Imágenes de páginas


penetrated into Aquitain and Poitou, and was at infamous treatment forced Abelard to a cloister, last defeated by Charles Martel, near Poitiers, to conceal his confusion, and he put on the habit in the abbey of St. Denis. He afterwards reABDERAMES, a petty prince, in the kingdom tired to a solitude in the diocese of Troyes, and of Morocco. He murdered Amadin, his prede- there built an oratory, which he named the cessor and nephew, and was himself assassi-Paraclete, where great numbers of pupils renated by a chieftain, 1505. sorted to him. Here again his success excited ABDIAS, a native of Babylon, who pretend- that envy by which he had through life been ed to be one of the 72 disciples of our Saviour, wrote a legendary treatise, called Historia certamenis Apostolici, which was edited aud translated into Latin, by Wolfgang Lazius, Basil, 1571.

ABDISSI, a patriarch of Assyria, who paid homage to Pope Pius IV. 1562, and extended the power of the Romish church in the East.

ABDOLONYMUS, a Sidonian of the royal family, placed on the throne by Alexander the Great.

ABDON, a Persian, who suffered martyrdom under the persecution of Decius, 250.

persecuted; and having been several times in danger of his life, by poison and other artifices, he was at length received by Peter the Venerable into his abbey of Clugni, in which sanctuary Abelard was treated with the utmost humanity and tenderness. At length, having become infirm from the prevalence of the scurvy and other disorders, he was removed to the priory of St. Marcellus, on the Saon, near Chalons, where he died, April 21, 1142, in the 63d year of his age. His corpse was sent to Heloise, who deposited it in the Paraclete.

ABELL, John, an English musician in the ABDULMUMEN, a man of obscure origin, chapel royal of Charles II. celebrated for a fine seized the crown of Morocco, his death put a counter-tenor voice, and for his skill on the lute. stop to his meditated invasion of Spain, 1156. He continued in the chapel till the RevoluABEILLE, Gaspard, a native of Riez, intion, when he was discharged as being a Papist. Provence, born 1648, died at Paris, 1718. Upon this he went abroad, and at Warsaw met ABEILLE, Scipio, brother of the preceding, with a very extraordinary adventure. He was surgeon in the regiment of Picardy, died 1697. sent for to court; but evading to go by some ABEL, second son of Adam, was cruelly slight excuse, was commanded to attend. At murdered by his brother Cain. the palace, he was seated in a chair in the midABEL, king of Denmark, son of Valdimar,dle of a spacious hall, and suddenly drawn up to II. usurped the throne 1250, and was killed in a great height, when the king, with his attendbattle two years after. ants, appeared in a gallery opposite to him. At ABEL, Frederick Gottfried, a native of Hal-the same instant a number of wild bears were berstadt, abandoned divinity for the pursuit of medicine; he died 1794, aged 80.

turned in, when the king bid him choose, whether he would sing, or be let down among the bears. Ahell chose the former, and declared afterwards, that he never sung so well in his life. ABELLA, a female writer born at Salerne, in the reign of Charles of Anjou.

ABEL, Charles Frederic, whose great musical ability, both as composer and performer, was an honour to the age in which he lived. His instrumental performance, particularly on the Viol di Gamba, was much distinguished for its elegance and fine feeling. He died, at London, after three days' sleep, on the 20th of June, 1787.1691, in his 88th year. ABELA, John Francis, a commander of the ABENDANA, Jacob, a Spanish Jew, who order of Malta, known by an excellent work died 1685, prefect of the Synagogue in London. called "Malta illustrata," in fol. 1647.

ABELLI, Lewis, a native of Vexin Francois, who was made Bishop of Rhodes, died at Paris


ABENGNEFIL, an Arabian physician, of the 12th century.

ABENMELEK, a learned rabbi, who wrote. in Hebrew, a commentary on the Bible; it was published at Amsterdam, 1661, in folio.

ABERCROMBIE, James, a major general in the British army in Canada, in 1750: he displayed a want of talents, and was superseded by general Amherst.

