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By George Stewart, LL. D., D.C.L.

N his suggestive work


American literature, Mr. Charles F. Richardson emphasizes the point, that in a measure, American literature is an offshoot of English literature; and the idea is further advanced that no language and literature except the English have ever put forth an offshoot in another country: that is, a new literary development, having the form and characteristics of the parent stem, yet growing under essentially different conditions. This interesting statement seems, to my mind, somewhat open to modification. In a corner of the North American continent, in the province of Quebec, we have precisely the same condition of things, only the language is French and not English. Up to half a century ago, French Canada had no literature at all. With the rebellion of 1837, the literary spirit began its career. A vigorous newspaper press was patriotically maintained long before that date. Printed books in plenty were to be had, of course; but though they treated of Lower Canada, and dwelt on her splendid historical past, her sacrifices for Church and State, her missionary progress and mental development, these studies were not the work of native authors. Most if not all of the books were written by priests and travellers from old France; and though these works are copious enough, very few of them are trustworthy. The contests of the periods which they describe developed antagonisms, and prejudice and partisanship tinge deeply the various narratives. Still, the early printed books are not devoid of value, though as true chronicles they hardly claim our respect. Of unity and sympathy there is little, but as expressions of current partisan feeling on the different movements of the time, the books often throw light, which the investigator will not fail to prize. With the aid of official documents, now easy of access, he will find little difficulty in satisfying his mind as regards facts. Le Clercq, as is

well known, wrote his remarkable volume, now a rare treasure in the storehouse of the bibliophile, - for I believe less than half a dozen copies exist,- Premier établissement de la foy dans la Nouvelle France, as a protest in behalf of the Recollet Fathers (so warmly favored by Count Frontenac) and to offset the encroachments of the Jesuits, at that time very powerful in the new country. Charlevoix, on the other hand, espouses the cause of the Society of Jesus, and presents the excellent Recollets in a light which robs them of much color. Ferland wrote his history from the severely ecclesiastical side, and from Garneau we have the national view, though the reader is to be warned against the wretched translation of the work by Bell, which takes extraordinary liberties with the text, and constantly misrepresents the author. Of course, as has been said, these works have their value, but they must be read with caution, and only after due allowance is made for the conditions under which they were composed and the purpose which they were intended to


The literary spirit in Quebec has been derived from France, and Hugo, Lamartine, and Beranger have exercised a marvellous influence on the pens of the French-Canadian authors. Statecraft, however, the French Canadian has worked out from the English model, that form of government offering him the greater number of advantages, and being eminently suited to his requirements. The strongest name in his list of patriots is that of Sir George Etienne Cartier, a father of the present confederation, and whose speeches to-day afford inspiration to the budding orator. It was for many years that statesman's boast that he was an Englishman who spoke French, and yet at heart, in sentiment and in practice, Cartier was thoroughly French, and the prime upholder of the French Canadian's chief articles of faith, "our laws, our language, and our institutions."


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stantly its true origin, and echoes the maternal voice always. A French academician, however, once fancied that in the poetry of Frechette he detected signs of something with which he was unfamiliar. He described it as something French, and yet not wholly French. The poet partially relieved him of his doubt by suggesting that the unknown quantity in his work might be Canadian. But there are very few French-Canadian writers who are so distinctively French-Canadian as Frechette. We must not forget, however, that French Canada has practically only begun her literary career.

The influence of the model

is still strong, and originality may come in time.

Mr. Richardson's task was to discover wherein American literature really differs from English literature, and wherein it is but a branch bearing the same fruit in a different corner of the enclosure. We may not follow him in his investigation. English literature may be said to have two branches on this continent, the contribution from the United States, and the contribution from Canada; the latter, it must be confessed, is not yet extensive nor very valuable, though it is creditable. But England's French Canadians are also adding to a parent stem; the stem, however, is French. The French Canadians are exceedingly loyal to Britain. A distinguished son of the soil once said that the last shot for the maintenance of British connection in Canada would be fired by a French Canadian. His queen rewarded his patriotism and his services by creating him a knight and conferring upon him the coveted title of aide-de-camp on her personal staff. But though the devotion of the French Canadians to Britain is strong, and a plebiscite would establish it beyond peradventure to-morrow, yet for all that, the poets love to sing the praises of the patriots of 1837, and Papineau is still their idol, though fifty years and more have rolled away since he raised the flag of revolt, and the old wrongs have long ago been redressed. This, perhaps, is only natural; but with all their admiration of British institutions it is surprising how little in the way of praise the Quebec poets and essayists find to say about them. Many writers are ready to admit at once that on no account would they change their allegiance to that of France, with her conscription

