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Let us help you to increase your business.




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These are characteristics of all business passed through our Agency. We do not merely place orders. We study, consult, advise, continually submit designs, ideas and suggestions, watch results in short, spare no pains to get the best possible value and return for every shilling our clients spend on advertising. With over 25 years' experience of this work behind us and a well-organised staff of experts now with us, we confidently assure business men that we can offer them


obtainable. Our clients, who include many large and important firms, express cordial appreciation of our ability and attention. If you are interested in the subject and have not yet seen our new catalogue (just out), you should drop us a p.c., and we shall be pleased to send you a copy post free by return. You will be sure to find something to interest you in it. Fully illustrated, with examples of up-to-date advertisements and views of these offices, etc.


THOMAS DIXON Managing Director. Established 1878. Telephone 2016 Gerrard.

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Due to Method

Business-like brevity and telling commonsense are the characteristics of the magazine METHOD, which will be patent to the most superficial reader, and the treatment of the different subjects grips one as that of a writer who knows what he is talking about and doesn't waste words. To the enterprising man the magazine at once makes its appeal, and to such people as manufacturers who do not advertise, and expect their businesses to flourish, it says a few straight words stinging with truth. The magazine contains descriptions of various methods of business systems, aud numerous rules for business men's guidance.-The Weekly Scotsman, April 15th, 1905.

Specimen Copies, 8d (15c.) Post free.


"METHOD," Ld.,

Browning's Industrial Magazine


¶ Devoted to the design and construction of labor saving and material handling machinery, also shop and drafting room practice.



16 Thanet House, Strand, London, W. C., (England)

Lock Drawer O,




What if Your Boy Should Become President Some Day?


HE bright, tousel-headed American boy-God bless him-he's the man of the future. From the time of his first incoherent expression which by some subtle procèss known only to mothers, is translated into "mamma;" through the period of boyhood, with its boistrous "Ma;" to the student, when the dawning of manhood mellows and softens the expression into "Mother;" his future is constantly before us. Mothers-Fathers-I want to talk to you about that boy.

If he is a great reader, seek to give him that which will extend his knowledge of every day affairs.

If he dislikes reading, it is because he has not found an appetizing dish. Here's a suggestion:

Is he interested in the great government at Washington? Wouldn't it be the best thing in the world to interest him in this subject?

Would he like to have me come into your own home and tell him all about the interesting things that are happening there?

For five years, I have been in elbow touch with prominent men in public affairs, and take a keen interest in telling about them.

Ask your boy if he wants to Know Joe Chapple and his National Magazine.

Ask him if he wants to go with me to the White House during the Receptions and Functions, to the Executive Offices, and various other departments of the government. Or, together we could visit the Capitol on the hill and learn about matters of vital interest to every American, old or young.

I tell it so the boy will understand, for I was once a boy and never could get my fill of just such things. He will grow a strong, healthy growth with a widening knowledge of the Great Government of which he is destined to be a part. It is the greatest school of patriotism in the world.

These "homey" letters cost only a trifle over eight cents per month. They compose a department of sixteen pages, well illustrated, in the NATIONAL MAGAZINE. The remaining 120 pages each month devoted to other great National enterprises and delightful stories, by leading writers.

Doesn't this smack of something interesting, not only to the boy, but to the whole family? Talk it over with the boys and girls too-and fatherfor it is equally interesting to all.

Let me in at the front door as a monthly visitor for a talk with the boys and a visit to the whole family. This coupon will be my card of admission. Fill it out today.


302 Trude Bldg., Chicego, Ill.

Dear Sir:-Enclosed find $1.00 for one year's subscription to the NATIONAL MAGAZINE.



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Dollar's Worth of Grouch, 10 cts.

Has 1905 been kind to you? Make 1906 a Banner Year of Happy Success by sending $1.00 for a year's subscription, beginning with the March number, hot from the press, to The Jeremiah Pub. Co., 42 Metropolitan Block, Chicago. Do it now, and immediately upon receipt we will send you free this year's January and February numbers.


prescribes "Get up" mornings and breakfast, then workafter lunch, work again-after dinner and perhaps some meager diversion, to bed. Repeat this three hundred times a year, year in and year out, until ostracised because "Oslerized," and there you are!-and gray hair and wrinkles refuse to move on after once prescribed and provoked into existence. There is but one remedy: Read TALESIDE WAILS, the Genial Magazine of Grouch.


destined that some of your best ads did not pay as well as you wished. There is but one remedy: Place them in a medium that charms its readers into a wonderfully receptive mood. That's why TALESIDE WAILS is a puller every time. Write for card rate.

"Fight virtue's cause, stand up in wit's defense, Win men from vice, and laugh them into sense." Ever since the good people of the United States awoke to the realization that their appreciation and productiveness of high class, finely pointed humor had not kept pace with their big-heartedness and greatness, it has been our desire to stimulate that great gift of God, good humorous humor, humorsome grouch, genial grouch, unruffled, bright, jolly, happy cheerfulness, and our staff critics select from the pens of five thousand authors and writers the best material only, all of which makes

TALESIDE WAILS The Genial Magazine

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of Grouch

a class by itself, and clever people pronounce it "a deucedly clever thing.' We believe in sunshine. We bring you sunshine. We are the official organ of Genial Lamentations.

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