ABENEZRA, Abraham, a Spanish rabbi, surABELARD, Peter, one of the most celebrated named the wise, great, and admirable, died 1174, doctors of the 12th century, was born in the vil-aged about 75. His commentaries are highly lage of Palais, in Brittany. That he might enjoy all the sweets of life, he thought it necessary to have a mistress, and accordingly fixed his affections on Heloise, a niece of a canon at Paris. He boarded in this canon's house, whose name was Fulbert; where, pretending to teach the young lady the sciences, he soon made love to his scholar. Abelard now performed his public functions very coldly, and wrote nothing but amorous verses. Heloise, at length, being likely to become a mother, Abelard sent her to a sister ABERCROMBIE, John, a horticultural writer of his in Brittany, where she was delivered of allof much note. His first work was published unBon. To soften the canon's anger, he offered to|der the title of "Mawe's Gardener's Calendar;' marry Heloise privately; Fulbert, however, was the flattering reception of which led him to better pleased with this proposal than his niece, pursue his literary labours on professional subwho, from a strange singularity in her passion,jects, to which he prefixed his own name. chose rather to be the mistress than the wife of died at Somers' Town, in 1806, in the 80th year Abelard. At length, however, she consented to of his age. a private marriage; but, even after this, would on some occasions affirm with an oath, that she was still unmarried. Her husband thereupon sent her to the monastery of Argenteuil; where, at his desire, she put on a religious habit, but not the veil. Heloise's relations, looking upon this as a second piece of treachery in Abelard, were ABERCROMBY, Thomas, M. D. a native of transported to such a degree of resentment, that Forfar, became physician to James II. by r they hired ruffians, who forsing into his cham-nouncing the protestant religion; he died ber by night, deprived him of his manhood. This laged 70.


ABERCROMBY, Sir Ralph, a brave British general, born in Scotland 1743, received his death-wound (like Wolfe) in the moment of a great victory over the French, within four miles of Alexandria, in Egypt, March 21, 1801, and died on the 28th of the same month.


ABERNETHY, John, au eminent dissenting minister, born at Coleraine, in Ireland, 1680; died at Dubin 1740. His best esteemed works are a set of sermons on the "Divine and Moral Attributes."

ABGARUS, a king of Edessa, famous for the letter which he is said to have sent to our Saviour, and for the answer he received. ABGILLUS, son of the king of the Frisii, surnamed Prester John, was in the Holy land with Charlemagne.

ABIATHAR, son of Abimelech, was the high priest of the Jews, and the friend and fellow sufferer of David.

ABIGAIL, wife of Nabal, married to David after Nabal's death, 1057, B. C.

bellion against his father, and was slain by Joab about 1030, B. C.

ABSALOM, archbishop of Lunden, in Denmark, minister and friend of Waldemir, displayed his abilities in the cabinet, in the field, and in the fleet, was humane and benevolent; he died universally regretted, 1202.

AESTEMIOUS, Laurentius, an Italian writer, born at Macerata, in La Marca de Ancona, who devoted himself early to the study of polite literature. He published, under the pontificate of Alexander VI. a treatise, entitled "Hecatomythium," from its containing 100 fables, which have been often printed with those of Esop, Pha drus, Gabrius, Avienus, &c. ABUBEKER, father-in-law of Mahomet, was

ABIJAH, son of Rehoboam, was king of Ju-elected his successor. After a reign of 2 years dah after his father, 958, B. C. and 6 months, he expired in the 63d year of his

ABIOSI, John, an Italian physician and as-age. tronomer, in the beginning of the 16th century. ABLANCOURT, vid. Perrot.

ABLE, or ABEL, Thomas, a chaplain at the court of Henry VIII., was executed July 30, 1540. ABNER, son of Ner, was Saul's uncle, and his faithful general, and was perfidiously slain by Joab, 1048, B. C.

ABOULEKER, vid. Abubeker.

ABUCARA, Theodore, the metropolitan of Caria, obtained a seat in the synod held at Constantinople, 869; he wrote treatises against the Jews and Mahometans, which have been published.

ABUDHAHER, the father of the Carmatians, in Arabia, opposed the religion of Mahomet, plundered the temple of Mecca, and died in posAPOUGEHEL, one of the enemies of Ma-session of his extensive dominions, 953. homet and his religion. ABULFARAGIUS, Gregory, son of Aaron, ABOUHANIFAH, surnamed Alnooman, aa physician, born in 1226, in the city of Malatia, celebrated doctor among the mussulmans, boru near the source of the Euphrates in Armenia. in the 80th year of the hegira. He wrote in Arabic, a history which does hoAEOU-JOSEPH, a learned mussulman, ap-nour to his memory; it is divided into dynasties, pointed supreme judge of Bagdat by the caliphis consists of ten parts, and is an epitome of uniHadi and Aaron Raschid. versal history, from the creation of the world to

ABOULAINA, a mussulman doctor, cele-bis own time. brated for his wit.

