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"If shadows track our earthly way,
To press the spirit's lightness,
Heaven can clothe the darkest day
In evening's golden brightness."

COL. BERTRAM was seated by the table busily engaged in reading a letter that David had handed him. When he laid it aside, Mrs. Bertram handed Walter's letter to him; he sighed, and said it would be a long two years before he would return. "But


suppose we may as well hope for the best. The letter I have just received is from Champlain; our old friend Mr. Willard has thought of us again, but it is evident from the contents, that

there are others whom he thinks still more of; he has been a widower several years."

Mrs. Bertram said she should think he would be afraid to marry again, as he was so unfortunate in his last wife. "Matilda, he is on the right track now, if he can gai the prize."


"My dear, what prize has he in view?"

"It is no less than our dear Mrs. Morse."

After a few moments' silence, Mrs. Bertram said, "That would never answer."


"I know, Matilda, there is a difference between the former character of Mr. Willard and that of Lieutenant Morse, but I am credibly informed that there is a thorough change in Mr. Willard; he looks entirely differeat from what he did seven years ago."

"When did you see him?"

"The last time I went to Montreal, I met him, he told me that after the death of his wife, which happened about four months after that of his child, that he rented his hotel, and moved upon a farm; he spoke in high commendations of the Rev. Charles Bradley, and said that his last interview with him had proved a great blessing; he has just informed me that he has corresponded with Mrs. Morse."

"And you think, Matilda, it wont answer at all?"

"I do not know, I am sure; I know that Mrs. Morse is very anxious to educate Odora, and Alpheus needs a father."

Mr. Bertram inquired if Alpheus was not a good boy?

"His disposition is selfish and stubborn."

“Does Mr. Willard wish you to negotiate for him?"

"It is pretty near that; he wishes me to speak a good word for him, and I think I shall."

"Why, Matilda, he is worth twentyfive thousand dollars, and what a home that will make for her and her family."

"Mr. Bertram, Mrs. Morse will never have a pleasanter home than she has now; throw back the curtain behind you, and look out at the window."


We do have a fine view of the cottage from this window, but those beautiful shade trees, those full blown roses, nor that luxuriant brier, that has climbed to the eaves of the house, will not educate her children, nor support her in her old age."

I see, my husband, that you are fully in favor of Mrs. Morse becoming the wife of Mr. Willard."

"It would be hard to be separated from her, and the village needs her society and influence; and Odora will soon be a young lady; our Florence is very much attached to her, I wish she could always be her companion

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Mr. Willard visited Roselle, several times during the summer, and again in the fall, carrying away a prize which had been appreciated there for more than twenty years.

Odora was very sad when she took leave of her friends, and when the carriage drove away from what had been her happy home, through her tears she bade it "farewell." It was a cold bleak November's day, and sometimes Odora's heart sank within her, when she thought of what she had left behind. Alpheus sat by her side, but it hap-. pened to be one of his cross days, so he paid but little attention to his sister.

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