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commended by Dr. Haliey as very proper for practice.

d him to see him paint; he was born at Salisbury and died in 1676. GREENUP, Christopher, a soldier of the re- GREGORY, David, a distinguished mathevolution, and a representative in congress, from matician, who first introduced Newton's PrinciKentucky, was governor of that state, in 1804; piæ into the university schools; he died in 1710. he died in 1818. GREGORY, Dr. John, an eminent physician GREENVILLE, Sir Richard, grandfather, and moral writer, died in 1773. His writings of the well known Sir Bevil Greenville, com-are spirited and elegant, and calculated for gemanded a fleet in America, in 1585, against the Spaniards, but was taken, and died of his wounds.

neral utility. Those by which he is best known are, "A Comparative View of the state of Man and other Animals;" "A Father's Legacy to GREENVILLE, Sir Bevil, distinguished in his Daughters; and "An Essay on the Office the civil wars for defending his sovereign; he and Duties of a Physician;" by the latter of fell at the battle of Lansdowne, in 1643. which he plainly shows that he thought the GREENWOOD, Isaac, professor of mathe-medical art, to be generally admired, needed matics and natural philosophy, in Harvard col-only to be better known; and that the affectalege, from 1728 to 1738. tion of concealment retarded its progress, renGREGORIUS, Georgius Florentinus, a learn-dered it a suspicious art, and tended to draw ed bishop of Tours, in the 6th century; he was ridicule and disgrace on its professors. an able writer, but censured by Gibbon; he died GREGORY, John, an English divine, who about 595. wrote several works; he died in 1646. GREGORY, Edmund, author of the "His

GREGORY, George, D. D., annglish divine, and miscellaneous writer, was settled in Lon-torical Anatomy of Christian Melancholy," &c. don, where he supported and defended the ini-died in 1650. nistry by his writings; he died in 1808. GREGORY, Nazianzen, patriarch of ConGREGORY, St., surnamed the Great, a mild stantinople, born in 324, died in 389. He was and benevolent pontiff, died in 604. GREGORY II., an enlightened and virtuous pontiff, died in 731.


GREGORY III., a charitable, but magnificent pontiff, who added splendour to the holy see; he died in 1741.

GREGORY IV., who visited France, to reconcile the jarring interests of the royal family of France, but without success; he died in 884. GREGORY V., Brunon, a German, pope after John XVI.; he died in 999.

one of the ablest champions of the orthodox faith concerning the Trinity, whence he had the title given him of "THE DIVINE," by unanimous consent.

GREGORY, Nyssen, bishop of Nyssa, in 371, and author of the Nicene Creed, died in 396.

GREGORY, Theodorus, bishop of Neo-Cesarea, surnamed Thaumaturgus, a disciple of Origen, and famous for his conversion of the Gentiles; he died about 265.

GREGORY Peter, a native of Toulouse, auGREGORY VI., John Gratian, who attempt-thor of some learned, but injudicious works; ed to restore the revenues of the church; he ab-he died in 1527. dicated the tiara in 1046.

GREGORY, Dr. George, a native of Ireland, GREGORY VII., Hildebrand, succeeded Alex-and a learned and industrious moral and miscel ander II.; he abdicated the pontificate, and died in 1085.

GREGORY VIII., Albert de Mora, succeeded Urban III., and died two months after, in 1187. GREGORY IX., Ugolin, elected pope in 1227. He excited the Christian princes to undertake a crusade, and died in 1241.

GREGORY X., Theobald, summoned a general council at Lyons, and endeavoured to heal all schisms in religion; he died in 1276.

GREGORY XI., Peter Roger, a promoter of Concord and benevolence among the Christian princes; he died in 1378.

GREGORY XII., elected pope in 1406, during the schism of the West; he died in 1417.

laneous writer, died vicar of West-Ham, in 1809. GRENADA, Lewis de, who refused the bishopric of Braganza, being so much attached to a monastic life; he died in 1588.

GRENAN, Benignus, a Latin poet, poetical rival of professor Coffin; he died in 1723.

GRENCE, a French painter of great merit. GRENVILLE, George, a celebrated British statesman, known in parliamentary history for his two bills for a more regular payment of the navy, in 1757, and for the trial of contested elections in 1770.

