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sank back in his chair and died in- | stantly.

William De Van was a child of many prayers. With such an example and such teaching, we might have expected better things of him, but he had looked upon the wine when it was red, and its delusive charms had allured him from the paths of virtue. If he had boldly withstood the tempter in his first assault, he would not have become his victim, or a disgraced outlaw.

Mrs. Morse was like an elder sister or mother to Mrs. Radford, who had known but little of what the world calls adversity till now. She appreciated the sympathy of her friends, who saw in the distant horizon of the future a dark cloud arising. She knew that the husband of her friend was daily increasing in wealth. He had just laid the foundation for a splendid mansion, and now his whole soul seem

ed absorbed in its completion, so he had but little time to sympathize with his wife, He would have been indignant if any one had told him that he did not love her he designed to, and thought he did, devotedly. He romped with his children when in the house or yard, and praised his tea and coffee, and declared that she was the best cook in New England. Sometimes, when he thought of it, he would ask about her meetings.

"When I get our new house done," he would say, "and other business arranged, I shall attend church with you occasionally. I suppose you have forgotten the problem you gave me to solve, long, long ago."

Mrs. Radford looked inquiringly. "Why, when we were watching with friend Morse's child."

"One promise," said she, "I made you that night, which I have always kept."

"Yes, yes," he answered hurriedly, "I know that the prayer of the righteous availeth much. My good old mother used to pray a great deal for me, and suppose that is what makes me such a pious man.'


Mrs. Radford was about to answer, but wishing to change the subject he asked, "Did you know, Affie. that Lieutenant Morse returned resterday?"

"I have not heard of it, but how is his health, and what is the decision of the council?"

"He is no better, and the physicians did not agree as to the cause of his disease."

"If it were I, I should be more discouraged than he is. He is spending all his loose property in travelling and paying physicians; this little village would sustain a greater loss than it ever has yet, should

he be taken away. I suppose you think, Affie, that our loss would prove his gain."

"I certainly do, for he has sought an interest in the blood of that Saviour that has made him an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ to an inheritance which is uncorruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away. When the earthly house of his tabernacle shall fail, he has a building not made with hands eternal in the heavens, upon which the eye of his faith seems steadfastly fixed."

Mr. Radford said, "I think he may yet recover; I hope he will live till I get our new house done, so that he can see what a fine appearance it will make. I can bring water from the spring yonder, so that we can have a fountain playing night and day in our front yard. I obtain

ed a draught for it when I was in New York last. I tell you what it is, Affie, Switzerland does not afford a more delightful spot for a building than we have over here. I wish our friend Morse, instead of paying out a hundred to enlarge his library, had taken it to build a piazza; it would improve the looks of his house very much. He had books enough before, he has more books than I should read and understand, if I should live to be as old as Methusaleh. I intend to get a few nice volumes, when we get into our new house."

Mrs. Radford was almost a silent listener, occasionally giving him a sorrowful smile; as her husband took his hat and hurriedly left the house, she murmured low, "I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." She called

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