ABULFEDA, Ismael, prince of Hamah, in ABOU-LOLA, an Arabian poet, born at Ma-Syria, but better known as author of Tables ora in 973, became a brahmin, and died 1057.

of Geography of the regions beyond the river Oxus. He began his reign in the 743d year of the begira, and ended it three years afterwards, aged 72.

ABOU-NAVAS, an Arabian poet, whose merit was protected and encouraged at the court of Aaron Raschid. ABOU-RIHAN, a geographier and astronomer, ABULGASI-BAYATUR, khan of the Tarwho employed 40 years of his life in travellingars, reigned 20 years, respected at home and through India. abroad, resigned the sovereignty to his son, ABRABANEL. Isaac, a Jew of Lisbon, em-wrote the only Tartar history known in Europe; ployed in offices of importance, by Aphonso V. of Portugal, fled into Spain, and from thence to Naples, then to Corfu, and at last to Venice, where he died, 1508, in his 71st year.

ABRAHAM, the patriarch, was born at Ur, in Chaldea, A. M. 2004; he died in his 175th year.

ABRAHAM, Nicholas, a learned Jesuit in Lorraine, was 17 years divinity professor at Pont a Monsson, where he died, Sept. 7, 1655, in his 66th year.

ABRAHAM, Ben-choila, a Spanish rabbi skilled in astrology, prophesied that the coming of the Messiab would be in 1358. Died, 1303. ABRAHAM, Usque, a Jew of Portugal. He undertook, with Tobias Athias, to translate the bible into Spanish, in the 16th century.

he died 1663.

ABULOLA, vid. Aboulola.

ABU-MESLEM, a mussulman governor of Khorasan, who, in 746, transferred the dignity or caliph from the family of the Ommiades to that of the Abbassides, by which he occasioned the death of 600,000 men. He was thrown into the Tigris, 754.

ABUNDIUS, a bishop of Come, in Italy, who assisted at the council of Constantinople, as the representative of Leo, and died, 469.

ABUNOWAS, an Arabian poet, deservedly patronized by Aaron Raschid, died 810.

ABU-OBEIDAH, a friend and associate of Mahomet, extended his conquests over Palestine land Syria, and died 639.

ABU-SAID-EBN-ALJAPTU, a sultan, the ABRAHAM an emperor of the Moors of Afri- ast of the family of Zingis-khan, died 1335. ca, in the 12th century, was dethroned by his ABUSAID-MİRZA, a man of enterprise, who subjects and his crown usurped by Abdulmumen. laced himself at the head of an army, and deAEROSI John, an Italian physician. Heiared himself independent; he was killed in an wrote a dialogue on astrology, 4to Venice, 1494. ambush, 1468, aged 42 ABRUZZO, Balthasar, a Sicilian, known for his abilities as a philosopher and a civilian, died, 1665, aged 64.

ABRUZZO, Peter, a Neapolitan architect in the 17th century.

ABUTEMAN, a poet in high repute among be Arabians, born a Yasem, between Damascus and Tiberias, about 846.

ABYDENE, wrote a history of Chaldea and Assyria, of which valuable composition only a AFSALOM, son of king David, distinguished few fragments have been preserved by Eusebius. r his personal acquirements, his popularity, ACACIUS, surnamed Luscus, founder of the this vices, murdered his brother, headed a re-llsect of the Acaciani, died, 365.


ACACIUS, patriarch of Constantinople, es


tablished the superiority of his see over the east-secretary to the academy, and ibrarian of the ACHARD, Claude Francis, a physician, was ern bishops, was opposed by Felix, and died 498. city of Marseilles; he died 1809. ACACIUS, a bishop of Berea, in Syria, per- ACHARDS, Eleazer Francis des, distin urshsecuted Chrysostom and Cyril, of Alexandria; heed by his learning, piety, and humanity, was died 432. Dominated bishop of Halicarnassus, and afterwards sent apostolic vicar to China; h died at Cochin, 1741.

ACACIUS, a bishop of Amida, on the Tigris, sold the sacred vessels of his churches to ransom 7000 Persian slaves; he lived in the reign of Theodosius the younger.

ACCA-LAURENTIA, wife of Faustulus, and nurse of Romulus and Remus.

