Imágenes de páginas

ing for redemption by vendees after such forfeiture; and pro-
viding a penalty for the refusal by such vendors to certify to
such redemption;

amended title agreed to and transmitted...


returned amended, Senate concurred, and bill was referred for
printing and presentation to the governor..
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 91)
approved ...



202. A bill to amend section 14 of act No. 206 of the public acts of 1893, entitled "An act to provide for the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied; making such taxes a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the state and not redeemed or purchased; and to repeal act No. 200 of the public acts of 1891, and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening the provisions of this act," approved June 1, 1893, as amended by act No. 32 of the public acts of 1899, approved April 8, 1899, and by act No. 129 of the public acts of 1897, approved June 5, 1907, being section 3837 of the compiled laws of 1897:




introduced by Mr. Vanderwerp, ordered printed and referred to
the committee on taxation

announcement of printing (file No. 189).

A bill to create a commission of inquiry to review, investigate and in-
quire into the system of taxation in this state, and to define its
powers and duties, and to provide compensation therefor:
introduced by Mr. Newton, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on taxation

announcement of printing (file No. 190)

A bill to amend section 1 of act No. 266 of the public acts of 1895,
entitled "An act relative to bonds and other obligations, with surety
or sureties, and the acceptance as surety thereon of companies quali-
fied to act as such, and the release of such surety, and the safe de-
positing of assets for which such surety may be liable, and to the
charging by fiduciaries of the expense of procuring sureties, and re-
pealing all laws in conflict therewith," being compiler's section 5196
of the compiled laws of 1897, as last amended by act No. 321 of the
public acts of 1907:

introduced by Mr. Barnaby, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on insurance

announcement of printing (file No. 191).

A bill to repeal act No. 29 of the laws of 1869, entitled "An act to regu-
late the manufacture, and provide for the inspection of salt," being
sections 4911 to 4953, inclusive, of the compiled laws of 1897, as
amended by act No. 323 of the public acts of 1905:









introduced by Mr. Weter, ordered printed and referred to the com-
mittee on saline interests..


announcement of printing (file No. 192).


reported without recommendation; on motion, further considera-
tion of bill indefinitely postponed....

A bill to amend section 13 of act No. 147 of the public acts of 1891,
entitled "An act to provide for the election of a county commis-
sioner of schools, for the appointment of school examiners, to define
the duties and fix the compensation for the same, and to repeal all
existing acts or parts of acts conflicting with the provisions of this
act," being section 4820 of the compiled laws of 1897, as amended
by act No. 99 of the public acts of 1901:


introduced by Mr. Geo. G. Scott, ordered printed and referred to
the committee on education and public schools.
announcement of printing (file No. 193)....
reported favorably and placed on the general order.




considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in, and bill placed on the order of third reading....


read third time and passed, transmitted.

returned concurred in, and bill was referred for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor..

presented to the governor (enrolled No. 60)


207. A bill to amend act No. 285 of the public acts of 1909, entitled "An
act to provide for the creation of a department of labor; to pre-
scribe its powers and duties; to regulate the employment of labor;
to make an appropriation for the maintenance of such department,
and to prescribe penalties for the violation of this act." approved
June 2, 1909, by adding one new section thereto to stand as section

introduced by Mr. Manes, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on labor interests.

announcement of printing (file No. 194)

208. A bill to compel owners of private cemeteries to keep the same en-
closed with a suitable fence to prevent encroachment of livestock,
and to provide that a portion of the moneys received from the sale
of lots shall be used for the care and maintenance of said ceme-

introduced by. Mr. Vaughan, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on religious and benevolent societies..
announcement of printing (file No. 318)...





277 318



reported favorably and placed on the general order.
considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in and leave granted the committee to sit again....
considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in, and placed on the order of third reading....
read third time. passed, title amended to read as follows:
A bill to compel owners of private cemeteries to keep the same
enclosed with a suitable fence to prevent encroachment of live




and transmitted


returned concurred in, and bill was referred for printing and pre-
sentation to the governor.


presented to the governor (enrolled No. 92)




A bill to amend section 7 of act No. 205 of the public acts of 1887,
entitled "An act to revise the laws authorizing the business of bank-
ing, and to establish a banking department for the supervision of
such business," the same being section 6096 of the compiled laws
of 1897:

introduced by Mr. Rosenkrans, ordered printed and referred to
the committee on banks and corporations..
announcement of printing (file No. 195)...



reported favorably, with amendments, amendments concurred in,
and placed on the general order....


considered in committee of the whole and leave granted to sit
again ...


considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the order
of third reading

read third time and passed, transmitted.


