Imágenes de páginas

reported favorably, February 6, and placed on the general order (file No.

introduced by Mr. Holmes, February 6, and referred to committee on
roads and bridges



committee of whole discharged, February 14, rules suspended, passed,
given immediate effect and transmitted...


[ocr errors]

announcement of presentation to governor, February 25.
approved, February 27..

138. A bill to define, protect and enlarge the rights of owners of estates in re-
mainder, reversion or upon condition:

returned, February 18, and referred to secretary for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor..




[ocr errors]

introduced by Mr. Pierson (by request), February 6, and referred to
committee on judiciary.


reported favorably, May 15, and placed on the general order (file No.


considered in committee of whole, May 21, and ordered to third reading.
passed, May 21, and transmitted.
returned non-concurred in, May 30.




139. A bill to amend section 1 of chapter 7 of act No. 3, public acts of 1895, being
compiler's section No. 2769 of the compiled laws of 1897, entitled "An
act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the state of Michi-
gan, and defining their powers and duties," approved February 19, 1895:
introduced by Mr. Humphrey, February 6, and referred to committee on
cities and villages..

reported amended, March 20, and placed on the general order (manu-



considered in committee of whole, March 20, and ordered printed (file
No. 121)


considered in committee of the whole, March 28, and all after the enact-
ing clause stricken out.


140. A bill to detach certain territory in school district No. 3, in the townships
of Marion and Bridgehampton, in the county of Sanilac, from said dis-
trict, and establish the Deckerville high-school district:

introduced by Mr. Sleeper, February 6, and referred to committee on
education and public schools...


reported amended, April 3, rules suspended, passed, given immediate
effect and transmitted..

[ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

returned, April 4, and referred to secretary for printing and presenta-
tion to the governor...
announcement of presentation to governor, April 8.
approved, April 18..

[ocr errors]

141. A bill to provide for the assessment of the property of railroad and union
station and depot companies, express companies, telegraph companies and
telephone companies, and the levy of taxes thereon by a state board of as-
sessors, to provide for the collection thereof, and providing for a board of
review, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith:
introduced by Mr. Robson, February 6, ordered printed (file No. 43),
and referred to committee on railroads.

142. A bill to amend the general tax law of the state of Michigan, being act No.
206 of the public acts of 1893, as amended by acts 25, 154, 162 and 229 of
the public acts of 1895; acts 206, 214, 224, 225, 229, 240 and 261 of the
public acts of 1897, and acts 31. 32, 83, 97, 107, 154, 169, 204, 215, 239, 262
and 264 of the public acts of 1899, being "An act to provide for the assess-
ment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the
collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied, making such taxes a
lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing
for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the in-
spection and disposition of lands bid off to the state and not redeemed or
purchased, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in anywise con-
travening any of the provisions of this act:"

introduced by Mr. Nichols, February 6, and tabled..



143. A bill to amend section 9 of act 206 of the public acts of 1893, as amended
by act 25 of the public acts of 1895, entitled “An act to provide for the as-
sessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for
the collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied, making such taxes
a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing
for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the in-
spection and disposition of lands bid off to the state and not redeemed or
purchased, and to repeal act No. 200 of the public acts of 1891, and all
other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening any of the provisions
of this act :"

introduced by Mr. Lockerby, February 6, ordered printed (file No. 44),
and referred to committee on taxation...

144. A bill to amend section 3 of article 3 of act 198, session laws of 1873, as
amended by act 45, public acts of 1879, as amended by act 174, public
acts of 1891, as amended by act 129, public acts of 1893, as amended by
act 228, public acts of 1897, entitled "An act to revise the laws for the
incorporation of railroad companies, and to regulate the running and
management and to fix the duties and liabilities of all said roads and
other corporations owning or operating any railroad in this state," ap-
proved May 1, 1873, being compiler's section 6277 of Miller's annotated
statutes of Michigan:

introduced by Mr. Lockerby, February 6, and tabled...

145. A bill to provide for renewing the incorporation of companies organized for
the purpose of the introduction of water into towns, cities and villages:
introduced by Mr. Moore, February 6, and referred to committee on
banks and corporations




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considered in committee of whole. February 26, amended, and ordered
to third reading

reported favorably, February 13, and placed on the general order (file
No. 58)



passed, February 26, given immediate effect and transmitted.
returned amended, April 9, concurred in and referred to secretary for
printing and presentation to the governor..
announcement of presentation to governor, April 12.

[ocr errors]
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approved, April 23..