ACCA, bishop of Hexham, author of treatises on the sufferings of the saints, died 1740. ACCARISI, James, a professor of rhetoric a Mantua, died 1654.

ACCETTO, Reginald, author of a thesarus of the Italian tongue, died 1560.

ACHERY, Dom Luc d', a native of St. Quinclesiastic and antiquary by several publications; tin in Picardy, displayed his learning as an eche died at Paris, 1685.

ACHILLINI, Alexander, a Bolognese physician, known by his publications, and distinguished himself as the follower of Averroes, died 1512.

ACHILLINI, Philotheus, wrote a poem to honour the memory of Italian genius and redistin-commend morality; he died 1538.

ACCIAIOLI, Donatus, of Florence, guished by his learning and political services to his country, died 1478.

ACCIAIOLI, Renatus, a Florentine, conquered Athens, Corinth, and Boeotia, in the beginning of the 11th century.

ACCIAIOLI, Zenobio, a learned ecclesiastic of Florence, and librarian to Leo X., died 1537. ACCIAIOLI, or ACCIAUOLI, Angelo, a learned cardinal, archbishop of Florence, who wrote in favour of Urban VI., died 1407. ACCIAIOLI, Magdalen, a Florentine, celebrated for her beauty, but more for the powers of her mind, died 1610.

ACCIUS, Lucius, a Latin tragic poet, the son of a freedman, was born in the year of Rome 583; he did not, however, confine himself to dramatic writing; for he left other productions; particularly his "Annals," mentioned by Macrobius, Priscian, Festus, and Nonius Marcellus. Accius was so much esteemed by the public, that a comedian was punished for only mentioning his name on the stage.

ACCIUS, Zuchus, an Italian poet of the 16th century, paraphrased some of the fables of Æsop.

ACCOLTI, Benedict, a lawyer of Florence, secretary to the republic, died 1466.

ACHILLINI, Claude, distinghished for his knowledge of medicine, theology and jurispru dence, died, at Bologna, 1640.

ACHMET I., emperor of Turkey, son and successor of Mahomet III., made war against the Hungaries, died 1617.

ACHMET II. succeeded his brother Solyman III. on the throne of Constantinople; he was unfortunate in his wars against the Venetians and Austrians, and died 1605.

ACHMET III,. son of Mahomet IV., was crowned by a faction who deposed his brother Mustapha II.; he granted an asylum to Charles XII., made war against the Russians and Persians, and was hurled from his throne by an insurrection; he died 1736.

ACHMET GEDUC, or ACOMET, a celebrated general, he assisted Bajazet II. in obtaining the throne, 1432, and was afterwards inhumanly assassinated.

ACHMET Bacha, a general f Solyman, revolted from his sovereign, 1524, and was soon after defeated and beheaded.

ACHMET, an Arabian who wrote on the interpretation of dreams; the work was published in Greek and Latin, by Rigault, 1603.

ACH-VAN, or ACHEN, John, a historical repainter, born at Cologne, died 1621.

ACCOLTI, Francis, brother to Benedict, puted for his judgment, eloquence and knowledge of jurisprudence, sometimes called Aretin, died, 1470; vid. Aretin.

ACCOLTI, Peter, son of Benedict, raised to the dignity of cardinal; died at Florence 1549. His brother Benedict, duke of Nepi, distinguished himself as a poet.

ACCOLTI, Benedict, conspired with five others to murder Pius IV., and suffered capital punishment, 1564.

ACCORDS, Stephen Tabourot, Seigneurdes, advocate in the parliament of Dijon, died 1561. ACCURSE, Francis, a native of Florence, and professor of law at Bologna, died 1229. His Bon also distinguished himself as a lawyer at Toulouse.

ACIDALIUS, Valens, a native of Wistock in Brandebourg, distinguished by his extensive erudition, died 1595.

ACKERMAN, John Christian, Gottlieb, professor of medicine at Altdorf, in Franconia, died 1801.

ACOLUTHUS, Andrew, a learned professor of languages at Breslaw, published a Latin translation of the Armenian version of Obadiah, at Leipsic, died 1704.

ACONTIUS, James, a famous philosopher, civilian, and divine, born at Trent, in the 16th century. He embraced the protestant religion; and, going over to England in the reign of Elizabeth, met with a very friendly reception from that princess, as he himself has testified in a ACCURSE, Marius Angelo, a native of A-work dedicated to her. This work is his celeguila, in the 16th century, eminent for his critical brated "Collection of the Stratagems of Satan," and literary abilities. which has been often translated, and gone

ACERBO, Francis, a native of Nocera, pub-through many different impressions lished some poems at Naples, 1666.