GRESHAM, Sir Thomas, an eminent merchant, born in London, in 1519, and died in 1579. He was well acquainted with the ancient and seGREGORY XIII., Hugh Buoncompagno, veral modern languages, had a very comprehenelected pope after Pius V., in 1572; he reform-sive knowledge of all affairs relating to comed the calendar, and adopted the style which merce, whether foreign or domestic; and his sucbears his name. He died in 1585. cess was not less, being in his time esteemed the GREGORY XIV., Nicholas Sfondrate, elect-richest commoner in England. He transacted ed pope after Urban VII., and died in 1591 queen Elizabeth's mercantile affairs so constantGREGORY XV., Alexander Ludovisio, madely, that he was called "The Royal Merchant;" pope in 1621, died in 1623. and his house was sometimes appointed for GREGORY, James, a very eminent mathe-the reception of foreign princes upon their first matician, born at Aberdeen, in 1639, died in arrival in London; but the most shining part 1675. The chief inventions of Gregory are, the of his character appears in his public benefacreflecting telescope, the burning concave mirtions. The Royal Exchange, which he built, Tor, and the quadrature of the circle by an in-was a singular ornament to the city of London, finite converging series. He was likewise the and a great convenience to the merchants, who first who demonstrated the meridian line to be wanted such a place to meet and transact their analagons to a scale of lograrithic tangents, of affairs in; and the donation of his own manthe half complement of latitude: he also invent-sion-house, in Bishopsgate-street, for a seat of ed and demonstrated geometrically, by the help learning and the liberal arts, with the handsome of the hyperbola, a very swift converging series provision made for the endowment and support for making the logarithms, and therefore re-lof it, was such an instance of a generous and

province of Massachusetts, of great distinctle he died in 1767.

public spirit as has been equailed by few, and must perpetuate his memory with the highest esteem and gratitude, so long as any regard to GRIERSON,Constantia, born at Kilkenny, in learning and virtue is preserved; nor ought his Ireland, 1706, died 1733. She was an excellent charities to the poor, his 8 alms-houses, and his scholar, not only in Greek and Roman literature, liberal contributions to the 10 prisons and hos- but in history, divinity, philosophy, and mathe pitals in London and Southwark, to be forgottenmatics; and wrote elegantly both in verse and in the delineation of Sir Thomas Gresham's be-prose. nevolent character.

GRIESBACH, John Jacob, a learned critic and GRESSET, John Baptist Lewis, a celebrated divine, born in Hesse Darmstadt, 1745. In 1775, French poet, and author of Vert-vert; he died

in 1777.

GRETSER, James, a learned jesuit, 24 years professor at Ingoldstadt; he died in 1635.

GREUZE, a very eminent French painter. GREVENBROECK, an admired Flemish painter, of the 17th century.

GREVILLE, Fulk, or Foulk, lord Brooke, an eminent statesman, historian and dramatic writer, born in Warwickshire, in 1554, was assassinated by one of his domestics in 1628. GREVIN, James, a poet and physician; he wrote several plays, &c., and died in 1573. GREVIUS, or GRAVIUS, John George, a celebrated Latin critic, born in 1632, at Naum bourg, in Saxony, died in 1703.

GREW, Obadiah, an English divine, who sided with the presbyterians, but opposed their views in cutting off the king; he died in 1698.

he published his edition of the "Greek Testament," with various readings; an inestimable work. His "Critical Notes upon the Scriptures" are very valuable. He died at Jena, where he was divinity professor, in 1812.

GRIFFET, Henry, a jesuit, of Moulins, who died at Brussels, in 1775. He published Daniel's History of France.

GRIFFIER, John, an eminent painter, called old Griffier; he died in London, in 1718. His son, called young Griffier, was an excellent landscape painter, and was living in 1713.

GRIFFIN, Cyrus, a member, and president of congress; a warm friend of the independence of the colonies; and, in 1780, a judge of the United States' district court for Virginia; be died in 1810.


