Imágenes de páginas

Again and prior to the offering by us of the parcel described in the attached list of parcels as No. .... the said ....

through his attorney made similar objection and our auctioneer made similar announcement.

In conformity with the provisions of the order of sale and prior to the offering of any of the parcels for sale, certified checks for $..... .. were deposited with us by all of the bidders who thereafter bid upon the property so offered and at the conclusion of such sale we returned such certified checks to all of such bidders except and ....

At the conclusion of said sale an announcement by our auctioneer was made to those assembled that confirmation thereof would be applied for before this court in the Federal Building in the city. of 19..., at

[blocks in formation]


standard time.

We do further report that

have de

posited with us and we are holding their bid in addition to the certi-
fied check above mentioned for $........, the sum of $........
making a total of $......... or 10 per cent of the amount of their
bid required to be deposited by high bidders pursuant to the terms
of sale.

We do further report that we have received from
in addition to its certified check of $.

or a total of $................


payment of the sum of $...... same being 10 per cent of the amount of its bid as required of high bidders by the provisions of said order.

We do further report that the said

claim to the high bidder for Parcels .... and .... as a whole in view of the fact that they have bid $.......... for the property subject to said lease and we do further report that ..... claims to be the high bidder for said. ... for said property free

.. lease.

having since the sale of .....

property by reason of its bid of $... from said We do further report that we have on hand cash in bank in the sum of $...... .., 19..., sold a quantity of finished product which was excepted from the inventory as described and sent out to prospective purchasers immediately preceding the said sale of .. 19....

We further report that by reason of the work devolving upon us in and by this sale and the preparation therefor and of the duties as receivers in and about the operation of the plant and business. of the defendant we have been unable to prepare any report of our operations as such receivers and we do request that our time to so

report be extended to some date which will permit us to prepare the same and that such be a date at least subsequent to 19....


We do further report that the matter of the sale of the ball ground property which was struck down at the sale on 19...,



to for the sum of $.. which sale was confirmed by the order of this court dated 19..., has not yet been closed but that the attorney for said purchaser is now engaged in examining the title and that we anticipate that within a short time the deed will be passed to such purchaser and the balance of the purchase money given to us.

Attached herewith is a list of parcels from said catalogue hereinbefore referred to.

All of which is respectfully submitted this


day of

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

receivers herein, respectfully shows as follows:

That the special masters appointed by and referred to in the order of this court entered herein on the


day of

19..., and referred to in the orders entered herein on the

day of

19..., and the

day of...

19..., after having given due notice of the sale to be made under said final decree, at o'clock in the ....noon, on the 19..., did, at the office of the de

day of




at the city of . . . . . . . . .

and on the real property to be sold, being the time and place named in said notice of sale, sell at public auction, subject to the confirmation by this court, the property of the defendant,

prescribed, to


as described in said decree, in the manner therein
as an entirety, for the
dollars ($.........), the bid of said.

sum of
purchaser being the highest bid for said property.
That subsequently and on the

day of

19..., said special masters filed their report of sale.

Wherefore, the petitioners pray that the report of sale be in all things confirmed, and that said sale therein reported be made final and absolute, and for such further and other relief as to the court may seem just and proper.

[blocks in formation]


day of

.., the receivers herein, dated the 19..., hereto annexed, on the special

masters' report of sale filed in the above entitled cause, a motion

will be made herein at a term of the United States District Court, to be held at the Federal

District of

Building at the city of

19..., at


........ on the o'clock in the



day of ... or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for an order confirming said report of sale, and making final and absolute the sale therein reported, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and proper.


Solicitors for




Solicitors for

[ocr errors][merged small]

Form No. 477


At a term of the United States District Court, held in and for the

[blocks in formation]

This cause came on to be further heard at this term upon the report

[blocks in formation]

receivers herein, of the sale made by them on the 19..., at ........ o'clock in the


day of .....noon, at the at which they,

[ocr errors]

offices of the defendant in the city of ... as such receivers, publicly sold, in pursuance of an order of this court made and entered on the that the real property belonging to the defendant, the


day of




be offered for sale, and described as follows:

[blocks in formation]


[ocr errors]

who bid for the same the sum of dollars ($..........), which was

more than two-thirds of the appraised value of said real property. And on motion of .... solicitor for said receivers, to confirm the same, the court having carefully examined said report and being satisfied that the said sale has in all respects been made in conformance to law and said orders of this court, it is hereby ordered that the same be, and it is hereby approved and confirmed, and said receivers are hereby ordered, upon receipt by them of the balance of the purchase money from said


... to convey said real property to said purchaser and also, upon cancellation of the claim and mortgage lien set up by and the payment of said defendants'

portion of the costs of sale in this suit, taxed at $..... convey said parcel of real property to ....


[ocr errors]

It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that said receivers. hold the funds arising from said sale subject to the further orders of this court.

Form No. 478


District Judge.

Know all men by these presents: That, whereas, on the day of ...


[ocr errors]

as com

plainant, commenced a proceeding in the United States District Court in and for the


District of ...
.. against
defendant, praying, among other

things, for the appointment of a receiver to take charge of the real and personal property of the said defendant; and Whereas, by the judgment of this court,

and were duly appointed receivers of all the debts, property and choses in action belonging to said defendant,

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