Imágenes de páginas



Ab initio. From the beginning.
Ab uno disce omnes. From a single
instance you may infer the whole.
Ad captandum vulgus. To catch the

Ad finem esto fidelis. Be faithful to

the end.

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cacoethes loquendi — scribendi. rage for talking--scribbling.


Caput mortuum.

The worthless re

Cede Deo. Submit to God.
Cede magnis. Give way to the pow-
Cedant arma toga.
to eloquence.
Certum pete finem.

Let arms yield

Aim at a sure

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Data. Things given or granted.
De facto-de jure. From the fact-
from the law.

Delectando pariterque monendo. By
imparting at once pleasure and in-

Delenda est Carthago. Carthage must
be destroyed. (The words of Cato.)
De mortuis nil nisi bonum. Let noth-
ing be said of the dead but what is

Deo favente-juvante-volente. With
God's favor-help-will.
Desideratum. The thing desired.
Desipere in loco. To play the fool at
the right time.

Desunt cætera. The remainder is want-

Deum cole, Patria serva.
God, serve your country.
Deus protector noster.



God is our pro

Dilige amicos. Love your friends.
Divide et impera. Divide and govern.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

It is sweet and glorious to die for
one's country.

Dum vivimus vivamus. Let us live while we live.

Causus belli. The cause or reason for Est modus in rebus. There is a medi


um in all things.

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Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur. Guilt attaches to a judge when the guilty are suffered to escape. Jure divino-humano. By divineby human law.

Labor omnia vincit. Labor conquers everything.

Lapsus lingua. A slip of the tongue. Lex talionis. The law of retaliation. Locum tenens. A deputy or substitute.

Magna est veritas, et prævalebit. The truth is powerful, and will prevail. Materiem superabat opus. The workmanship surpassed the materials. Medio tutissimus ibis. A medium course will be the safest.

Memento mori. Remember death. Mens sibi conscia recti. A mind conscious of rectitude.

Mirabile dictu. Wonderful to tell.
Multum in parvo.
Much in little.
Mutatis mutandis. After making the
necessary changes.

Necessitas non habet leges. Necessity has no law.

Nem. con. An abbreviation of nemine contradicente. Without dissent or opposition.

Ne plus ultra. Nothing beyond-the utmost point.

Ne quid nimis. Too much of one
thing is good for nothing.
Nisi Dominus frustra. Unless the
Lord assist you, all your efforts are

in vain.

Noscitur ex sociis. He is known by his companions.

Nota bene (N. B.) Mark well.
Obiter dictum. A thing said by the

way or in passing. Onus probandi. The weight of proof; the burden of proving.

O si sic omnia! Oh that he had always done, or spoken thus!

O tempora, O mores! Oh the times, oh the manners!

Otium cum dignitate. Ease with dignity.

Palmam qui meruit ferat.

Let him who has won bear the palm. Pari passu. By a similar gradation. Par nobile fratrum. A noble pair of brothers. Particeps criminis. Passim.

An accomplice.

Per fas et nefas. Through right and
Per se.

By itself.

Poeta nascitur non fit. Nature, not study, must form a poet. Prima facie. On the first view or appearance.

Prima viæ. The first passages; the

upper part of the intestinal canal. Primum mobile. The main spring; the first impulse.

Principiis obsta. Oppose the first appearance of evil.

Pro aris et focis. For our altars and firesides.

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Reductio ad absurdum. A reducing | Suum cuique.

to an absurdity. Re infecta. end.

Without attaining his

Requiescat in pace. May he rest in peace.

Res angusta domi. Narrow circumstances at home.

Respice finem. Look to the end.
Seriatim. In order.

his own.

Tabula rasa.

Let every man have A smoothed tablet.

Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in ittis. The times change, and we change with them.

Toties quoties. As often as.
Supra. Above mentioned.
Vade mecum. Go with me.
Veluti in specuum. As if in a mirror.

Sic itur ad astra. Such is the way to Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I con


Sic passim. So everywhere. Sic transit gloria mundi.

Thus the

glory of the world passes away. Sine die. To an indefinite time.

Sine qua non. An indispensable con


Status quo ante bellum. The state in which both parties were before the


Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re. Gentle in the manner, but vigorous in the deed.

Sub silentio. In silence.
Summum bonum. The chief good.


Vis inertia. For or property of inanimate matter.

Versus (v.) Against.

Vice versa. changed.

The terms of cases being

Vi et armis. By main force. Viva voce. By or with the living or loud voice.

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CALIFORNIA, constitution of..

CAVEAT, specification for..

CERTIFICATE, of partnership (error in caption)..

of cash, application for land..........

of citizenship....

of clerk, to official character and signature

of approval of bond, and oath..

of sheriff, of sale..



CITIZENSHIP, certificate of..

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