A bill to amend section 12 of act No. 205 of the public acts of 1887,
entitled "An act to revise the laws authorizing the business of bank-
ing, and to establish a banking department for the supervision of
such business," the same being section 6101 of the compiled laws
of 1897, as amended by act No. 265 of the public acts of 1899:
introduced by Mr. Rosenkrans, ordered printed and referred to
the committee on banks and corporations..
announcement of printing (file No. 196).

211. A bill to amend sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9 of act No. 338 of the public
acts of 1907, entitled "An act to provide for the examination, regu-
lation, licensing and registration of persons engaged in the practice





of dentistry, and for the punishment of offenders against this act,
and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith:"
introduced by Mr. Miller, ordered printed and referred to the com-
mittee on public health...

announcement of printing (file No. 197)

reported favorably and placed on the general order..

considered in committee of the whole and re-referred to the com-
Imittee on public health....





reported favorably and placed on the general order.


considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in, and bill placed on the order of third reading..
read third time and passed, transmitted...





A bill to amend section 26 of act No. 207 of the public acts of 1889,
entitled "An act to prohibit the manufacture, sale, keeping for sale,
giving away or furnishing of vinous, malt, brewed, fermented, spirit-
uous or intoxicating liquors, or any mixed liquor or beverage, any
part of which is intoxicating, and to prohibit the keeping of any
saloon or other place for the manufacture, sale, storing for sale,
giving away or furnishing of such liquors or beverages, and to 'sus-
pend the general laws of the state relative to the taxation and regu-
lation of the manufacture and sale of such liquors in the several
counties of this state under certain circumstances; to authorize
the qualified electors of the several counties in this state to express
their will in regard to such prohibition by an election, and to
authorize and empower the board of supervisors of the several
counties, after such election, if they shall determine the result to be
in favor of such prohibition, to prohibit the manufacture, sale, keep-
ing for sale, giving away or furnishing of any such liquors or the
keeping of a saloon or any other place for the manufacture, sale,
storing for sale, giving away or furnishing of the same within their
respective counties; and to provide for the penalties and rights of
action in case of its violation," as amended by act No. 107 of the
public acts of 1909:

introduced by Mr. Miller, ordered printed and referred to the com-
Imittee on liquor traffic

announcement of printing (file No. 198).

A bill making appropriations for building, equipping and operating a
fish hatchery on the shore of Saginaw bay or Saginaw river, for
hatching whitefish, wall-eyed pike, perch and other food fish, for
planting in the inland and border waters of the state of Michi-
gan, said fish hatchery to be built, equipped and operated by the
state board of fish commissioners, and to provide a tax to meet the


introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on fisheries

278 318


announcement of printing (file No. 203)


reported favorably and referred to committee on finance and ap-




A bill to amend section 39 of act No. 281 of the public acts of 1909,
entitled "An act relative to the nomination of party candidates for
public office and delegates to political conventions, to regulate pri-
mary elections and to prescribe penalties for violations of its pro-
visions, and to provide for the printing upon election ballots of the
names of candidates nominated under the terms of this act, and to
repeal act No. 4 of the public acts of the extra session of the year
1907, and all local primary election acts contravening the provi-
sions of this act, except as in this act otherwise provided," approved
June 2, 1909; relative to the nomination of candidates for the office
of United States senator:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on elections

announcement of printing (file No. 204)

A bill to amend section 70 of act No. 190 of the public acts of 1891,
entitled "An act to prescribe the manner of conducting and to pre-
vent fraud and deception at elections in this state," approved July






3, 1891, being section 3697 of the compiled laws of 1897, relative to
the certification to the legislature of candidates for the office of
United States senator:

introduced by Mr. Collins, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on elections

announcement of printing (file No. 205).

A bill to amend section 1 of act No. 262 of the public acts of 1897,
entitled "An act to require township boards to make public annually
an itemized statement of the condition of the finances of the town-
ship, in relation to the receipts and disbursements made by the town-
ship board," said section being compiler's section 2350 of the com-
piled laws of 1897:

introduced by Mr. White, 500 extra copies ordered printed,
and referred to the committee on counties and townships..
announcement of printing (file No. 206)....
reported favorably and placed on the general order.

considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the order
of third reading

read third time and passed, transmitted.

