has to decide

case be very clear, withdraw from the bar matters that are litigated or questions that

to consider regarding their verdict; and, in mour, a tight-fitting are tried before it; thus, certain suits or

order to avoid intemperance and causeless miltary garment without sleeves, worn over actions, or the cognizance of certain crimes,

delay, are kept without drink, fire, or candle, the armour, and deare within the jurisdiction of a court,

unless by permission of the judge, till they that is, within the limits of its authority

are all unanimously agreed. Special juries scending just below the hips. It was freor commission. -2. The power or right of

are used when the causes are of too great quently richly emblagoverning or legislating; the right of mak

nicety for the discrimination of ordinary zoned and highly orna

ing or enforcing laws; the right of exercis- juries. Every person legally entitled to be mented with scolloped

ing authority; as, nations claim exclusive called an esquire, every person of higher edges and embroidered

jurisdiction on the sea, to the extent of a degree, as a banker or merchant, and every borders.

marine league from the mainland or shore. person occupying a private dwelling-house,

3. The district or limit within which power or any premises, or a farm rated on certain Some wore a breastplate and a light jupon. may be exercised. Johnson. — Appellate

values specified in 33 & 34 Vict. lxxvii. 6, is Dryden. jurisdiction, jurisdiction in cases appealed

qualified and liable to serve on special juries. 2. A petticoat. from another court.--Concurrent jurisdic

According to the law of Scotland, the numJur,t Jurre,tv.i. (A

tion, jurisdiction belonging to more than

ber of the jury in criminal cases is fifteen; one tribunal. - Original jurisdiction, the

and the majority of that number determine form of jar.) To clash;

what the verdict shall be. In civil cases, to strike with a harsh

right of determining a cause in the first in-

and in revenue cases before the Court of noise. Holland. Jurisdictional (jū-ris-dik'shon-al), a. Per

Exchequer, the number of the jury is twelve, Jur, Jurre, t n. A

Jupon. crashing collision; a taining to jurisdiction; jurisdictional

and the jury are not required to be unanirights. harsh-sounding blow; a crash. Holland.

mously agreed in their verdict. In all cases

of high treason the jury also consists of Jural (jū'ral), a. Pertaining to natural or

Anciently there were no appeals, properly so called, or jurisdictional in the Church. Barrow.

twelve, and their verdict must be unanipositive right Jurisdictive (jū-ris - dikt'iv), a. Having

mous, as in England. In Scotland there is By the adjective jural we shall denote that which

no grand-jury. — Challenge of jurors. See has reference to the doctrine of rights and obliga. jurisdiction.

CHALLENGE, 7.-2. A body of men selected tions; as by the adjective moral' we denote that That jurisdictive power in the Church. Milton. which has reference to the doctrine of duties.

to adjudge prizes, &c., at a public exhibiWhewell.

Jurisprudence (jū-ris-prö'dens), n. [Fr. tion. Jura Limestone (jū'ra lim'ston), n. The from L. jurisprudentia-jus, law, and pru- Jury (jū'ri), a. [Perhaps from Pg. ajuda, name given by some continental geologists dentia, science.] The science of law; the help.) Naut. a term applied to a thing emto the limestone rocks of the Jura, which knowledge of the laws, customs, and rights ployed to serve temporarily in room of soinecorrespond to the Oolite of British writers. of men in a state or community, necessary thing lost; as, a jury-mast; a jury-rudder. It is composed of limestones of various qua- for the due administration of justice. Jury-box (jū'ri-boks), n. The place in a lities, clays, sand, and sandstone.

General jurisprudence, the science or philo- court where the jury sit.







Juryman (jū’ri-man), n. One who is im- just; just conduct; justness: (a) the render- with terminal spikes of often handsome pannelled on a jury, or who serves as a ing to every one what is his due; practical flowers. juror.

conformity to the laws and to principles of Justiciable (jus-ti'shi-a-bl), a. Proper to be The hungry judges soon the sentence sign,

rectitude in conduct; honesty; integrity; up- brought before a court of justice. And wretches hang that jurymen may dine. Pope. rightness. (b) Conformity to truth and reality; Justiciary, Justiciar (jus-ti'shi-a-ri, jus-ti'Jury-mast (jū'ri-mast), n. A mast erected fair representation of facts respecting merit shi-er), n. (L. justiciarius.] 1. An adminis

in a ship, to supply the place of one carried or demerit; impartiality; as, in criticisms, trator of justice. -2. An officer instituted by away in a tempest or an engagement, &c.

narrations, history, or discourse, it is a duty William the Conqueror; a lord chief-justice. Jury-process (jū’ri-pro-ses), 1. The writ to do justice to every man, whether friend The office of chief justiciary was one of high for the summoning of a jury.

or foe. (c) Agreeableness to right; rightful- importance in the early history of English Jury-rigged (jūʼri-rigd), a. Naut. rigged in ness; as, he proved the justice of his claim. jurisprudence. He presided in the king's a temporary manner.