GRIFFIN, the last prince of Wales before its final subjugation by the English, was murdered GREW, Nehemiah, a learned writer and phy-by his conquerors. sician, and secretary to the Royal Society, born GRIFFITH, Michael, a native of London, whe at Coventry, in 1628. His chief works are "A became a jesuit, and was missionary of his order Catalogue of the natural and artificial Rarities in ngland; he died in 1652.

belonging to the Society;" "A Comparative GRIFFITH, Elizabeth, a novelist and dramaAnatomy of the Stomach and Guts;" and "Thetic writer of some eminence, first distinguished Anatomy of Plants," &c.; he died in 1711. by "The Letters of Henry and Frances," which GREY, Lady Jane, an illustrious, but unfor-contained the genuine correspondence between tunate personage of the blood royal of England her and her husband before their marriage. Her by both parents; her grandmother on her father's next publication was, "Memoirs of Ninon de side, Henry Grey, marquis of Dorset, being queen L'Enclos." Beside these, she wrote three novels, consort to Edward IV., and her grandmother four comedies, the "Morality of Shakespeare's on her mother's, lady Frances Brandon, being Drama illustrated." and "Essays addressed to daughter to Henry VII., queen Dowager of Young Married Women," which closed and France, and mother of Mary queen of Scots. crowned her literary career. She died in Ireland, She was born in 1537, and fell a victim to the am-1793.

bition of her parents, who on the demise of GRIFFITHS, Ralph, first editor of the MonthEdward VI., overcame her by their persuasions ly Review, begun in 1749, which he edited very to suffer herself to be proclaimed queen of Eng-ably; he died in 1803. jand. Though only an innocent, agent, she GRIGNAN, Frances Margaret de Sevigne, was, on the accession of Mary, declared guilty countess of; the correspondence between her of high treason, and beheaded in 1554, aged 17 and her mother is highly esteemed; she died in years. She was eminent for her piety and 1705. learning, being mistress of the Greek and Latin languages, in both of which she wrote elegant letters, which were printed after her death."

GREY, Dr Zachary, an ingenious English scholar, born in Yorkshire, in 1687, died at Ampthill, in 1766. He was the author of nearly 30 publications; but his edition of "Hudibras," 2 volumes 8vo., is the work which will best preserve his memory.

GRIGNION, Charles, an engraver, who ac quired great reputation in England, until his manner was superseded by a more fashionable and imposing style; he died in 1810, aged 94. GRIGNON, Jaques, an eminent French graver of portraits, flourished toward the end of the 17th century.

GRIGNON, Charles, an English painter of some celebrity, who was sent by the royal academy to Rome, where he painted a picture of the death of captain Cook, &c.; he died at Leg horn, in 1804.

GREY, Dr. Richard, a learned English divine and polemical writer, born in 1693, died in 1771. He published "Memoria Technica; or a new Method of Artificial Memory;" "A System of GRIMALDI, John Francis, a celebrated painEnglish Ecclesiastical Law"" A new and easy ter, born at Bologna, in 1606, studied under CaMethod of learning Hebrew without points," &c.racci, to whom he was related, and died in 1680. GRIBALDUS, Matthew, a learned civilian, of Padua, who left Italy to embrace protestantism; he embraced the anti-trinitarian doctrine, for which he was persecuted; he died of the plague,

in 1564.

GRIMANI, Domenico, son of the doge of Ve nice, a learned man, died in 1523. GRIMANI, Hubert, an excellent portrait pain ter, of Delft, died in 1629.

GRIMAREST, Leonard, a Frenchman, whe wrote the life of Charles XII., &c. ; he died in

GRIBNER, Michael Henry, professor of law at Wittemberg, wrote several works on jurispru-1720. dence, and died in 1734.

GRIMAUD, N. de, professor of medicine st GRIDLEY, Jeremy, attorney-general of the Montpelier, died in W91.


GRIMMER, James, an admired landscape painter, of Antwerp, died in 1546. GRIMOUX, a French painter, who affected to make no distinction between night and day; he died in 1740.

GRIMSTON, Sir Harbottle, master of the rolls to Charles II., an eminent law writer, and original editor to Judge Croke's Reports, born in 1584, died in 1683.

GRINDAL, Edmund, archbishop of Canterury, an able theological writer, born in 1519, died at Croydon, in 1583.

GRINGONNEUR, Jacquemin, a Parisian painter of the 14th century, who is said to have invented cards to amuse the melancholy hours of Charles VI., king of France.

GRINGORE, Peter, herald at arms to the duke of Lorraine, died in 1544.