and infidelity; but for all that, British valor and the British throne find little, if any, expression in the heroic verse of the province. And yet no one would think of questioning the fealty of the French Canadians. Their loyalty is particularly effusive, and at all banquets and public dinners the health of the queen is drank with enthusiasm, and the national anthem invariably closes the entertainment at all places of amusement, the people standing with uncovered heads. But, notwithstanding all this, the only heroes who are immortalized in French-Canadian poems are men of the blood who fought Englishmen, and the only battlefields which find place in their songs are those on which the common enemy appeared. One exception there is, the generous-hearted De Salaberry, who fought under the British flag against the Americans at Chateauguay. Pæans in his honor are sung, but they are dedicated to his personal renown alone, and not to the general cause.

A few years ago Frechette's drama of Papineau was produced on the stage, in Quebec, before an audience of a thousand persons. The heroic and patriotic passages, with which the play abounds, were applauded to the echo. The English military officers, however, and the sentiments which they uttered, were roundly hissed by three hundred young fellows in their teens, who inherited the feeling, doubtless, in their cradles. And yet those half-grown men would fight willingly to maintain British connection to-morrow, were it in danger of being severed, even though they oppose, with all their might, the policy of imperial federation.

French Canada, notwithstanding its limited opportunities, and the ever-watchful eye of the extreme wing of the church, which exercises censorship over the pens of the faithful, has done very well in letters. Poetry, history, and the Chronique

the latter borrowed from France-are prosecuted with industry, and not a little ability. Two or three respectable magazines are maintained, and their circulation is on a paying basis. Fifty years ago, the mental activity of the people of Lower Canada found expression principally in the stormy arena of politics. The great problem of responsible or constitutional government occupied the attention of her public men, the Papineaus, Lafontaines, and

Nelsons never dreaming of the ample liberties which their descendants enjoy to-day. The newspaper and the pamphlet, and occasionally the ballad, formed the literature of the period. There was no great variety in the subject-matter of this letter-press, which reached the reader, in one form and another, almost every day. It continually told of the struggle for political life which was going on among the politicians and the people, and romance, poetry, history, and philosophy stood aside for statesmanship and party warfare. Since those times, French-Canadian authorship has made rapid progress, and the friendly aid of a paternal government has always protected the printer from material loss. Hardly a branch of literature has remained untouched. In poetry, perhaps, the highest merit has been attained, though there are no successors to Cremazie, Frechette, and LeMay. The latter is better known by his translation of Longfellow's Evangeline, which has passed into two or three editions, and which won the high approval of the author himself, when first published.

Cremazie is the strongest poet French Canada has produced, and his name and memory are much revered. Of minor singers of various grades there is a long train. The French-Canadian ear is keen for melody, and all poets of the race are musicians in the truest sense of the word. The best among them, however, has failed to produce a really great poem, such as Heavysege's Saul, faulty as that production is; but in the way of light and fanciful love songs, sonnets to womanly virtue, and addresses to patriotic sentiment, the French certainly hold ground on which few of the English-Canadian poets may enter; none, perhaps, save Roberts, Carman, Lampman, Campbell, and John Reade. Of purely classical poetry the French have given us but few examples; while of poems which breathe the teachings of Christianity to a superlative degree, the verses of Judge Routhier and Chauveau are the most notable examples.

In fiction, Lower Canada, like English Canada, is notoriously weak. She has produced no novelist or short-story writer of any mark. The best novel is Dr. Chauveau's Charles Guerin, a tale of habitant life and character, good in its descriptions of the manners and customs of French Canada, but in the way of character

drawing and incident taking hardly any rank at all. Jacques et Marie, by Napoleon Boueassa, artist and litterateur, is a story of a much broader and higher type. It deals with war, sacrifice, patriotism, and banishment, and in part is fairly well done, though the author lacks style. As it treats of the expulsion of the Acadians, from the Abbé Raynal point of view, the reader must be prepared to accept a good deal on trust. Joseph Marmette's early novels lack spontaneity and knowledge of the social life with which the author attempted to deal. He took up historical subjects, such as the Intendant Bigot's career in Quebec, and the fortunes of Count Frontenac. It is not always easy to invest an historical novel with the sort of interest which commends fiction to the lover of high-spiced romance. Mr. Marmette had many difficulties to overcome. He was a student, and he learned of men and women in society through books and memoirs. He had travelled little. The outer world was to him a sealed book, and the salon of high-born dames, and the intrigues of a peculiarly vicious court, though not lacking in attractiveness as studies, proved beyond his strength or skill to depict. His stories of fifteen years or so ago are deficient in grace and form, and though dramatic enough in a way, for the incidents march, they fail entirely to interest and entertain. François de Bienville, which furnishes a romantic picture of Frontenac's time, is, perhaps, Marmette's most successful novel, and is freer from objectionable mannerisms than the others from his pen. LeMay's stories are even less vigorous than Marmette's, and are much overdrawn. range, too, has been more limited.