2. Just treatment; vindication of right; re- court, and in the exchequer, and his authoJury-rudder (jü'ri-rud-ér), n. Naut. a tem- quital of desert; merited reward or punish- rity extended ever all other courts. He was porary sort of rudder employed in ships, ment.

ex officio regent of the kingdom in the king's when an accident has befallen the original Thou shalt have justice at his hands. Shak. absence.-3. One that boasts of the justice one.

Examples of justice must be made for terror to

of his own act. Jusselt (jus'sel), n. [From Fr. jus, L. jus,

Bacon. I believe it would be no hard matter to unravel

If my speech offend a noble heart, broth.) A dish made of several sorts of

and run through most of the pompous austerities and Thy arm may do thee justice.

Shak, fastings of many religious operators and splendid meat minced together.


South. Jussi (jus'si), n.

3. A person commissioned to hold courts, A delicate fibre produced in Manilla from some undescribed plant, of

or to try and decide controversies and -High Court of Justiciary, the supreme administer justice to individuals; as, the

criminal tribunal of Scotland. which dresses, &c., are made. Simmonds.

Its judges Just (just), a. [Fr. juste, L. justus, what is chief-justice of the King's Bench, or of

are the lord justice-general, lord justiceaccording to jus, the rights of man.) 1. Actthe Common Pleas, in England. --Justices

clerk, and five of the lords of session, apor disposed to act conformably to what

of the peace, judges appointed by royal pointed by patent. Its decisions are final. is right; rendering or disposed to render to commission in every county to keep the Justicies (jus-ti'si-ěz), n. In English law, a each one his due; equitable in the distribu- peace jointly and separately, and any two

writ directed to the sheriff empowering him tion of justice; upright; impartial; fair.

or more of them to inquire of and deter- to hold plea of debt in his county court for

mine felonies and misdemeanours, and to any sum, his usual jurisdiction being limited We know your grace to be a man Just and upright.

to sums under 40s.: now obsolete. Shak.

discharge numerous other functions. --JusMen are commonly so just to virtue and goodness tices of the quorum, justices nominated ex

Justico, Justicoat (jus'ti-kő, just'i-köt), 1. as to praise it in others, even when they do not prac- pressly in the commission, so that certain [Fr. juste-au-corps ) A waistcoat with sleeves; tise it in themselves. Tillotson. business cannot be transacted without their

a close coat; a juste-all-corps. presence. - Lord Chief justice, the title Justifiable (jus'ti-fi-a-bl), a. 2. Righteous; blameless; pure; living in

Capable of exact conformity to the divine will.

given in England to the chief judge of the being justified or proved to be just, capable There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth Court of Queen's Bench and of the Common

of being pronounced just; defensible; vindigood, and sinneth not. Eccl. vii. 20. Pleas, the former being called the Lord

cable; as, no breach of law or moral obliga3. True to promises; faithful; as, just to one's Chief-justice of England, the latter the Chief

tion is justifiable.
word or engagements: frequently with of.
justice of the Court of Common Pleas.

Just are the ways of God,
Lord Justice-clerk of Scotland, the vice-

And justifiable to men.

Milton. Fust of thy word, in every thought sincere. Pope. president of the Court of Justiciary, and the

-Justifiable homicide. See HOMICIDE. 4. Conformed to rules or principles of juis- presiding judge of that court in absence of SYN. Defensible, vindicable, warrantable, tice; conformed to truth; rightful; legiti- the lord president of the Court of Session. excusable. mate; well-founded; not feigned, forced, or He is one of the officers of state for Scot- Justifiableness (jus'ti-f1-a-bl-nes), n. The invented.

land, and one of the commissioners for quality of being justifiable; rectitude; posJust balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a

keeping the Scottish regalia. He is always sibility of being defended or vindicated. juist hin, shall ye have.

Lev. xix. 36.

one of the senators of the College of Justice, Justifiably (jus'ti-fi-a-bli), adv. In a manCrimes were laid to his charge too many, the least and president of the second division of the

ner that admits of vindication or justificawhereof being just, had bereaved him of estimation Court of Session. - Lord Justice-general, the

tion; rightly. and credit.

Hooker. 5. Conformed to fact; exact; accurate; pre

highest judge in Scotland, also called the Justification (jus'ti-fi-kā"shon), n. (Fr.,from

Lord President of the Court of Session. For- justifier, to justify.) The act of justifying cise; neither too much nor too little; neither merly the office of justice-general was a

or state of being justified: (a) a showing to more nor less; as, just expressions; just

sinecure and not a judicial one; but the title be just or conformable to law, rectitude, or images or representations; a just description.

propriety; vindication; defence; as, the court is now, since 1831, associated with that of A just seven-night.' Shak. "A just the lord president. —Lords-justices, persons

listened to the evidence and arguments in pound.' Shal.

formerly appointed by the sovereign to act justification of the prisoner's conduct. Bring me just notice of the nuinbers dead. Shak.

for a time as his substitute in the supreme I hope, for my brother's justification, he wrote this Once on a time La Mancha's knight, they say,

but as an essay or taste of my virtue. Siak. government, either of the whole kingdom A certain bard encountering on the way, Discoursed in terms as just, with looks as sage,

or of a part of it. Thus when George I. Specifically, (b) in law, the showing of a As ere could Dennis of the laws o' the stage. Pope.