GRISAUNT, William, an English physician, astronomer and mathematician of some note; the time of his death is unknown.


drawing Caricatures; the Subject illustrated with four Copperplates; with an Essay on Comic Painting."

GROSLEY, Peter John, a Frenchman, member of the academy of belles letters, &c., and author of several works; he died in 1785.

GROSSETESTE, Robert, an English prelate who wrote commentaries on Aristotle, &c. Dr. Pegge wrote his life; he died in 1253.

GROSTESTE, Claude, a minister of Savoy, who went to London on the revocation of the edict of Nantes; he wrote several works, and died in 1713.

GROSVENOR, Benjamin, a native of London, and minister of a dissenting congregation there; he wrote an Essay on Health, &c., and died in 1758.

GROTIUS, Hugo, or Hugo de Groot, born at Delft, in 1583, died in 1645. He was eminent as a lawyer, philosopher, mathematician, historian, political and poetical writer; but his chief works GRISWOLD, Roger, LL. D., an eminent are "Treatise of the Truth of the Christian lawyer of Connecticut, was a distinguished and Religion;" and, which, singly, is sufficient to Influential member of Congress under the ad-render his name immortal, his "Treatise of the ministration of the first President Adams, and Rights of War and Peace," "De Jure Belli et his successor. In 1801 he was appointed secre- Pacis." tary of war, an office which he declined; he was afterwards successively a judge of the supreme court, and lieutenant governor and governor of his native state. He died in 1812.

GRIVE, John de la, a French geographer, born at Sedan; author of "Topography of Paris," &c.; he died in 1757.

GROCHOWSKI, a Pole, who was at the battle of Syezekociny with Kosciusko, in 1791, in which he was mortally wounded.

GRODITIUS, Stanislaus, a jesuit, of Poland, author of 8 vols. of Latin sermons, &c. ; he died in 1613.

GRONOVIUS, John Frederic, an eminent civilian, historian, and critic, born at Hamburgh, in 1613, died in 1672.

GROTIUS, William, brother of Hugo, was a distinguished lawyer and a writer on law; he died in 1662.

GROVE, Henry, a learned divine among the English dissenters, born at Taunton, in 1683, died in 1738, leaving some very excellent theological treatises.

GROVE, Joseph, an English historical and critical writer, died in 1764. His best work is a "Life of cardinal Wolsey."

GROCYN, William, born at Bristol. 1442, died GRUBER, Gabriel, a very distinguished je1519. He was a greater master of the Greek suit, born at Vienna, who at an early age made and Latin languages, and introduced a better great proficiency in the arts and sciences. He pronunciation of the latter, than had been known practised and taught successively, rhetoric, hisbefore in England. He was professor of Greektory, mathematics, hydraulics, chymistry, archiat Oxford, where he is said to have taught tecture, and medicine, in which he obtained the Erasmus. degree of doctor. His recreations were physical and chymical experiments, drawing and painting. On the suppression of the society of jesuits, the empress Maria Theresa took him into her service, and intrusted to him the superintendence of ship-building at Trieste, as well as the draining of the Sclavonian and HunGRONOVIUS, James, son of the preceding,garian morasses. As soon as he learned that the and a writer on the belles lettres, born at De- society continued to exist in the Russian emventer, in 1645, and died in 1716. His chef pire under the protection of the government, he d'œuvre is, "Thesaurus Antiquitatum Græca-joined the society at Polocz, where he applied rum," 13 vols. folio. himself to his favourite studies for several years. GROPPER, John, an able polemic, of West-Being sent to St. Petersburgh several times on phalia, who had a great abhorrence of women, the business of the society, he gained the esteem he died in 1559. of their imperial majesties. In 1802 he was GROS, Peter, an able sculptor, who embel-elected general of the society, and showed much lished the capital of France with his art; he died in 1710.

GROS, Nicholas, a theologian, of Rheims, whose opposition to the bull unigenitus obliged him to flee from France to England; he was author of several works, and died in 1751.