ACESIUS, Bishop of Constantinople, in the age of Constantine, maintained, that those who committed any sin after being baptised, ought not to be again admitted into the church, though they might repent.

ACHALEN, a British sovereign in the 6th century, was driven from his dominions, and

ACOSTA, Gabriel, professor of divinity at Coimbra, wrote a Latin commentary on the Old Testament, he died 1616.

ACOSTA, Joseph, a provincial of the Jesuits, in Peru, was born at Medina del Campo, and died at Salamanca, 1600.

ACOSTA, Uriel, a native of Oporto, educated in the Romish religion; he fled to Judaism

1741. His principal works are,

ACQUAVIVA, vid. AQUAVIVA. "Roman AntiACRON, a physician of Sicily, who relieved quities," "Classical Biography," and "LexiAthens during a plague, by perfumes; con Linguæ Latinæ." He died of apoplexy, lived about 440 B. C. Dec. 18, 1809.

ACRONIUS, John, a Mathematician of Friesland, who wrote on the motion of the earth, died at Basle, 1563.

ADAM, Melchior, rector of a college at Heidelberg, where he pub ished" Lives of Illustrious Men," in four vols., and died about 1635. ACRONIUS, John, a Dutch writer of the 17th ADAM, Robert, architect, was born in 1728, century, who wrote against the Romish Kirkcaldy, in Fifeshire, and received his eduACROPOLITA, George, one of the writers eation at the university of Edinburgh. After of the Byzantine history, born at Constantino-is return from a visit to Italy, Mr. Adam was ple, 1220. In his 21st year, he maintained a appointed architect to his majesty in the year learned dispute with Nicholas, the physician, 1762, and produced a total change in the archiconcerning the eclipse of the sun, before the em-cture of that country. His fertile genius in peror John. Gregory Cyprian, a patriarch of elegant ornament was not confined to the decoConstantinople, in his encomium upon him, pre-ration of buildings, but has been diffused into fixed to Acropolita's history, is perhaps some-almost every branch of manufacture At the what extravagant in his praise, when he says, time of his death, March 3, 1792, the new unithat he was equal to Aristotle in philosophy,versity of Edinburgh, and other great public and to Plato in the knowledge of divine things works, both in that city and in Glasgow, were and Attic eloquence. erecting from his designs, and under his direcACTIUS, or AZZO, Visconti, sovereign of ion His death was occasioned by the breaking Milan, distinguished by his valour, and the in-of a blood-vessel in the stomach, and his remains tegrity of his government, died 1355 were interred in the south side of Westminster

ACTUARIUS, a Jew physician, practised at Abbey.

Constantinople in the 13th century.

ADAM, James. architect, brother to the fore

ACUNA, Christopher, Jesuit of Burgos, em-oing, died Oct. 20, 1794. The Adelphi buildployed as missionary in America, published anings and Portland-place are monuments of his account of the Amazon river, at Madrid, 1641. taste and abilities in his profession. ADAIR, James, an English lawyer of eminence, member of parliament, died 1798. ADAIR, James, author of some law tracts, and some time recorder of London, died July 21, 1798.

ADAIR, James Mackitbriek, a physician and presiding judge of the courts of the island of Antigua, W. I., died 1082.

ADAM, a canon of Bremen, in the 17th cen tury, published an ecclesiastical history of Bremen and Hamburgh, edited, 1670.

ADAM, St. Victor, an ecclesiastic at Paris, died 1177.

ADAM, Scotus, a monkish writer, born in Scotland, and taught divinity at Paris, died 1180. ADAM, John, a Jesuit of Bordeaux, wrote

died 1684.

ADAM, d'Orleton, of Hereford, became bishop of Winchester; he was intriguing and turbulent.

ADALARD, or ADELARD, son of count Ber-several treatises against the disciples of Austin, nard, and grandson of Charles Martel, was made prime minister of Pepin, king of Italy, and died Jan. 2, 826. ADALBERON, archbishop of Rheims, and chancellor of France, an ecclesiastic and minister of Lothaire, died 988.

ADALBERON, Ascelin, bishop of Leon; published a satirical poem, in 430 verses, and died 1030.

