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subsidy is absolutely necessary to permit our American ships to compete successfully with foreign ships which receive such generous aid from their respective governments.

Mr. Hanley concluded by congratulating his hearers on the uprising of independent parties, and the liberalizing of the two old parties, and reminded them that the leaders of all parties were warm advocates of trade expansion and the restoration of our merchant marine.

As Mr. Hanley sat down the chairman invited the governors in the auditorium-Stanley of Kansas, Atkinson of West Virginia, Pingree of Michigan, Scoville of Wisconsin, and Poynter of Nebraska-to seats on the platform. The distinguished delegates were warmly applauded and loud calls were made for a "speech" from Governor Pingree. He declined to respond.


Grand Master National Grange Patrons of Husbandry.

Every citizen of this republic should be free to use his labor as will best contribute to his benefit and happiness, not, however, infringing on the rights of any other citizen.

The right to acquire, own, control and enjoy the use and income of property, is an inalienable right, that should be enjoyed by each individual. Governments are organized and laws are enacted to better protect life, liberty, and the ownership and use of property. It is the legitimate function of governments to protect its citizens in the full and free enjoyment of these rights. It is for this security of life and the ownership of property that people are willing to pay taxes for the support of state and national governments.

The tendency of the times is for conducting large business enterprises and concentration of business into the hands of a few. In the early history of this country, when individuals desired to do a more extended business than they had capital to control, partnerships were formed of two or more, and the business was conducted by them jointly. These partnerships gave them no additional powers or privileges beyond those enjoyed by the individual citizen.

As the demand for concentration and the conduct of business on a still greater scale, the laws provided for the formation of

corporations to conduct certain lines of business, and the state granted them certificates of incorporation with certain defined privileges and the right to conduct business along certain lines, and in the case of canals and railroads they were granted the extraordinary power of condemning lands found necessary for the constructions of their roads or canals, and issue stock, limiting liability within certain limits defined by law, and granting absolute control of the minority of stock by the majority, and many other advantages and privileges not enjoyed by any individual citizen. These forms of corporation served a useful purpose, but within the past few years the ambitions of men to acquire power and wealth rapidly, these corporations have been consolidating many separate corporations located in one or several states, selling out their plants to a corporation organized for the purpose of buying up all these separate plants and conducting them under one management, and it has been found that the increased power possessed by these large consolidated corporations or trusts, as they are commonly known, have caused them to pursue a policy that has infringed on the rights of individuals, or have used their influences in restraint of trade, been detrimental to the rights of labor, destroyed the value of other property, and deprived other individuals of the use of their capital, and so far as this has been done, is clearly against public policy; and subversive of the best interests of the republic. The purpose of this conference, as I understand, is to consider this great question so vitally effecting the property rights of the citizens of the United States and make such recommendation to the Congress of the United States and the several legislatures as will secure such legislation as will in no wise cripple legitimate enterprise. and the development of the resources of our country, and yet secure the passage of such laws as will restrain the abuses that have grown up in corporate management of the various corporations now doing business in the United States. This is one of the most important questions now confronting the American people and one that must be met, and wisely met, or the republic is drifting on very dangerous grounds, that sooner or later will subvert the liberties of the people. We believe every good and loyal citizen should wisely consider this grave question and cast their influence to secure such legislation, state and national, as will eliminate all the evil practices of these so-called trusts and combinations.

It occurs to me that the first step to be taken in remedial legislation is to pass a well-considered anti-trust law by the Con

gress of the United States, clearly defining what practices on the part of any corporation would be injurious to public policy, and cripple or injure individual enterprise, thrift, and the acquirement and use of the property of any citizen of the republic; and to supplement this law by equally well-considered anti-trust laws by each of the several state legislatures to reach and apply to such phases of the matter as could not be reached by the act of Congress of the United States. These laws should have such provisions for their enforcement and provide penalties for violations by fines or imprisonment or both as will insure the compliance and observance of the laws by all corporations and combinations. To make these laws effective, it is absolutely necessary to know what these trusts and combinations are doing; and as these trusts have assumed so far as appearances go, to be honest, legitimate corporations, it is difficult to ascertain which ones are operating in a way detrimental to public policy. It would therefore seem that these laws should provide for government and state inspection of their business, of their books, agreements, receipts and expenditures, and that the state may have full knowledge, the right to examine all vouchers and records of the meetings of directors and managers; in short, full and complete knowledge of all the business of affairs of the corporation. The individuals in seeking a corporation franchise have asked the state to help them to a privilege or advantage they did not possess as individuals, or they would not seek to be incorporated as a corporation; and on account of that advantage granted and to protect the public, this inspection should be rigid and full. The people must know what the specific acts are that are against public policy before the laws can be enforced as against them, and the rights of the public protected. Corporations may object to this inspection on the ground that it would expose what they claim as their private business. In answer to this it might be said that the rights of the citizens of the state who grant the articles of incorporation or allow them to do business in the state, special privileges, have a right to know that the privilege has not been used against public policy; besides, there is no law now, never has been, never can be any law compelling any one to form a corporation and invest his money in any corporation enterprise. Those who invest in corporation stock, do so voluntarily.