GROSE, Francis, F.S. A., who, after having Hlustrated the "Antiquities of England, Wales, and Scotland," in a series of views of monastic and other ruins, was on the point of completing his design by those of "Ireland," where he had been employed about a month before his death, which happened in 1791, in the 52d year of his age. He published also "A Treatise on ancient Armour and Weapons;" "A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue;" "A provincial Glossary, with a Collection of local Proverbs and popular Superstitions;" and "Rules for

tranquillity and perseverance in very arduous and trying circumstances. By his exertions, the order increased in Russia, and was restored in the kingdom of Naples. His amiable and philanthropic behaviour, and the variety and extent of his knowledge, procured him many friends, as well as the confidence and good-will of men of the highest rank. With those abilities and information which form a great mind, he united the piety and virtue of a true member of a religious order. He died in 1805.

GRUCHIUS, Nicolas, of Rouen, was the first who explained Aristotle in Greek; he died in 1572.

GRUDIUS, Nicolas Everard, treasurer of Brabant; he wrote sacred and profane history in Latin, and died in 1571.

GRUE, Thomas, a Frenchman, in the latter

part of the 17th century, who translated Ross' History of all Religons into French, &c. GRUET, N., a young poet of promising abilities, he was killed by the discharge of a fowling piece, in 1778.

GRUGET, Claude, a Parisian, of the 16th century, who translated Spanish and Italian works into French.

GRUNER, John Frederic, an able theologian and scholar, of Cobourg, and author of several works on language; he died in 1778.

GRUTERUS, Janus, a celebrated philologer, antiquary and historian, born at Antwerp, in 1560, died in 1627.

GUAY TROUIN, Rene du, a famous admiral. See DU-GRAY.

GUAZZI, Stephen, an Italian, author of some poems, dialogues, &c., much esteemed; he died in 1565.

GUAZZI, Mark, of Padua, eminent in arms and literature; he wrote a History of Charles VIII., and died in 1556.

GUDIN DE LA BRENELLERIE Paul Philip a French writer, author of tragedies, essays on various subjects, &c., died in 1812.

GUDIUS, Marquard, an able critic, of Holstein, who owed his elevation, being counsellor to the duke of Holstein, to the friends of his pupil Schas, who left him his property; he died in 1689.

GRUTERUS, Peter, a practitioner of physic, in Flanders, who published "A Century of Latin Letters," &c.; he died in 1634. GUDIUS, Gottlob Frederic, a Lutheran mini3GRYLLUS, son of Xenophon, slew Epamiter, author of some valuable works. nondas, and fell himself at the battle of Ma- GUEDRIER DE ST AUSTIN, Henry Mitinea, 363 B. C. chael, a doctor of the Sorbonne, distinguished as a casuist; he died in 1742.

GRYNÆUS, Simon, a learned German, Greek professor at Vienna, and afterwards at Heidelberg, became a protestant, for which he suffered much; he died in 1541.

GRÝNÆUS. John James, a native of Berne, and minister and professor at Basil; he died in


GRYNÆUS, Thomas, was professor of Greek and Latin, at Berne and Basil; he left four sons, all eminent in literature.

GRYPHIARDER, John, professor of history and poetry, at Jena, died in 1612.

GUERARD, Robert, of Rouen, who wrote an abridgment of the Bible in questions and answers, &c.; he died in 1715.

GUERART, Benjamin, governor of the state of South Carolina, died at Charleston, in 1789. GUERCHEVILLE, Antoinette de Pons, marchioness of, a French lady, who, when Henry IV. meditated an attack on her virtue, replied that she was not noble enough to be his wife, but too noble to be his mistress.

GUERCHI, Claude Lewis de Regnier, count GRYPHIUS, Sebastian, a very celebrated de, a French general, who distinguished himself printer, of Lyons, in France, born in Germany, in the wars of Italy and Flanders; he died in in 1493. The books printed by him are highly||1768. valued by the connoisseurs, being no less accurate than beautiful; he died in 1556.

GRYPHIUS, Andrew, the Corneille of Germany, died in 1664.

GRYPHIUS, Christian, son of Andrew, was professor of eloquence at Breslaw; he was a man of extensive erudition, &c., and died in


GUA DE MALVES, John Paul de, a French ecclesiastic, who first conceived the idea of an encyclopedia, which was executed by d'Alembert; he died in 1786.

GUADAGNOLO, Philip, a learned orientalist, born at Magliano, and author of several works; he died in 1656.

GUAGUIN, Alexander, an author, who wrote some topographical works; he died at Cracow, after 1581.

GUERCINO, (so called from a cast that he had in one of his eyes, for his true name was Francesco Barbieri da Cento,) a celebrated Italian painter, born near Bologna, in 1590, died in 1666.