146. A bill to amend act No. 68 of the public acts of 1853, entitled "An act re-
lating to telegraph operators and others," being section 11386 of the
compiled laws of 1897:

introduced by Mr. Gad Smith, February 7, and referred to committee on


reported favorably, April 8, and placed on the general order (file No.

[merged small][ocr errors]

considered in committee of whole, April 12, amended, and ordered to
third reading


passed, April 17, and transmitted.


returned amended, May 14, and tabled.


taken up, May 15, concurred in and referred to secretary for printing
and presentation to the governor.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

147. A bill to amend section 24 of act No. 205 of the public acts of 1887, entitled
"An act to revise the laws authorizing the business of banking, and to es-
tablish a banking department for the supervision of such business," being
compiler's section 3208c3 of Howell's Annotated Statutes, being section
6113 of the compiled laws of 1897:


introduced by Mr. Sleeper, February 7, and referred to committee on
banks and corporations..


reported favorably, April 30, and placed on the general order (file No.



considered in committee of whole. May 8, and tabled.


148. A bill to divide the state of Michigan into twelve congressional districts:
introduced by Mr. Bangham. February 7, and referred to committee
on apportionment


149. A bill to authorize the state board of health to determine the qualifications
and issue licenses to persons engaged in preparing for burial or transpor-
tation human bodies dead of infectious or contagious diseases:

introduced by Mr. Bangham (by request), February 7, and referred to
committee on public health.


[ocr errors]

reported amended, May 2, and placed on the general order (file No.


considered in committee of whole, May 7, amended, and ordered to third


read third time by title, May 9, and recommitted to committee on public


[ocr errors]

reported favorably, May 14, and ordered to third reading.
passed, May 14, title amended and transmitted..


[ocr errors]


returned, May 23, and referred to secretary for printing and presentation
to the governor.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

announcement of presentation to governor, June 4.
approved, June 6..

[ocr errors]

150. A bill to divide the state of Michigan into twelve congressional districts:
introduced by Mr. Bangham, February 7, and referred to committee on

[ocr errors]

151. A bill to divide the state of Michigan into thirty-two senatorial districts:
introduced by Mr. Lockerby, February 7, and tabled.

taken up, February 20, and referred to committee on apportionment..
reported substituted, March 12, and placed on the general order (file No.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

considered in committee of whole, March 19, and referred to committee.
on judiciary


reported favorably, March 26, and placed on the general order.
considered in committee of the whole, March 27, and ordered to third

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

returned amended, May 15, concurred in, and referred to secretary for
printing and presentation to the governor.
announcement of presentation to governor, May 21
approved, May 30..

[ocr errors]

152. A bill to amend section 1 of act No. 79 of the public acts of 1899, entitled
"An act to provide for the payment of taxes, fines, penalties, license and
other fees, and the requirement of certificates of authority in certain
cases, of fraternal societies and insurance corporations organized in other
states and having agents in this state:"

introduced by Mr. Atwood (by request), February 7, ordered printed
(file No. 51) and referred to committee on insurance.
reported favorably, March 19, and placed on the general order.
considered in committee of whole, March 20, and ordered to third

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

passed, March 20, given immediate effect and transmitted.
returned, April 5, and referred to secretary for printing and presentation
to the governor..
announcement of presentation to governor, April 8.
approved, April 18


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

153. A bill to authorize the sale of lands in courts of chancery in certain cases
where by reason of contingent remainders the title of such lands cannot
be conveyed:

introduced by Mr. Murfin, February 7, and referred to committee on

[ocr errors]

154. A bill to provide for fixing the rate of commission to be paid by fire insurance
companies, and to prohibit the rebating thereof by agents:
introduced by Mr. Kelly (by request), February 11, and referred to
committee on insurance

ordered printed for the use of the senate, February 20 (file No. 80)..
155. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section 28 of article 4 of the
constitution of this state, relative to the introduction of bills:




introduced by Mr. Pierson, February 11, and referred to committee on

reported favorably, February 19, rules suspended, passed by two-thirds
vote, given immediate effect, transmitted..

returned, amended, March 14, non-concurred in, and conference requested
156. A bill to provide for the construction and maintenance of a psychopathic
ward upon the hospital grounds of the university of Michigan, and to
appropriate the sum of $50,000 therefor:




introduced by Mr. Bangham, February 11, ordered printed (file No. 52)
and referred to committee on public health...


reported amended, April 3, and referred to committee on finance and


reported favorably, April 11, and placed on the general order.
considered in committee of whole, April 12, and ordered to third read-

passed, April 12, title amended, and transmitted.




returned amended, May 9, concurred in, and referred to secretary for
printing and presentation to the governor
announcement of presentation to governor, May 17



[ocr errors]


approved, May 25

157. A bill to authorize the village of Lake Linden in the county of Houghton and
state of Michigan to borrow money and issue bonds therefor to the amount
of $75,000, for the purpose of refunding the bonded indebtedness of said
village, now amounting to the sum of $25,000, constructing sewers and
establishing a sewer system for said village, and for erecting a fire hall
for the use of said village, and its fire apparatus:

introduced by Mr. Charles Smith, February 11, and referred to com-
mittee on cities and villages.