ADAM, John, a Jesuit of Limosin, professor of philosophy, died at Bordeaux, 1684

ADAMS, Sir Thomas, a native of Wem, in Shropshire, became a draper in London, and rose to the high honour of Lord Mayor of Lon

ADALBERT, archbishop of Prague, preacheddon, 1645; he died 1667. the gospel among the Bohemians, and afterwards to the Poles, by whom he was murdered, April 29, 997.

ADALGISE, son of Didier, king of Lombardy, opposed the power of Charlemagne, was put to death 788.

ADAMS, Thomas, distinguished for his learning, and tutor to persons of rank, in the time of Cromwell; he died Dec. 11, 1670.

ADAMS, Richard, minister of St. Mildred, is ejected, 166; he assisted in the completion of Poole's Annotations, and died 1698.

ADAMS, William, D. D., master of Pembroke

ADALOALD, a king of Lombardy, was deposed by his subjects, and succeeded by Ario-College, Oxford, the friend of Dr. Johnson, disvald; he died 629, in a private station.

ADAM, the father of the human race, lived 930 years after his expulsion from paradise. ADAM, Lambert Sigisbert, an ingenious sculptor, born at Nanci, died 1759, aged 59.

tinguished for his urbanity, &c., died 1789. ADAMS, Joseph, a physician of London, au thor of several medical works, died 1818

ADAMS, Andrew, L. L. D., chief justice o. Connecticut, was born at Stratford, Ct., edu cated at Yale College, afterwards elected member of the council, and a representative in congress; he died 1799.

ADAM, Nicholas, brother of Lambert, imita ted and equalled him; he executed the Mau soleum of the queen of Poland, and died 778. ADAM, Francis Gaspard, younger brother of ADAMS, John, a clergyman and poet, born the two preceding, excelled also as an artist; hein Nova Scotia, and settled at Newport, R. I.; died at Paris, 1757, aged 49.

ADAM, Thomas, an English divine, born a Leeds,obtained the living of Wintringham, Lin colnshire; he died 1784, aged 83.

he died 1740, much lamented, aged 36. ADAMS, Eliphalet, an eminent minister of New London, Ct., died 1753, aged 77. He pubished several occasional discourses. ADAM, Billaut, a joiner of Nevers, better ADAMS, Amos, minister of Roxbury, Mass., known by the name of Master Adam, wrote po-distinguished for his learning and piety, died etry while employed at his tools; he died 1662 at Dorchester, 1775, aged 48.

ADAM, Alexander, L.L.D.,an eminent schoot- ADAMS, Joseph, a minister, settled at Newmaster, and a useful writer, in Scotland, bornington, N. H.; he died 1785, aged 93.

Coats of Burgie, county of Moray, June, ADÁMS, Zabdiel, minister of Lunenburgh,

new Guine, Mass., citit as a preacher of the gospel; died 1801, aged 62.

treasurer, while it was yet advanced no farther than the simile of the Angel, and was rewarded ADAMS, Samuel, governor of Massachusetts, with the place of commissioner of appeals. In distinguished as a writer and a patriot, and for the following year he was at Hanover with lord his influence in forwarding the American revo- Halifax; and the year after was made underlution; of stern integrity, dignified manners, secretary of state. When the Marquis of and great suavity of temper; died 1803, aged 82. Wharton was appointed lord-lieutenant of IreADAMSON, Patrick, Archbishop of St. An-land, Addison attended him as his secretary, and drew's, born at Perth, 1543. In the year 1566, was made keeper of the records in Birming he set out for Paris, as tutor to a young gen-ham's Tower, with a salary of 300l. a year. tleman, where he stayed some months, and then retired to Bourges. He was in this city during the massacre at Paris; and lived concealed, for seven months, at a public house, the master of which, upwards of 70 years of age, was thrown from the top thereof, and had his brains dashed out, for his charity to heritics. In 1573, he returned to Scotland. The earl of Moreton, then regent, on the death of bishop Douglas, promoted him to the archiepiscopal see of St. Andrew's. He died 1591.

ADANSON, Michael, a French naturalist of so much distinction, that he received invitations from different sovereigns of Europe to reside in their states; he died 1806.