GUERET, Gabriel, eminent as an advocate at the bar, and as an author; he died at Paris,in 1688.

GUERICK, Otho, a Prussian, and the most celebrated mathematician of his time, born in 1602, died in 1686. He was inventor of the airpump, and wrote largely on natural philosophy. GUERIN, Francis, professor of the college of Beauvais, translated Tacitus and Livy into French.

GUERINIERE, Francis Robichon, author of "l'Ecole de Cavalerie," &c.; he died in 1751. GUERRE, Martin, a Frenchman, whose wife, in his absence, received another man, as her husband; but he returning, the impostor was hanged, in 1650.

GUALBERT, St. John, a Florentine, who founded a monastery at Vallombrosa, which spot is immortalized by Milton; he died in 1073. GUÉSCLIN, Bertrand du, constable of GUALDUS, Prioratus, an Italian, historio- France, a renowned general, who checked the grapher to the emperor; he wrote the histories victorions progress of Edward III., of England, of Ferdinard II. and III., &c., and died in 1678. after king John of France was taken prisoner; GUALTERUS, Rodolphus, author of Com-he was born in Brittany, in 1311, died in 1380. mentaries on the Bible, &c., died in 1586.

GUETTARD, John Stephen, a French physi

GUARIN, Peter, an excellent Hebrew scholar,cian and botanist, whose application was the of Rouen; he died in 1729.

GUARINI, an eminent scholar, of a noble Veronese family, professor of languages at Ferrara, and author of some works; he died in 1460.

GUARINI, John Baptist, a celebrated Italian poet, born at Ferrara, in 1537, died in 1612. The "Pastor Fido" has immortalized the name of Guarini.

GUARINI, Guarino, a well known architect, who embellished Turin and Paris; he died in 1683.

GUASCO, Octavian, a native of Turin, who distinguished himself by his writings; he died


cause of his death, in 1786; he wrote on plants. GUEULETTE, Thomas Simon, a French advocate, author of some novels and comedies; he died in 1766.

GUEVARA, Antony de a Spanish writer, whose life of M. A. Antonius has been translated into all the languages of Europe; he died in


GUEVARA, Lewis Velez de, a Spanish poet, and author of several humorous comedies, born at Andalusia, and died in 1646.

GUGLIELMINI, Dominic, a mathematician, patronised by Lewis XIV., and author of ee veral valuable works; he died in 1710.

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GUIBERT, author of Gesta Dei per Frances ; GUILLET DE ST. GEORGE, George, first he died in 1124. historiographer to the academy of painting and GUIBERT, James Anthony Hippolite, a French sculpture in Paris; he wrote the History of Mawriter on military affairs, born at Montauban, in homet II., and other works, and died in 1705. 1743. He acquired the rank of colonel, and the GUILLIAUD, Claude, doctor of the Sorbonne, cross of St. Louis, by his active services in the author of commentaries on some of the Gospels, French army, and published, in 1770, his cele- &c. brated work," Essai general de Tactique;" a GUILLIM, John, the reputed author of a cework which, though known and admired over lebrated book, entitled, "The Display of Heralall Europe, drew upon its author the envy too drie," was born in Herefordshire, in 1565, died in often attendant on merit, which embittered a 1621. See BARKHAM.

great part of his days. He was also a dramatic GUILLOTIN,a physician, of Saintes, inventor writer, and produced three tragedies," The Con- of the guillotine; he died of grief that this instrustable of Bourbon," "The Gracchi," and "An-ment was so much abused."

a Bullen" neither of which, however, was published; he was admitted a member of the French academy; and died of an almost broken heart, in 1790; exclaiming on his death-bed, alnding to his enemies, "They will one time know ne, and do me justice."

GUICCIARDINI, Francisco, a celebrated historian, of Italy, was born at Florence, in 1482, aud died in 1540.

GUISCARD, Robert, a famous Norman knight, who assisted in the conquest of Naples from the Saracens; he died in 1085.

GUISCARD, Charles, a Prussian officer of distinction, author of "Military Memoirs of the Greeks and Romans," &c.; he died in 1775.

GUISE, Claude de Lorraine, duke of, settled in France, and became founder of the family of Guise there; he died in 1513.