A bill to prohibit the sale of fruits, vegetables, berries or nuts in bas-
kets, boxes, cases, drawers or other receptacles than legal measure:
introduced by Mr. White, ordered printed and referred to the com-
mittee on horticulture

announcement of printing (file No. 207)

A bill to legalize the proceedings taken by the village of Durand, in
the county of Shiawassee, authorizing the issuance of twelve thou-
sand dollars in bonds for the purpose of securing an additional
water supply and extending the municipal lighting plant of said

introduced by Mr. Rosenkrans, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on cities and villages....
announcement of printing (file No. 202)

289 318











A bill to amend section 12 of chapter 150 of the revised statutes of
1846, entitled "Of fees of certain officers," being section 11223 of the
compiled laws of 1897, relative to fees of coroners:

introduced by Mr. Rosenkrans, ordered printed and referred to the

[blocks in formation]

considered in committee of the whole and placed on the order of
third reading


read third time, passed, transmitted.


220. A bill to authorize boards of supervisors in certain counties to deter-
mine the natural height and level of the waters in navigable lakes,
to maintain the waters in navigable lakes at their natural height
and level, to build dams and embankments and acquire for such
purposes by condemnation or otherwise, lands, easements, or other
property, to appropriate moneys therefor and to assess the expenses
of such improvements on property benefited thereby:
introduced by Mr. Newton, ordered printed and referred to the

committee on counties and townships..


announcement of printing (file No. 209).


reported favorably and placed on the general order.


considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the order
of third reading


read third time and passed, transmitted.


returned amended, Senate concurred, amended title agreed to,
and bill was referred for printing and presentation to the gov-

[blocks in formation]

A bill to amend section 1 of act No. 46 of the laws of 1869, entitled
"An act to prohibit, discourage and punish prize fighting within


the state of Michigan," approved March 22, 1869, being section 11732
of the compiled laws of 1897; relative to sparring exhibitions:

introduced by Mr. Cartier, and referred to the committee on state


A bill to amend and revise act No. 280 of the public acts of 1909,
entitled "An act to create a commission to be known as a public
domain commission; to provide for the appointment of such a com-
mission and to fix their terms of office; to prescribe their powers and
duties; to make an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this
act; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith:
introduced by Mr. Foster, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on forestry and state lands
announcement of printing (file No. 210)






reported favorably and referred to committee on finance and ap-
propriations ...


reported favorably and placed on the general order


considered in committee of the whole and bill placed on the or-
der of third reading





read third time and passed, given immediate effect, transmitted
returned amended, Senate concurred and bill was referred for
printing and presentation to the governor..
presented to the governor (enrolled No. 94).
partial veto

A bill to amend section 15 of act No. 207 of the public acts of 1889,
entitled "An act to prohibit the manufacture, sale, keeping for
sale, giving away or furnishinig of vinous, malt, brewed, fermented,
spirituous or intoxicating liquors, or any mixed liquors or bever-
ages, any part of which is intoxicating, and to prohibit the keeping
of any saloon or other place for the manufacture, sale, stor-
ing for sale, giving away or furnishing of such liquors or bev-
erages, and to suspend the general laws of the state relative to
the taxation and regulation of the manufacture and sale of such
liquors in the several counties of this state under certain circum-
stances; to authorize the qualified electors of the several counties
in this state to express their will in regard to such prohibition
by an election, and to authorize and empower the boards of su-
pervisors of the several counties, after such election, if they shall
determine the result to be in favor of such prohibition, to pro-
hibit the manufacture, sale, keeping for sale, giving away or furn-
ishing of the same within their respective counties; and to provide
for the penalties and rights of action in case of its violation," be-
ing compiler's section 5426 of the compiled laws of 1897, as last
amended by act No. 170 of the public acts of 1903:

introduced by Mr. Kingman, ordered printed and referred to
the committee on liquor traffic

announcement of printing (file No. 210)



reported favorably with amendments, amendments concurred in
and placed on the general order




considered in committee of the whole, amended, amendments con-
curred in and bill placed on the order of third reading...
read third time and pending vote thereon the bill was laid on
the table ...

A bill to amend sections 2 and 6 of act No. 306 of the public acts
of 1907, entitled "An act to provide for a legislative reference and
information department in connection with the state library, to
make an appropriation therefor, and to provide a tax to meet the
same," approved June 28, 1907:

introduced by Mr. Miller, ordered printed and referred to the
committee on state library.....



announcement of printing (file No. 212)


reported favorably and referred to committee on finance and appro-


reported favorably and referred to the committee of the whole
and placed on the general order


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