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stand their ground. February 22d, General
Conway made a motion for addressing his
Majesty to put an end to the American War.
Burke supported this motion by all his
powers of humour and of serious reasoning.
It was lost by a majority of only one. Fe-
bruary 27th, General Conway put the motion
in a different form, and carried it by a ma-
jority of nineteen. The
The country gentlemen
now joined Opposition. Lord John Caven-
dish made a motion, declaring that the house
could no longer repose confidence in the Mi-
nistry, which was at first rejected by a small
majority; but a few days after, a similar
motion was made, on which Lord North
rose, and declared that he was no longer
Minister. A new Adininistration was formed,
of which the Marquis of Rockingham was
the nominal head and Mr. Fox the rcal.
Burke was appointed Paymaster-General.

Thus have we seen Burke steadily and vigorously endeavouring, first, to prevent the contest with America; then to end the war, and to have its supporters deprived of

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those offices in which they appear to him to follow counsels pernicious to his country. We have seen him display knowledge and wisdom equal to any which a statesman or senator ever exerted. We see the great philosopher, thoroughly acquainted with every particular and general truth, applying the most profound knowledge of the human mind and extensive views of particular and general history to the conduct of affairs. On every general question we see the sage, but on questions respecting particular men we frequently see the partizan. Burke, in whatever he engaged, engaged warmly. It is indeed difficult, if not impossible, for any man to associate with a set of men, whom he esteems and respects, without often adopting views and opinions merely as theirs. The longer one is connected with a party, the more implicitly does he embrace their notions, unless they should go to a length, on either the one side or the other, to awaken bis reflection, and RECALL THE IMPARTIAL EXERCISE OF HIS JUDGMENF. Burke, in the progress of the opposition to the American war, became

almost a thorough party-man. We find him frequently supporting whatever motions any of the Opposition members made, with all the zeal that could have inspired him from conviction and mature reflection. He cherished the children of his adoption with as warm affection as if they had been begotten by himself. Besides the general influence of party sympathy operating on a mind of the most lively susceptibility, there were special circumstances in that party which rendered the influence of the sympathy still more powerful. No man can be more completely adapted for captivating the minds of those with whom he has frequent intercourse, than Mr. Fox. His manners are so open, frank, and engaging; his deportment is so unassuming; he bears his great qualities so meekly about him; he appears so little conscious of his immense superiority over ordinary men; he is so attentive to the gratification of his friends, and indeed to the diffusion of happiness, that he never fails to win the love of all with whom he converses. I do not mention this as a praise to Mr. Fox.


power of commanding affection, and so influencing action, may be certainly advantageous to the possessor himself, and to those within the sphere of his influence: but it is advantageous to others, and its exertion meritorious to himself, according to its objects. The influence which Fox has obtained over many is or is not useful; according to its direction to their real welfare and happiness, or the contrary. However that may be, it is a certain fact, that those with whom he bas been embarked have regarded him with an affection much beyond mere party politics. Those are, of all, the most attached to him, who, possessing great abilities themselves, can form the most adequate idea of his powers. Burke admired and loved Fox; and though possessing powers of discernment which even Fox himself did not exceed, became, as the American war advanced, as he grew more and more connected with Fox, a more and more implicit supporter of the measures which that statesman proposed, either for himself or as the mouth of a party.

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A careful examiner of the parliamentary Conduct of Burke will observe a very considerable difference between the speeches he Inade in supporting his own motions and those of others, between the children of his adoption and of his generation. Those of his adoption resembled the party; those of his generation RESEMBLED HIMSELF. His speeches, in attacking Sandwich, Palliser, Germaine, and North, were strongly tinctured with the partizanship of Opposit on. His speeches on American taxation, on reconciliation with America, on public œconomy, and such great questions as drew his powers out, were the speeches not of the party but of Edmund Burke; not of the advocate for a side in a judicial question, but of a wise and enlightened senator on momentous subjects of deliberation. Although Fox, in the vehemence of his invectives against Lord North, had repeatedly declared that he wished he might be reckoned the most infamous of mankind if ever he acted in an administration with him, and

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