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father in 1810, at a time when the crown was engaged in disputes with the representatives of the people. He has since given his people a liberal constitution of government.

WORDSWORTH, William, esq. This distinguished English poet was born in the year 1770, and educated at Cambridge. He was in early life an enthusiast in the cause of liberty: and, in consequence of his political views, he at one time contemplated an establishment in the United States, with his friend, Mr. Coleridge and others. Mr. Wordsworth is considered as at the head of what is termed the Lake School f poetry; a poetical style of writing, novel and simple in the extreme, which has been assailed by the weapons of ridicule, satire, and argument; but which has nevertheless found many admirers and imitators. Mr. Wordsworth has published "The White Doe of Rylstone," "Peter Bell," "The Wagoner," and many other poems. Y

late majesty, George III. He was born in 17
and educated by the same instructors as 20
brother, the present king of England He w
when young, presented to the lay bishoprick
Osnaburg, and made grand master of the orc
of the Bath, by his father. Being destined
the army, he was sent to Germany, where
obtained a knowledge of the language and
tics of the country. He was subsequently s
to the continent as commander of the Brad
forces, and was for some time employed the
in the military movements of that period. S
ver, however, much to his credit as a soldier 1
officer. On one occasion, he was compelles $
capitulate to the French. On the investigat
of the charges against him for malversations
office, by the house of commons, he rest
his commission, but has since been reinsta
He was created duke of York and Albany)
1784. In 1791 he married a daughter of Frede
rick William, king of Prussia. The duk
heir presumptive to the throne of England c

YORK, the duke of, is the second son of his the death of the present king.



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