[ocr errors]

reported favorably, February 25, rules suspended, passed, given immedi
ate effect and transmitted..

returned February 26, and referred to secretary for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor..

[ocr errors]




[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

158. A bill to make the provisions of act No. 95 of the laws of Michigan of the
year 1895, being chapter 121 of the compiled laws of 1897, relative to
cities having a duly constituted police force, applicable to school district
No. 1 of the township of Portage, in the county of Houghton:


introduced by Mr. Charles Smith, February 11, and referred to com-
mittee on education and public schools.

[merged small][ocr errors]

reported without recommendation, March 27, and placed on the general
order, (manuscript)


considered in committee of whole, March 27, and ordered to third


passed, March 27, given immediate effect and transmitted.
returned, March 28, and referred to secretary for printing and presenta-
tion to the governor..

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

announcement of presentation to governor, April 3
approved, April 9.

159. A bill to authorize the commissioner of the state land office to cause a survey
of the islands in the lake situated in section 16, township 58 north, range
37 west, to be made, and to provide for the payment of the necessary
expenses incurred thereby:

introduced by Mr. Charles Smith, February 11, and referred to com-
mittee on state lands...


reported favorably, April 3, and placed on the general order (file No.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

considered in committee of whole, April 8, and ordered to third reading.
read third time by title. April 9, and tabled..




read third time, amended, passed, April 30, title amended, and trans-

[merged small][ocr errors]

returned, May 1, and referred to secretary for printing and presenta-
tion to the governor.

[ocr errors]

announcement of presentation to governor, May 7.
approved, May 17..

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][ocr errors]


[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

160. A bill to divide the state of Michigan into 12 congressional districts:
introduced by Mr. Palmer, February 11, and tabled.
161. A bill to provide for the incorporation of Free Methodist churches:
introduced by Mr. Nims, February 11, ordered printed (file No. 53),
and referred to committee on religious and benevolent societies..
reported favorably, February 20, rules suspended, passed, given immedi-
ate effect and transmitted..

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

returned, March 14, and referred to secretary for printing and presen-
tation to the governor.

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

162. A bill to authorize the county of Presque Isle in this state to borrow not
exceeding $30,000, and to issue its negotiable bonds therefor, for the pur-
pose of paying and funding its outstanding indebtedness, and to authorize
a tax to pay said bonds and interest thereon:

introduced by Mr. McMullen, February 11, and referred to committee on
counties and townships.

[ocr errors]

reported favorably, February 27, rules suspended, passed, given immedi-
ate effect and transmitted.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

returned, March 14, and referred to secretary for printing and presenta-
tion to the governor..

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

163. A bill to authorize the township of Allis, in the county of Presque Isle, and
state of Michigan, to borrow money for the payment of the outstanding
orders of said township, and to issue bonds therefor:

introduced by Mr. McMullen, February 12, and referred to committee
on counties and townships.


reported favorably, February 27, rules suspended, passed, given imme-
diate effect and transmitted..


[ocr errors]

returned, March 14, and referred to secretary for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

announcement of presentation to governor, March 19.
approved, March 19.
164. A bill to amend section 1 of act No. 90 of public acts of 1895, entitled
"An act to provide for the maintenance of discipline and for the better
government of the Michigan soldiers' home and home for the soldiers,
sailors and marines who served in the late civil war, their wives and


introduced by Mr. Loomis, February 12, and referred to committee on
soldiers' home

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

reported favorably, February 14, and placed on the general order (file
No. 62)
considered in committee of whole, February 20, and ordered to third



[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

taken up, February 27, and made a special order for March 6.
considered in committee of the whole, March 6, and ordered to third




passed, March 6, and tabled.


taken up, March 11, ordered to take immediate effect and transmitted
returned amended, March 28, concurred in and referred to secretary
for printing and presentation to the governor.
announcement of presentation to governor, April 3.
recalled from governor, April 10..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

received, April 11, immediate effect reconsidered, not given, passage
reconsidered and referred to committee on soldiers' home.
reported amended, April 12, rules suspended, passed, given immediate
effect and re-transmitted.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
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