When he was in office, he niade a law to himself, as Swift has recorded, never to remit his regular fees in civility to his friends, "I may (said he) have a hundred friends, and if my fee be two guineas, I shall, by relinquishing my right, lose 200 guineas, and no friend gam more than two." He was in Ire and when Steele, without any communication of his design, began the publication of the Tattler; but he was not long concealed; by inserting a remark on Virgil, which Addison had given him, he discovered himself. Steele's first Tattler was published April 22, 1709, and Addison's contribution appeared May 26. To the Tattler, in about two months, succeeded the Spectator, a series of esADDISON, Lancelot, D.D. son of a clergyman says, of the same kind, but written with less of the same name; he was born at Maulds Mead-levity, upon a more regular plan, and published burne in Westmoreland, was preferred to the liv-daily. The next year 1713, in which Cato came ing of Milston, &c. 1683, and died April 20, 1703. upon the stage, was the grand climacteric of ADDISON, Joseph, born May 1, 1672, at Addison's reputation. The whole nation was Milston, near Ambrosbury, Wiltshire, of which at that time on fire with faction. The Whigs place his father was rector. He received the applauded every line in which liberty was nonfirst rudiments of his education there under the tioned, as a satire on the Tories; and the Tories reverend Mr. Nash; but was removed to Salis-echoed every clap, to show that the satire was bury, under the care of Mr. Taylor; and soon unfelt. While Cato was upon the stage, another after to the Charter-house, where he studied un- daily paper, called the Guardian, was published der Dr. Ellis, and contracted that intimacy with by Steele, to which Addison gave great assistsir Richard Steele, which their joint labours ance. The papers of Addison are marked in have so effectually recorded. In 1687 he was the Spectator by one of the letters in the name entered of Queen's College, Oxford, where, in of Clio, and in the Guardian by a hand. It was 1689, the accidental perusal of some Latin ver- not known that Addison had tried a comedy for ses, gained him the patronage of Dr. Lancas- the stage, till Steele, after his death, declared ter, by whose recommendation he was elected him the author of "The Drummer." This play into Magdalen College as Demy. Here he took Steele carried to the theatre, and afterwards to the degree of M. A. Feb. 14, 1693, continued to the press, and sold the copy for fifty guineas. In cultivate poetry and criticism, and grew first the midst of these agreeable employments Mr. eminent by his Latin compositions, which are Addison was not an indifferent spectator of ¡ubentitled to particular praise. In 1695 he wrote lic affairs. He wrote, as different exigencies a poem to king William, with a kind of rhyming required, in 1707, "The present state of the introduction addressed to lord Somers. In 1697 War," &c.; "The Whig Examiner ;" and the he wrote his poem on the peace of Ryswick," Trial of Count Tariff;" all which tracts, bewhich he dedicated to Mr. Montague, (then ing on temporary topics, expired with the subchancellor of the exchequer) and which was jects which gave them birth. When the house Called by Smith "the best Latin poem since the of Hanover took possession of the throne, it was Eneid." Having yet no public employment, reasonable to expect that the zeal of Addison he obtained, in 1699, a pension of 300l. a year, would be suitably rewarded. Before the arrival that he might be enabled to travel. While he of king George, he was made secretary to the was travelling at leisure in Italy, he was far regency, and was required by his office to send from being idle; for he not only collected his notice to Hanover that the queen was dead, and observations on the country, but found time to the throne was vacant. To do this would not write his Dialogues on Medals. Here, also, he have been difficult to any man but Addison,who wrote the letter to Lord Halifax, which is justly was so overwhelmed with the greatness of the considered as the most elegant, if not the most event, and so distracted by choice of expres sublime, of his poetical productions. At his re- sions, that the lords, who could not wait for the turn he published his Travels, with a dedica- niceties of criticism, called Mr. Southwell, a tion to Lord Somers. This book, though a clerk in the house, and ordered him to despatch while neglected, is said in time to have become the message. Southwell readily told what was so much the favourite of the public, that be- necessary, in the common style of business, and fore it was reprinted it rose to five times in price. valued himself upon having done what was too The victory at Blenheim in 1704,spread triumph hard for Addison. He was better qualified for and confidence over the nation: and lord Go- the Freeholder, a paper which he published dolphin, lamenting to lord Halifax that it had twice a week, from Dec. 23, 1715, to the middle not been celebrated in a manner equal to the of the next year. This was undertaken in desubject, desired him to propose it to some better fence of the established government, sometimes poet. Halifax. named Addison; who, having with argument, sometimes with mirth. undertaken the work, communicated it to the gument he had many equals, but his b

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