GUICCIARDINI, Lewis, nephew of the pre- GUISE, Francis, duke of, son of the precedceding, and a historical writer of the most ap-ing, a man of great talents; in him began the proved fidelity. His principal work is a "His-factions of Conde and Guise; he died in 1563. lory of the Low Countries, and of the Affairs of GUISE, Henry, duke of, memorable in the hisEurope," from 1530 to 1560. He was born at Flo-tory of France as a gallant officer; but an imperence, in 1523, and died in 1583. rious, turbulent, seditious subject, who placed GUICHARD, Claude de, historiographer to himself at the head of an armed force, and calthe duke of Savoy, and author of" The Funerals of the Ancients;" he died in 1607. GUICHERON, Samuel, a French advocate and historian; he wrote "History of the House of Savoy," and died in 1664.

led his rebel band, The League; the plan was formed by the cardinal, his younger brother; and, under the pretext of defending the Roman catholic religion, the king, Henry III., and the freedom of the state, against the designs of the GUIDI, Alexander, an eminent Italian poet, Huguenots, or French protestants, they carried born at Pavia, in 1650, died in 1712. on a civil war, massacred the Huguenots, and GUIDO, Reni,an Italian painter, born at Bolog-governed the king, who forbade his appearance na, in 1575, died in 1642. The heads of this pain-at Paris; but Guise now became an open rebel, er have been considered as not at all inferior to entered that city against the king's express orRaphael's. der, and put to the sword all who opposed him; GUIDO, Cagnacci, a historical painter, of Bo-the streets being barricadoed to prevent his proogua, of great merit, died in 1680.

GUIDOTTI, Paul, a painter and anatomist, who, in attempting to fly, fell and broke his limbs; he died in 1629.

GUIGNARD, John, a jesuit, who was executdat Paris for high treason, in 1595. GUIGNES, Joseph de, a native of Pontoise; he became interpreter to the French king in 1741, and wrote many works; he died in 1800. GUILD, William, D. D., a Scotch divine, professor of divinity and philosophy at Aberdeen; he died in 1662.

gress, this fatal day is called in the French history, The Day of the Barricades. Masters of Paris, the policy of the Guises failed them; for they suffered the king to escape to Blois, though he was deserted in his palace at Paris by his very guards. At Blois, Henry convened an assembly of the states of France; the duke of Guise had the boldness to appear to a summons sent him for that purpose; a forced reconciliation took place between him and the king, by the advice of this assembly; but it being accidentally discovered, that Guise had formed a plan GUILLAIN, Simon, a sculptor, rector of the to dethrone the king, that weak monarch, inpainting and sculpture academy at Paris; he stead of resolutely bringing him to justice, had died in 1658. him privately assassinated, Dec. 23, 1558, in the GUILLANDIUS, Melchior, an eminent phy-38th year of his age His brother, the cardinal, sician and botanist in Prussia, wrote an excel- shared the same fate the next day. ent commentary on the Papyrus, &c.; he died in 1589.

GUISE, Charles, duke of, eldest son of Henry, was arrested on his father's murder, but escaped; he was reconciled to the king, but the jealousy of Richelieu drove him from the kingdom; he died in 1640.

GUILLELMA, of Bohemia, the foundress of an infamous sect which started up in Italy in the 13th century, and which, under the mask of devotion, used to practise all manner of lewdness. GUISE, Lewis de Lorraine, cardinal of, son Guillelma imposed so effectually upon the world of Henry, well known as illustrious in arms, and by a show of extraordinary devotion all her life in the arts of peace; he died in 1621. ime, that she was not only reputed holy at her GUISE, Henry of Lorraine, duke of, grandson death, but also revered as a saint a considerable of Henry, was remarkable for his intrigues with ime after it. However, her frauds, and the de- the duke of Bouillon, &c.; he died in 1664. asions she had employed, were at last discover- GUISE, William, an English divine, eminent ed; upon which her body was dug up, and burnt, for his translations from the oriental languages, 1300. She died in 1281, and had been buried born in Gloucestershire, in 1653, died in 1683. Foreigners have styled him "the immortal orna GUILLEMEAU, James, a French surgeon,ment of the university of Oxford." uthor of some valuable works: he died in 1612. GUITTON, John. a citizen of Rochelle, was

in Milan.

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