went abroad in May, 1719, he intrusted the sufficient reason in court why a defendant 6. Conformed to what is proper or suitable;

government during his absence to thirteen did what he is called to answer. Pleas in regular; orderly; due; fit. "The war

lords-justices, and nineteen lords-justices justification must set forth some special ranged in its just array.' Addison.

and guardians were also appointed when matter. (c) In theol. the act by which a per

George IV. went to Hanover in 1821.
Pleaseth your lordship

son is accounted just or righteous in the To meet his grace just distance 'tween our annies.

lord-lieutenant of Ireland is a familiar ex- sight of God, or placed in a state of salva

Shak. ample of a lord-justice.-Jedwood or Jed- tion; remission of sin and absolution from 7. In accordance with justice or equity;' dart justice, a term applied in Scotland to guilt and punishment. equitable; due; merited; as, a just recomthe act of executing a prisoner and trying

In such righteousness pense or reward. - 8. Full; reaching the him afterwards: from Jedburgh, a Scotch

To them by faith imputed, they may find

Justification towards God, and peace common standard; complete. border town, where many of the border or conscience.

Milton So that once the skirinish was like to have come to

raiders were said to have been hanged with- (d) The act of adjusting or making exact; the a just battle. Knolles. out even the formality of a trial.

act of causing the various parts of a comHe was a comely personage, a little above just We will have Jedwood justice-hang in haste and plex object to fit together; as, in printing, the stature.

try at leisure.

Sir W. Scott.

putting equal space between the words in --Righteous, Just. See under RIGHTEOUS. Justicet (jus'tis), v. t. To administer jus- each line, making the lines of precisely the Just (just), n. That which is just; justice. tice to.

same length, and the like. (e) The act of Strength from truth divided and from just.' The king delivered him to the French king to be judging; condemnation; punishment with Milton.

justiced by him at his pleasure. Hayward death; execution. (Scotch.) Just (just), adv. 1. Close or closely; near Justiceablet (jus'tis-a-bl), a. Liable to ac

Justificative (jus-tif'i-kāt-iv), a. Justifying; or nearly in place; as, he stood just by the count in a court of justice.

having power to justify; justificatory. speaker and heard what he said. -- 2. Ex Justice Ayre. (See EYRE.) In Scots law, a

Justificator (jus-tif'i-kāt-ér), n. One who actly or nearly in time; almost; immedi

circuit through the kingdom made by the justifies, as, in law, a compurgator who by ately; immediately before or after; as, just at

lords of justiciary for the distribution of oath justified the innocent; also, a jurythat moment he arose and fled.-3. Exactly; justice.

man, because the jurymen justify that party nicely; accurately; as, they remained just Justicementt (jus'tis-ment), n. Adminis- for whom they deliver their verdict. of the same opinion.

tration of justice; procedure in courts. Justificatory (jus-tif'i-kā-to-ri), a. Vindica'Tis with our judgments as our watches; none Justicert (jus'tis-er), n. An administrator tory; defensory. Go just alike, yet each believes his own. Pope. of justice.

Justifier (jus'ti-fi-ér), n. One who justifies: And having just enough, not covet more. Dryden.

O give me cord, or knife, or poison, (a) one who vindicates, supports, or defends. 4. Narrowly; barely; only; as, he just escaped

Some upright justicer!

Shak. () One who pardons and absolves from guilt without injury. --But just, barely; scarcely. Justiceship (jus'tis-ship), n. The office or and punishment. Just (just), n. See JOUST. dignity of a justice.

That he might be just, and the justifier of him Just (just), v.i. Same as Joust. Justicia (jus-ti'shi-a), n. [From J. Justice,

which believeth in Jesus.

Rom. iii. 26. Juste-au-corps (zhiist-ő-kor), n. [Fr.) A the name of an eminent horticulturist. ) A Justify (jus'ti-lī), v.t. pret. & pp, justified;

close body-coat, similar to, if not identical genus of ornamental flowering plants of the ppr. just ifying. [Fr. justifier; L justus, with the jupon. Fairholt.

nat order Acanthacex, growing in damp just, and facio, to make.] 1. To prove or Juste-milieu (zhüst-mé-lyė), n. (Fr., the tropical and sub-tropical regions, especially show to be just or conformable to law, right, golden mean.) The true mean; specifically in India and South Africa. In the genus as

justice, propriety, or duty; to defend or applied to that method of administering defined by Linnæus numerous medicinal maintain; to vindicate as right; to warrant government which consists in maintaining plants were included, such as J. nasuta, Curable evils justify clamorous complaints; the itself by moderation and conciliation be- now Rhinacanthus communis, used in In- incurable justify only prayers.

De Quincey. tween the extreme parties on either side. dia in the treatment of skin diseases, and J. 2. To declare free from guilt or blame; to Justice (jus'tis), n. (Fr., from L. justitia, (now Andrographis) paniculata, a well absolve; to clear. from justus, just.] 1. The quality of being known bitter. They are herbs or shrubs, I cannot justify whom the law condemns. Skak.

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