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it was probable he would never wake again. So he began to rouse him vigorously; he rubbed him briskly, to infuse warmth into him and to promote the circulation, and he happily succeeded; and found that in doing this he was also warming himself, and so both benefited himself and saved a man who might else have perished.

Determine, then, dear young friends, to live to do good,-to help to make the world wiser, better, and happier. There are many ways of doing this;-one very important way is, help the Missionary.-Read about Missions-talk about them -get Ministers and Missionaries to address the schools you belong to; buy the Magazine, this little Juvenile Missionary Magazine, and recommend all your cousins and school fellows to do the


One word more.

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You wish the poor heathen to be taught, and to be saved. This is well;

but are you eager to you love the Bible?

be taught yourselves? Do Do you love the Saviour? Do you pray to be saved? I think many of you do, but I wish that all, all, ALL of you may be the Saviour's early disciples, genuine disciples, warm-hearted disciples, and working disciples;then you will be,

Best benefactors of man upon earth,
And pillars in God's temple above.

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JANUARY, 1847,


WE earnestly wish a happy new year to our numerous young readers. But how can it be made a happy year? In reply to this question we have a few things to say. There is a nice little book written by the Rev. E. Giles, of Newport, entitled, "How to spend a Happy Year," and it gives good advice to people generally, and no. merely to the young. We shall extract a bow thoughts from it, and we feel sure that all who sincerely try to put his advice into practice, will find a happy year.

1. You must be THOROUGHLY at peace with God. This is the foundation of all bliss. A man who lives in "enmity against God" is like a criminal waiting the execution of his sentence. To expect happiness in this state, is as absurd as it would be to look for comfort and delight in a condemned cell. “If you wish to be happy," says Abbot, "if you wish to have any real peace, you must make up your mind, decidedly, whether you will be the child of God or not. If you expect him to take you under his care, you must be his really, honestly, thoroughly; not merely in pretence and in form. If you find, in looking into your heart, that you are not happy, it is very probable that the cause may be, that you are not really and fully at peace with God. You may depend upon it, that your days must be days of un

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easiness and misery, until you come and make yourself wholly the Lord's. Your first duty is-most faithfully to examine your spiritual condition-to confess and to crucify your dearest sins; and to cast yourself upon the merits and atonement of your Saviour."

2. There must be a profitabie occupation of time. That which is set apart for prayer is well spent, for everything in the Christian character depends on the purity and power of devotion. This is the oil which keeps alive the lamp of religion; the key which unlocks the cabinet of Scripture; the tower which protects a good man from danger, temptation, and sin. "It is," says one, "the root, the offspring, the mother, of a thousand blessings." Any neglect in cultivating a habit of prayer will prove as fatal to purity and acceptance with God, as a leak is to the safety of the ship.

Time is profitably occupied in the discharge of our daily duty. "Not slothful in business, but fervent in spirit, serving the Lord." Against idleness we sound the trumpet of alarm. It is the first step in the road to ruin. It is an enchanted spot in the kingdom Satan, from which you do well to effect your escape. 3. Manifest great circumspection in the choice of companions. Company stamps character. "Who are nearest to knaves? Those who converse with them," says Dean Swift. Companionship gives a hue to our conduct, and if we wish our reputation to be clothed in pleasing colours, the greatest circumspection, in the selection of our associates, will be requisite. It is the friendship of the best men-the holiest and the wisestmen rich in experience, and eminent in traits of religious consistency, that will elevate our morals, purify and strengthen our principles, and insure our felicity. You cannot stand in the sun without reflecting its light; and you cannot mingle with the wise without

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