Imágenes de páginas

Release of Com

pany from all liabilities in respect

of the former gov

ernment guarantee.

Bondholders and

in respect of the subsidy.

to pay the same to the Company in the man-
ner and at the times and subject to the
deduction aforesaid on the warrants of the
Governor-in-Executive Committee and such
subsidy is in lieu of the guarantee given
by the Government to the Company in
section two of The Barbados Railway
Companys' Act, Amendment Act" for the
residue of the term thereof.

2. The Company are hereby released by the
Government of this Island from all liability
to recoup the Government any amount paid
by them under the said guarantee or to be
paid by them under the said subsidy, and
all indebtedness in respect thereof is hereby
cancelled and forgiven, and all rights of the
Company in respect of the said guarantee
are hereby extinguished.

3. The subsidy by this Act granted shall shareholders rights be subject to the same liabilities and charges to bondholders and shareholders of the Company and all other persons as the said annnal guarantee was liable to save so far as the same is released by this Act.

Company to expend in each of the 10 years 40 per cent

4. The Company shall during the continuance of this subsidy expend in each of its gross traffic year upon the general upkeep and mainearnings as herein tenance of its permanent way, rolling specified. stock, buildings and other property a sum not less than forty per centum of its gross tarffic earnings, and the subsidy hereby granted is conditional upon such expenditure being duly and effectually made by the Company.

Inspectors to be 5. Sometime during the month of Decemappointed to ascer- ber of each year the Governor-in-Executive tain whether the Committee shall appoint a duly qualified said 40 per cent is duly expended. person who together with the superintendent of public works shall inspect the



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manent way, rolling stock, buildings and other property of the company, and the said person and superintendent of public works (hereinafter called "the inspectors") shall have power to call for all books, vouchers and other documents in connection with the repairs or renewals of the said permanent way, rolling stock, buildings, and other property of the company, and they shall satisfy themselves that the said forty per centum of the gross traffic earnings has been duly expended in accordance with this Act, and in the event of the said Inspectors reporting to the Governor-in-Executive Committee that less than the amount aforesaid has been properly expended, the Governorin-Executive Committee shall have power to withhold the payment of the next halfyearly instalment of the subsidy until the said inspectors are satisfied that the full amount of the said forty per centum has been properly expended.

6. The said inspectors shall be held entitled to a fee of fifteen pounds each for such report or reports, to be paid to them by the colonial treasurer on the warrant of the Governor-in-Executive Committee and deducted from the said annual subsidy.

7. The several portions of Acts mentioned Payment of inin the schedule to this Act are hereby re- spectors. pealed, provided always that such repeal shall not affect,

(1.) the past operation of the enactments hereby repealed nor anything done or suffered under the enactments hereby repealed;


(2.) any right, privilege, obligation, or liability acquired, accrued, or incurred un


Suspending sec


der the enactments hereby repealed (save and except as mentioned in this Act.)

8. This Act shall not come into operation unless and until the officer administering the government notifies by Proclamation that it is Her Majesty's pleasure not to disallow the same, and thereafter it shall come into operation upon such day as the officer administering the government shall notify by the same or any other proclamation.

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Title of Act.

An Act to incorporate the Barbados Railway Company,

An Act to amend an Act entitled
"An Act to incorporate the Barbados
Railway Company passed the 25th of
February, 1873.

An Act to alter and amend the Barbados Railway Company's Act and "The Barbados Railway Company's Act, Amendment Act."

[blocks in formation]

Vestry authoris


(Assented to 27th August, 1892.)


An Act to authorise the vestry of the parish of Saint Joseph in this Island to pay an annual pension to Doctor Robert Bowie Walcott from the funds of the said parish.


THEREAS the vestry of the parish of Saint Joseph in this Island have presented a petition to the Legislature setting forth that Doctor Robert Bowie Walcott had been the Parochial Medical Officer for the said parish of Saint Joseph for the past forty-two years and upwards; that he was now upwards of seventy-two years of age and in very infirm health and therefore unable longer to continue to perform the duties of his office in a satisfactory manner; that he was in very straitened circumstances and that the petitioners were willing on his retiring from the said office to allow him an annual pension of fifty pounds from the funds of the said parish; and praying that the Legislature would pass an Act authorising them to pay an annual pension to the said Robert Bowie Walcott during his life from the funds of the said parish, commencing from the twenty fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninetytwo; And Whereas it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition: Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly of this Island, and by the authority of the same, as follows;

1. From and after the passing of this Act

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