In historical writing, French Canada is not badly off. The Abbé Faillon cannot be claimed as a French Canadian. He was a Sulpician priest of very great ability, and his really remarkable work, the Histoire de la Colonie Française en Canada, though a monument to the labors and trials of his order in Montreal, is a book of powerful interest and value. On three separate occasions the Abbé visited Canada, living in the country several years, and consulting materials wherever he found them. The archives of the Propaganda at Rome and the various departments in Paris readily yielded their treasures to him also. But though Faillon cannot be claimed

by the French Canadians, they can point with pride to three of their sons, the Abbé Ferland, who furnishes the best ecclesiastical history of the country, Francois Xavier Garneau, the distinctively national historian of Quebec, and the Abbé Casgrain, the chief questioner in Canada of the brilliant writings of Francis Parkman. Michael Bibaud, Louis P. Turcotte, and Benjamin Sulte have also contributed liberally to the historical literature of Lower Canada. Garneau and Ferland and Bibaud are, from their training, thoroughly partisan, but the English reader, expecting this, will spare his strictures. Sulte and Casgrain are more liberal in feeling and in execution. The Abbé Bois sent historical studies to the press several years ago, and only ceased to write when paralysis and After his death a disease interposed. trunkful of his manuscripts was found. His heirs promise to make use of the more The Abbé valuable of these papers. Tanguay's principal work is a genealogical dictionary, in six enormous volumes, of French-Canadian families who trace their origin to old France. The work occupied the annalist a quarter of a century of time. There are some who say that it must be rewritten. The. Abbé Laverdiere, one of the ripest scholars in the Canadian priesthood, and a real ornament to the letters of his age, completed Ferland's history, when that able divine laid down his pen in death, and also edited, with valuable notes, the admirable edition of Champlain, which the University of Laval published for a limited circle of readers and students. The English reader is invited, in this connection, to examine the excellent translation of this work, by Dr. Otis, in the Prince Society's Collection.

Altogether, the showing is notable and strong, and in this department of literature, certainly, French Canada occupies no contemptible position. There are many writers who have written essays and papers on various periods of local and provincial history, and the story of the rebellion of 1837 has been treated in single volumes by Carrier, David, and Globensky.

Few books of travel have been written by French Canadians, but those which we have are clever enough. M. Faucher de St. Maurice, soldier and member of parliament, has dealt with the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Mexico, St. Pierre, Miquelon, Africa,

and Europe. Judge Routhier has spent
various long vacations in foreign travel, and
his keen observation has found expression
in half a dozen volumes. M. Joseph Tassé
has supplied a remarkable account of the
Northwest, in two parts; and some small
books, relating experiences in different
To this
sections of the country, owe their pater-
nity to Lower Canadian authors.
collection may be added contributions by
Abbé Casgrain, DeGaspe, and Sulte, each
more or less full.

The drama has found exponents in Frechette, Marchand, and LeMay. Their plays have been represented on the stage, and attracted large audiences, Mr. Frechette's Papineau and Les Exiles, and Mr. LeMay's Rouge et Bleue, being especially well received, and creating much enthusiasm.

To science, Charles Baillairgè, the Abbés Hamel, Cuoq, and Laflamme, E. Deville, and St. Cyr have made extensive contributions; while in philology we have the studies of Arthur Buies, Paul de Cazes, Oscar Dunn, Napoleon Legendre and De Boucherville.

In this brief survey of the mental outfit and output of French Canada, mention, of course, should not be omitted of the department of thought in which her sons have made, perhaps, their most conspicuous mark. Oratory has systematically been cultivated in the lower Canadian province, and rare indeed it to find a young French Canadian who cannot express himself always in graceful or powerful phrase. He is naturally quick at repartee, witty always, and strong in invective. He is full of gesture, and manages well the form and substance of his speech. Chapleau, Laurier, and Mercier stand to-day as the best exponents of the oratory of the country. English comes to them as naturally as their mother tongue, but it is in the French language that they appear to the greater advantage, and their eloquence would do credit to any nation.

Literature in Canada owes much to the various literary and historical societies, which exist in nearly all the chief towns of the Dominion. The parent of them all is the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, which was founded in 1824 by the Earl of Dalhousie, then Governor-General. This institution owns many rare manuscripts and printed books, mostly in French,

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