If the corporations are conducting legitimate business, no injury will be done them by inspection. If they are using the powers granted to them by the state, to crush out other enterprises and deprive other citizens of the use and value of their property in order to avoid competition; if they are using their

power and influence in restraint of trade; if they are using large sums of money to illegitimately control political parties or to control legislation, as was testified before the Congressional investigation that the "Sugar trust made it a rule to make political contributions to the Republican party in Republican states and to the Democratic party in Democratic states." Mr. Havemeyer testified that, "We get a good deal of protection for our contributions," and when asked if his company had not endeavored to control legislation of Congress with a view of making money out of such legislation, he answered: "Undoubtedy. That is what I have been down here for," and many other cases might be cited. If they have agreements with railroad companies for rebates of freights, as has been shown to be the case in the Standard Oil trust and many others, these practices are most reprehensible and should be punished by such penalties as will effectually stop them. The agreements and conspiracies to depress the prices of raw material and staple products are equally against public policy.

In speaking for the agricultural interests of our country, that Teat basic industry that produces 70 per cent of the wealth of the country, and furnishes 60 per cent of the freight on all railroads, lake, river, and coastwise trade, and 69 per cent of all exports, and that make it possible for the other industrial interests of our country to prosper, I desire to say, these practices and conditions most seriously and injuriously affect it, and they demand of the legislatures of the several states and of the national Congress, well considered and effective legislation that will prevent the injurious practices of trusts and combinations.

I believe it to be the settled purpose of a majority of the people, to hold our representatives in Congress and in the several legislatures personally responsible for the enactment of such laws as will restrain and prevent the continuance of acts of trusts that are against public policy. I do not believe that the people hold any one party, as responsible for the present conditions, but I do believe that each individual member holding official position will be, and is, held for his voice and vote and action in the enactment of demanded remedial and protective legislation.

Our country is so vast, its interests so extended, and the constantly increasing wealth in its multiplied forms of the people need carefully considered laws governing the rights and uses of property, that corporations or individuals by agreements, may not be able to oppress or destroy any of the great industries of the nation. The demand of the times is for sound, sensible, good business men, with broad common sense, to frame the laws of our country, state and nation.


Secretary Farmers' National Congress.

Trusts are the latest device for doing things in a large way. They are the latest advance in a steady, persistent movement that has dominated the industrial development of the past one hundred years; that has gathered the isolated workers with tools, working alone, into shops; and then has brought a score of shops into a factory; and has then combined factories; that while thus developing the factory system until the result has been well termed an industrial revolution, has none the less worked a similar revolution in merchandising, in transportation, and in yet other lines of human activity, always resistlessly absorbing and combining to put more men and greater means under the control and direction of the masterful brain that has reached the place it occupies by a civil service indisputably based on merit, truly a "natural selection" in industry, always having for its object doing things in a larger way, because it is constantly proved that this is doing things in a more economical way (whether, all things considered, it is the best way, I cannot discuss here). Hence the trust is a logical phenomenon in this industrial development. Being such, it may be destroyed in form, but I do not believe that it can be destroyed in essence. It will doubtless be modified, in time it will be superceded, and certainly while it exists it may and ought to be directed, controlled, and made an instrument, not for private gain alone, but for the public good. I believe that it will be wiser for us, not to seek to destroy it, but to make it our servant. We have the machine; it is for us not to try to smash it, but to discover how best to use it.

I believe that anything that increases the productivity of mankind is a good thing and should work good; that if it does not work good, it is not the fault of that thing per se; that whatever increases the productivity of human labor gives man more to enjoy and more time for recreation; that it is a good, though to reach the ultimate benefit of the many, it may for a time hurt the few, as when a new labor-saving machine for a time throws men out of employment, and therefore the trust ought to be a good thing. If so far it has wrought ten times as much harm as good to the people, as it seems to have done, that is not the fault of the trust, which certainly can exist without being a monopoly, but because it has been misused. I doubt if any discussion of the effect of industrial combination on the individual, for example, will show otherwise.

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